Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

So even when I show that you lied it proves you right?? LOL thanks for showing you are delusional again.

If you can't PROVE it then it isn't so and since you can't and haven't proven it then you are once again shown to be full of shite.

So put up or shut up. LOL

You lose AGAIN.
you havent shown that i lied, you liar

and yet I have. On multiple threads even. LOL
no, you are a delusional pathetic pathological LIAR
Funny how you avoided that part of my post where I pointed out how YOU were theone making jesus political with your demand. LOL Oh well that uis just more of your usual dishonesty
you are a pathological liar

and yet the FACTS show otherwise. LOL

In case you missed it or you just forgot, YOU were the one that started down that path of making jesus political when you said

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT do those things

in response to the comic strip, then I flipped your own spin back on you and said

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and your reply was to present a scripture that did NOT show that jesus said to have the government NOT do those things.

YOU went down that path first so don't try to blame me for your current predicament and contradiction. LOL
Funny how you avoided that part of my post where I pointed out how YOU were theone making jesus political with your demand. LOL Oh well that uis just more of your usual dishonesty
you are a pathological liar

and yet the FACTS show otherwise. LOL

In case you missed it or you just forgot, YOU were the one that started down that path of making jesus political when you said

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT do those things

in response to the comic strip, then I flipped your own spin back on you and said

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and your reply was to present a scripture that did NOT show that jesus said to have the government NOT do those things.

YOU went down that path first so don't try to blame me for your current predicament and contradiction. LOL
you took it there when you posted the fucking cartoon you LIAR

oops, shaman posted the cartoon first and i asked him for the scripture
then you stuck YOU stupid ass into it
Last edited:
you are a pathological liar

and yet the FACTS show otherwise. LOL

In case you missed it or you just forgot, YOU were the one that started down that path of making jesus political when you said

in response to the comic strip, then I flipped your own spin back on you and said

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and your reply was to present a scripture that did NOT show that jesus said to have the government NOT do those things.

YOU went down that path first so don't try to blame me for your current predicament and contradiction. LOL
you took it there when you posted the fucking cartoon you LIAR

oops, shaman posted the cartoon first and i asked him for the scripture
then you stuck YOU stupid ass into it

Yeah I didn't post the cartoon MORON. LOL thanks for lying AGAIN. LOL

Still doesn't change the fact that you went willingly down that path and then tried to dishonestly blame me for your predicament and contradiction. Another LIE on your part. Damn you make this too easy. LOL

It also doesn't change the fact that you posted a scripture as a lame attempt to spin a lie and I called you out on it and since then you have been trying desperately to spin your way out of it.

Oh well I am through with you for the night. gtg but don't worry I will be back tomorrow to conitune your humiliation. LOL
and yet the FACTS show otherwise. LOL

In case you missed it or you just forgot, YOU were the one that started down that path of making jesus political when you said

in response to the comic strip, then I flipped your own spin back on you and said

and your reply was to present a scripture that did NOT show that jesus said to have the government NOT do those things.

YOU went down that path first so don't try to blame me for your current predicament and contradiction. LOL
you took it there when you posted the fucking cartoon you LIAR

oops, shaman posted the cartoon first and i asked him for the scripture
then you stuck YOU stupid ass into it

Yeah I didn't post the cartoon MORON. LOL thanks for lying AGAIN. LOL

Still doesn't change the fact that you went willingly down that path and then tried to dishonestly blame me for your predicament and contradiction. Another LIE on your part. Damn you make this too easy. LOL

It also doesn't change the fact that you posted a scripture as a lame attempt to spin a lie and I called you out on it and since then you have been trying desperately to spin your way out of it.

Oh well I am through with you for the night. gtg but don't worry I will be back tomorrow to conitune your humiliation. LOL
cant read, dipshit?
and yet the FACTS show otherwise. LOL

In case you missed it or you just forgot, YOU were the one that started down that path of making jesus political when you said

in response to the comic strip, then I flipped your own spin back on you and said

and your reply was to present a scripture that did NOT show that jesus said to have the government NOT do those things.

YOU went down that path first so don't try to blame me for your current predicament and contradiction. LOL
you took it there when you posted the fucking cartoon you LIAR

oops, shaman posted the cartoon first and i asked him for the scripture
then you stuck YOU stupid ass into it

Yeah I didn't post the cartoon MORON. LOL thanks for lying AGAIN. LOL

Still doesn't change the fact that you went willingly down that path and then tried to dishonestly blame me for your predicament and contradiction. Another LIE on your part. Damn you make this too easy. LOL

It also doesn't change the fact that you posted a scripture as a lame attempt to spin a lie and I called you out on it and since then you have been trying desperately to spin your way out of it.

Oh well I am through with you for the night. gtg but don't worry I will be back tomorrow to conitune your humiliation. LOL

bigreb got the crap beat out of him, then DR grabbed bigreb by the head and smeared his face in his own crap, and here comes bigreb for more. Hmmm . . . bigreb is a sick sucka. Out.
bigreb got the crap beat out of him, then DR grabbed bigreb by the head and smeared his face in his own crap, and here comes bigreb for more. Hmmm . . . bigreb is a sick sucka. Out.

We aren't living in your world of delusion junior. Both you and starkey two are both known liars in this forum.
If that was their point then why didn't they try to make that point?

How many times do you have to be told IT IS NOT MY CARTOON. Someone else posted it and dive responded to it, So I asked him to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip and he provided a statement that did NOT apply. My only reason for posting it is to show where the argument with dive began since he tried squrim away from what he originally said.

BTW no one is trying to argue that the government has jurisidiction over salvation so why continue to introduce another strawman??

OH and you claim it's a "private joke" but it still reaks of hypocrisy. Just thought I would let you know.

In all fairness, from my perspective, you made it the point, again and again and again.

Think about the theme. Faith, Hope And Charity. What is the root??? Corinthian's Chapter 13. Big with the Southern Baptist's as far back as I can remember. You were probably raised with that as a common Bible study? From a Bible History perspective, every empire was influenced or effected by the Prophet's, right??? Abraham, David, Joseph, Jonah, Daniel were stories many of us grew up to.

When we separate Church and State, we separate and insulate both, to protect both, we separate Dogma from the lessons that we know to be true and of value, right. Do not steal, do not Murder, do not assault, do not lie under Oath, do not bear false witness, are valuable to both Church and State. We do not abandon virtue when we enter society, it is not offensive to the State because it was born of Religion. In civil society we do not distinguish between brands in relation to Church, We leave the Dogma at the door, not Reason.

Is it an offense for a Government to serve Justice??? Of Course not. Is it an offense for a Government to show charity within it's means? No? Is the focus here about doing what is right??? It could easily be.

And yet in reality I did NOT make that point. Not once did I refer to salvation other than to call you out for presenting a strawman so please get a better perspective. Hopefully one that doesn't include making shite up as you go along. Sorry if that seems a bit harsh to you but I don't like it when people try to put words into my mouth.

The funny thing is that in the end you seem to agree with what i have been saying this whole time and that it is not an offense for a government to show charity so thanks for backing me up.

I'm getting it a bit better now. It wasn't your cartoon, I missed that. That said it was in poor taste and in no way represented Beck's position on Faith, Hope and Charity. It did not represent Christ's position either, he was a Minister, not a Politician. Not His Kingdom, not of this World., treasures in Heaven. God may have instructed Kings through the Prophet's, Christ had other priorities. Christ was about putting God First in All things. Repentance, healing, Reconciliation, Salvation.

Government keeping out of matters of salvation is not meant to be a red herring, but a realization that Government, not being God, not being perfect, is not infallible. It does make mistakes, it does exercise poor judgement, it does intrude, it does overstep. That can interfere with matters of Salvation. This is meant as a warning.

Government is no Substitute for the Will of God. It can find accordance, it cannot over rule.
Remember what Thoreau said in Civil Disobedience????? It was profound.

[17] They who know of no purer sources of truth, who have traced up its stream no higher, stand, and wisely stand, by the Bible and the Constitution, and drink at it there with reverence and humility; but they who behold where it comes trickling into this lake or that pool, gird up their loins once more, and continue their pilgrimage toward its fountain-head.

[18] No man with a genius for legislation has appeared in America. They are rare in the history of the world. There are orators, politicians, and eloquent men, by the thousand; but the speaker has not yet opened his mouth to speak who is capable of settling the much-vexed questions of the day. We love eloquence for its own sake, and not for any truth which it may utter, or any heroism it may inspire. Our legislators have not yet learned the comparative value of free-trade and of freedom, of union, and of rectitude, to a nation. They have no genius or talent for comparatively humble questions of taxation and finance, commerce and manufacturers and agriculture. If we were left solely to the wordy wit of legislators in Congress for our guidance, uncorrected by the seasonable experience and the effectual complaints of the people, America would not long retain her rank among the nations. For eighteen hundred years, though perchance I have no right to say it, the New Testament has been written; yet where is the legislator who has wisdom and practical talent enough to avail himself of the light which it sheds on the science of legislation?

[19] The authority of government, even such as I am willing to submit to — for I will cheerfully obey those who know and can do better than I, and in many things even those who neither know nor can do so well — is still an impure one: to be strictly just, it must have the sanction and consent of the governed. It can have no pure right over my person and property but what I concede to it. The progress from an absolute to a limited monarchy, from a limited monarchy to a democracy, is a progress toward a true respect for the individual. Even the Chinese philosopher (8) was wise enough to regard the individual as the basis of the empire. Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly. I please myself with imagining a State at least which can afford to be just to all men, and to treat the individual with respect as a neighbor; which even would not think it inconsistent with its own repose if a few were to live aloof from it, not meddling with it, nor embraced by it, who fulfilled all the duties of neighbors and fellow-men. A State which bore this kind of fruit, and suffered it to drop off as fast as it ripened, would prepare the way for a still more perfect and glorious State, which also I have imagined, but not yet anywhere seen.

Thoreau's Civil Disobedience - with annotated text
God I wish we could get past this. What is the spiritual or social value to this line of reasoning????? Christ's message was not about Government Reform or Structure. His message was about surviving it with one's Soul intact. The only thing you prove is how vital his being here was. :):):):):) Thank You for the reminder.
Posts #873, 875, 878, 880, 881

Once presented with facts and/or logic, it seems the stalwart Beck idiots (Beck's words, not mine) go silent and then switch to some side venue discussion in a desperate effort to somehow justify Becks' BS much more to pity them.
Posts #873, 875, 878, 880, 881

Once presented with facts and/or logic, it seems the stalwart Beck idiots (Beck's words, not mine) go silent and then switch to some side venue discussion in a desperate effort to somehow justify Becks' BS much more to pity them.

you took it there when you posted the fucking cartoon you LIAR

oops, shaman posted the cartoon first and i asked him for the scripture
then you stuck YOU stupid ass into it

Yeah I didn't post the cartoon MORON. LOL thanks for lying AGAIN. LOL

Still doesn't change the fact that you went willingly down that path and then tried to dishonestly blame me for your predicament and contradiction. Another LIE on your part. Damn you make this too easy. LOL

It also doesn't change the fact that you posted a scripture as a lame attempt to spin a lie and I called you out on it and since then you have been trying desperately to spin your way out of it.

Oh well I am through with you for the night. gtg but don't worry I will be back tomorrow to conitune your humiliation. LOL
cant read, dipshit?

Hey you are the one that shows how bipolar you are in one thread as you take two opposing positions, that is your problem NOT mine.

BTW, Still doesn't change the fact that you went willingly down that path and then tried to dishonestly blame me for your predicament and contradiction. Another LIE on your part. Damn you make this too easy. LOL

It also doesn't change the fact that you posted a scripture as a lame attempt to spin a lie and I called you out on it and since then you have been trying desperately to spin your way out of it.

LOL Your continued avoidance exposes your dishonesty and lack of integrity. Keep it up. This is fun. LOL

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