Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

daveman who is not christian uses the word to argue that government should not be involved.

I don't think that is what anyone is saying Jake. Let's distinguish between Government acting with the consent of the governed and Government acting beyond It's authority and consent. The history of the Bible is filled with King's, which would represent Government, acting under God's direction and against it. Sometimes circumstance dictates what must be done, for survival, what is the humane thing. Famine, rationing is a prime example. Progressive Socialism is not the only remedy for what ails us Jake. It is no substitute for an individual relationship with God either. There is nothing of the Physical World or existence that parallels what is of the Spirit. If God is Spirit and Truth, and we are instructed to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth, What of Government compares to that????? What place does Government have in Salvation, which is the Primary function of the Spiritual Path, other than to stop obstructing and move out of the way????? Spend some more time on Thoreau, and less on Porn. ;) :lol:
Play nice now, ;)

In case you missed it, a couple of rightwingers have been trying to argue that government should not be "involved". Please check into what dive and lonestar have tried to claim for verification.

Uh is anyone actually trying to say that government should be or is involved in salvation??

Furthermore, it's kind of hypocritical of you to say "play nice now" immediately after your comments about porn and thoreau don't you think?
SCOTUS has determined that the federal government is acting within its authority in terms of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, senior drug prescriptions, and a host of other social programs. No reasonable person imagines that SCOTUS will find differently with health insurance reform.

I hate to break it to you Jake, but even The Supreme Court is Subject to the Will of the People, and has no mandate that is exempt from the Super Majority. The Powers of The Supreme Court have been, are, and will continue to be granted by the consent of the governed. That is our system, which no shell game will change. You may divert, delay, obstruct, but the threat to you, that Justice and Righteousness will rule in the end, remains a constant reminder that all schemes will face the light of truth. Stay thirsty my friend. ;)

So are you actually talking about using a super majority to change the constitution to strip the scotus of their power if they don't rule in your favor??

Whatever happened to judicial independence and separation of powers??
It depends on what other rallies you are comparing it to. Your response is to vague in that area for me to pose a direct "comeback" response you calling this "restoring honor" rally miniscule.

The challenge I was looking for was for actual proof that can't be refuted. Like you said there is no real proof either way.

The rallies were mentioned earlier are you saying that you forgot already?? The Million Man March and "The March for Women's Lives". The Million Man March at it's low estimate was 400,000 which is your high estimate. The March for Women's Lives was twice that at it's low estimate. So the "Restoring Honor" rally was pretty miniscule in comparison.

Either way you can't prove your claims so there is NOTHING to challenge. So asking for challengers to your own opinion is pretty pointless seeing as how all they have to say is "I disagree" and the "challenge" is over.

Then why did you initially disparage the claims of people saying there were a lot of people at this rally again?

Who disparaged anyone?? I was saying that in comparison to other marches the numbers are nothing to brag about and the numbers show that to be the case.

Either way you can't prove your claims so there is NOTHING to challenge. So asking for challengers to your own opinion is pretty pointless seeing as how all they have to say is "I disagree" and the "challenge" is over. lol
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The rallies were mentioned earlier are you saying that you forgot already?? The Million Man March and "The March for Women's Lives". The Million Man March at it's low estimate was 400,000 which is your high estimate. The March for Women's Lives was twice that at it's low estimate. So the "Restoring Honor" rally was pretty miniscule in comparison.

Either way you can't prove your claims so there is NOTHING to challenge. So asking for challengers to your own opinion is pretty pointless seeing as how all they have to say is "I disagree" and the "challenge" is over.

Then why did you initially disparage the claims of people saying there were a lot of people at this rally again?

Who disparaged anyone?? I was saying that in comparison to other marches the numbers are nothing to brag about and the numbers show that to be the case.

Either way you can't prove your claims so there is NOTHING to challenge. So asking for challengers to your own opinion is pretty pointless seeing as how all they have to say is "I disagree" and the "challenge" is over. lol

Unless they provide the basis for their opinion "I disagree because giants stadium holds 80,000 people and looks like this picture and compared to the pictures of the mall it shows there were x number of people"

"Compared to other marches this one is miniscule" "Compared to other marches the numbers are nothing to brag about" Those are both comments that appear to disparage and belittle the event due to the number attending compared to the events you list.

Its fine if you dont want to talk about the numbers and if that is the case then dont talk about it. But to say that the large gathering of people who went just to see Glenn Beck wasn't a big deal sounds a little like "head in the sand" thinking from my keyboard.
SCOTUS has determined that the federal government is acting within its authority in terms of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, senior drug prescriptions, and a host of other social programs. No reasonable person imagines that SCOTUS will find differently with health insurance reform.

I hate to break it to you Jake, but even The Supreme Court is Subject to the Will of the People, and has no mandate that is exempt from the Super Majority. The Powers of The Supreme Court have been, are, and will continue to be granted by the consent of the governed. That is our system, which no shell game will change. You may divert, delay, obstruct, but the threat to you, that Justice and Righteousness will rule in the end, remains a constant reminder that all schemes will face the light of truth. Stay thirsty my friend. ;)

There is no sane real world scenario within which the American people amend the Constitution to make Social Security and Medicare unconstitutional.

Not until something better is developed, or it completely falls apart. Half full or half empty, you choose. ;)
SCOTUS has determined that the federal government is acting within its authority in terms of Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, senior drug prescriptions, and a host of other social programs. No reasonable person imagines that SCOTUS will find differently with health insurance reform.

I hate to break it to you Jake, but even The Supreme Court is Subject to the Will of the People, and has no mandate that is exempt from the Super Majority. The Powers of The Supreme Court have been, are, and will continue to be granted by the consent of the governed. That is our system, which no shell game will change. You may divert, delay, obstruct, but the threat to you, that Justice and Righteousness will rule in the end, remains a constant reminder that all schemes will face the light of truth. Stay thirsty my friend. ;)

The hurricance could come tommorow, but it won't. The Super Majority will not over rule SCOTUS. Those who feel like you do about this issue are in the very small majority about the constitutionality of health insurance reform, and certainly are not in the mainstream.

Keep that in mind.

When you factor in corruption and abuse, I may not be as far out of the main stream as you think. What we don't know, hurts us. There are limits to tolerance.
Then why did you initially disparage the claims of people saying there were a lot of people at this rally again?

Who disparaged anyone?? I was saying that in comparison to other marches the numbers are nothing to brag about and the numbers show that to be the case.

Either way you can't prove your claims so there is NOTHING to challenge. So asking for challengers to your own opinion is pretty pointless seeing as how all they have to say is "I disagree" and the "challenge" is over. lol

Unless they provide the basis for their opinion "I disagree because giants stadium holds 80,000 people and looks like this picture and compared to the pictures of the mall it shows there were x number of people"

"Compared to other marches this one is miniscule" "Compared to other marches the numbers are nothing to brag about" Those are both comments that appear to disparage and belittle the event due to the number attending compared to the events you list.

Its fine if you dont want to talk about the numbers and if that is the case then dont talk about it. But to say that the large gathering of people who went just to see Glenn Beck wasn't a big deal sounds a little like "head in the sand" thinking from my keyboard.

There is NOTHING real to counter. you provided an OPINION that cannot be proven. Therefore there is NOTHING to challenge except your OPINION. I disgaree, there your challenge was answered.

Fact is that I disparaged no one and the fact is that even if given the 400,000 as your high estimate then based on the FACTS the rally was miniscule in comparison to the numbers of the rallies I mentioned.
If you have a golf ball next to a bowling ball, the golf ball is miniscule in comparison. Nothing will change that fact.

BTW can you prove that everyone on the mall that day was there JUST to see glenn beck?? To make such a claim when you can't prove it, because you wish it were true, seems more like "head in the sand" thinking than anything I have said. But thanks for the veiled personal attack I am sure that you won't mind that I returned it in kind.
daveman who is not christian uses the word to argue that government should not be involved.

I don't think that is what anyone is saying Jake. Let's distinguish between Government acting with the consent of the governed and Government acting beyond It's authority and consent. The history of the Bible is filled with King's, which would represent Government, acting under God's direction and against it. Sometimes circumstance dictates what must be done, for survival, what is the humane thing. Famine, rationing is a prime example. Progressive Socialism is not the only remedy for what ails us Jake. It is no substitute for an individual relationship with God either. There is nothing of the Physical World or existence that parallels what is of the Spirit. If God is Spirit and Truth, and we are instructed to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth, What of Government compares to that????? What place does Government have in Salvation, which is the Primary function of the Spiritual Path, other than to stop obstructing and move out of the way????? Spend some more time on Thoreau, and less on Porn. ;) :lol:
Play nice now, ;)

In case you missed it, a couple of rightwingers have been trying to argue that government should not be "involved". Please check into what dive and lonestar have tried to claim for verification.

Uh is anyone actually trying to say that government should be or is involved in salvation??

Furthermore, it's kind of hypocritical of you to say "play nice now" immediately after your comments about porn and thoreau don't you think?

I think the point is that Government should not act beyond it's power's, imagining that is has authority beyond It's jurisdiction, which is born in Government by the consent of the governed. Your cartoon is the problem in that it is a false and misleading depiction of Glenn Becks position. I previously posted in relation to that issue. You have yet to address it.

When Locke defined the concept of "Separation Of Church and State", part of his argument was that Government has no Jurisdiction over Salvation, that it is an individual matter between each of us and our Creator. Things of the physical realm, can fall under the authority or rules of State, still that is not an absolute power that governs the physical realm, wrong action has consequence, both to the governed and the governing authority. Upset the balance and deal with the inevitable. Government is not the fix all nor the end all, the founder's mostly got that, that's why they limited it's scope of power. Roosevelt and your typical Progressives missed that, and that is why they expand government. For the Statist, Government is their God, and Eternal Salvation is no more than a superstition.

What you interpret as hypocritical, was a private joke. Jake and I go back and forth. You give the comment too much weight. Try not to confuse pushing buttons, in fun, with hypocrisy.
I don't think that is what anyone is saying Jake. Let's distinguish between Government acting with the consent of the governed and Government acting beyond It's authority and consent. The history of the Bible is filled with King's, which would represent Government, acting under God's direction and against it. Sometimes circumstance dictates what must be done, for survival, what is the humane thing. Famine, rationing is a prime example. Progressive Socialism is not the only remedy for what ails us Jake. It is no substitute for an individual relationship with God either. There is nothing of the Physical World or existence that parallels what is of the Spirit. If God is Spirit and Truth, and we are instructed to Worship Him in Spirit and Truth, What of Government compares to that????? What place does Government have in Salvation, which is the Primary function of the Spiritual Path, other than to stop obstructing and move out of the way????? Spend some more time on Thoreau, and less on Porn. ;) :lol:
Play nice now, ;)

In case you missed it, a couple of rightwingers have been trying to argue that government should not be "involved". Please check into what dive and lonestar have tried to claim for verification.

Uh is anyone actually trying to say that government should be or is involved in salvation??

Furthermore, it's kind of hypocritical of you to say "play nice now" immediately after your comments about porn and thoreau don't you think?

I think the point is that Government should not act beyond it's power's, imagining that is has authority beyond It's jurisdiction, which is born in Government by the consent of the governed. Your cartoon is the problem in that it is a false and misleading depiction of Glenn Becks position. I previously posted in relation to that issue. You have yet to address it.

When Locke defined the concept of "Separation Of Church and State", part of his argument was that Government has no Jurisdiction over Salvation, that it is an individual matter between each of us and our Creator. Things of the physical realm, can fall under the authority or rules of State, still that is not an absolute power that governs the physical realm, wrong action has consequence, both to the governed and the governing authority. Upset the balance and deal with the inevitable. Government is not the fix all nor the end all, the founder's mostly got that, that's why they limited it's scope of power. Roosevelt and your typical Progressives missed that, and that is why they expand government. For the Statist, Government is their God, and Eternal Salvation is no more than a superstition.

What you interpret as hypocritical, was a private joke. Jake and I go back and forth. You give the comment too much weight. Try not to confuse pushing buttons, in fun, with hypocrisy.

If that was their point then why didn't they try to make that point?

How many times do you have to be told IT IS NOT MY CARTOON. Someone else posted it and dive responded to it, So I asked him to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip and he provided a statement that did NOT apply. My only reason for posting it is to show where the argument with dive began since he tried squrim away from what he originally said.

BTW no one is trying to argue that the government has jurisidiction over salvation so why continue to introduce another strawman??

OH and you claim it's a "private joke" but it still reaks of hypocrisy. Just thought I would let you know.
In case you missed it, a couple of rightwingers have been trying to argue that government should not be "involved". Please check into what dive and lonestar have tried to claim for verification.

Uh is anyone actually trying to say that government should be or is involved in salvation??

Furthermore, it's kind of hypocritical of you to say "play nice now" immediately after your comments about porn and thoreau don't you think?

I think the point is that Government should not act beyond it's power's, imagining that is has authority beyond It's jurisdiction, which is born in Government by the consent of the governed. Your cartoon is the problem in that it is a false and misleading depiction of Glenn Becks position. I previously posted in relation to that issue. You have yet to address it.

When Locke defined the concept of "Separation Of Church and State", part of his argument was that Government has no Jurisdiction over Salvation, that it is an individual matter between each of us and our Creator. Things of the physical realm, can fall under the authority or rules of State, still that is not an absolute power that governs the physical realm, wrong action has consequence, both to the governed and the governing authority. Upset the balance and deal with the inevitable. Government is not the fix all nor the end all, the founder's mostly got that, that's why they limited it's scope of power. Roosevelt and your typical Progressives missed that, and that is why they expand government. For the Statist, Government is their God, and Eternal Salvation is no more than a superstition.

What you interpret as hypocritical, was a private joke. Jake and I go back and forth. You give the comment too much weight. Try not to confuse pushing buttons, in fun, with hypocrisy.

If that was their point then why didn't they try to make that point?

How many times do you have to be told IT IS NOT MY CARTOON. Someone else posted it and dive responded to it, So I asked him to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip and he provided a statement that did NOT apply. My only reason for posting it is to show where the argument with dive began since he tried squrim away from what he originally said.

BTW no one is trying to argue that the government has jurisidiction over salvation so why continue to introduce another strawman??

OH and you claim it's a "private joke" but it still reaks of hypocrisy. Just thought I would let you know.
and you have shown you dont have clue ONE what the words of Jesus i posted mean
I think the point is that Government should not act beyond it's power's, imagining that is has authority beyond It's jurisdiction, which is born in Government by the consent of the governed. Your cartoon is the problem in that it is a false and misleading depiction of Glenn Becks position. I previously posted in relation to that issue. You have yet to address it.

When Locke defined the concept of "Separation Of Church and State", part of his argument was that Government has no Jurisdiction over Salvation, that it is an individual matter between each of us and our Creator. Things of the physical realm, can fall under the authority or rules of State, still that is not an absolute power that governs the physical realm, wrong action has consequence, both to the governed and the governing authority. Upset the balance and deal with the inevitable. Government is not the fix all nor the end all, the founder's mostly got that, that's why they limited it's scope of power. Roosevelt and your typical Progressives missed that, and that is why they expand government. For the Statist, Government is their God, and Eternal Salvation is no more than a superstition.

What you interpret as hypocritical, was a private joke. Jake and I go back and forth. You give the comment too much weight. Try not to confuse pushing buttons, in fun, with hypocrisy.

If that was their point then why didn't they try to make that point?

How many times do you have to be told IT IS NOT MY CARTOON. Someone else posted it and dive responded to it, So I asked him to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip and he provided a statement that did NOT apply. My only reason for posting it is to show where the argument with dive began since he tried squrim away from what he originally said.

BTW no one is trying to argue that the government has jurisidiction over salvation so why continue to introduce another strawman??

OH and you claim it's a "private joke" but it still reaks of hypocrisy. Just thought I would let you know.
and you have shown you dont have clue ONE what the words of Jesus i posted mean

Thanks for trolling but the FACT remains that your own words show you to be dishonest.

here is the comic strip


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response does not show that jesus said the government should not do the things listed in the strip. You lose, AGAIN. LOL
In case you missed it, a couple of rightwingers have been trying to argue that government should not be "involved". Please check into what dive and lonestar have tried to claim for verification.

Uh is anyone actually trying to say that government should be or is involved in salvation??

Furthermore, it's kind of hypocritical of you to say "play nice now" immediately after your comments about porn and thoreau don't you think?

I think the point is that Government should not act beyond it's power's, imagining that is has authority beyond It's jurisdiction, which is born in Government by the consent of the governed. Your cartoon is the problem in that it is a false and misleading depiction of Glenn Becks position. I previously posted in relation to that issue. You have yet to address it.

When Locke defined the concept of "Separation Of Church and State", part of his argument was that Government has no Jurisdiction over Salvation, that it is an individual matter between each of us and our Creator. Things of the physical realm, can fall under the authority or rules of State, still that is not an absolute power that governs the physical realm, wrong action has consequence, both to the governed and the governing authority. Upset the balance and deal with the inevitable. Government is not the fix all nor the end all, the founder's mostly got that, that's why they limited it's scope of power. Roosevelt and your typical Progressives missed that, and that is why they expand government. For the Statist, Government is their God, and Eternal Salvation is no more than a superstition.

What you interpret as hypocritical, was a private joke. Jake and I go back and forth. You give the comment too much weight. Try not to confuse pushing buttons, in fun, with hypocrisy.

If that was their point then why didn't they try to make that point?

How many times do you have to be told IT IS NOT MY CARTOON. Someone else posted it and dive responded to it, So I asked him to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip and he provided a statement that did NOT apply. My only reason for posting it is to show where the argument with dive began since he tried squrim away from what he originally said.

BTW no one is trying to argue that the government has jurisidiction over salvation so why continue to introduce another strawman??

OH and you claim it's a "private joke" but it still reaks of hypocrisy. Just thought I would let you know.

In all fairness, from my perspective, you made it the point, again and again and again.

Think about the theme. Faith, Hope And Charity. What is the root??? Corinthian's Chapter 13. Big with the Southern Baptist's as far back as I can remember. You were probably raised with that as a common Bible study? From a Bible History perspective, every empire was influenced or effected by the Prophet's, right??? Abraham, David, Joseph, Jonah, Daniel were stories many of us grew up to.

When we separate Church and State, we separate and insulate both, to protect both, we separate Dogma from the lessons that we know to be true and of value, right. Do not steal, do not Murder, do not assault, do not lie under Oath, do not bear false witness, are valuable to both Church and State. We do not abandon virtue when we enter society, it is not offensive to the State because it was born of Religion. In civil society we do not distinguish between brands in relation to Church, We leave the Dogma at the door, not Reason.

Is it an offense for a Government to serve Justice??? Of Course not. Is it an offense for a Government to show charity within it's means? No? Is the focus here about doing what is right??? It could easily be.
I think the point is that Government should not act beyond it's power's, imagining that is has authority beyond It's jurisdiction, which is born in Government by the consent of the governed. Your cartoon is the problem in that it is a false and misleading depiction of Glenn Becks position. I previously posted in relation to that issue. You have yet to address it.

When Locke defined the concept of "Separation Of Church and State", part of his argument was that Government has no Jurisdiction over Salvation, that it is an individual matter between each of us and our Creator. Things of the physical realm, can fall under the authority or rules of State, still that is not an absolute power that governs the physical realm, wrong action has consequence, both to the governed and the governing authority. Upset the balance and deal with the inevitable. Government is not the fix all nor the end all, the founder's mostly got that, that's why they limited it's scope of power. Roosevelt and your typical Progressives missed that, and that is why they expand government. For the Statist, Government is their God, and Eternal Salvation is no more than a superstition.

What you interpret as hypocritical, was a private joke. Jake and I go back and forth. You give the comment too much weight. Try not to confuse pushing buttons, in fun, with hypocrisy.

If that was their point then why didn't they try to make that point?

How many times do you have to be told IT IS NOT MY CARTOON. Someone else posted it and dive responded to it, So I asked him to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip and he provided a statement that did NOT apply. My only reason for posting it is to show where the argument with dive began since he tried squrim away from what he originally said.

BTW no one is trying to argue that the government has jurisidiction over salvation so why continue to introduce another strawman??

OH and you claim it's a "private joke" but it still reaks of hypocrisy. Just thought I would let you know.

In all fairness, from my perspective, you made it the point, again and again and again.

Think about the theme. Faith, Hope And Charity. What is the root??? Corinthian's Chapter 13. Big with the Southern Baptist's as far back as I can remember. You were probably raised with that as a common Bible study? From a Bible History perspective, every empire was influenced or effected by the Prophet's, right??? Abraham, David, Joseph, Jonah, Daniel were stories many of us grew up to.

When we separate Church and State, we separate and insulate both, to protect both, we separate Dogma from the lessons that we know to be true and of value, right. Do not steal, do not Murder, do not assault, do not lie under Oath, do not bear false witness, are valuable to both Church and State. We do not abandon virtue when we enter society, it is not offensive to the State because it was born of Religion. In civil society we do not distinguish between brands in relation to Church, We leave the Dogma at the door, not Reason.

Is it an offense for a Government to serve Justice??? Of Course not. Is it an offense for a Government to show charity within it's means? No? Is the focus here about doing what is right??? It could easily be.

And yet in reality I did NOT make that point. Not once did I refer to salvation other than to call you out for presenting a strawman so please get a better perspective. Hopefully one that doesn't include making shite up as you go along. Sorry if that seems a bit harsh to you but I don't like it when people try to put words into my mouth.

The funny thing is that in the end you seem to agree with what i have been saying this whole time and that it is not an offense for a government to show charity so thanks for backing me up.
If that was their point then why didn't they try to make that point?

How many times do you have to be told IT IS NOT MY CARTOON. Someone else posted it and dive responded to it, So I asked him to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip and he provided a statement that did NOT apply. My only reason for posting it is to show where the argument with dive began since he tried squrim away from what he originally said.

BTW no one is trying to argue that the government has jurisidiction over salvation so why continue to introduce another strawman??

OH and you claim it's a "private joke" but it still reaks of hypocrisy. Just thought I would let you know.
and you have shown you dont have clue ONE what the words of Jesus i posted mean

Thanks for trolling but the FACT remains that your own words show you to be dishonest.

here is the comic strip


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response does not show that jesus said the government should not do the things listed in the strip. You lose, AGAIN. LOL
and you STILL dont get it
If that was their point then why didn't they try to make that point?

How many times do you have to be told IT IS NOT MY CARTOON. Someone else posted it and dive responded to it, So I asked him to show where jesus said for the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip and he provided a statement that did NOT apply. My only reason for posting it is to show where the argument with dive began since he tried squrim away from what he originally said.

BTW no one is trying to argue that the government has jurisidiction over salvation so why continue to introduce another strawman??

OH and you claim it's a "private joke" but it still reaks of hypocrisy. Just thought I would let you know.
and you have shown you dont have clue ONE what the words of Jesus i posted mean

Thanks for trolling but the FACT remains that your own words show you to be dishonest.

here is the comic strip


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response does not show that jesus said the government should not do the things listed in the strip. You lose, AGAIN. LOL

Do you know what the phrase mean's???

Luke 20:25 And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's.

Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

Matthew 22:21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Let's borrow from Luke's perspective..... Other than the obvious pattern of entrapment, what do you see here???? What is absent????? How much concern did Christ show towards Political Science or Politics?????

The Holy Bible

20:17 And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?

20:18 Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

20:19 And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him; and they feared the people: for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them.

20:20 And they watched him, and sent forth spies, which should feign themselves just men, that they might take hold of his words, that so they might deliver him unto the power and authority of the governor.

20:21 And they asked him, saying, Master, we know that thou sayest and teachest rightly, neither acceptest thou the person of any, but teachest the way of God truly:

20:22 Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or no?

20:23 But he perceived their craftiness, and said unto them, Why tempt ye me?

20:24 Shew me a penny. Whose image and superscription hath it? They answered and said, Caesar's.

20:25 And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's.

20:26 And they could not take hold of his words before the people: and they marvelled at his answer, and held their peace.

20:27 Then came to him certain of the Sadducees, which deny that there is any resurrection; and they asked him,

20:28 Saying, Master, Moses wrote unto us, If any man's brother die, having a wife, and he die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

20:29 There were therefore seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and died without children.

20:30 And the second took her to wife, and he died childless.

20:31 And the third took her; and in like manner the seven also: and they left no children, and died.

20:32 Last of all the woman died also.

20:33 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife of them is she? for seven had her to wife.

20:34 And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:

20:35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:

20:36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

20:37 Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.

20:38 For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.

20:39 Then certain of the scribes answering said, Master, thou hast well said.

20:40 And after that they durst not ask him any question at all.

20:41 And he said unto them, How say they that Christ is David's son?

20:42 And David himself saith in the book of Psalms, The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,

20:43 Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

20:44 David therefore calleth him Lord, how is he then his son?

20:45 Then in the audience of all the people he said unto his disciples,

20:46 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;

20:47 Which devour widows' houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.

The Holy Bible
and you have shown you dont have clue ONE what the words of Jesus i posted mean

Thanks for trolling but the FACT remains that your own words show you to be dishonest.

here is the comic strip


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

Your response does not show that jesus said the government should not do the things listed in the strip. You lose, AGAIN. LOL
and you STILL dont get it

Oh I get it that you tried to present that as an answer to what I posted when it doesn;t show that jesus said that the government should not do the things listed in the strip.

According to lonestar jesus never said anything of the kind so even one of your own countered your spin.

You lose, again.
the moron doesnt understand the simple concept that that was the ONLY thing Jesus ever said regarding governments
and that he was telling them things to do unto God
Thanks for trolling but the FACT remains that your own words show you to be dishonest.

here is the comic strip


This is what I posted

and this was your response

Your response does not show that jesus said the government should not do the things listed in the strip. You lose, AGAIN. LOL
and you STILL dont get it

Oh I get it that you tried to present that as an answer to what I posted when it doesn;t show that jesus said that the government should not do the things listed in the strip.

According to lonestar jesus never said anything of the kind so even one of your own countered your spin.

You lose, again.
keep proving me right

its too fucking funny

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