Glen Beck packs a full House: Lincoln Memorial

Your language, your anger, and your deflection reveals that you fail here.

The Constitution empowers the government through We the People to do just that.

You have every right to poast, and we have every right to mock you for willful ignorance.
Your language, your anger, and your deflection reveals that you fail here.

The Constitution empowers the government through We the People to do just that.

You have every right to poast, and we have every right to mock you for willful ignorance.

Don't flatter yourself fuckface, you didn't anger me.

Show where it states in the Constitution that the government is required to provide social welfare for anyone.
Lonestar we have already demonstrated that you have no idea of what you are talking about when it comes to the Bible and the role of government concerning the poor.

You merely are demonstrating your ignorance on this subject.

Nothing in the Bible forbids government from doing such things. Your only motivation, since you are wrong, must be greed.
hey moron, the only one even saying anything about the bible forbidding it is you and smith the moron

the bible didnt TELL the government to do it
and neither did Jesus
Jesus told HIS PEOPLE (AKA THE CHURCH) to do it
now, if my boss told me to do something and i didnt do it but i got someone else to do it, did I do what i was told to do???????
Yes judging people fairly and if the government favored one group over another it would not be fair. Notice it specifically refers to "legal matters".

If your are forced through taxation to help the needy then Cor. does apply.

So your first has NOTHING to do with the discussion and your second does IF you stretch and pretend that you are being forced to give to the poor. which you are not.

Where in the two that you listed does it prohibit the government from helping??


BTW I don't think any one is talking about performing services TO the government so that is yet another strawman on your part. Imagine that

You are one dumb SOB.

Thanks for showing that you have nothing valid to offer and can only attack me after being shown that your spin was countered and you failed to show how the bible says what you claimed it did. LOL GJ hack.
So your first has NOTHING to do with the discussion and your second does IF you stretch and pretend that you are being forced to give to the poor. which you are not.

Where in the two that you listed does it prohibit the government from helping??


BTW I don't think any one is talking about performing services TO the government so that is yet another strawman on your part. Imagine that

You are one dumb SOB.

Thanks for showing that you have nothing valid to offer and can only attack me after being shown that your spin was countered and you failed to show how the bible says what you claimed it did. LOL GJ hack.
hey dipshit, show me in the bible WHO Jesus told to do these things
So your first has NOTHING to do with the discussion and your second does IF you stretch and pretend that you are being forced to give to the poor. which you are not.

Where in the two that you listed does it prohibit the government from helping??


BTW I don't think any one is talking about performing services TO the government so that is yet another strawman on your part. Imagine that

You are one dumb SOB.

Thanks for showing that you have nothing valid to offer and can only attack me after being shown that your spin was countered and you failed to show how the bible says what you claimed it did. LOL GJ hack.

Dude you are just plain fucking stupid. I've already addressed this same bullshit before but obviously you're not bright enough to understand it. I showed you the scriptures that stated who was ultimately responsible for helping the poor that's the ONLY verses that there is on the subject that I could find. So when I say those are the ONLY ones, then either take my word for it or prove me wrong.

Damn why are you liberals so fucking dense!?!?
I've already provided the scriptures, you're just too damn lazy to look them up. The Bible clearly states who is responsible for caring for the poor and the sick and it only list family then individuals and then private charities. If you wish to challenge that, then it's up to you to provide scripture that states the responsibility falls on someone that has not already been mentioned.

6In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. 7For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, 8nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. 10For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
11We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 12Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat. 13And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.

14If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed. 15Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.
(2 Thess 3 :6-15)

NO, I looked them up and didn't see what you claimed was there so I asked you to specify and up to this point you have refused to do so and continue to tell me to look for something that was NOT there.

You said ONLY and yet I don't see that in there anywhere am i to take it thatyou are continuing with your spin that it means only because it doesn't say otherwise?? LOL

So first we have
6: stay away from lazy people who do not folow the teachings.
7:We were not lazy so follow our example
8: We earned our food and were not a burden
9: people have a right to such help but we chose to make ourselves an example to follow
10: If a man WILL not work, he shall not eat
11: Some of you are lazy and nozy
12: such lazy people should earn what they eat
13: Never tire of doing what is right
14: Do not associate with people who do not follow this letter and make him ashamed.
15: He is not an enemy but a brother.

So what am I missing because I don't see how that applies or how that says "ONLY"??

Yes you ignorant fuck that's the ONLY place in the Bible that speaks to who is to care for those in need. The scripture that you're referencing shows that help is only given to those who are truly helpless. Those that choose to sit on their ass does not deserve help, which would apply to most of the lazy fucks currently on welfare.

It's not the governments role to provide for welfare and nowhere in the Bible does it suggest otherwise.

LOL It's the scripture that you provided, I am referencing it becuase you said it applies but it does NOT back up what you have been trying to say. So care to try again or do you give up? LOL

That last part where you claim "it's not the government role", that is only your opinion but the fact is that what you posted does NOT prohibit the government from taking that role. Thanks for the spin but that is ALL that you had to say.
You are one dumb SOB.

Thanks for showing that you have nothing valid to offer and can only attack me after being shown that your spin was countered and you failed to show how the bible says what you claimed it did. LOL GJ hack.
hey dipshit, show me in the bible WHO Jesus told to do these things

WOW we have already been over this and IF you could read you would have know that I am not saying that jesus told anyone to do these things. that is not my argument so thanks for the spin. However, even lonestar admits that "jesus never stated what the government cannot do" so your spin has already been countered. LOL

Jesus never stated what the goverment cannot do.
I would have until people showed me pictures of what 80,000 people at giant's stadium looked like. With those pictures i've been shown I would guess it was closer to over 200,000. I could be overestimating or underestimating i'm not sure but judging from the pictures i've seen of the event combined with the pictures of giant stadium and considering the square footage of each thats where I get my guess.

Giants stadium is 20,000 square feet Giants Stadium Information

The national mall is 146 acres or well over 400,000 square feet. National Mall

WikiAnswers - How many square feet is one acre

But its really tough to guess even with all that taken into consideration.

No challenges from the anti-beck rally people? C'mon i'm sure you can argue these facts away somehow.

What is to challenge?? I don't see any proof of any real numbers. You offered an OPINION, so what is there to challenge?
Furthermore, even given the range of 150,000 to the extreme high of 500,000 that beck claimed, it is still miniscule when compared to other rallies.

So what is your point?

It depends on what other rallies you are comparing it to. Your response is to vague in that area for me to pose a direct "comeback" response you calling this "restoring honor" rally miniscule.

The challenge I was looking for was for actual proof that can't be refuted. Like you said there is no real proof either way.
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NO, I looked them up and didn't see what you claimed was there so I asked you to specify and up to this point you have refused to do so and continue to tell me to look for something that was NOT there.

You said ONLY and yet I don't see that in there anywhere am i to take it thatyou are continuing with your spin that it means only because it doesn't say otherwise?? LOL

So first we have
6: stay away from lazy people who do not folow the teachings.
7:We were not lazy so follow our example
8: We earned our food and were not a burden
9: people have a right to such help but we chose to make ourselves an example to follow
10: If a man WILL not work, he shall not eat
11: Some of you are lazy and nozy
12: such lazy people should earn what they eat
13: Never tire of doing what is right
14: Do not associate with people who do not follow this letter and make him ashamed.
15: He is not an enemy but a brother.

So what am I missing because I don't see how that applies or how that says "ONLY"??

Yes you ignorant fuck that's the ONLY place in the Bible that speaks to who is to care for those in need. The scripture that you're referencing shows that help is only given to those who are truly helpless. Those that choose to sit on their ass does not deserve help, which would apply to most of the lazy fucks currently on welfare.

It's not the governments role to provide for welfare and nowhere in the Bible does it suggest otherwise.

LOL It's the scripture that you provided, I am referencing it becuase you said it applies but it does NOT back up what you have been trying to say. So care to try again or do you give up? LOL

That last part where you claim "it's not the government role", that is only your opinion but the fact is that what you posted does NOT prohibit the government from taking that role. Thanks for the spin but that is ALL that you had to say.

Damn not only are you dense but you're a lying asshole as well.

I never said that the scripture I provided applied to who it is that's responsble for helping the needy. I already told you that I quoted that scripture (which to most critical thinkers should speak for itself) in order to show that the Bible says help is only for those who truly need help and not lazy fuckers like yourself.

You are just ate up with the dumbass and I really pity those that have to deal with you in everyday life.
You are one dumb SOB.

Thanks for showing that you have nothing valid to offer and can only attack me after being shown that your spin was countered and you failed to show how the bible says what you claimed it did. LOL GJ hack.

Dude you are just plain fucking stupid. I've already addressed this same bullshit before but obviously you're not bright enough to understand it. I showed you the scriptures that stated who was ultimately responsible for helping the poor that's the ONLY verses that there is on the subject that I could find. So when I say those are the ONLY ones, then either take my word for it or prove me wrong.

Damn why are you liberals so fucking dense!?!?

NO you didn't address it that is why i reposted the sections taht you skipped. Your previous spin has already been dealt with and you ahve shown that you cannot back up your arguments when you actually provide the scriptures that you are allegedly referring to so to claim that you have done something that you haven't, once again shows you to be nothing but a dishonest hack. GJ hack.

Furthermore, the "only" reference wasn;t to some made up claim taht those are the "only" verses that there are on the subject but instead to your false claim that "he" said the family should help first and "ONLY" then from individuals, churchs and private charities.

You need to read the scriptures I provided again. It states the family should help first and only then from individuals, churches and private charities. He did not relegate any responsiblity to the govt. at all. Period end of story!

So I asked you where does it say "only" and you have failed to provide it and are trying to spin the argument to claim "only" was in reference to the quantity of verses.

Thanks for once again exposing your dishonesty.
No challenges from the anti-beck rally people? C'mon i'm sure you can argue these facts away somehow.

What is to challenge?? I don't see any proof of any real numbers. You offered an OPINION, so what is there to challenge?
Furthermore, even given the range of 150,000 to the extreme high of 500,000 that beck claimed, it is still miniscule when compared to other rallies.

So what is your point?

It depends on what other rallies you are comparing it to. Your response is to vague in that area for me to pose a direct "comeback" response you calling this "restoring honor" rally miniscule.

The challenge I was looking for was for actual proof that can't be refuted. Like you said there is no real proof either way.

The rallies were mentioned earlier are you saying that you forgot already?? The Million Man March and "The March for Women's Lives". The Million Man March at it's low estimate was 400,000 which is your high estimate. The March for Women's Lives was twice that at it's low estimate. So the "Restoring Honor" rally was pretty miniscule in comparison.

Either way you can't prove your claims so there is NOTHING to challenge. So asking for challengers to your own opinion is pretty pointless seeing as how all they have to say is "I disagree" and the "challenge" is over.
Yes you ignorant fuck that's the ONLY place in the Bible that speaks to who is to care for those in need. The scripture that you're referencing shows that help is only given to those who are truly helpless. Those that choose to sit on their ass does not deserve help, which would apply to most of the lazy fucks currently on welfare.

It's not the governments role to provide for welfare and nowhere in the Bible does it suggest otherwise.

LOL It's the scripture that you provided, I am referencing it becuase you said it applies but it does NOT back up what you have been trying to say. So care to try again or do you give up? LOL

That last part where you claim "it's not the government role", that is only your opinion but the fact is that what you posted does NOT prohibit the government from taking that role. Thanks for the spin but that is ALL that you had to say.

Damn not only are you dense but you're a lying asshole as well.

I never said that the scripture I provided applied to who it is that's responsble for helping the needy. I already told you that I quoted that scripture (which to most critical thinkers should speak for itself) in order to show that the Bible says help is only for those who truly need help and not lazy fuckers like yourself.

You are just ate up with the dumbass and I really pity those that have to deal with you in everyday life.

You go of topic because you can't supply an answer to substantiate your own claims and then call me names for YOUR dishonesty?? Now that is hilarious. GJ hack. Why provide it at all if it doesn't answer the questions that you have been asked?? LOL

The funniest thing of all is that you know you lost and your desperate need to throw in jab after jab as you try to tear me down instead of addressing the posts shows it. LOL

Keep it up, this is hilarious. LOL
Thanks for showing that you have nothing valid to offer and can only attack me after being shown that your spin was countered and you failed to show how the bible says what you claimed it did. LOL GJ hack.
hey dipshit, show me in the bible WHO Jesus told to do these things

WOW we have already been over this and IF you could read you would have know that I am not saying that jesus told anyone to do these things. that is not my argument so thanks for the spin. However, even lonestar admits that "jesus never stated what the government cannot do" so your spin has already been countered. LOL

Jesus never stated what the goverment cannot do.
its not MY spin you dishonest fuck
its YOUR spin
i already told you He didnt tell the government to do it
[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interviews With Participants[/ame]
hey dipshit, show me in the bible WHO Jesus told to do these things

WOW we have already been over this and IF you could read you would have know that I am not saying that jesus told anyone to do these things. that is not my argument so thanks for the spin. However, even lonestar admits that "jesus never stated what the government cannot do" so your spin has already been countered. LOL

Jesus never stated what the goverment cannot do.
its not MY spin you dishonest fuck
its YOUR spin
i already told you He didnt tell the government to do it

Nice avoidance but that is not where this began and the fact remains that he didn't tell the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip which IS where this began.


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

There are your own words as you try to claim that your response shows that jesus said that the government should NOT do the things listed in the comis strip.

WOW we have already been over this and IF you could read you would have know that I am not saying that jesus told anyone to do these things. that is not my argument so thanks for the spin. However, even lonestar admits that "jesus never stated what the government cannot do" so your spin has already been countered. LOL
its not MY spin you dishonest fuck
its YOUR spin
i already told you He didnt tell the government to do it

Nice avoidance but that is not where this began and the fact remains that he didn't tell the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip which IS where this began.


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

There are your own words as you try to claim that your response shows that jesus said that the government should NOT do the things listed in the comis strip.

you are just a fucking idiot
you lost any hop[e for a conversation a long time ago
you have twisted what i said into something i NEVER SAID
so fuck off pissant
its not MY spin you dishonest fuck
its YOUR spin
i already told you He didnt tell the government to do it

Nice avoidance but that is not where this began and the fact remains that he didn't tell the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip which IS where this began.


This is what I posted

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"

There are your own words as you try to claim that your response shows that jesus said that the government should NOT do the things listed in the comis strip.

you are just a fucking idiot
you lost any hop[e for a conversation a long time ago
you have twisted what i said into something i NEVER SAID
so fuck off pissant

LOL run along little troll you lost the argument and showed yourself to be dishonest and your own words PROVE it. Fact is that i twisted NOTHING. I posted them in the exact order that they came in and that was your exact response to what i posted. There is no spin, no editing, just YOUR own words in response to my post showing that you tried to claim that your post showed that jesus said that the government should NOT do what was listed in the comic strip.

YOU LOSE, spinning will not help and I will post your words as many times as necessary to counter your lies about what you falsely claim to have said.
Nice avoidance but that is not where this began and the fact remains that he didn't tell the government NOT to do the things listed in the strip which IS where this began.

This is what I posted

and this was your response

There are your own words as you try to claim that your response shows that jesus said that the government should NOT do the things listed in the comis strip.

you are just a fucking idiot
you lost any hop[e for a conversation a long time ago
you have twisted what i said into something i NEVER SAID
so fuck off pissant

LOL run along little troll you lost the argument and showed yourself to be dishonest and your own words PROVE it. Fact is that i twisted NOTHING. I posted them in the exact order that they came in and that was your exact response to what i posted. There is no spin, no editing, just YOUR own words in response to my post showing that you tried to claim that your post showed that jesus said that the government should NOT do what was listed in the comic strip.

YOU LOSE, spinning will not help and I will post your words as many times as necessary to counter your lies about what you falsely claim to have said.
you are the liar and deceiver
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you are just a fucking idiot
you lost any hop[e for a conversation a long time ago
you have twisted what i said into something i NEVER SAID
so fuck off pissant

LOL run along little troll you lost the argument and showed yourself to be dishonest and your own words PROVE it. Fact is that i twisted NOTHING. I posted them in the exact order that they came in and that was your exact response to what i posted. There is no spin, no editing, just YOUR own words in response to my post showing that you tried to claim that your post showed that jesus said that the government should NOT do what was listed in the comic strip.

YOU LOSE, spinning will not help and I will post your words as many times as necessary to counter your lies about what you falsely claim to have said.
you are the liar and deceiver

The FACTS and your own words show otherwise. LOL

here is the comic strip


This is what I posted

ok moron, show the scripture where Jesus said to have the GOVERNMENT NOT do those things

and this was your response

"render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's"


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