Global Warming Scientist Get Stuck in Growing Antartic Ice

Your ignorance is what is showing.

Which point are you rejecting: that increased temperatures cause increased evaporation or that Antarctica is a desert?
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Meteorological fact...Warmer = more evaporation = within Antarctica's case of being far below freezing = more snow.

Did you know that Antarctica is a deserts? Would you be surprised if you found out that parts of it made up one of the dries place on earth????
What makes you think that we need you to tell us what the polar climate is.
I`ve been there and I`m certain, you haven`t !
So tell me, how much warmer does it have to be in tropic and subtropic climate zones to evaporate more water in order to build up the glaciers on Greenland?

I'm on the Big Island now and the rain, snow, and hail have been spectacular! I was talking to one of the airport workers and they said they got 20 inches of rain over the last two days. Our flight has been delayed for over 3 hours.

Happy New Year.
Btw. while all eyes are on the Akademik Shokalskiy ships are getting stuck in the ice in the Baltic sea:
Packeis: Ostseefähre mit mehr als 1000 Passagieren befreit - Video - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Packeis: Ostseefähre mit mehr als 1000 Passagieren befreit
Translation: The Ferry Amorella with over 1000 passengers on board got stuck in the ice. It took several ice breakers to clear path to Stockholm

More than 50 ships were stuck in the ice and it took several days to free them.
Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions - AIS Marine Traffic
What makes you think that we need you to tell us what the polar climate is.
I`ve been there and I`m certain, you haven`t !
So tell me, how much warmer does it have to be in tropic and subtropic climate zones to evaporate more water in order to build up the glaciers on Greenland?

He doesn't need to have gone there to be able to tell you this. I'm sure there are large numbers of folks above the Arctic circle that are unaware of that point and a million others. It's not as if pissing in the snow imbued you with magic knowledge.

ANY increase in temperature will increase evaporation and that will increase precipitation. There's no threshold.
What makes you think that we need you to tell us what the polar climate is.
I`ve been there and I`m certain, you haven`t !
So tell me, how much warmer does it have to be in tropic and subtropic climate zones to evaporate more water in order to build up the glaciers on Greenland?

He doesn't need to have gone there to be able to tell you this. I'm sure there are large numbers of folks above the Arctic circle that are unaware of that point and a million others. It's not as if pissing in the snow imbued you with magic knowledge.

ANY increase in temperature will increase evaporation and that will increase precipitation. There's no threshold.

And you chucleheads still have'nt explained how that effects winter water vapor rates when the RT of water vapor is nine days. Nor have you been able to explain the increasedglobal cooling.

In other words, you ain't got squadoosh.
Your ignorance is what is showing.

Which point are you rejecting: that increased temperatures cause increased evaporation or that Antarctica is a desert?

s0n......Im laughing.

On an almost daily basis, you display the political IQ of a handball.

Fewer people than ever think the world is warming ( click link below)........and its all sorts of shit like this over the last several years that make the AGW crowd look, well.........silly.

Nobody cares abut the stoopid science shit.......the masses see a ship loaded with global warming scientists stuck in the ice on a global warming fact finding mission. Their nut sacks are red from laughing so hard.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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Seems that the ice is a bigger challenge than previously imagined. One of the rescue ships may now be stuck as well. The Chinese icebreaker that is having apparent difficulty and is unable to move in the growing ice may cause the Australians to call off an airlift rescue of the Russian ship.

Global warming is a bitch.

"However, if the Chinese vessel is also stuck and the Australian vessel cannot help it reach clear water, there will be no airlift."

BBC News - Rescue for Antarctic ice-bound ship under threat
What makes you think that we need you to tell us what the polar climate is.
I`ve been there and I`m certain, you haven`t !
So tell me, how much warmer does it have to be in tropic and subtropic climate zones to evaporate more water in order to build up the glaciers on Greenland?

He doesn't need to have gone there to be able to tell you this. I'm sure there are large numbers of folks above the Arctic circle that are unaware of that point and a million others. It's not as if pissing in the snow imbued you with magic knowledge.

ANY increase in temperature will increase evaporation and that will increase precipitation. There's no threshold.

And you chucleheads still have'nt explained how that effects winter water vapor rates when the RT of water vapor is nine days. Nor have you been able to explain the increasedglobal cooling.

In other words, you ain't got squadoosh.

Since you refuted nothing I said, "squadoosh" consists of everything I've contended so far.

Increased temperatures increase evaporation. Increased evaporation leads to increased precipitation. It's a closed cycle dude. Speed it up anywhere and you speed it up throughout.
The scientists aboard that vessel admit defeat. They went there to document the melting ice caused by global warming. Instead they got stuck in the ice. Not merely stuck, but had to admit that the ice floes were growing.

Antarctic crew build ice helipad to help rescuers | Mail Online

They went in search evidence of the world’s melting ice caps, but instead a team of climate scientists have been forced to abandon their mission … because the Antarctic ice is thicker than usual at this time of year.
All this tells us is that during the week or two this event has taken, and in the area in which they were attempting to travel, it is thicker than anticipated. That is far more likely to be due to a change in wind direction piling up the ice or that it is due to the accelerated glacial flow off land than that it has built up from snowfall in that period of tie.

However, ALL of those causes have been predicted by the same climate scientists that say the Earth is warming due to human GHG emissions and that ice from Greenland and Antarctica is very likely to cause significant increases in sea level.

What do you think it would look like were the West Antarctic ice sheet, whose base is below sea level, were to destabilize and come off the continent? By golly, it would look like the Antarctic ice shelves are suddenly growing at a phenomenal pace.
As a True Believer nothing is going to change the mind of a warmist. The belief is moving in the direction of being held by a few cultists.

I don't care what this week or two tells YOU. It tells the scientists there measuring global warming a whole lot.
As a True Believer nothing is going to change the mind of a warmist. The belief is moving in the direction of being held by a few cultists.

I don't care what this week or two tells YOU. It tells the scientists there measuring global warming a whole lot.

Yeah, but these idiots just came out of the wood work and believed the NY Times report when it claimed the benghazi thing was spontaneous. I mean the same NY Times claimed it was not a year ago, and Obama said it was a terror attack after he insisted it was spontaneous for the first 4 weeks. Now, they are full circle back to the insidious notion that the attack happening on 911 was a mere coinciedence, and it was all spontaneous, regardless of ALL of the other evidence stating otherwise. I say that cause when one of these so called reputable news outlets report that MAN MADE global warming is a fact, they will follow them. They simply cannot see what a government money scam it is to blame human activity on the warming trends, so they can tax tax tax.
He doesn't need to have gone there to be able to tell you this. I'm sure there are large numbers of folks above the Arctic circle that are unaware of that point and a million others. It's not as if pissing in the snow imbued you with magic knowledge.

ANY increase in temperature will increase evaporation and that will increase precipitation. There's no threshold.

And you chucleheads still have'nt explained how that effects winter water vapor rates when the RT of water vapor is nine days. Nor have you been able to explain the increasedglobal cooling.

In other words, you ain't got squadoosh.

Since you refuted nothing I said, "squadoosh" consists of everything I've contended so far.

Increased temperatures increase evaporation. Increased evaporation leads to increased precipitation. It's a closed cycle dude. Speed it up anywhere and you speed it up throughout.

Except it's hard to apply all that to a climate that AVERAGES only -40degC over the year and averages only 30 to 120mm of precipt per year..

So -- when your handlers at skepticalscience can tell us --- how many mm more of snow that means per year with a 0.8degC increase from GWarming --- it COULD make some sense. But alas --- it wont --- because avg temps have been falling over most of the continent there for decades.. So STFU about the "excuses and predictions" already... :cool:
I don't care what this week or two tells YOU. It tells the scientists there measuring global warming a whole lot.

Did it change the average temperature of the planet? No.

Was it the result of significant cooling in the Antarctic? No.

So WTF do you think it's telling the scientists?
Yeah, but these idiots just came out of the wood work and believed the NY Times report when it claimed the benghazi thing was spontaneous. I mean the same NY Times claimed it was not a year ago, and Obama said it was a terror attack after he insisted it was spontaneous for the first 4 weeks. Now, they are full circle back to the insidious notion that the attack happening on 911 was a mere coinciedence, and it was all spontaneous, regardless of ALL of the other evidence stating otherwise. I say that cause when one of these so called reputable news outlets report that MAN MADE global warming is a fact, they will follow them. They simply cannot see what a government money scam it is to blame human activity on the warming trends, so they can tax tax tax.

Uhh... I think you may be lost Mr Owl. This is a Climate thread.
He doesn't need to have gone there to be able to tell you this. I'm sure there are large numbers of folks above the Arctic circle that are unaware of that point and a million others. It's not as if pissing in the snow imbued you with magic knowledge.

ANY increase in temperature will increase evaporation and that will increase precipitation. There's no threshold.

And you chucleheads still have'nt explained how that effects winter water vapor rates when the RT of water vapor is nine days. Nor have you been able to explain the increasedglobal cooling.

In other words, you ain't got squadoosh.

Since you refuted nothing I said, "squadoosh" consists of everything I've contended so far.

Increased temperatures increase evaporation. Increased evaporation leads to increased precipitation. It's a closed cycle dude. Speed it up anywhere and you speed it up throughout.

You have it wrong. First you must say something meaningful for me to refute it. You made a statement then are unable to respond to a simple attack upon it.

In other words, you've got squat.
I don't care what this week or two tells YOU. It tells the scientists there measuring global warming a whole lot.

Did it change the average temperature of the planet? No.

Was it the result of significant cooling in the Antarctic? No.

So WTF do you think it's telling the scientists?

It's telling them to BRING LONGER ICE DRILLS !!!

And extra socks for when you have to abandon ship to stomp out a HeliPad on thick ice in the middle of summer..

And it's telling them to check the G-d weather report before you go off recreating some Mawson Expedition in an INCREASINGLY cold Antarctic..

I don't think they've learned enough.. Should probably stay there till Fall...

Pray tell, what "scientists" got stuck in all of this? I read there were a few scientist/passengers on the cruise ship, but it was NOT a research voyage and the scientists aboard had NOTHING to do with planning the route or its timing. Likewise, the icebreakers attempting to rescue the stuck cruise ship were just that: icebreakers: commercial vessels providing services for others, not research vessels.

You are completely clueless.

We are going south to:

gain new insights into the circulation of the Southern Ocean and its impact on the global carbon cycle
explore changes in ocean circulation caused by the growth of extensive fast ice and its impact on life in Commonwealth Bay
use the subantarctic islands as thermometers of climatic change by using trees, peats and lakes to explore the past
investigate the impact of changing climate on the ecology of the subantarctic islands
discover the environmental influence on seabird populations across the Southern Ocean and in Commonwealth Bay
understand changes in seal populations and their feeding patterns in the Southern Ocean and Commonwealth Bay
produce the first underwater surveys of life in the subantarctic islands and Commonwealth Bay
determine the extent to which human activity and pollution has directly impacted on this remote region of Antarctica
provide baseline data to improve the next generation of atmospheric, oceanic and ice sheet models to improve predictions for the future

For more information, do feel free to contact us. We hope you can join the team.

Professor Chris Turney and Dr Chris Fogwill
The Australasian Antarctic Expedition 2013-2014
University of New South Wales

The Spirit of Mawson - The Science Case

This was not a "cruise ship" it was a scientific expedition. Where did you read it was "a few scientist/passengers on the cruise ship, but it was NOT a research voyage and the scientists aboard had NOTHING to do with planning the route or its timing?"

Give links to where you read this or admit that you just made those lies up.

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