Global Warming Scientist Get Stuck in Growing Antartic Ice

Why, that's even lovelier, as climate scientists have been predicting the increase of Antarctic ice due to global warming for decades now.

And there we have it folks. The warmist's creed: More ice? Hooray! warmism proved!
Less ice? Bravo! warmism vidicated!

Warmists are impervious to reality. They will go to their graves on a snowy day in July and on their coffins will be inscribed: See! We told you it was getting hotter! Give us MORE MONEY to combat the heat.

Is there some reason you're talking about my coffin? Let me guess: you'd have less trouble dealing with my argument were I dead.

Would you care to see some references to climatologist predictions of increased precipitation, snowfall and ice buildup in the Antarctic due to global warming? I think just about everyone here was already familiar with their existence, but if some of you lack that wee bit of knowledge, I'm sure we can oblige you with the requisite education.
Traitor you don't have an argument, it falls to pieces once you say global warming.
If you prefer to get spoon-fed with that "skepticalscience" CO2 AGW shit, that`s your problem, the rest of us are getting a bit tired of you posting it here over and over again.

If you don't want to see facts, stop pushing stupid lies.
Read 'em and weep - or get smarter. You're call.

Why, that's even lovelier, as climate scientists have been predicting the increase of Antarctic ice due to global warming for decades now.

And there we have it folks. The warmist's creed: More ice? Hooray! warmism proved!
Less ice? Bravo! warmism vidicated!

Warmists are impervious to reality. They will go to their graves on a snowy day in July and on their coffins will be inscribed: See! We told you it was getting hotter! Give us MORE MONEY to combat the heat.

Is there some reason you're talking about my coffin? Let me guess: you'd have less trouble dealing with my argument were I dead.

Would you care to see some references to climatologist predictions of increased precipitation, snowfall and ice buildup in the Antarctic due to global warming? I think just about everyone here was already familiar with their existence, but if some of you lack that wee bit of knowledge, I'm sure we can oblige you with the requisite education.

Here's some starters

Snow could offset global warming in Antarctica | Science Wire | EarthSky

RealClimate: State of Antarctica: red or blue?

Antarctica | Weather Underground Icesheet Future Estimates Bibliography.pdf

RealClimate: The IPCC sea level numbers

Climate change Change In Antarctica.pdf

East Antarctic Ice Sheet Gains Mass and Slows Sea Level Rise

Global warming Facts - Antarctica

Global Warming and the Hydrologic Cycle - building, sea, oceans, effects, temperature, important, largest, wave, Pacific

IPCC: where to for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean?

More ice loss through snowfall on Antarctica | e! Science News

Sea change Ice in the heart of Antarctica is melting, causing sea level rise New Scientist 2jan01
Traitor you don't have an argument, it falls to pieces once you say global warming.

Is that the depth of your argument? I guess that goes along with your nonsense that all the world's climate scientists have been "directed" to withhold their findings. Still waiting to hear who's doing the directing and what your evidence might be.
Traitor you don't have an argument, it falls to pieces once you say global warming.

Is that the depth of your argument? I guess that goes along with your nonsense that all the world's climate scientists have been "directed" to withhold their findings. Still waiting to hear who's doing the directing and what your evidence might be.

No the scribes have been direct to hide their finding and the bulk of the climate research is controlled by the AGW church.
Read 'em and weep - or get smarter. You're call.

And there we have it folks. The warmist's creed: More ice? Hooray! warmism proved!
Less ice? Bravo! warmism vidicated!

Warmists are impervious to reality. They will go to their graves on a snowy day in July and on their coffins will be inscribed: See! We told you it was getting hotter! Give us MORE MONEY to combat the heat.

Is there some reason you're talking about my coffin? Let me guess: you'd have less trouble dealing with my argument were I dead.

Would you care to see some references to climatologist predictions of increased precipitation, snowfall and ice buildup in the Antarctic due to global warming? I think just
about everyone here was already familiar with their existence, but if some of you lack that wee bit of knowledge, I'm sure we can oblige you with the requisite education.

Here's some starters

Snow could offset global warming in Antarctica | Science Wire | EarthSky

RealClimate: State of Antarctica: red or blue?

Antarctica | Weather Underground Icesheet Future Estimates Bibliography.pdf

RealClimate: The IPCC sea level numbers

Climate change Change In Antarctica.pdf

East Antarctic Ice Sheet Gains Mass and Slows Sea Level Rise

Global warming Facts - Antarctica

Global Warming and the Hydrologic Cycle - building, sea, oceans, effects, temperature, important, largest, wave, Pacific

IPCC: where to for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean?

More ice loss through snowfall on Antarctica | e! Science News

Sea change Ice in the heart of Antarctica is melting, causing sea level rise New Scientist 2jan01

I highly doubt youve read these... Find me a TRUE 20 YEAR YEAR PREDICTION of stable or growing ANTARCTIC ice in that thar wunderground link.. about 3 or 4 from the top of your copypaste job....
Why, that's even lovelier, as climate scientists have been predicting the increase of Antarctic ice due to global warming for decades now.

And there we have it folks. The warmist's creed: More ice? Hooray! warmism proved!
Less ice? Bravo! warmism vidicated!

Warmists are impervious to reality. They will go to their graves on a snowy day in July and on their coffins will be inscribed: See! We told you it was getting hotter! Give us MORE MONEY to combat the heat.

Is there some reason you're talking about my coffin? Let me guess: you'd have less trouble dealing with my argument were I dead.

Would you care to see some references to climatologist predictions of increased precipitation, snowfall and ice buildup in the Antarctic due to global warming? I think just about everyone here was already familiar with their existence, but if some of you lack that wee bit of knowledge, I'm sure we can oblige you with the requisite education.

Here's some starters

RealClimate: State of Antarctica: red or blue?

Antarctica | Weather Underground Icesheet Future Estimates Bibliography.pdf

RealClimate: The IPCC sea level numbers

Climate change Change In Antarctica.pdf

East Antarctic Ice Sheet Gains Mass and Slows Sea Level Rise

Global warming Facts - Antarctica

Global Warming and the Hydrologic Cycle - building, sea, oceans, effects, temperature, important, largest, wave, Pacific

IPCC: where to for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean?

More ice loss through snowfall on Antarctica | e! Science News

Sea change Ice in the heart of Antarctica is melting, causing sea level rise New Scientist 2jan01

No, I certainly do not want you kick the bucket (or whatever euphemism for dying that is preferred in America). I hope you are around for a long time to give us the doubtfully ethical pleasure of jeering at one so foolish as to be taken in by warmist lies and 'computer models'.

You are very kind to provide a list of tendentious green propaganda. I regret to inform you that I have better things to do than wade through it.
I know you've read none of them.

When you have, come tell me I'm wrong.

Ive sampled them adequately and determined that as usual you are poo flinging again.

DONT tell me what you THOUGHT was a lond term prediction for Antarctic ice in the wunerground link... Nobody really believes youve read them anyway.....

if I remember, we dived into a pile of poo with your Ocean Acidification list and found that Certainly to be true...
Are you going to tell us that you had not heard predictions of increased Antarctic precipitation due to global warming years ago? Yes or no?
Meteorological fact...Warmer = more evaporation = within Antarctica's case of being far below freezing = more snow.

Did you know that Antarctica is a deserts? Would you be surprised if you found out that parts of it made up one of the dries place on earth????
Meteorological fact...Warmer = more evaporation = within Antarctica's case of being far below freezing = more snow.

Did you know that Antarctica is a deserts? Would you be surprised if you found out that parts of it made up one of the dries place on earth????

Tell me the signifcance of 1.2degC GWarming in the desert when its below -40degC most of the year.
Meteorological fact...Warmer = more evaporation = within Antarctica's case of being far below freezing = more snow.

Did you know that Antarctica is a deserts? Would you be surprised if you found out that parts of it made up one of the dries place on earth????

The AGW church programming is obviously malfunction, must be under the Obamacare programmers now.

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