Global Warming Scientist Get Stuck in Growing Antartic Ice

I read them in the first news report I read on them being stuck. I haven't the faintest idea where it actually was. However, doing a search on "ship, stuck, ice, Antarctica", yielded a number of hits featuring the word "tourist".

I also found a number of articles that stated that the reason the ship was stuck WAS due to a change in wind which piled ice up around the ship. It is NOT stuck because anyone mischaracterized the climate either globally or in Antarctica.

I do not lie and I really don't care for the accusation.

And FCT, you can still get fucked.
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You have it wrong. First you must say something meaningful for me to refute it. You made a statement then are unable to respond to a simple attack upon it.

In other words, you've got squat.

You failed to make ANY relevant comment concerning my contention. You made no "simple attack", you brought up a completely unrelated issue.

You fail.
I read them in the first news report I read on them being stuck. I haven't the faintest idea where it actually was. However, doing a search on "ship, stuck, ice, Antarctica", yielded a number of hits featuring the word "tourist".

I also found a number of articles that stated that the reason the ship was stuck WAS due to a change in wind which piled ice up around the ship. It is NOT stuck because anyone mischaracterized the climate either globally or in Antarctica.

I do not lie and I really don't care for the accusation.

And yet you cannot produce a single link.

And FCT, you can still get fucked.

Such hostility, all because you got caught making shit up. What are you, some sort of AGW scientist?
Even with the best planning a shift in the wind direction can cause serious pack ice problems for ships.
No a ship full of ice is melting scientist stuck in ice is funny.


This is one of these al gore global warming conferences stuck in 3 feet of snow events.
Such hostility, all because you got caught making shit up. What are you, some sort of AGW scientist?

I am a parent. I don't know about you, but it creates in me a concern about the future. It leads me to view the opinions of people like FlaCalTenn and yourself as threats to my children.

And I made up nothing.
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Such hostility, all because you got caught making shit up. What are you, some sort of AGW scientist?

I am a parent. I don't know about you, but it creates in me a concern about the future. It leads me to view the opinions of people like FlaCalTenn and yourself as threats to my children.

holy shit obama and his policies are a threat to your children.
Look, a photo of the equatorial Pacific. Pretty ice-free.

Jesus, dude. "pretty ice free" ? ! ? ! ?
Such hostility, all because you got caught making shit up. What are you, some sort of AGW scientist?

I am a parent. I don't know about you, but it creates in me a concern about the future. It leads me to view the opinions of people like FlaCalTenn and yourself as threats to my children.

holy shit obama and his policies are a threat to your children.

I disagree. The policies of George Bush were. Most of the RNC platform is. You are. Anyone telling us that we don't need to do anything about global warming is.

And I can support all of those. Can you support your comment about Obama?

ps: I bet Katy Perry would rather you didn't use her photo.
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I am a parent. I don't know about you, but it creates in me a concern about the future. It leads me to view the opinions of people like FlaCalTenn and yourself as threats to my children.

holy shit obama and his policies are a threat to your children.

I disagree. The policies of George Bush were. Most of the RNC platform is. You are. Anyone telling us that we don't need to do anything about global warming is.

And I can support all of those. Can you support your comment about Obama?

ps: I bet Katy Perry would rather you didn't use her photo.

obama crated a debt your children can't pay fucking idiot
obama raised taxes on them that they cannot afford dumb ass.
Obama has not raised my taxes. Taxes actually should be a little higher then they are currently, particularly for the wealthy.

Obama has not created debt. That debt was created by George W. Bush and the Republican party when they decided the finance sector required no regulation and wars could be paid for out of pocket change. Good responsible Democratic administrations were able to get us out of the enormous debt Ronald Reagan saddled us with. I have confidence that more Democratic administrations will finally allow us to continue to pay off the debt of the Bush Financial Crisis.

ps: I bet if he could talk, the cat would say "I'm with Katy, I don't know this freak"
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Obama has not raised my taxes. Taxes actually should be a little higher then they are currently, particularly for the wealthy.

Obama has not created debt. That debt was created by George W. Bush and the Republican party when they decided the finance sector required no regulation and wars could be paid for out of pocket change. Good responsible Democratic administrations were able to get us out of the enormous debt Ronald Reagan saddled us with. I have confidence that more Democratic administrations will finally allow us to continue to pay off the debt of the Bush Financial Crisis.

ps: I bet if he could talk, the cat would say "I'm with Katy, I don't know this freak"

What in the fuck do you think obamacare is you stupid son of a bitch?
An attempt at the universal health care that every other industrialized nation on this planet has managed to provide their citizenry without collapsing from the financial strain. An effort to supply what this nation's government should have been supplying for the past 100 years.
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An attempt at the universal health care that every other industrialized nation on this planet has managed to provide their citizenry without collapsing from the financial strain. An effort to supply what this nation's government should have been supplying for the past 100 years.

The court ruled it a tax one of the largest tax increase of the middle class you fucking idiot.
Purchasing mandatory healthcare coverage is no more a tax than purchasing mandatory vehicle insurance or malpractice insurance or businesses having to post bonds.

Personally, I favored a single-payer system financed by an increase in income taxes. So you're not going to get me too excited by griping about PPACA. It just tells me, along with your sig, that you really and truly hate the freedom of expression and mutual compassion on which this country was founded.

Why do you live here? Surely you'd be happier in North Korea or Burma or perhaps Venezuela. Have you checked them out? I know they'd love to have you.
Purchasing mandatory healthcare coverage is no more a tax than purchasing mandatory vehicle insurance or malpractice insurance or businesses having to post bonds.

Personally, I favored a single-payer system financed by an increase in income taxes. So you're not going to get me too excited by griping about PPACA. It just tells me, along with your sig, that you really and truly hate the freedom of expression and mutual compassion on which this country was founded.

Why do you live here? Surely you'd be happier in North Korea or Burma or perhaps Venezuela. Have you checked them out? I know they'd love to have you.

Do you read what you post, before posting it?
The Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare on June 28, 2012. The final ruling on ObamaCare was a made by Supreme Court Judge Vinson. The basic idea of the ruling was that ObamaCare was declared a tax and not a mandate and was therefore declared constitutional.
Supreme Court ObamaCare | Ruling on ObamaCare
Therefore I call you dumb ass.

OH maybe you and your single payer would be more suited in a communist country that doesn't believe in individual rights but the collective.
Dumb son of a bitch.

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