Global Warming Scientist Get Stuck in Growing Antartic Ice

One quote from me is not proof that I did not say something else elsewhere.

When you said "you claimed them", the obvious interpretation was that you were charging I had identified them as my original source. If you want to check me against some point, make certain you're speaking in normal, intelligible English.

One quote is all it takes. sorry charlie.

However, I suggest that you take a course on English comprehension
This is a discussion board, no one speaks here.
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Such hostility, all because you got caught making shit up. What are you, some sort of AGW scientist?

I am a parent. I don't know about you, but it creates in me a concern about the future. It leads me to view the opinions of people like FlaCalTenn and yourself as threats to my children.

And I made up nothing.

Looks like someone has studied one too many AlGoreithms.......:cuckoo:
I already told you that I have no idea from what specific article I took the information I posted, but if I find articles carrying similar information, are you going to apologize for calling me a liar?

Here is the statement you accused me of having not made.

I provided numerous links describing the vessel and its trip as a "cruise" and the people it was carrying as "passengers". You have yet to identify ANY scientist on board that might be considered in charge of the vessel, in charge of an expedition or responsible for the vessel's navigation.

The failure is yours.

This thread has no bearing on any discussion of climate.
Every one of these articles describe the vessel as a cruise ship and/or the trip as a cruise. The ship is carrying "passengers". Passengers do not control the vessel on which they ride.

Helicopter rescue possible for ship stuck off Antarctica

The first words of this article are:

"The passengers on a Russian-flagged research ship stranded in ice off Antarctica will be evacuated by a Chinese helicopter once weather permits,"

So that one doesn't work. Also, the date of this first article is 12/30/13 which is two days after you first made your claim.

Now this one would give you some credibility, if the second sentence hadn't said this:

"The Russian-operated Akademik Shokalskiy, an ice-strengthened vessel built in 1984 for oceanographic research,"

This article also has a date after you first made your statement so you can't claim to have read it before telling us that this was not a scientific expedition.

Now this one might have given you your out. It's from before your statement (now proven to be absolutely bogus) and it even says "Cruise ship" in the title. But this part tells me that you didn't actually read it:

"Passengers on a Russian polar expedition ship off Antarctica are getting a whiter Christmas than they probably wanted."

Given your position as someone who constantly tells others how little they know about science merely because they disagree with you, it's not a leap to expect that someone as knowledgeable and educated as you in one of the fields of Science knows what "expedition ship" means.

So fail again on your part.

This one, brief, 7 sentence article might have been your out. If you could claim that your level concern in this matter was limited to reading this one short article and that between the time you read this thread and the time you made your response you had not chose to inform yourself any more on the matter, then I would offer my apologies.

If you were this unconcerned and uninformed you would not be liar you would be an ignoramous.

However, you have made statements that demonstrate more about you. Why post articles dated after your claim if these are sources you say you read that formed the opinion you stated?

That video was posted yesterday, 3 days after you made your claim. Also you obviously weren't paying attention because starting at 25 seconds into it the journalist on camera describes the ship as a "research vessel."

This blurb along with the other short article would have sufficed to demonstrate your ignorance and not an intent to lie. But when you went overboard by citing sources dating after your initial claim, they don't bolster your argument.

It appears you have become a victim of your own failure to analyze facts and data. I'll remember this when I read more from you.

No apology from me, you have compounded your lie.

Why is it that every time I encounter true believers in the absolute nature of AGW that they expose themselves to be willing to be loose with the truth?

I hope you enjoyed yourself. Given the amount of time you've spent on it, you'd better have.

Allow me to point out, however, that I never claimed ANY of those were the particular article I read.

So you lied. Why not just admit it?
And you think they should have? Funnier!
No links to prove you aren't lying about it being a cruise ship huh?

That the thing was built to be a Arctic research vessel can be seen from any photograph. That it was being used as a "cruise" ship is supported by all the articles to which I linked.

How about some evidence from YOU that indicates any of the scientists on board were directing its movements? Those would be links that could prove YOU weren't lying when you tell us otherwise.

It's on the website of the expedition itself, which I posted.
No links to prove you aren't lying about it being a cruise ship huh?

That the thing was built to be a Arctic research vessel can be seen from any photograph. That it was being used as a "cruise" ship is supported by all the articles to which I linked.

How about some evidence from YOU that indicates any of the scientists on board were directing its movements? Those would be links that could prove YOU weren't lying when you tell us otherwise.

It's on the website of the expedition itself, which I posted.

one can understand why the warmists would want to ditch the format of a global warming

expedition as quickly as they could
That the thing was built to be a Arctic research vessel can be seen from any photograph. That it was being used as a "cruise" ship is supported by all the articles to which I linked.

How about some evidence from YOU that indicates any of the scientists on board were directing its movements? Those would be links that could prove YOU weren't lying when you tell us otherwise.

It's on the website of the expedition itself, which I posted.

one can understand why the warmists would want to ditch the format of a global warming

expedition as quickly as they could

There are no "warmists" involved in this at all. I was defending the scientists aboard from the charge that they were responsible for getting the ship stuck in the ice.

I now concede that the ship was indeed chartered for an expedition. They were attempting to recreate the route of some famous explorer of the past. I did not, however, lie. I put down what I found in news reports and believed to be true.

Beyond that, I am done with this stupid topic. Being physically and chronologically localized, and the result of wind, the ship getting stuck in the ice has nothing to do with the climate. Besides, an increase in Antarctic ice has been forecast as a result of global warming for many years: increased temps->increased evaporation -> increased precipitation. And the breakup of the ice shelves off the coast has dramatically increased the glacial flow rate. So to suggest that climate scientists would be unaware there was significant ice where they were headed is idiotic and unsupportable.
It's on the website of the expedition itself, which I posted.

one can understand why the warmists would want to ditch the format of a global warming

expedition as quickly as they could

There are no "warmists" involved in this at all. I was defending the scientists aboard from the charge that they were responsible for getting the ship stuck in the ice.

I now concede that the ship was indeed chartered for an expedition. They were attempting to recreate the route of some famous explorer of the past. I did not, however, lie. I put down what I found in news reports and believed to be true.

Beyond that, I am done with this stupid topic. Being physically and chronologically localized, and the result of wind, the ship getting stuck in the ice has nothing to do with the climate. Besides, an increase in Antarctic ice has been forecast as a result of global warming for many years: increased temps->increased evaporation -> increased precipitation. And the breakup of the ice shelves off the coast has dramatically increased the glacial flow rate. So to suggest that climate scientists would be unaware there was significant ice where they were headed is idiotic and unsupportable.

Slow down there chief. You said
They were attempting to recreate the route of some famous explorer of the past.
So in your words this was an historical recreation of a route taken by a famous explore? Why is their ice there now and not when the famous explorer took that route?
Time out.

I thought the current meme was 'Climate Change'.

'Global Warming' is passé, out of fashion, and mathematically ignorant.

They were trapped by climate change, not warming...everyone knows this.
How many times do I have to repeat this?

Global warming INCREASES the amount of ice in the Antarctic.

See if you can hang on to that thought for a day or two.
Time out.

I thought the current meme was 'Climate Change'.

'Global Warming' is passé, out of fashion, and mathematically ignorant.

They were trapped by climate change, not warming...everyone knows this.

Sorry to be passé Percy, but global warming it is.
Time out.

I thought the current meme was 'Climate Change'.

'Global Warming' is passé, out of fashion, and mathematically ignorant.

They were trapped by climate change, not warming...everyone knows this.

Sorry to be passé Percy, but global warming it is.

What...y'all changed your minds again?

Like a bunch of women shopping for the perfect pair of shoes if you ask me....
How many times do I have to repeat this?

Global warming INCREASES the amount of ice in the Antarctic.

See if you can hang on to that thought for a day or two.

Guess you need to tell me again about how that works.. Because there aint been any warming down there to test that brainfart... Doesnt work if the atmos doesnt warm.. Wouldnt matter anyway when its "warm" at -40deg C.
Time out.

I thought the current meme was 'Climate Change'.

'Global Warming' is passé, out of fashion, and mathematically ignorant.

They were trapped by climate change, not warming...everyone knows this.

Sorry to be passé Percy, but global warming it is.

What...y'all changed your minds again?

Like a bunch of women shopping for the perfect pair of shoes if you ask me....
I could be wrong but I think he said some where that it's climate change.

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