God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

Yeah, proselytize.

intransitive verb​

  1. To attempt to convert someone to one's own religious faith.
  2. To attempt to persuade someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine.
  3. To convert (a person) from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to another.
You think he was trying to covert his fellow congresscritters in that talk? Really?
I've hammered on both parties for years, and you know it.

All you care about is my opinion of your cult. That's it. It makes me an evil commie in your little world. I can't help that.
You have not hammered on the dems in years and even voted for biden in 2020
You think he was trying to covert his fellow congresscritters in that talk? Really?
I think Mike needs to keep his relationship with God private, unless he's in a religious environment.

As this thread demonstrates, unbelievers say that Mike saying God speaks to him means he's hearing voices. A usual sign of insanity.

As the saying goes "know your audience".
Because when God could have stepped in to save say, 6 million Jews and didn't, it's free will. Then God supposedly does something like some weird manipulation of the selection of the SoH, He apparently changes his mind about free will.

If God promotes one of his followers, it in no way effects the free will of any other person.

I don't think you understand free will.
I think Mike needs to keep his relationship with God private, unless he's in a religious environment.
Wow. Why do you find discussing one's faith in public so offensive? Do you tell gays to STFU when discussing issues related to their sexual orientation? Minorities when discussing their race?
As this thread demonstrates, unbelievers say that Mike saying God speaks to him means he's hearing voices. A usual sign of insanity.

As the saying goes "know your audience".

I relish when the discussion of faith drives them insane.
I think Mike needs to keep his relationship with God private, unless he's in a religious environment.

As this thread demonstrates, unbelievers say that Mike saying God speaks to him means he's hearing voices. A usual sign of insanity.

As the saying goes "know your audience".
unbelievers say that Mike saying God speaks to him means he's hearing voices. A usual sign of insanity.

If libs declare Christianity a mental disease they could reopen the insane asylums and fill them with Evangelicals
I think the OP is silly. If God speaks to your heart, that doesn’t mean you’re hearing voices.

And if you seek to do what God seemingly wants, that’s not exactly a sign of insanity.

If the new Speaker filters things through a perceptual filter of religious faith, that doesn’t seem particularly dangerous.

My own faith is paper thin. I believe in God. That’s pretty much it. Nonetheless, unlike so many people here, I don’t run around in terror of people with a deeper faith.

It’s not like the Speaker is a fanatical Muslim.
You miss the point.
Please look to Any Where in the world where ANY religion HAS OR DOES controls the population.
And you will find problems, Problems most of us DONT want here in AMERICA.
1. God didn't make Mike SoH, if you believe what the OP said, Mike was coached when to put his hat in the ring.
2. God is the observer, He knows when a hair falls out of your scalp ("your hairs are numbered")
3. What we do with our time, second by second, is what we are all judged on.
4. Google "God Winks" for interesting very low probability "coincidences".
I fail to see the distinction between God personally coaching and God essentially making somebody Soh. This is same God who is capable if creating the whole Universe. I would think his 'coaching' would carry a lot of weight.

God isn't just an observer, he saves people sometimes from earthquakes and other natural disasters, He even once got mad and killed almost every human being and land animal on the planet.

I find it odd that we are judged on things we will do with our free will, but yet sometimes he 'coaches' and sometimes miraculously saves individuals from accidents or disease thus effecting their free will.

When God Winks seem to espouse the theory that God, yet again, is not just an observer. It seems that when it comes to events where thousands or millions die and suffer, and He fails to do anything, that's when the 'free will' defense gets used.

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