Golly, Biden mishandling COVID worse than thought

No, this blood is still on the hands of the right wing media which continues to promote the idea that the vaccines weren't properly tested, and other vaccine horror stories.

It's also on the hands of Republican governors who refused to mandate the wearing of masks, or vaccines in the workplace.

Republicans and those standing on their "rights", are now self infecting. While more people are getting sick, fewer are dying, and hardly anyone who has been fully vaxxed is dying - this is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and thus it's a pandemic of Republicans in Red States.
Is that you, Pelosi?? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Pelosi and White House blame Republicans for fueling spread of COVID but fewer than half of young people and 36% of black people have had shots while 92% of older Americans are jabbed
  • Nancy Pelosi has attempted to blame the spread of COVID-19 on unvaccinated Republicans
  • However, data that shows many key Democrat groups are also not signing up to be immunized
  • Young people aged 18-24 - who are reliable Democrat voting bloc - are among the most hesitant groups; almost a quarter say they'll never have the shot
  • Meanwhile, more than half of black and Hispanic Americans have not had a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine
  • One survey revealed that one-third of black Americans would not have the shot even if it was determined safe by scientists
Data shows it's NOT just Republicans refusing the COVID vaccine
Which is out of control because of assholes like you.

You advocated against vaccinations, you advocated against masks.

You're actually the cause, not Biden.
Masks don't work.

Quote me advocating against vaccinations, liar.

Biden is importing tens of thousands of China flu infested illegals and spreading around the country.

Super Spreader In Chief.
According to the standards created by the fearmongering drama queens on the left, Biden is like the angel of death. It will be fun to watch them twist Biden's horrid and murderous reign into something positive.
No, this blood is still on the hands of the right wing media which continues to promote the idea that the vaccines weren't properly tested

Is that why every Covid consent form includes pointing out the vaccine isn't FDA approved and that you take it at your own risk?
According to the standards created by the fearmongering drama queens on the left, Biden is like the angel of death. It will be fun to watch them twist Biden's horrid and murderous reign into something positive.

It struck me seeing that phrase; as I had recently had occasion to look up and cite a particularly notorious Nazi scientist who was known by the nickname Todesengel, or “Angel of Death”.

And what Josef Mengele was notorious for was the use of unconsenting human subjects for medical experimentation.
Masks don't work.

Quote me advocating against vaccinations, liar.

Biden is importing tens of thousands of China flu infested illegals and spreading around the country.

Super Spreader In Chief.
I guess we can chock up another lie of meaner gene exposed.
Remember it was all Trump's fault. Your feelings. Well guess what, there are twice as many, I say TWICE as many new daily cases than one year ago.

Blood on his hands, in your own words. At least Trump had the excuse this had never happened before. I guess you can't blame Biden though, he has dementia, and was never more than a used car salesman type to begin with.

I guess they only care about the ecomoney, you know how the tune goes.

50% of the population, mostly trumpeciles, refuse to get vaccinated, so of course the variant is spreading to people who have been vaccinated if protocols are not adhered to, according to the medical science community. That is not an excuse, and it is a fact. Trump is the poster boy of a used car salesman in looks and in rhetoric.
Maybe you're just stupid, but Georgia did a full hand recount (taking the machines out of the equation) and came up with the same result.
Recounting fraudulent ballots that show evidence they were never mailed and returned but magically appeared and so called Dem 'ballot harvesting' riiiiight not a smidgeon of Dem election fraud. That's not even taking into account Dem RIGGING.
When Biden allows and encourages Covid infected illegals to pour in by then thousands then ships them all over the US a criminal case could be made to perp walk Biden off to jail.
I don't know why so many blame PEOPLE when it isn't people causing the disease. It's not the fault of Biden or Trump, it's the fault of our enemy, the virus.

I blame people for stupid, evil orders against our freedom and our lives, like the lockdowns and lies and mask mandates and school closings and bum vaccines rushed into production which now are no good and can't stop the virus ----

But I don't blame people for the virus ------- unless of course people MADE the virus and let it loose on us, which I don't really believe, since there have always been awful diseases, but people were only capable of making them and having lab accidents or biowarfare this and the last century. It's certainly possible, but I guess I think 40 to 60 not, that's just my guess.
Remember it was all Trump's fault. Your feelings. Well guess what, there are twice as many, I say TWICE as many new daily cases than one year ago.

Blood on his hands, in your own words. At least Trump had the excuse this had never happened before. I guess you can't blame Biden though, he has dementia, and was never more than a used car salesman type to begin with.

I guess they only care about the ecomoney, you know how the tune goes.

If I was Biden I'd sign an EO forcing every one of you anti vaxx jerkoffs to get the shot or be jailed & fix your asses real good. You aholes are responsible for this, not Biden.
The first mistake is in thinking that Xiden even remembers there once was a president named "Trump"
No, this blood is still on the hands of the right wing media which continues to promote the idea that the vaccines weren't properly tested, and other vaccine horror stories.

It's also on the hands of Republican governors who refused to mandate the wearing of masks, or vaccines in the workplace.

Republicans and those standing on their "rights", are now self infecting. While more people are getting sick, fewer are dying, and hardly anyone who has been fully vaxxed is dying - this is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and thus it's a pandemic of Republicans in Red States.
Are you so ignorant that you are unaware that at least half the countries we allow visitors from have millions of citizens that won't get vaccinated?
If I was Biden I'd sign an EO forcing every one of you anti vaxx jerkoffs to get the shot or be jailed & fix your asses real good. You aholes are responsible for this, not Biden.
So you think Pedo Joe is a Dictator.

Do what I say or I will throw you in jail.

Got it.

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