Gone Guy: Ben Affleck Defends Islam Against Bill Maher


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Ben Affleck Furiously Defends Islam on Bill Maher Show
Actor outraged after author Sam Harris calls Islam 'the motherload of bad ideas'
  • tom-porter.jpg

    By Tom Porter
    October 5, 2014 17:52 BST
  • 652 17

Ben Affleck on last night's Bill Maher show. (HBO)
Film star Ben Affleck engaged in a furious debate with author Sam Harris and TV host Bill Maher, accusing his opponents of racism after Harris called Islam 'the motherload of bad ideas.'

The trio clashed on HBO's Real Time With Bill Maher when the subject of Islamophobia came up.

Harris, who was on the show promoting his book Waking Up, said: "Liberals have failed on the topic of theocracy. They'll criticize white theocracy, they'll criticize Christianity. They still get agitated over the abortion clinic bombing that happened in 1984.

"The crucial point of confusion is we have been sold this meme of Islamaphobia – where every criticism of the doctrine of Islam is conflated with bigotry towards Muslims as people. Which is intellectually ridiculous."

Affleck responds by saying, "You are saying that Islamaphobia is not a real thing? It's gross, it's racist. It's like saying 'that shifty Jew'."

Harris responds: "We have to be able to criticize bad ideas and Islam at this moment is the motherload of bad ideas."

Visibly irate, the Oscar-winning director sits back in his chair and said: "It's an ugly thing to say."

Supporting Harris' position, Maher continues the conversation: "Let's get down to who has the right answer. A billion people you say, all these people don't hold these pernicious beliefs. That's just not true Ben, that's just not true."

Affleck responds: "The people who actually believe that you should murder someone if you dishonor the Islamic faith is not with the majority of Muslims at all."

Arguing for the prevalence of illiberal ideas in Islam, Harris says: "At the center of the circle you have jihadists who wake up in the morning wanting to kill apostates, wanting to die trying, they believe in Paradise, they believe in martyrdom.

"Outside of this you have Islamists. People who are just convinced of martyrdom and Paradise and wanting to force their religion on the rest of humanity.

"But they want to work with in the system and they are not willing to blow themselves up on a bus. They want to change governments, they want to use democracy against itself.

"Those two circles are arguably 20% of the Muslim world. Based on a bunch of polls that we can talk about.

"To give you one point of contact, 78% of British Muslims said the Danish cartoonist (who was accused of depicting the prophet Mohammad in an animation) should have been prosecuted.

"But outside of that we have conservative Muslims who say that 'Isis does not represent us, that we are horrified by that'. But they hold views about human rights and about women and about homosexuals are deeply troubling.

"These are not Islamists, these are not jihadists. They also keep women and homosexuals immiserated in those cultures.

"And we have to empower the true Muslim reformers in the world to change it. This behaviour is not going to do that."

Affleck responds: "How about the more than a billion people who aren't fanatical, who don't punish women, who just want to go to school, have some sandwiches, and don't do any of the things you say all Muslims do?"

Maher: Islam acts 'like the Mafia'

Michael Steele, a political analyst for MSNBC and former chairperson of the Republican National Congress, defended Affleck saying that moderate Muslim voices do not receive as much coverage as radical ones.

Maher responds to this by saying: "One reason they [other views] don't get exposed is because they are afraid to speak out. Because it's the only religion that acts like the Mafia. That will f***ing kill if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book."

Seeking an explanation, Affleck then asks the panelists: "What is you answer? Is it just to condemn Islam? We've killed more Muslims than they have killed us by an awful lot."

After 10 minutes of debate, Maher moves the show on, remarking that the panel will never see eye-to-eye.

Throughout his career, Bill Maher has repeatedly been highly critical of religion. After the World Trade Center attack by terrorists, Maher called himself as a "9/11 Liberal": a liberal who views Islam as dangerous.

Maher is also a board member of Project Reason – an organisation aiming to promote scientific knowledge and debunking religious beliefs – which Sam Harris founded.
OH GAWD, You just know that idiot (Aflack quack) is thinking of getting into politics.

another uneducated liberal is just what the Democrat party needs

he'll probably pick leo (the high school drop out) Decrappo for his vice president and the sad thing is they would probably win in this age of the UNinformed voters. oh lord save us
Another Loon from the Entertainment Industry who lives a privileged life insulated from reality lecturing us.

* yawn *

He makes lousy movies, too.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?

Nothing special about that...they know nothing about most things.
One of the fallacies of this pro-Islamic argument is that we have killed more Muslims than they have killed of us. Muslims have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people even in their own countries. Currently they are committing mass genocide in the Middle-East. Nobody even keeps track of the bodies that keep stacking up thanks to radical Islam. It's not really a correct measure of the damage that terrorism does to the world much less the damage it is doing in that region by simple keeping track of who killed who. The point is as long as radical Islam is allowed to take hold the threat of more death and destruction grows.
The left is quick to paint Christianity with a wide brush over something that happened 200 years ago, but not Islam, even though Muslims are doing worse today. Christians never used bombs to murder innocent non-Christians, or flew jets into their cities, or threatened to totally wipe out an entire country with nuclear weapons. Even if they had them way back then I seriously doubt they would go to this extreme.

I see constant examples of a lack of proper perspective in Hollywood and on the left.
The left is quick to paint Christianity with a wide brush over something that happened 200 years ago, but not Islam, even though Muslims are doing worse today. Christians never used bombs to murder innocent non-Christians, or flew jets into their cities, or threatened to totally wipe out an entire country with nuclear weapons.

I see constant examples of a lack of proper perspective in Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.

Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
Another Loon from the Entertainment Industry who lives a privileged life insulated from reality lecturing us.

* yawn *

He makes lousy movies, too.

That's not what you low-info RWs say about such mental midgets as has been/never was, wannabe Pootarain Steven Seagall, child pedophile Ted Nugent, child predator Duck Dynasty, ad nauseum.

So how come RW anti-Americans should be heard but not liberals?

In any event, it was an interesting debate. What's the big deal?
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
Another Loon from the Entertainment Industry who lives a privileged life insulated from reality lecturing us.

* yawn *

He makes lousy movies, too.

That's not what you low-info RWs say about such mental midgets as has been/never was, wannabe Pootarain Steven Seagall, child pedophile Ted Nugent, child predator Duck Dynasty, ad nauseum.

So how come RW anti-Americans should be heard but not liberals?

In any event, it was an interesting debate. What's the big deal?

Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.

If you had watched the episode, you would have seen that it was Maher who asked why more liberals did not defend liberal values, and it was he and Harris who took the actual liberal position.

Affleck simply took the useful idiot position.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
Another Loon from the Entertainment Industry who lives a privileged life insulated from reality lecturing us.

* yawn *

He makes lousy movies, too.

That's not what you low-info RWs say about such mental midgets as has been/never was, wannabe Pootarain Steven Seagall, child pedophile Ted Nugent, child predator Duck Dynasty, ad nauseum.

So how come RW anti-Americans should be heard but not liberals?

In any event, it was an interesting debate. What's the big deal?

Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
Another Loon from the Entertainment Industry who lives a privileged life insulated from reality lecturing us.

* yawn *

He makes lousy movies, too.

That's not what you low-info RWs say about such mental midgets as has been/never was, wannabe Pootarain Steven Seagall, child pedophile Ted Nugent, child predator Duck Dynasty, ad nauseum.

So how come RW anti-Americans should be heard but not liberals?

In any event, it was an interesting debate. What's the big deal?

Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller


* yawn *
Hollywood and on the left.


Since Islam is the PC-protected religion, the Left will pretty consistently do as you describe.

Then they'll get very, very angry and defensive when you point it out.


I agree, but I wouldn't say it is "the left" so much as it is the knee-jerk fundie portion of the left. Just as the right has whackadoodles who simply go through their life parroting everything they have been spoon fed, so does the left. In this case "the left" also includes Bill Maher who was making arguments for actual liberalism as opposed to Affleck's drivel, so it is really only a very annoying portion of the left that does this.

We have been far too conditioned to view politics in terms of either/or. You are either a conservative or a liberal, a repub or a dem, left wing or right wing, and so if we are conformist in nature, we just pick a side and start going to war with the other. If more people saw political beliefs in terms of a continuum, though, they might see that moderate righties are different than extreme righties and moderate lefties are different than extreme lefties.

All righties are not neo Nazis. All lefties are not useful idiots. If people would simply free themselves from their world view that operates from the standpoint of mutually exclusive dichotomies, they might see this.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
Another Loon from the Entertainment Industry who lives a privileged life insulated from reality lecturing us.

* yawn *

He makes lousy movies, too.

That's not what you low-info RWs say about such mental midgets as has been/never was, wannabe Pootarain Steven Seagall, child pedophile Ted Nugent, child predator Duck Dynasty, ad nauseum.

So how come RW anti-Americans should be heard but not liberals?

In any event, it was an interesting debate. What's the big deal?

Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller


* yawn *

Yawn is right...Certain celebs should be quiet because....um...marginal something or other
I would replace 'actors' with liberals. The actors just get air time.
Why are these actors so passionate to defend a religion they really know nothing about?
Another Loon from the Entertainment Industry who lives a privileged life insulated from reality lecturing us.

* yawn *

He makes lousy movies, too.

That's not what you low-info RWs say about such mental midgets as has been/never was, wannabe Pootarain Steven Seagall, child pedophile Ted Nugent, child predator Duck Dynasty, ad nauseum.

So how come RW anti-Americans should be heard but not liberals?

In any event, it was an interesting debate. What's the big deal?

Oh put a sock in it. Steve, Ted and Duck Dynasty are marginal pop culture entertainment figures.

That selective outrage box is getting smaller and smaller


* yawn *

Yawn is right...Certain celebs should be quiet because....um...marginal something or other

I don't care if they speak out or not. They have 1st Amendment Rights. But unlike you moonbat loons, I don't feel the need to respond to a dog whistle message pumped out through a celebrity cipher.

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