Good Bye, Dreamers

I'm convinced now more than ever, we need to divide into 2 or more countries or have a revolution.

I thought it may have been possible for Trump to turn things around, but I don't think so anymore.
Fox just had a segment on about a so called dreamer.
She was brought here by her mother at 10 years of age. So she does know another country.
She graduated from h.s., graduated from college, and has a job in a posh Dallas office building.
She has a family with children.

My question is how can she accomplish all these things without vast amount of people committing crimes for her.
The answer, she can't.

Why should we have to live among all these criminals?

But she has committed no crime at all and is a productive, tax paying member of society.

How does America gain anything from deporting her?

She has and continues to encourage lawlessness in our society.
Dream on, dream babies. Dream on. Your parents are scoundrels, if you hang your dreams on liars and frauds, blame your parents, not immigration law. Most of our real immigrants parents bothered to followed immigration laws, yes indeed.
Trump told the Democrats he'd do a DACA deal if he got the16 Billion for the wall. Then this half baked committee of pansies march in to the White House and offer 1.6 Billion in "border defense" in exchange for amnesty.

Now everyone is feigning outrage and calling Trump a racist for stating the truth and asking a question.

You had your chance, libtardos. The Senate doesn't have the votes to override a veto and without Congressional action Trump doesn't have to do a thing from this point on to start deporting the Dreamers.

Now the Democrats are planning a Censure Resolution. Go ahead, Trump won the Presidency mainly on the economy and border security and your fake outrage will ensure he is elected again.

Good job, Trump. Let the petunias rail.

Schumer has Trump confused with a Republican. There is no "gaming" the man who wrote The Art of the Deal.

the art of losing the deal ..


repeal replace obamacare / dreamers / deporting 13 million illegal immigrants / not raising the debt ceiling / willing to pass anything they hand him / the fake wall etc etc etc

those deals ?????????? Mr Art of Lying

I'm not sure if it is rank STUPIDITY or total DENIAL that let's a person claim Trump has "lost the deal" with a straight face! This from a group who have had HISTORIC losses the past THREE elections even to losing with a candidate that was CERTAIN to win against a guy who COULDN'T POSSIBLY BEAT HER! You are the VERY DEFINITION of how to lose the deal! And who would even know where to begin on the list of LIES from Obama and Hillary???

Obamacare? Total cluster fuck. No easy way to fix something THAT BAD without incurring a huge penalty. Trump is trying, but the ball is in Congress's Court. Still 7 more years to get it done.

Dreamers? Dream on.

Deporting illegals and criminals? The number is climbing fast every day. At least Trump didn't release 80,000 hard criminals back on the streets in one day. Only a Democrat could do that.

No one has stopped the debt ceiling. It may go higher still before it can start to come down. A problem every country faces.

The wall has been talked about for how many generations? It is coming. Meantime:

Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch totally shifts that branch of government.
59 missiles dropped in Syria to slow the bloodshed. We are no longer in TPP. Illegal immigration is
now down 70%( the lowest in 17 years). Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index
125.6. Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a 7 year high. Trump arranged a 20% Tariff on
soft lumber from Canada. Bids for border wall design and con-
struction are well underway. We pulled out of the lopsided
Paris accord. Keystone pipeline approved. NATO allies boost spending
by 4.3% The VA can now terminate bad employees plus private health-
care choices for veterans. More than 600,000 Jobs created
so far. Median household income at a 7 year high. Stock
Market is at the highest ever in its history.
China agreed to import American beef. $89
Billion saved in regu-
lation rollbacks.
He has boosted our

We dropped that

MOAB for ISIS and
have them near defeat.
The travel ban is reinstated. An
executive order for religious freedom.

Jump started NASA. $600 million cut/

saved from UN peacekeeping budget.
Targeting the shit out of MS13
gangs. Deporting violent illegal immigrants. Signed
over 41 bills to date. Commission on child trafficking.
Commission on voter fraud. Commission for opioids addiction.
Unemployment lowest since May 2007. Black College University initiative.
Reversed Dodd-Frank. Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken
power away from local governments for infrastructure planning. Giving companies greater
incentives to stay in America. Cutting regulations - two for every one created. Review of all
trade agreements to make sure they are America First. Highest manufacturing surge
in 3 years. $78 Billion promised reinvestment from major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank,
Toyota... $700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation. Saved $22 million by reducing white house payroll. Department
of Treasury reports a $182 billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history.)
Negotiated the release of 6 US humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt. Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years. Signed an Executive
Order To Promote Energy Independence And Economic Growth. Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into
people's lives rather than raise it than any President in the history of America. Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legis-
lation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman. Has given head executive of each branches 6 month time frame
dated March 15 2017, to trim the fat, restructure and improve efficiency of their branch. What’s the difference between Presidents Trump
and Obama?

Approximately $1 Trillion!

President Obama increased the US debt in his first 6 months by $1 Trillion more than President Trump! As of March, President Trump had decreased the US Debt since his inauguration by a -$103 Billion.

In light of all that and much more, it takes adamantine ignorance and Ostrichian selective BLINDNESS to even suggest that Trump has lost or lied.


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Trump told the Democrats he'd do a DACA deal if he got the16 Billion for the wall. Then this half baked committee of pansies march in to the White House and offer 1.6 Billion in "border defense" in exchange for amnesty.

Now everyone is feigning outrage and calling Trump a racist for stating the truth and asking a question.

You had your chance, libtardos. The Senate doesn't have the votes to override a veto and without Congressional action Trump doesn't have to do a thing from this point on to start deporting the Dreamers.

Now the Democrats are planning a Censure Resolution. Go ahead, Trump won the Presidency mainly on the economy and border security and your fake outrage will ensure he is elected again.

Good job, Trump. Let the petunias rail.
Dreamers are staying. 86% of Americans want them to and I don’t think even Trump is stupid enough to piss off that many people..
Trump told the Democrats he'd do a DACA deal if he got the16 Billion for the wall. Then this half baked committee of pansies march in to the White House and offer 1.6 Billion in "border defense" in exchange for amnesty.

Now everyone is feigning outrage and calling Trump a racist for stating the truth and asking a question.

You had your chance, libtardos. The Senate doesn't have the votes to override a veto and without Congressional action Trump doesn't have to do a thing from this point on to start deporting the Dreamers.

Now the Democrats are planning a Censure Resolution. Go ahead, Trump won the Presidency mainly on the economy and border security and your fake outrage will ensure he is elected again.

Good job, Trump. Let the petunias rail.
Dreamers are staying. 86% of Americans want them to and I don’t think even Trump is stupid enough to piss off that many people..
If 86% of Americans wanted these illegals, Trump would never have been elected. We want them gone. Pack up and go.
Trump told the Democrats he'd do a DACA deal if he got the16 Billion for the wall. Then this half baked committee of pansies march in to the White House and offer 1.6 Billion in "border defense" in exchange for amnesty.

Now everyone is feigning outrage and calling Trump a racist for stating the truth and asking a question.

You had your chance, libtardos. The Senate doesn't have the votes to override a veto and without Congressional action Trump doesn't have to do a thing from this point on to start deporting the Dreamers.

Now the Democrats are planning a Censure Resolution. Go ahead, Trump won the Presidency mainly on the economy and border security and your fake outrage will ensure he is elected again.

Good job, Trump. Let the petunias rail.
What a gift for democrats, kids being deported and families broken up because the GOP can't get it's act together to pass legislation that has strong public support. More and more it's looking like democrats really have a chance of winning the House this year.
DACA is more forgiving the parents misdeeds than anything else. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. Most of our forefathers did. So I am not feeling their supposed "pain".
DACA is more forgiving the parents misdeeds than anything else. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. Most of our forefathers did. So I am not feeling their supposed "pain".
Punishing children for the sins of the parents, sound about right for repubs.
My great grand parents immigrated here legally. Suffered and came here through Ellis Island legally, they didn't use their suffering as a crutch to ignore laws and sneak in or as an excuse...sorry, it is what it IS.
I AM A DREAMER, TOO .MLK day is coming up here. I Dream people will respect this culture and acclimate. i have dreams, too.
DACA is more forgiving the parents misdeeds than anything else. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. Most of our forefathers did. So I am not feeling their supposed "pain".
Punishing children for the sins of the parents, sound about right for repubs.
It's their parents fault. Using them as human shields is unforgivable.

Which is why Trump is fighting Chain Immigration and why the Dems want to
hang onto it.

The Dems try to dupe the public by whining that we'll take those kids
(well, most are not kids anymore) away from their parents.

They just forget to tell everybody that their parents are here illegally, also.

If we don't get a deal on chain immigration, then if the Dreamers
stay the dems will argue that their two million fucking parents
have to stay also.

I vote that we do not separate the parents from the children. We should
immediately deport everyone of their fucking worthless illegal asses.
I have mixed feelings on DACA. Kids shouldn't sufferer because of their parents. But they shouldn't profit from them either.
I'm convinced now more than ever, we need to divide into 2 or more countries or have a revolution.

I thought it may have been possible for Trump to turn things around, but I don't think so anymore.
Fox just had a segment on about a so called dreamer.
She was brought here by her mother at 10 years of age. So she does know another country.
She graduated from h.s., graduated from college, and has a job in a posh Dallas office building.
She has a family with children.

My question is how can she accomplish all these things without vast amount of people committing crimes for her.
The answer, she can't.

Why should we have to live among all these criminals?

Yup, I'm sure all 700,000 others are just like them or get them all out.
DACA is more forgiving the parents misdeeds than anything else. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. Most of our forefathers did. So I am not feeling their supposed "pain".
Punishing children for the sins of the parents, sound about right for repubs.
It's their parents fault. Using them as human shields is unforgivable.
I agree but it is not the fault of the children and they should not be held responsible for their parents misdeeds. That is just plain wrong.
DACA is more forgiving the parents misdeeds than anything else. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. Most of our forefathers did. So I am not feeling their supposed "pain".
Punishing children for the sins of the parents, sound about right for repubs.
It's their parents fault. Using them as human shields is unforgivable.
I agree but it is not the fault of the children and they should not be held responsible for their parents misdeeds. That is just plain wrong.

Great, everyone agrees, send the whole family back....wouldn't want to break up the family.

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