Good Bye, Dreamers

DACA is more forgiving the parents misdeeds than anything else. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. Most of our forefathers did. So I am not feeling their supposed "pain".
Punishing children for the sins of the parents, sound about right for repubs.
It's their parents fault. Using them as human shields is unforgivable.
I agree but it is not the fault of the children and they should not be held responsible for their parents misdeeds. That is just plain wrong.

Great, everyone agrees, send the whole family back....wouldn't want to break up the family.
I doubt Senate republicans with a one vote majority will go against the wishes of the majority of Americans in an election year.
DACA is more forgiving the parents misdeeds than anything else. My great grandparents immigrated here legally. Most of our forefathers did. So I am not feeling their supposed "pain".
Punishing children for the sins of the parents, sound about right for repubs.
It's their parents fault. Using them as human shields is unforgivable.
I agree but it is not the fault of the children and they should not be held responsible for their parents misdeeds. That is just plain wrong.

Great, everyone agrees, send the whole family back....wouldn't want to break up the family.
I doubt Senate republicans with a one vote majority will go against the wishes of the majority of Americans in an election year.

I really don't feel many Americans will be happy with Democrats holding our military hostage while trying to protect illegals.
Punishing children for the sins of the parents, sound about right for repubs.
It's their parents fault. Using them as human shields is unforgivable.
I agree but it is not the fault of the children and they should not be held responsible for their parents misdeeds. That is just plain wrong.

Great, everyone agrees, send the whole family back....wouldn't want to break up the family.
I doubt Senate republicans with a one vote majority will go against the wishes of the majority of Americans in an election year.

I really don't feel many Americans will be happy with Democrats holding our military hostage while trying to protect illegals.
According to Fox, a record-high 83 percent of voters support setting up a system for all illegal immigrants who are currently working in the country to become legal residents, up nine points since last year and a whopping 86% favor DACA. Although the Senate could reach a deal on DACA and prevent a government shutdown, Trump won't say what kind of bill he would sign, thus we will likely have a government shutdown because the clown in the White House is providing zero leadership to congress as usually.

BTW The military continues to function during a government shutdown. Employees who are performing emergency work involving the safety of human life or the protection of property remain on their jobs during a shutdown and this includes activity duty US military personnel. Unless Trump decides he's going to shutdown the military, it will continue to function.
Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants
I'm convinced now more than ever, we need to divide into 2 or more countries or have a revolution.

I thought it may have been possible for Trump to turn things around, but I don't think so anymore.
Fox just had a segment on about a so called dreamer.
She was brought here by her mother at 10 years of age. So she does know another country.
She graduated from h.s., graduated from college, and has a job in a posh Dallas office building.
She has a family with children.

My question is how can she accomplish all these things without vast amount of people committing crimes for her.
The answer, she can't.

Why should we have to live among all these criminals?

But she has committed no crime at all and is a productive, tax paying member of society.

How does America gain anything from deporting her?

That nice job that she has - that would go to an American. That house she lives in - that would be sold to an American. Who did she victimize by stealing their identity so that she would be able to get all these things she is so happy to have? That victim would have her life back.
There's no such thing as an "illegal immigrant."

By definition, an immigrant is someone who comes here LEGALLY.

Someone who comes here illegally is an illegal.
I am a dreamer. I dream people aren't cynical manipulative liars.I dream we hold all people to the same standards. I dream we don't allow illegal aliens to leverage their children. Their ideal of dreamer is more a desperate afterthought of schemers, not of "dreamers".

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