GOP Congress Plans To Deal With ISIS

Let's start with a very simple question.

Should we put boots on the ground to fight ISIS and/or Assad?

I'll give the cowards their cue by informing that Boehner said at the end of September we should put boots on the ground to fight ISIS.

So go on record now as to whether or not we should. This way, if something bad happens, you can stand up and say your idea was a good one or a bad one.

See, that's what courage is. Laying yourself out there to possibly be wrong about something instead of never committing to anything and just being a hack trying to find a way to blame someone else every time something bad in the world happens somewhere.

If Obama and Congress (via AUMF) put boots on the ground, and something bad happens, it will be, "He shouldn'a put no boots on the ground!" Obama will get the blame, while Congress will go unmentioned. If things go well, Congress will get the credit.

That's what the cowards will do. You know they will.
So if Boehner is making statements wtf are you complaining about? Just to complain?

We will not win this war by bombing. That was obvious to everyone but Obama and his claque on this board. Even the generals are saying we need boots on the ground.
The first thing that need to happen is for Obama to shut the fuck up, give his generals clear directives as to the goals, and let them do it. But he wont.
Simple question for you: Should we put boots on the ground?
Only if we are committed to winning a war. If we are going to commit troops it shouldbt be with a bunch of restrictions that make it all but impossible to fight and win.
You haven't even touched the subject.
You havent answered the question as to where Congress' authority over foreign affairs comes from. Despite many many requests. Do you even understand the question?

Read the Constitution some time, not that it would help you. The President's foreign policy options don't include military action against a sovereign nation without Congressional approval.
So you support impeaching Obama?
But at least you're getting around to the idea tht Congress does not set foreign policy.

So then you evidently have no idea what the Constitution says. That really is surprising.
Actually I have no idea what you are saying. Sometimes you criticize the GOP in Congress for not directing foreign affairs, even though you can't produce a cite saying that is their responsibilty. Sometimes you think the president cant take miliary action without Congress' vote. Sometimes you think the president doesnt need Congress' vote to take action.
Basically your view appears to be:

Republicans bad? Democrats good? OK.......if you say so.

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