GOP farm bill is a disaster! cuts 23 billion dollars in food assistance to low income children

Republicans don't starve anybody--irresponsible parents do.

Let me guess, you're "pro-life"?

I don't have a position on that. And what difference would it make anyhow?

LOL, you don't have a position on abortion? You're not even a good liar.

I don't want to speak for my friend Ray but it is my responsibility as a human being to stop you from killing your child but it is not my responsibility to feed your child because you are too sorry to do it yourself.
Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
When someone is an adult and able to fend for themselves, that's a perfectly reasonable conversation to have.

But when we're talking about a kid, a child who has absolutely zero (0) control over their situation (past or present), that's something entirely different.

So when a libertarian/conservative standard is applied to them, it shows little fundamental humanity.

Will your political opponents jump on that? Of course. But in that case, it's perfectly understandable.
The fundamental libertarian argument is that it's not the government's job to make sure you've got something to eat, adult or child. Call it cold-hearted if you want, but taking someone's money forcibly through taxes to give to someone else is still theft. Saying someone therefore doesn't care about children because they don't support governmental theft is disingenuous. They're two separate issues entirely.

A libertarian would ask "is feeding needy children something that's important and something that people would give money to and/or do directly themselves? Yes? Then why does government need to take a cut in this transaction?" Claiming that government has to do it is exactly the problem because it helps to make people charitably complacent.
Yes, it's cold-hearted.

As I said, it's a perfectly reasonable conversation for adults, but not for kids. They are not hungry or under-nourished because they are complacent or lazy or freeloaders. THEY'RE JUST KIDS.

I can't believe I even have to say this.
Let me guess, you're "pro-life"?

I don't have a position on that. And what difference would it make anyhow?

LOL, you don't have a position on abortion? You're not even a good liar.

I don't want to speak for my friend Ray but it is my responsibility as a human being to stop you from killing your child but it is not my responsibility to feed your child because you are too sorry to do it yourself.
Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.
Yes, it's cold-hearted.

As I said, it's a perfectly reasonable conversation for adults, but not for kids. They are not hungry or under-nourished because they are complacent or lazy or freeloaders. THEY'RE JUST KIDS.

I can't believe I even have to say this.
And i'm saying that private charities would help to take care of them in the absence of government compelled charity, not that kids aren't deserving of help.
I don't have a position on that. And what difference would it make anyhow?

LOL, you don't have a position on abortion? You're not even a good liar.

I don't want to speak for my friend Ray but it is my responsibility as a human being to stop you from killing your child but it is not my responsibility to feed your child because you are too sorry to do it yourself.
Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.

If you don't want your children to starve then buy them food.
If your big emphasis is on the word "truly" and those that "need" help, explain why corporations need help with subsidies?
Explain that one away then you can TRULY use the word "truly".

This is one of the many issues on which fundamentalist libertarian thinking makes people look just awful.

As a society, we make decisions on who we should help as a group. Children who are poor and undernourished through no fault of their own would be an example.

So we help. Even if the help isn't perfectly efficient. Even if systems don't always work the way they should. We just do it.

One of the many nasty symptoms of commitment to an ideology is an intellectual paralysis that robs the afflicted of a connection with fundamental human nature.

It's the attitude of "we just help no questions asked" is how so many came to easily abuse these programs. Then when the discussion comes up, it's always the dichotomy between those who are against the abusers and those who are for helping the real poor.

Most of the states that cut down their food stamp role did so with people who didn't even have children. In states like Maine, they created requirements that made most people drop out of the program and not one child harmed.

So this joker brings up children when it's likely that states who see a reduction in their grants will not even include children. It's just a way to tug at the hearts of Americans so they get their way.
That's one of the problems with the ends of the spectrum - we just knee-jerk to or against virtually every issue, not listening to, considering, or giving an inch to the other side.

We should be better than this, don't you think? Who is the first to be the adult in the room?

Here is the problem:

We on the right are all for helping out the truly needy. But I stress the word "truly." We would like to see people get off of welfare instead of on.

On the left, the more government dependents, the better; the more likely Democrat voters. So they have no interest in getting people off of these programs. When they get in power, let anybody who wants to get on these programs get on them.

So when we talk about the so-called poor, we are talking about a mixture of people who need assistance and people who are on assistance because they got on so easily and really don't need it.

The solution to the problem of course would be if we only put the truly need on them, but Democrats would never go for that. It works against their political goals.
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LOL, you don't have a position on abortion? You're not even a good liar.

I don't want to speak for my friend Ray but it is my responsibility as a human being to stop you from killing your child but it is not my responsibility to feed your child because you are too sorry to do it yourself.
Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.

If you don't want your children to starve then buy them food.
Yes, I hear what you are saying. "Once they are born they can starve for all we care". You come through loud and clear.
This is group always claiming the moral high ground and always........always......... saying someone, especially "the peemeister" and his ilk are innocent until proven guilty.
But the teabagging crowd loves passing judgement.
And they do it without conviction.

I don't want to speak for my friend Ray but it is my responsibility as a human being to stop you from killing your child but it is not my responsibility to feed your child because you are too sorry to do it yourself.
Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.

If you don't want your children to starve then buy them food.
Yes, I hear what you are saying. "Once they are born they can starve for all we care". You come through loud and clear.
Childhood hunger is a big problem in this country, often the meal at school is the biggest and best meal that many kids get all day.

I volunteer with a food bank/soup kitchen and there are far more children suffering than people are allowed to admit thanks to their partisanship.
Did you know that the vast majority of human evolution has occurred without agriculture? Without ready access to food whenever one wanted it? The human body is designed to be able to go for days, even weeks without eating. The concept of breakfast, lunch and dinner was created by people who saw it as more civilized than simply eating when you felt hungry. "Hunger" is a pure physiological bodily response. It occurs when your body secretes a hormone called ghrelin which prepares your body for the intake of food. If a fat guy skips a meal and is really hungry because of it, it's not because he's going to starve: it's because his body is just used to getting food at that time and therefore is preparing itself for the intake of food. I would know: i'm not the skinniest guy and i've got quite a bit healthier by skipping a meal every day. I'm not hungry until lunch-time anymore cause my body knows it's not going to get any food until then, and sometimes not even at that time.

No, i don't want kids to starve. My only point is that this idea of "hunger" as a justification for governmental theft is a logical fallacy. It assumes that both kids will starve and die without the government and that people wouldn't want to and indeed help in the absence of government. It's just not true.

Interesting that you care about governmental theft to feed kids but do not give a shit about it to pay for invading countries that are no threat to the US or do not care about such theft to pay for missiles being lobbed into countries for no good reason.

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When I was growing up it was school bullies that went after kids’ lunch money, it wasn’t the Congress. This is shameful.

Farm subsidies do not feed poor children. You are delusional

In fact Trump is ending subsidies that pay farmers not to grow food

got that kiddy

Hey genius, SNAP is part of the farm bill as are other food assistance programs both foreign and domestic.

Fact the farm bill pays farmers not to farm food.

now grow up kid

how is your stock portfolio doing by the way

The Farm Bill does about 100 more things than that

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But you agree that paying farmers not to farm I dumb.. Or can kids be fed by food not grown?

give up trump wins
I don't want to speak for my friend Ray but it is my responsibility as a human being to stop you from killing your child but it is not my responsibility to feed your child because you are too sorry to do it yourself.
Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.

If you don't want your children to starve then buy them food.
Yes, I hear what you are saying. "Once they are born they can starve for all we care". You come through loud and clear.

You are confused Moon Bat.

It is your responsibility to provide for the welfare of your children, not mine.

Since you seem to be a stupid Moon Bat with serious comprehension skills then I will have to explain it more to you.

If I am walking down the beach and see a child drowning it is my responsibility to save that child's life.

However, after saving the child's life it is not my responsibility to provide food, housing and health care for the child for the rest of its life.

Understand now or do you need more education?
When I was growing up it was school bullies that went after kids’ lunch money, it wasn’t the Congress. This is shameful.

Farm subsidies do not feed poor children. You are delusional

In fact Trump is ending subsidies that pay farmers not to grow food

got that kiddy

try and pretend the farm bill is not a stand alone bill ..

the food program in the bill also effects low-income working families, children, seniors, people with disabilities and veterans.

got that kiddy

The farm bill pays farmers not to farm.....

debunk me dork, and explain how farmers not farming feeds people

obviously the content of the bill totally escapes you.

youre dismissed

lol the kid with no education who burned their own college babbles.... you smash any cars today kid
This is group always claiming the moral high ground and always........always......... saying someone, especially "the peemeister" and his ilk are innocent until proven guilty.
But the teabagging crowd loves passing judgement.
And they do it without conviction.

Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.

If you don't want your children to starve then buy them food.
Yes, I hear what you are saying. "Once they are born they can starve for all we care". You come through loud and clear.

Damn Straight!

Fuck welfare Moon Bat.
Interesting that you care about governmental theft to feed kids but do not give a shit about it to pay for invading countries that are no threat to the US or do not care about such theft to pay for missiles being lobbed into countries for no good reason.
Where did you get that from? Are you making an assumption here?
It's the conservative conundrum on children:

Abortion is murder, but once they are born let the little bastards starve.

Republicans don't starve anybody--irresponsible parents do.

Let me guess, you're "pro-life"?

I don't have a position on that. And what difference would it make anyhow?

LOL, you don't have a position on abortion? You're not even a good liar.

I don't want to speak for my friend Ray but it is my responsibility as a human being to stop you from killing your child but it is not my responsibility to feed your child because you are too sorry to do it yourself.

So, it is your responsibility to stop a baby in the womb from being killed but once it is born it is not your responsibility to keep it from starving.

How convenient for you, one requires no effort at all on your part

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When I was growing up it was school bullies that went after kids’ lunch money, it wasn’t the Congress. This is shameful.

Farm subsidies do not feed poor children. You are delusional

In fact Trump is ending subsidies that pay farmers not to grow food

got that kiddy

Hey genius, SNAP is part of the farm bill as are other food assistance programs both foreign and domestic.

Fact the farm bill pays farmers not to farm food.

now grow up kid

how is your stock portfolio doing by the way

Educate yourself. Come back when you can talk intelligently on the subject.

Have a nice day.

You come back when you can answer why the farm bill that trump is fixing can feed people by paying farmers not to grow food
Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.

If you don't want your children to starve then buy them food.
Yes, I hear what you are saying. "Once they are born they can starve for all we care". You come through loud and clear.

You are confused Moon Bat.

It is your responsibility to provide for the welfare of your children, not mine.

Since you seem to be a stupid Moon Bat with serious comprehension skills then I will have to explain it more to you.

If I am walking down the beach and see a child drowning it is my responsibility to save that child's life.

However, after saving the child's life it is not my responsibility to provide food, housing and health care for the child for the rest of its life.

Understand now or do you need more education?
Read you loud and clear. "Once they are born we don't care if they starve or not". Got it. Not sure why you keep repeating it.
I don't want to speak for my friend Ray but it is my responsibility as a human being to stop you from killing your child but it is not my responsibility to feed your child because you are too sorry to do it yourself.
Right, once they are born let the little bastards starve.

It is not my responsibility to provide welfare for your children. That is your responsibility.
Exactly. Once they are born just let the little bastards starve.

If you don't want your children to starve then buy them food.
Yes, I hear what you are saying. "Once they are born they can starve for all we care". You come through loud and clear.

an aborted fetus only lasts for a few minutes - a starving kid can last a couple of weeks. Conservative Christians want to get their moneys worth !
When I was growing up it was school bullies that went after kids’ lunch money, it wasn’t the Congress. This is shameful.

Farm subsidies do not feed poor children. You are delusional

In fact Trump is ending subsidies that pay farmers not to grow food

got that kiddy

Hey genius, SNAP is part of the farm bill as are other food assistance programs both foreign and domestic.

Fact the farm bill pays farmers not to farm food.

now grow up kid

how is your stock portfolio doing by the way

Educate yourself. Come back when you can talk intelligently on the subject.

Have a nice day.

You come back when you can answer why the farm bill that trump is fixing can feed people by paying farmers not to grow food

You're early, you obviously haven't followed my instructions. Get to work.

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