GOP may "leverage" debt ceiling against de-funding Obamacare

This past week the TPM had a major rally at our community shopping mall. The purpose was to motivate people to defund ACA. I did not go, but I suspect that it was a big success. Our community is 97% white retirees. You can not even live here if you are under 55, and there are no jobs within 35 miles. So, once again, I find even more irony in that the enthusuastic supporters of "Stop Obamacare", are Medicare insureds.
Of course Democrats voted for the spending bills - and they believe Congress must pay these bills .... unlike Republicans.

Yes. But they screwed up, and took us over the debt limit. Time to face the music.

The time to worry about a debt limit is before Republicans vote to spend the money - not after the Conductors is playing that old song we hate so much: "Time has come to pay the bills"

WTF is wrong with you? both parties are responsible for the fiscal mess. the repubs are trying to fix it while the dems just keep making it worse.
Of course Democrats voted for the spending bills - and they believe Congress must pay these bills .... unlike Republicans.

Yes. But they screwed up, and took us over the debt limit. Time to face the music.

The time to worry about a debt limit is before Republicans vote to spend the money - not after the Conductors is playing that old song we hate so much: "Time has come to pay the bills"

It's worth addressing at any time. The point is to live within our means. The debt ceiling is law. We should follow it, or repeal it. Deferring it indefinitely is a copout.
a majority of americans want ACA repealed or changed. Exactly what is wrong with doing what the majority wants?

59% want ACA as is or stronger.

35% oppose ACA.

House Republicans have 80 of 245 votes to defund or shut down Government.

Do the math - 35%

Fair eh?
The time to worry about a debt limit is before Republicans vote to spend the money - not after the Conductor is playing that old song we hate so much: "Time has come to pay the bills"

Imagine what these tea baggers' credit reports look like!!
a majority of americans want ACA repealed or changed. Exactly what is wrong with doing what the majority wants?

59% want ACA as is or stronger.

35% oppose ACA.

House Republicans have 80 of 245 votes to defund or shut down Government.

Do the math - 35%

Fair eh?

you may be right, we may be stuck with obamacare.

don't come bitching when some ignorant GS7 denies your knee replacement or your liver transplant. you silly fools don't have any idea what this is going to mean to YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

Ignorance rules supreme on the left-------really really sad.
a majority of americans want ACA repealed or changed. Exactly what is wrong with doing what the majority wants?

59% want ACA as is or stronger.

35% oppose ACA.

House Republicans have 80 of 245 votes to defund or shut down Government.

Do the math - 35%

Fair eh?

Ok, so let's take that at face value (though I have seen different numbers). We're talking about a law that makes fundamental changes to our government, our society, all our lives. Shouldn't there be real consensus before moving forward? Even if you can legally ram it through, how do you think the law will fare with so many people so bitterly opposed to it? Do you think that kind of thing is good for the nation?
Our community is 97% white retirees

Who have Medicare and Social Security.

They should not vote for or against ACA because it means nothing to them.

Let the younger folk have a chance at the World's most expensive health care system.
The time to worry about a debt limit is before Republicans vote to spend the money - not after the Conductor is playing that old song we hate so much: "Time has come to pay the bills"

Imagine what these tea baggers' credit reports look like!!

probably much better than anyone in OWS, NAACP, Acorn, huff puff, and anyone who watches MSNBC.

once again, no one is saying, don't pay the bills. they are simply saying, stop spending more than we have.

BTW, are you aware that we are only paying the interest on the national debt? we are paying nothing on the principal-----is that what they teach in Econ 101?
a majority of americans want ACA repealed or changed. Exactly what is wrong with doing what the majority wants?

59% want ACA as is or stronger.

35% oppose ACA.

House Republicans have 80 of 245 votes to defund or shut down Government.

Do the math - 35%

Fair eh?

Ok, so let's take that at face value (though I have seen different numbers). We're talking about a law that makes fundamental changes to our government, our society, all our lives. Shouldn't there be real consensus before moving forward? Even if you can legally ram it through, how do you think the law will fare with so many people so bitterly opposed to it? Do you think that kind of thing is good for the nation?

its a waste of time to use logic with liberals, their defective genes block logical thought.

Ask them why, if ACA is to wonderful why is congress and the administration exempt? why are the unions opposed to it? why have obama supporters been given exemptions?

Its good for us, but not for them :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::mad:
once again, no one is saying, don't pay the bills. they are simply saying, stop spending more than we have.

Once again, have your Representative vote AGAINST the spending, not FOR running on their obligations.
once again, no one is saying, don't pay the bills. they are simply saying, stop spending more than we have.

Once again, have your Representative vote AGAINST the spending, not FOR running on their obligations.

Mine already do. Except for our idiot senator Landrieu who will be replaced next year.
don't come bitching when some ignorant GS7 denies your knee replacement or your liver transplant

Some Indian-type in Bangladesh does this today for United Health and Met Life.....

Actually, having been in the health insurance business for 50 years, I can tell you that this is not done by somebody in Bangladesh. If your doctor's request for preauthorization does not name your insurance company, the pre-authorization is simply denied by a computer.
Shouldn't there be real consensus before moving forward?

We had a Congressional consensus for ACA, and we have a popular consensus for ACA.

ACA is the law of the land, and you should help implement it in your community.
Shouldn't there be real consensus before moving forward?

We had a Congressional consensus for ACA, and we have a popular consensus for ACA.

ACA is the law of the land, and you should help implement it in your community.

newbie liar?

we DID NOT have a consensus on obamatax in Congress and neither do we in the general population.

The majority opposes obamatax and the opposition is steady

Health Tracking Poll: Exploring the Public?s Views on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
don't come bitching when some ignorant GS7 denies your knee replacement or your liver transplant

Some Indian-type in Bangladesh does this today for United Health and Met Life.....

Actually, having been in the health insurance business for 50 years, I can tell you that this is not done by somebody in Bangladesh. If your doctor's request for preauthorization does not name your insurance company, the pre-authorization is simply denied by a computer.

A figure of speech to dumb down the idea of "some ignorant GS7"

As you must know, most health claims are processed by third parties, many with overseas operations.

It is splitting hairs and of no value to discuss where a health claim is denied by Private Insurance for lack of medical necessity - because the Company sets the rules for claims examiners - in Bangladesh or Boston.
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Some Indian-type in Bangladesh does this today for United Health and Met Life.....

Actually, having been in the health insurance business for 50 years, I can tell you that this is not done by somebody in Bangladesh. If your doctor's request for preauthorization does not name your insurance company, the pre-authorization is simply denied by a computer.

A figure of speech to dumb down the idea of "some ignorant GS7"

As you must know, most health claims are processed by third parties, many with overseas operations.

It is splitting hairs and of no value to discuss where a health claim is denied by Private Insurance for lack of medical necessity because the Company sets the rules for claims examiners - in Bangladesh or Boston.

stop lying :lol:

it is not huffpost site

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