GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!

Some words have more than one meaning.
View attachment 642781
A picture with no link?
Try this, fool:
Until, Till, 'Til, or 'Till?
’Till is entirely shunned by the writers of usage guides, when they see fit to mention it at all. Bryan Garner, in his Modern American Usage, refers to it as “abominable,” which is rather polite when compared to Harper’s Dictionary of Contemporary Usage, which says “the formation ’till is a bastard word and is substandard.”
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BS that's what the right wing wants you to believe. They can't take it to court because you need proof in court. So they pedal this bullshit in documentaries where you don't have a opposite facts to argue the case in front of you. So you buy the line hook line and sinker.
This is the reason.
/-----/ " why you can't go to court and have it hold up in court."
Courts rejected the cases without even considering the evidence. They didn't want to get accused of deciding who the winner was. Remember the Left's attack on the USSC in 2000? And the libtard chant: "Count all da votes - Gore winds."
As far as I know, none of Trump's lawsuits involved accusations of election fraud. They were all about election procedures, e.g., did the governor have the authority to change the mail in voting requirements in light of COVID.
As far as I know, none of Trump's lawsuits involved accusations of election fraud. They were all about election procedures, e.g., did the governor have the authority to change the mail in voting requirements in light of COVID.
No rust pushed and so did the lawsuits against right wing media sources pushing the loony right wing lawyers lines and Mike lindel the pillow talk guy all the evidence they could muster. Which wasn't much all got thrown out of court by trump appointed judges.

Rudy even said in court when he got the hearing he had no proof.

And when he went in front of the bar in his hearing about getting disbarred he said he got his voter fraud infor action off of Facebook for Pete's sake.
So here is something to think about.

If the voting machines were tampered with or hacked their wouldn't be a paper trail and the hand count by cyber ninjas found more Biden votes. The voting machines don't make paper ballots when hacked.

The hand count proves their was no hacking of the machines.
Like I said more than one definition, fool.
You can make up shit all you'd like, fool, but you're only making yourself look like an uneducated idiot.
Why don't you link to your "definition" like I did to Merriam-Webster?
Learn to use commas, too.
Fucking clown.
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You rightist keep trying to prove something you can not. You are scum and keep trying to prove something that didn't happen. 😂😂😂 You guys are funny though. Scum but entertaining.
They don't actually believe their own shit. They just can't admit being wrong under any circumstance

The right-wing cable network One America News Network on Monday ran a pre-recorded 30-second segment acknowledging that there was “no widespread voter fraud” by Georgia election workers in the 2020 presidential election. The segment appears to be part of a recent settlement relating to a defamation lawsuit brought against the network by two such workers.

The segment notes that an investigation by state officials into unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud made by ex-President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani turned up nothing. “The results of this investigation indicate that Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ‘Shaye’ Moss did not engage in ballot fraud or criminal misconduct,” a narrator states.

I am so happy to see the right-wing news networks finally coming out and publically saying "This did not happen, it is time to move on". Especially right before the midterms. About time this was said, now we as a country can move on. Thoughts?

They are merely quoting the sham Georgia "investigation" and saying there was a settlement. That is not an "admission" as the leftists breathlessly proclaim. Ruby ran stacks of ballots through the counting machine three times, something that should never happen according to people who worked those machines. You can see it with your own eyes so stop gaslighting.

BS that's what the right wing wants you to believe. They can't take it to court because you need proof in court. So they pedal this bullshit in documentaries where you don't have a opposite facts to argue the case in front of you. So you buy the line hook line and sinker.
Yep. It's been that way from Day One, from The Kraken Broad to Dripping Rudy to the Pillow Guy to today.

Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General all disagree.

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