GOP Network "OAN" Forced to Admit: No Widespread Fraud in 2020! It's Over!

You are a joke. A bad one. The OP is just more propaganda pushed out by the left, and sucked up by the mindless masses.
Propaganda that they admitted no fraud exists? Why would a company with an economic model that requires right wing support admit there was no fraud?

Hint: cuz there was none and they know it.
Propaganda that they admitted no fraud exists? Why would a company with an economic model that requires right wing support admit there was no fraud?

Hint: cuz there was none and they know it.
That's not at all what it said. The observation was limited to a tiny part of the system. If your house was flooded but the bath tub survived the insurance man could say " there was no widespread flooding in the bath tub".... Doesn't mean anything nor does that statement in the article.
BS that's what the right wing wants you to believe. They can't take it to court because you need proof in court. So they pedal this bullshit in documentaries where you don't have a opposite facts to argue the case in front of you. So you buy the line hook line and sinker.
I don't care. I don't give a shit. Why do you? What OAN or anyone else believes is irrelevant. Biden won and has been president for over a year. Why do you feel that has to be proven? Why can't you accept the fact that Biden won?

The right-wing cable network One America News Network on Monday ran a pre-recorded 30-second segment acknowledging that there was “no widespread voter fraud” by Georgia election workers in the 2020 presidential election. The segment appears to be part of a recent settlement relating to a defamation lawsuit brought against the network by two such workers.

The segment notes that an investigation by state officials into unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud made by ex-President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani turned up nothing. “The results of this investigation indicate that Ruby Freeman and Wandrea ‘Shaye’ Moss did not engage in ballot fraud or criminal misconduct,” a narrator states.

I am so happy to see the right-wing news networks finally coming out and publically saying "This did not happen, it is time to move on". Especially right before the midterms. About time this was said, now we as a country can move on. Thoughts?
But...but... 2000 Mules!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Anyone who has concern for our open democracy, thats who.

When people lose faith in the democratic process they take to violence and Jan 6th was just the preview of where this could head.

You SHOULD care very much about this instead of sticking your head in the sand.
I have lost faith in the democratic process because democrats are trying to take everyone's rights away and take full control. That concerns me greatly. They have gone after Trump, MT Green, and others trying to stop them from running in elections because they are afraid of the voter's wishes. They want to suppress the votes of voters who want to vote for these people.
I have lost faith in the democratic process because democrats are trying to take everyone's rights away and take full control. That concerns me greatly. They have gone after Trump, MT Green, and others trying to stop them from running in elections because they are afraid of the voter's wishes. They want to suppress the votes of voters who want to vote for these people.
We "want" to suppress the votes? According to you dingbats, we, Dems, already have.

Try to keep up with the trumptard program. :itsok:
They are not coming out saying it they are blackmailed !!! Wake up!!!
In other words, trumptards are pussies? They just curl up when confronted? Yup that sounds about right!
We "want" to suppress the votes? According to you dingbats, we, Dems, already have.

Try to keep up with the trumptard program. :itsok:
Are you denying that the left has been trying to take out Trump, Greene, and others so that voters will be unable to vote for them? That is vote suppression and trying to bypass democracy.
Lawsuit settlement?! So you mean to tell me that a COURT OF LAW, forced them to do it? As in, a branch of government?!

Why is the government telling a news company what to say? The Biden regime totalitarians are traitors against the free people of the country!

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That should help keep the stupid at bay for a few hours.
It was a civil lawsuit settled out of court & OAN agreed to the settlement terms. Nobody forced them to do anything.

The Gubmint had nothing to do with it.
Are you denying that the left has been trying to take out Trump, Greene, and others so that voters will be unable to vote for them? That is vote suppression and trying to bypass democracy.
Take out as in the way you wingnuts tried to catch and hang Pence for daring to go against the Fuhrer? That type of "take out"?

Or do you mean not allowing Rump and Greene to run in the elections? Do you really think Dems have that much power?

If you do, then you idiots should just quit. If we, Dems, had so much power, then why the fuck has Greene and the other Repubs won? Your orange douche bag was a loser, but that doesn't mean no other Repubs won. Do you get that? Or is that too much logic for a trumptard to understand? :itsok:
Trump and his supporters live in your heads rent free.
This thread is about OAN, the echo chamber of Rump, conceding. Who else are we going to talk about?

Try to keep up. I know that is hard for trumptards, but do try. :itsok:
I look at ALL the evidence, unlike you sheep who seek out only shit that supports your emotional rants and opinions.
The evidence given to you by The Three Stooges- Trump, The Kraken Lady & Uncle Rudy.
I am so happy to see the right-wing news networks finally coming out and publically saying "This did not happen, it is time to move on".

Hey Ace, if OAN said that, not only are they badly mistaken but then why is it being reported on Yahoo and not the OAN feed itself?
Too bad for you and all you fraud-deniers, but:
  1. The 2000 Mules movie clearly PROVES fraud that would have swung AT LEAST three states to Trump winning him the election, and almost certainly more. You can see that proof right here on USMB too if you just watch the movie (for free even).
  2. The fraud has already been admitted to by both Zuckerberg and Time Magazine per Molly Ball 2/4/21, who even detailed how they did it.
  3. There is circumstantially no chance that the boob Biden who ran no campaign and hid in his basement got 10 million more votes than America's first black president Obama, nor could've beaten Trump who himself gained millions in popularity, got more votes than any other sitting president in history, and gave us one of the safest, best economies in the history of the USA.
  4. If there were any actual PROOF that the fraud claims were both baseless and had been debunked as the Left has claimed 10,000 times which would make a liar and a fool out of Trump instantly, they would have presented it long ago yet cannot produce it even when BEGGED to do so.


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