GOP Plans to Steamroll SCOTUS Nominee Thru


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
GOP plans to steamroll Dems on Supreme Court pick


Of course they plan to fast-track a nominee through, because a) they control all three branches of government now, b) Mitch McConnell does not care how unpopular he is one bit, and c) politics is about winning, not being fair.
Oh the GOP doesn't like to hold up nominees when they have the presidency?
Why would they? That would be counter productive. Surely you’re better versed in politics than to believe anything else was going to happen...?
Why not they did it during Oblama? That wasn't very efficient.
As a Nobel Peace Prize winner once said: “Elections have consequences.”
and you heartily agreed.
Of course they plan to fast-track a nominee through, because a) they control all three branches of government now, b) Mitch McConnell does not care how unpopular he is one bit, and c) politics is about winning, not being fair.
It's also about getting what one wants.
Makes good sense to move the appointments through immediately for several reasons, w man.

The first and most important is to get the seat on court filled, this is an important job and it needs filled.

Second, it will be a lot easier to do it this year as opposed to next.

Democrat Party Senators up for reelection in Trump states aren't going to be in a mood to obstruct when they will be facing the voters shortly.

Guys and dames like Donnelly, Manchin and Heitkamp. They may well vote for the new justice.

I'd like to see Mike Lee be nominated and confirmed as our first LDS justice. This could easily help the President shore up his support with our LDS friends.
The dems will do the same.

The next SCOTUS ratification will depend on five GOP senators.
This is a good thing.

The Republicans rolled over and did nothing when that affirmative action piece of shit Obama nominated those two batshit crazy extreme Left Wing dingbats for the Supreme Court so it is about time they grew some balls.

Elections do have consequences.
Oh the GOP doesn't like to hold up nominees when they have the presidency?
Why would they? That would be counter productive. Surely you’re better versed in politics than to believe anything else was going to happen...?
Why not they did it during Oblama? That wasn't very efficient.
neither was bidens commentary about lame duck presidents. keeps biting him in the ass.

moral of the story... dont make up rules you wont want to have to follow.
The Ds need to block the appointment and are putting serious pressure on senators that are up for reelection this year. I have no idea what the result will be of that but it won't be good for them come 2020. The possible outcomes range from setting up a moderate party to losing big in November with lots of bad news in between.
The Ds need to block the appointment and are putting serious pressure on senators that are up for reelection this year. I have no idea what the result will be of that but it won't be good for them come 2020. The possible outcomes range from setting up a moderate party to losing big in November with lots of bad news in between.
It didn't affect the Republicans when they did it to Oblama in an election year.
The Ds need to block the appointment and are putting serious pressure on senators that are up for reelection this year. I have no idea what the result will be of that but it won't be good for them come 2020. The possible outcomes range from setting up a moderate party to losing big in November with lots of bad news in between.

Do you understand that there are many more Democrat Senate seats up for election this year than Republican? Several of those seats are in states carried by Trump. The Republicans are likely to pick up seats this year.

The best way for a Republican to commit political suicide is to join the filthy Democrats to oppose Trump's SCOTUS nominee. Supreme Court replacement is one of the main reasons Trump got elected. Who in their right mind would want that corrupt asshole Crooked Hillary picking the nominees?

Obama got his two stupid extreme far Left dingbats. Trump gets to put some real Conservatives on the bench and that will help to secure America's liberty.

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