GOP shutdown to harm economy for months


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2013
Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.
Liberals and RINOs bankrupting the US will hurt the economy forever.
oh waaa, but Obama five years of 7.4% umemployment and trillions added to our dept doesn't hurt a DAMN THING

give us a break...everyone isn't stupid and will buy this BS
Let's see if the rightwing reactionaries double down in January.

They are certainly stupid enough to do so.
Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.

You mean the government didn't spend $24 billion during the shutdown?

Hooray! We need a shutdown every week if that's the case.
Let's see if the rightwing reactionaries double down in January.

They are certainly stupid enough to do so.

The problem with them is they wont allow a fair deal. They're greedy....

-25% corporate tax without loop holes
-remove subsidies to oil and coal
-reduce size of defense to 600 billion. "The graph in my thread yesterday shown this." We could easily do it by getting out of nation building in Afghanistan. This also means getting out of south Korea. Remember this is the 21th century so we don't need to risk human beings to kill terrorist...>drones. Why risk men?
-Cap and reinforce the work requirement on welfare programs. Maybe allow people that go to college of some sort the ability to be within the program.

This would do more to stop the debt then anything.
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Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.

Please stop pretending like you care about this, fat ass. You have aided and abetted an administration that has added 50% to our national debt since taking office. You are a fraud.
The problem with them is they wont allow a fair deal. They're greedy....

-25% corporate tax without loop holes
-remove subsidies to oil and coal
-reduce size of defense to 600 billion. "The graph in my thread yesterday shown this." We could easily do it by getting out of nation building in Afghanistan. This also means getting out of south Korea. Remember this is the 21th century so we don't need to risk human beings to kill terrorist...>drones. Why risk men?
-Cap and reinforce the work requirement on welfare programs. Maybe allow people that go to college of some sort the ability to be within the program.

This would do more to stop the debt then anything.

It wouldn't eliminate the debt, but it would be a huge improvement.
Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.

Please stop pretending like you care about this, fat ass. You have aided and abetted an administration that has added 50% to our national debt since taking office. You are a fraud.

I don't care about the debt. I don't think it's a problem. This country has had massive debt almost through its entire history. We've done very well for ourselves despite spending more than we take in for almost the entire history of the country.

The right's concern about the debt is really just concern about social programs that you oppose. That right wants to use debt reduction as a way to cull as many people from government assistance as you can. But because 'stop helping the poor' is a political loser, the Right has to dress it up as 'debt and deficit reduction'. You are the fraud. I see right through you.
Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.


Is that the meme now?

We created even less shitty jobs than the shitty job numbers in the last 9 months because of a 17% gov. shutdown:eusa_hand:

Last I checked the 'powers' that be already had lowered GDP predictions for sub 3% anyway....:eusa_shhh:
Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.

Please stop pretending like you care about this, fat ass. You have aided and abetted an administration that has added 50% to our national debt since taking office. You are a fraud.

I don't care about the debt. I don't think it's a problem. This country has had massive debt almost through its entire history. We've done very well for ourselves despite spending more than we take in for almost the entire history of the country.

The right's concern about the debt is really just concern about social programs that you oppose. That right wants to use debt reduction as a way to cull as many people from government assistance as you can. But because 'stop helping the poor' is a political loser, the Right has to dress it up as 'debt and deficit reduction'. You are the fraud. I see right through you.

If I had known you were this nuts, I would not have bothered in my previous post...keep squirting velvta in your ears.....( has anyone ever told you, it's. "Velveeta" btw:rolleyes:)
The problem with them is they wont allow a fair deal. They're greedy....

-25% corporate tax without loop holes
-remove subsidies to oil and coal
-reduce size of defense to 600 billion. "The graph in my thread yesterday shown this." We could easily do it by getting out of nation building in Afghanistan. This also means getting out of south Korea. Remember this is the 21th century so we don't need to risk human beings to kill terrorist...>drones. Why risk men?
-Cap and reinforce the work requirement on welfare programs. Maybe allow people that go to college of some sort the ability to be within the program.

This would do more to stop the debt then anything.
We wouldn't need to do any of that if we would just add a "Financial Transactions Tax". Tax every financial transaction Wall Street makes. It could be like 3 cents per every $100. What's that, a half a percent?

That would generate enough government revenue to pay off the debt and fund infrastructure projects, which would get American's back to work.

It's time to stop giving the financial sector a free ride.
oh waaa, but Obama five years of 7.4% umemployment and trillions added to our dept doesn't hurt a DAMN THING

give us a break...everyone isn't stupid and will buy this BS

So you don't consider S & P a reliable source of economic news and will pay no attention to its future pronouncements?
oh waaa, but Obama five years of 7.4% umemployment and trillions added to our dept doesn't hurt a DAMN THING

give us a break...everyone isn't stupid and will buy this BS

So you don't consider S & P a reliable source of economic news and will pay no attention to its future pronouncements?

please, we can't be hurt anymore than we already are...where did that that 800 billion (almost a TRILLION) dollar stimulus go, that was suppose to save us and bring unemployment down? how about the new government takeover of INSURANCE scam, ObamaNoCare and the cost of setting that up in a time when our economy was hurting?

and they are wailing over 24 billion dollars because the Guberment shut down..It cost that just to take care of the elected fat idiots in government and all the duplicate agencies on top of agencies

you can believe whatever you want...nobody stopping you
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Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.

Please stop pretending like you care about this, fat ass. You have aided and abetted an administration that has added 50% to our national debt since taking office. You are a fraud.

I don't care about the debt. I don't think it's a problem. This country has had massive debt almost through its entire history. We've done very well for ourselves despite spending more than we take in for almost the entire history of the country.

The right's concern about the debt is really just concern about social programs that you oppose. That right wants to use debt reduction as a way to cull as many people from government assistance as you can. But because 'stop helping the poor' is a political loser, the Right has to dress it up as 'debt and deficit reduction'. You are the fraud. I see right through you.

You forgot the last part, where the "savings" are used to cut taxes on the most wealthy.
Please stop pretending like you care about this, fat ass. You have aided and abetted an administration that has added 50% to our national debt since taking office. You are a fraud.

I don't care about the debt. I don't think it's a problem. This country has had massive debt almost through its entire history. We've done very well for ourselves despite spending more than we take in for almost the entire history of the country.

The right's concern about the debt is really just concern about social programs that you oppose. That right wants to use debt reduction as a way to cull as many people from government assistance as you can. But because 'stop helping the poor' is a political loser, the Right has to dress it up as 'debt and deficit reduction'. You are the fraud. I see right through you.

You forgot the last part, where the "savings" are used to cut taxes on the most wealthy.

we you didn't forget that dnc talking carry on
Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, According to Standard & Poor's |

Here’s How Much The Government Shutdown Cost The Economy

$24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.


Didn't Conservatives do enough harm to the US during the Bush era? The GOP got the blame for the shutdown, and will get the blame for its consequences too.


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