GOP: Wrong for 30 yrs, but rank and file not smart enough to realize it.

Since the GOP has been wrong about everything for the last thirty years, one has to ask why rank and file Republicans keep voting for them? Before answering lets just remember some of our history.

I remember Ronald Reagan saying that he was going to cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget. Now some might say that two out of three isn't bad, but quadrupling the national debt tarnishes the record substantially. (It is ironic that all that deficit spending on military hardware was an excellent economic stimulus leading to robust growth, unfortunately the borrowed money was not invested in things that would lead to long term growth like infra-structure, instead we have a fleet of B-1 bombers aging in hangers and the like.)

I also remember Newt Gingrich proclaiming that if Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich, all the way up to 39% (gasp!) that it would bring on the second Great Depression. Not a single Republican voted for the legislation. We went on to have 22 million jobs created and a balanced budget after eight years.

I'm sure we all remember the GOP led by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld telling us, warning us, scaring us, terrorizing us with the horror of WMD. They led us into an unprevoked war which we will be paying for for years because for the first time in American history we did not tax ourselves to pay for a war. Instead we cut rich peoples' taxes twice.

The list of GOP failures is too numerous to go on about so let's get on with answering the opening question, why do rank and file Republicans keep believing the GOP? Well, one can only conclude that they just are very smart.

Wow.. where to begin:

1) Reagan made a deal with the Democrats where he promised to raise taxes and they promised to cut spending. He kept his end of the deal. They didn't. Shockingly when you spend more and tax more the deficit grows. And now Democrats are absolutely shocked when Republicans wont fall for the same trick again.

2) The Republicans balanced the budget in the 90s. And they did it in alot fewer than 8 years.

3) You seriously don't think 9/11 provoked us?
Since the GOP has been wrong about everything for the last thirty years, one has to ask why rank and file Republicans keep voting for them? Before answering lets just remember some of our history.

I remember Ronald Reagan saying that he was going to cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget. Now some might say that two out of three isn't bad, but quadrupling the national debt tarnishes the record substantially. (It is ironic that all that deficit spending on military hardware was an excellent economic stimulus leading to robust growth, unfortunately the borrowed money was not invested in things that would lead to long term growth like infra-structure, instead we have a fleet of B-1 bombers aging in hangers and the like.)

I also remember Newt Gingrich proclaiming that if Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich, all the way up to 39% (gasp!) that it would bring on the second Great Depression. Not a single Republican voted for the legislation. We went on to have 22 million jobs created and a balanced budget after eight years.

I'm sure we all remember the GOP led by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld telling us, warning us, scaring us, terrorizing us with the horror of WMD. They led us into an unprevoked war which we will be paying for for years because for the first time in American history we did not tax ourselves to pay for a war. Instead we cut rich peoples' taxes twice.

The list of GOP failures is too numerous to go on about so let's get on with answering the opening question, why do rank and file Republicans keep believing the GOP? Well, one can only conclude that they just are very smart.
myself i dont know why anyone would keep believing in either one of these two shit Parties......

Funny it's always the Libs that bring up the race thing when discussing Obama...

thats all Lakunta thinks about....if your against what he believes,your a racist.....just ask him....but dont expect an answer.....
Since the GOP has been wrong about everything for the last thirty years, one has to ask why rank and file Republicans keep voting for them? Before answering lets just remember some of our history.

I remember Ronald Reagan saying that he was going to cut taxes, increase military spending and balance the budget. Now some might say that two out of three isn't bad, but quadrupling the national debt tarnishes the record substantially. (It is ironic that all that deficit spending on military hardware was an excellent economic stimulus leading to robust growth, unfortunately the borrowed money was not invested in things that would lead to long term growth like infra-structure, instead we have a fleet of B-1 bombers aging in hangers and the like.)

I also remember Newt Gingrich proclaiming that if Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich, all the way up to 39% (gasp!) that it would bring on the second Great Depression. Not a single Republican voted for the legislation. We went on to have 22 million jobs created and a balanced budget after eight years.

I'm sure we all remember the GOP led by Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld telling us, warning us, scaring us, terrorizing us with the horror of WMD. They led us into an unprevoked war which we will be paying for for years because for the first time in American history we did not tax ourselves to pay for a war. Instead we cut rich peoples' taxes twice.

The list of GOP failures is too numerous to go on about so let's get on with answering the opening question, why do rank and file Republicans keep believing the GOP? Well, one can only conclude that they just are very smart.

Great. Another OWS parasite joins the ranks. You disgusting homos breed like rabbits. It's like you refuse to use birth control, unless someone else buys it for you. Fuck off, and stay out of my pocket, you worthless leech.

Alinsky's Rule 12: Destroy the Individual

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

The GOP loves Saul Alinsky and his tactics

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