Governor of California begs Trump admin for federal help.

Yep, Jerry Brown, the same sackless governor who has consistently given the Trump admin the middle finger is now begging for federal help...hahaha
Good luck to you Jerry Brown.

Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Trump for a disaster declaration after winter storms

Since Brown and the Dems who rule Calis want Cali to be a sanctuary state don't think he has a leg to stand on.

Hope Trump tells him to take a hike and pay for his own bullshit in his Sanctuary State.
It's not because he didn't win it. It's because they are broke because of their own idiotic policies, like having sanctuary cities. They thumb their noses at federal laws and stated that they'll continue even if they are denied federal aid because of it. Now they are finding that their liberal policies are unsustainable, which is always the case, and they expect the rest of the country to bail them out. If they want aid, they need to obey laws. Not difficult.

California has been in trouble for a long time. They waste their budget on their crazy ideas and then the tax payers get IOUs instead of actual refunds. They don't have money for pensions. They've chased tax payers out of the state and their financial trouble is their own doing. If we bail them out, they'll just continue to increase spending on illegal aliens and other stupid shit.

Time for them to learn about having a budget.

It's one thing when states needed help with the Obamacare law because they didn't all want it. Even then, they were on their own when the federal dollars ran out. Why should California be treated special when they haven't even tried to fix their problem?

This is all true and is the best example of why food stamps, welfare, public assistance for working at Walmart and minimum wage jobs should be withdrawn from red states in the future.

It should be withdrawn from all states.
All it takes, is a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

And that accomplishes what......more government dependents?

No thanks, I'm supporting enough able bodied people as it is. If you need more money, work more hours. That's what we did in this country in the 70's and 80's. Many of us worked Saturdays, sometimes Sundays, and even had two jobs.

WTF is my sick old ass waking up at 5:00 am to support these people? If anything, they should be supporting me.
Some of us, like me right now, have since September working 7 days a week, with no days off since it started in September.
I work monday through friday at the Institute from 10pm until 6 am, monday through friday nights. Then Saturday and Sunday nights come in at 8pm and leave at 8am the following morning, Like I said, that has been since September and I have not had one single night off. I even worked Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years Eve and New years day. I worked Thanksgiving, and on those holidays I worked extra because I covered partial shifts for others that wanted the time of for family.
But thats not the end of it, I also work for my Brother-in-law Monday through Thursday, from 3pm until 6pm, He owns a small business and I fill in at the store for those hours, most Saturdays I work the store for him from 9am until 1pm. many hours but, from just the institute alone it is bringing me paychecks that are just shy of $1800.00 a week.
I just had the Taxes done for last year, taken from the checks over the year my wife and I paid $37,000 in taxes, that's just what was taken from the pay, I was actually hoping to get some what of a refund this year, however to my surprise we freaking OWED an additional $9,000.00 (give or take a couple dollars).
Im 58 years old and it really pisses me off when I work like I do and then see some able bodied POS sitting on their ass all day doing nothing but collecting money from my paycheck. If I can do it at 58, I see no reason that someone in their 20s through,, well, 60s cant do the same damn thing.
Of course these hours at the institute are going to change, I let them know a few weeks back. They just hired someone to take the weekend night shift, I have just a couple of weekends to "train" them, which is basically introducing them to the clients and getting the clients to recognize him, and bringing him up to date on the medications and times they are given for each client. I will also sit in on his counseling sessions, (yes, we counsel at night, I actually have 3 group sessions that start at 1:30 am).
I'm at work right now as a matter of fact.
So like I said, it really pisses me off to have to pay for someone else to live for free. If they actually CANT work because of some disability, a real disability, then I am more than happy to contribute some of my time in order for them to have a place to live and some food on their table. But not if they can work but just decided to collect from social programs instead.

You have a year or two on me but we're about the same age. I guess we were raised differently than many of the people who are younger than us today. I've been an insulin dependent diabetic since the age of 25 and developed a heart condition the last few years. I have to fight the government to continue working as they are trying to push me out. But I'll probably work until the day I drop so my HUD neighbors can live in the suburbs like I do.

Working on the road all day, I often wished I could set up a booth on the highway; not to collect tolls, but just to ask these thousands of people how they get by in life not working? They obviously don't work, they're out driving around on the highway all day long. The highways are packed with these people, it's not just a few cars here or a few cars there.

Besides my HUD neighbors, I have another neighbor two doors down around my age, and he's never had a full-tilme job that lasted more than a month. He worked just enough to save money for a few months of alcohol. One of those rare times he supposedly hurt himself on the job, and now he's drinking our tax dollars on disability. He's lived with his mother his entire life.

Liberals don't understand how we conservatives get so callus about the so-called unfortunate. They actually think we want to dump people out of their wheelchairs and make them crawl the rest of their life. But it's nearing 6:30 and once again, I have to get to work. I'll try to be quiet leaving the house so I don't awake my HUD neighbors. They probably don't get up until 10, 11 or so...........
Liberals ALWAYS overspend on social wet dream projects and don't have money for emergencies, and ALWAYS blame it on Republicans.
This is all true and is the best example of why food stamps, welfare, public assistance for working at Walmart and minimum wage jobs should be withdrawn from red states in the future.

It should be withdrawn from all states.
All it takes, is a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

And that accomplishes what......more government dependents?

No thanks, I'm supporting enough able bodied people as it is. If you need more money, work more hours. That's what we did in this country in the 70's and 80's. Many of us worked Saturdays, sometimes Sundays, and even had two jobs.

WTF is my sick old ass waking up at 5:00 am to support these people? If anything, they should be supporting me.
Some of us, like me right now, have since September working 7 days a week, with no days off since it started in September.
I work monday through friday at the Institute from 10pm until 6 am, monday through friday nights. Then Saturday and Sunday nights come in at 8pm and leave at 8am the following morning, Like I said, that has been since September and I have not had one single night off. I even worked Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years Eve and New years day. I worked Thanksgiving, and on those holidays I worked extra because I covered partial shifts for others that wanted the time of for family.
But thats not the end of it, I also work for my Brother-in-law Monday through Thursday, from 3pm until 6pm, He owns a small business and I fill in at the store for those hours, most Saturdays I work the store for him from 9am until 1pm. many hours but, from just the institute alone it is bringing me paychecks that are just shy of $1800.00 a week.
I just had the Taxes done for last year, taken from the checks over the year my wife and I paid $37,000 in taxes, that's just what was taken from the pay, I was actually hoping to get some what of a refund this year, however to my surprise we freaking OWED an additional $9,000.00 (give or take a couple dollars).
Im 58 years old and it really pisses me off when I work like I do and then see some able bodied POS sitting on their ass all day doing nothing but collecting money from my paycheck. If I can do it at 58, I see no reason that someone in their 20s through,, well, 60s cant do the same damn thing.
Of course these hours at the institute are going to change, I let them know a few weeks back. They just hired someone to take the weekend night shift, I have just a couple of weekends to "train" them, which is basically introducing them to the clients and getting the clients to recognize him, and bringing him up to date on the medications and times they are given for each client. I will also sit in on his counseling sessions, (yes, we counsel at night, I actually have 3 group sessions that start at 1:30 am).
I'm at work right now as a matter of fact.
So like I said, it really pisses me off to have to pay for someone else to live for free. If they actually CANT work because of some disability, a real disability, then I am more than happy to contribute some of my time in order for them to have a place to live and some food on their table. But not if they can work but just decided to collect from social programs instead.

You have a year or two on me but we're about the same age. I guess we were raised differently than many of the people who are younger than us today. I've been an insulin dependent diabetic since the age of 25 and developed a heart condition the last few years. I have to fight the government to continue working as they are trying to push me out. But I'll probably work until the day I drop so my HUD neighbors can live in the suburbs like I do.

Working on the road all day, I often wished I could set up a booth on the highway; not to collect tolls, but just to ask these thousands of people how they get by in life not working? They obviously don't work, they're out driving around on the highway all day long. The highways are packed with these people, it's not just a few cars here or a few cars there.

Besides my HUD neighbors, I have another neighbor two doors down around my age, and he's never had a full-tilme job that lasted more than a month. He worked just enough to save money for a few months of alcohol. One of those rare times he supposedly hurt himself on the job, and now he's drinking our tax dollars on disability. He's lived with his mother his entire life.

Liberals don't understand how we conservatives get so callus about the so-called unfortunate. They actually think we want to dump people out of their wheelchairs and make them crawl the rest of their life. But it's nearing 6:30 and once again, I have to get to work. I'll try to be quiet leaving the house so I don't awake my HUD neighbors. They probably don't get up until 10, 11 or so...........
This is all true and is the best example of why food stamps, welfare, public assistance for working at Walmart and minimum wage jobs should be withdrawn from red states in the future.

It should be withdrawn from all states.
All it takes, is a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

And that accomplishes what......more government dependents?

No thanks, I'm supporting enough able bodied people as it is. If you need more money, work more hours. That's what we did in this country in the 70's and 80's. Many of us worked Saturdays, sometimes Sundays, and even had two jobs.

WTF is my sick old ass waking up at 5:00 am to support these people? If anything, they should be supporting me.
Some of us, like me right now, have since September working 7 days a week, with no days off since it started in September.
I work monday through friday at the Institute from 10pm until 6 am, monday through friday nights. Then Saturday and Sunday nights come in at 8pm and leave at 8am the following morning, Like I said, that has been since September and I have not had one single night off. I even worked Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years Eve and New years day. I worked Thanksgiving, and on those holidays I worked extra because I covered partial shifts for others that wanted the time of for family.
But thats not the end of it, I also work for my Brother-in-law Monday through Thursday, from 3pm until 6pm, He owns a small business and I fill in at the store for those hours, most Saturdays I work the store for him from 9am until 1pm. many hours but, from just the institute alone it is bringing me paychecks that are just shy of $1800.00 a week.
I just had the Taxes done for last year, taken from the checks over the year my wife and I paid $37,000 in taxes, that's just what was taken from the pay, I was actually hoping to get some what of a refund this year, however to my surprise we freaking OWED an additional $9,000.00 (give or take a couple dollars).
Im 58 years old and it really pisses me off when I work like I do and then see some able bodied POS sitting on their ass all day doing nothing but collecting money from my paycheck. If I can do it at 58, I see no reason that someone in their 20s through,, well, 60s cant do the same damn thing.
Of course these hours at the institute are going to change, I let them know a few weeks back. They just hired someone to take the weekend night shift, I have just a couple of weekends to "train" them, which is basically introducing them to the clients and getting the clients to recognize him, and bringing him up to date on the medications and times they are given for each client. I will also sit in on his counseling sessions, (yes, we counsel at night, I actually have 3 group sessions that start at 1:30 am).
I'm at work right now as a matter of fact.
So like I said, it really pisses me off to have to pay for someone else to live for free. If they actually CANT work because of some disability, a real disability, then I am more than happy to contribute some of my time in order for them to have a place to live and some food on their table. But not if they can work but just decided to collect from social programs instead.

You have a year or two on me but we're about the same age. I guess we were raised differently than many of the people who are younger than us today. I've been an insulin dependent diabetic since the age of 25 and developed a heart condition the last few years. I have to fight the government to continue working as they are trying to push me out. But I'll probably work until the day I drop so my HUD neighbors can live in the suburbs like I do.

Working on the road all day, I often wished I could set up a booth on the highway; not to collect tolls, but just to ask these thousands of people how they get by in life not working? They obviously don't work, they're out driving around on the highway all day long. The highways are packed with these people, it's not just a few cars here or a few cars there.

Besides my HUD neighbors, I have another neighbor two doors down around my age, and he's never had a full-tilme job that lasted more than a month. He worked just enough to save money for a few months of alcohol. One of those rare times he supposedly hurt himself on the job, and now he's drinking our tax dollars on disability. He's lived with his mother his entire life.

Liberals don't understand how we conservatives get so callus about the so-called unfortunate. They actually think we want to dump people out of their wheelchairs and make them crawl the rest of their life. But it's nearing 6:30 and once again, I have to get to work. I'll try to be quiet leaving the house so I don't awake my HUD neighbors. They probably don't get up until 10, 11 or so...........
Im the poverty case in my neighborhood, I cant relate to your personal struggle.
But I do appreciate the neighbors trying to keep the noise down while I sleep. As a matter of fact, with the hours I work, they most likely think I dont work anyway, from their point of view, Im always home during the day while they are working But basing it on just the cars alone, I am seriously a welfare case to them.Guy that has the property next to mine has two new Corvette ZO6's in the drive way, I am assuming its his and hers. I have a Jetta TDI and a 3500 GMC dually diesel. Im sure they all bring company in from the other direction so as not to have them see what they live next to.
Let's face it. California libs over spent and under maintained.
Now they want the feds to pay for their mistakes.
Yep, Jerry Brown, the same sackless governor who has consistently given the Trump admin the middle finger is now begging for federal help...hahaha
Good luck to you Jerry Brown.

Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Trump for a disaster declaration after winter storms

there is nothing in the article that says "begs",troll... and every state gets disaster relief from the feds. or should that only go to red state losers?

But you don't find it ironic how he's going to risk losing federal funds to protect his sanctuary cities, but is now asking for federal funds for something else?
No. Disasters affect everyone.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) states that as of 2014 there were around 3 million illegals living in California. Ironically, legal immigrants only total up to 2,403,070 as of 2012. The total population of California, as of 2012, was placed at 38,041,430 with illegals comprising nearly 8% of the total state population.

The estimated annual cost to California taxpayers as of 2014 adds up to $25.3 billion. That’s more than the total operating budgets for some states. This breaks down to approximately $2,370 for every household headed by a US citizen.
How Much Do Illegals Cost California Taxpayers Each Year?

The presidential declaration is a step toward freeing up federal money to supplement other public funds for cleanup efforts. Brown estimated that the public cleanup in California will cost more than $162 million.
California Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Donald Trump for emergency help

Looks to me that if the governor of california were to just get rid of those filthy pieces of shit that he puts so much more value in than American Citizens, the cost of that cleanup would have been more than covered. But instead, he throws away money on those worthless diseased piles of excrement, and then finds out he is broke when it comes to taking care of real Americans.
Follow Trumps orders and the money is there.
I say Fuck California, they want to keep their taco eating pets, then let them pay the costs associated with them.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

A market friendly visa would solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis and generate revenue at the same time; Capitalism, what a concept.

I'm sure no Hillarybot troll takes anyone seriously. If you'd been serious, you'd have supported Bernie or Jill Stein.
So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.


California constantly tells US they can survive on their own. Their economy is larger than that of France. Let'em.

Paying big time taxes into union while getting nothing back? Thats your idea of "on their own"?

They get "nothing back"? Kind of like the high income earners that pay 70 percent of the income tax only to be told that they "don't pay their 'fair share'? Got it.
So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.

dude, that isn't the point now is it. Isn't California the one wanting to secede from federal money? It's called irony/ oxymoron.

The sanctuary city, state thingy, we don't need your stinking federal money guy?
This is all true and is the best example of why food stamps, welfare, public assistance for working at Walmart and minimum wage jobs should be withdrawn from red states in the future.

It should be withdrawn from all states.
All it takes, is a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

And that accomplishes what......more government dependents?
How did you reach your conclusion? need i remind you; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

How did I reach that conclusion? You said it yourself, government forcing industry to overpay workers that do monkey jobs, or having them sit home collecting unemployment.

Obviously people take the right-wing serious about a lot of things. It's why we now control the White House, the Senate, the Congress, and mosts Governorships in the country.

Maybe you should ask yourself why nobody is taking you seriously.
Like I said, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour. It is a capital reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wages. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour is more cost effective than means tested welfare and does not encourage Individuals to have children for (individual) unemployment compensation; but, helps potential labor market participants be a "ready reserve" labor pool.
The general government has no police power over the several States. We have a Constitution.

It is Not Only for "National Socialists".
Fuck California if they won't follow the Constitution.....
did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

We know that's why liberal Detroit went bankrupt
here is another part of the story:

The collapse of Detroit has roots in intentional de-industrialization by the Big Three automakers, which in the 1950s began aggressively spider-webbing operations across the nation to produce cars closer to regional markets, and to reduce labor costs by investing in less labor-friendly places than union-heavy Detroit. Their flight was augmented by government policies that, in the 1970s and 1980s particularly, forced municipalities and states to compete with each other for jobs by offering corporate tax breaks and other inducements to keep or draw business investments, a bit of whipsawing that helped companies profit at the expense of communities.--
The general government has no police power over the several States. We have a Constitution.

It is Not Only for "National Socialists".
Fuck California if they won't follow the Constitution.....
did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law?

We know that's why liberal Detroit went bankrupt
here is another part of the story:

The collapse of Detroit has roots in intentional de-industrialization by the Big Three automakers, which in the 1950s began aggressively spider-webbing operations across the nation to produce cars closer to regional markets, and to reduce labor costs by investing in less labor-friendly places than union-heavy Detroit. Their flight was augmented by government policies that, in the 1970s and 1980s particularly, forced municipalities and states to compete with each other for jobs by offering corporate tax breaks and other inducements to keep or draw business investments, a bit of whipsawing that helped companies profit at the expense of communities.--

San Bernardino Becomes 3rd California City to Get Bankruptcy Protection
The ruling, which makes San Bernardino the third California city to get bankruptcy protection, could serve as a guide for other cities like Detroit that are in financial distress. Observers also say it's an important test for Chapter 9.

Old news to make a "new" point?

Battered San Bernardino is one step closer to exiting years-long bankruptcy
After four long, painful years, San Bernardino will soon emerge from bankruptcy.A federal judge on Tuesday said she would approve the city’s plan to exit bankruptcy, marking a major step toward the end of the process for San Bernardino.
there is nothing in the article that says "begs",troll... and every state gets disaster relief from the feds. or should that only go to red state losers?

But you don't find it ironic how he's going to risk losing federal funds to protect his sanctuary cities, but is now asking for federal funds for something else?
No. Disasters affect everyone.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) states that as of 2014 there were around 3 million illegals living in California. Ironically, legal immigrants only total up to 2,403,070 as of 2012. The total population of California, as of 2012, was placed at 38,041,430 with illegals comprising nearly 8% of the total state population.

The estimated annual cost to California taxpayers as of 2014 adds up to $25.3 billion. That’s more than the total operating budgets for some states. This breaks down to approximately $2,370 for every household headed by a US citizen.
How Much Do Illegals Cost California Taxpayers Each Year?

The presidential declaration is a step toward freeing up federal money to supplement other public funds for cleanup efforts. Brown estimated that the public cleanup in California will cost more than $162 million.
California Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Donald Trump for emergency help

Looks to me that if the governor of california were to just get rid of those filthy pieces of shit that he puts so much more value in than American Citizens, the cost of that cleanup would have been more than covered. But instead, he throws away money on those worthless diseased piles of excrement, and then finds out he is broke when it comes to taking care of real Americans.
Follow Trumps orders and the money is there.
I say Fuck California, they want to keep their taco eating pets, then let them pay the costs associated with them.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

A market friendly visa would solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis and generate revenue at the same time; Capitalism, what a concept.

I'm sure no Hillarybot troll takes anyone seriously. If you'd been serious, you'd have supported Bernie or Jill Stein.
I am serious about economics, and did not vote for Mr. Trump.
But you don't find it ironic how he's going to risk losing federal funds to protect his sanctuary cities, but is now asking for federal funds for something else?
No. Disasters affect everyone.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) states that as of 2014 there were around 3 million illegals living in California. Ironically, legal immigrants only total up to 2,403,070 as of 2012. The total population of California, as of 2012, was placed at 38,041,430 with illegals comprising nearly 8% of the total state population.

The estimated annual cost to California taxpayers as of 2014 adds up to $25.3 billion. That’s more than the total operating budgets for some states. This breaks down to approximately $2,370 for every household headed by a US citizen.
How Much Do Illegals Cost California Taxpayers Each Year?

The presidential declaration is a step toward freeing up federal money to supplement other public funds for cleanup efforts. Brown estimated that the public cleanup in California will cost more than $162 million.
California Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Donald Trump for emergency help

Looks to me that if the governor of california were to just get rid of those filthy pieces of shit that he puts so much more value in than American Citizens, the cost of that cleanup would have been more than covered. But instead, he throws away money on those worthless diseased piles of excrement, and then finds out he is broke when it comes to taking care of real Americans.
Follow Trumps orders and the money is there.
I say Fuck California, they want to keep their taco eating pets, then let them pay the costs associated with them.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

A market friendly visa would solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis and generate revenue at the same time; Capitalism, what a concept.

I'm sure no Hillarybot troll takes anyone seriously. If you'd been serious, you'd have supported Bernie or Jill Stein.
I am serious about economics, and did not vote for Mr. Trump.
Well you can thank us who did.
So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.


It's not because he didn't win it. It's because they are broke because of their own idiotic policies, like having sanctuary cities. They thumb their noses at federal laws and stated that they'll continue even if they are denied federal aid because of it. Now they are finding that their liberal policies are unsustainable, which is always the case, and they expect the rest of the country to bail them out. If they want aid, they need to obey laws. Not difficult.

California has been in trouble for a long time. They waste their budget on their crazy ideas and then the tax payers get IOUs instead of actual refunds. They don't have money for pensions. They've chased tax payers out of the state and their financial trouble is their own doing. If we bail them out, they'll just continue to increase spending on illegal aliens and other stupid shit.

Time for them to learn about having a budget.

It's one thing when states needed help with the Obamacare law because they didn't all want it. Even then, they were on their own when the federal dollars ran out. Why should California be treated special when they haven't even tried to fix their problem?
Even with all of our problems, California pays more in taxes than it receives.

The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.

And yet they can't manage their finances.

No you're spreading manure. California is in debt no one will argue about that but we pay our bills and always will. We aren't looking for a free ride from anyone.
It should be withdrawn from all states.
All it takes, is a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

And that accomplishes what......more government dependents?
How did you reach your conclusion? need i remind you; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

How did I reach that conclusion? You said it yourself, government forcing industry to overpay workers that do monkey jobs, or having them sit home collecting unemployment.

Obviously people take the right-wing serious about a lot of things. It's why we now control the White House, the Senate, the Congress, and mosts Governorships in the country.

Maybe you should ask yourself why nobody is taking you seriously.
Like I said, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour. It is a capital reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wages. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour is more cost effective than means tested welfare and does not encourage Individuals to have children for (individual) unemployment compensation; but, helps potential labor market participants be a "ready reserve" labor pool.

Nope, all that does is create more lowlifes that want to live off of other people's labor. It encourages them not to try and better themselves.

Sent from my iPhone using
But you don't find it ironic how he's going to risk losing federal funds to protect his sanctuary cities, but is now asking for federal funds for something else?
No. Disasters affect everyone.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) states that as of 2014 there were around 3 million illegals living in California. Ironically, legal immigrants only total up to 2,403,070 as of 2012. The total population of California, as of 2012, was placed at 38,041,430 with illegals comprising nearly 8% of the total state population.

The estimated annual cost to California taxpayers as of 2014 adds up to $25.3 billion. That’s more than the total operating budgets for some states. This breaks down to approximately $2,370 for every household headed by a US citizen.
How Much Do Illegals Cost California Taxpayers Each Year?

The presidential declaration is a step toward freeing up federal money to supplement other public funds for cleanup efforts. Brown estimated that the public cleanup in California will cost more than $162 million.
California Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Donald Trump for emergency help

Looks to me that if the governor of california were to just get rid of those filthy pieces of shit that he puts so much more value in than American Citizens, the cost of that cleanup would have been more than covered. But instead, he throws away money on those worthless diseased piles of excrement, and then finds out he is broke when it comes to taking care of real Americans.
Follow Trumps orders and the money is there.
I say Fuck California, they want to keep their taco eating pets, then let them pay the costs associated with them.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

A market friendly visa would solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis and generate revenue at the same time; Capitalism, what a concept.

I'm sure no Hillarybot troll takes anyone seriously. If you'd been serious, you'd have supported Bernie or Jill Stein.
I am serious about economics, and did not vote for Mr. Trump.

Of course not. You're a known Hillarybot troll who's only here now to disrupt conversations and whine that the Corporate Whore lost. You should have backed Bernie or Jill.
No. Disasters affect everyone.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) states that as of 2014 there were around 3 million illegals living in California. Ironically, legal immigrants only total up to 2,403,070 as of 2012. The total population of California, as of 2012, was placed at 38,041,430 with illegals comprising nearly 8% of the total state population.

The estimated annual cost to California taxpayers as of 2014 adds up to $25.3 billion. That’s more than the total operating budgets for some states. This breaks down to approximately $2,370 for every household headed by a US citizen.
How Much Do Illegals Cost California Taxpayers Each Year?

The presidential declaration is a step toward freeing up federal money to supplement other public funds for cleanup efforts. Brown estimated that the public cleanup in California will cost more than $162 million.
California Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Donald Trump for emergency help

Looks to me that if the governor of california were to just get rid of those filthy pieces of shit that he puts so much more value in than American Citizens, the cost of that cleanup would have been more than covered. But instead, he throws away money on those worthless diseased piles of excrement, and then finds out he is broke when it comes to taking care of real Americans.
Follow Trumps orders and the money is there.
I say Fuck California, they want to keep their taco eating pets, then let them pay the costs associated with them.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

A market friendly visa would solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis and generate revenue at the same time; Capitalism, what a concept.

I'm sure no Hillarybot troll takes anyone seriously. If you'd been serious, you'd have supported Bernie or Jill Stein.
I am serious about economics, and did not vote for Mr. Trump.
Well you can thank us who did.
votes for (national socialist) pander? no thanks.
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) states that as of 2014 there were around 3 million illegals living in California. Ironically, legal immigrants only total up to 2,403,070 as of 2012. The total population of California, as of 2012, was placed at 38,041,430 with illegals comprising nearly 8% of the total state population.

The estimated annual cost to California taxpayers as of 2014 adds up to $25.3 billion. That’s more than the total operating budgets for some states. This breaks down to approximately $2,370 for every household headed by a US citizen.
How Much Do Illegals Cost California Taxpayers Each Year?

The presidential declaration is a step toward freeing up federal money to supplement other public funds for cleanup efforts. Brown estimated that the public cleanup in California will cost more than $162 million.
California Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Donald Trump for emergency help

Looks to me that if the governor of california were to just get rid of those filthy pieces of shit that he puts so much more value in than American Citizens, the cost of that cleanup would have been more than covered. But instead, he throws away money on those worthless diseased piles of excrement, and then finds out he is broke when it comes to taking care of real Americans.
Follow Trumps orders and the money is there.
I say Fuck California, they want to keep their taco eating pets, then let them pay the costs associated with them.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

A market friendly visa would solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis and generate revenue at the same time; Capitalism, what a concept.

I'm sure no Hillarybot troll takes anyone seriously. If you'd been serious, you'd have supported Bernie or Jill Stein.
I am serious about economics, and did not vote for Mr. Trump.
Well you can thank us who did.
votes for (national socialist) pander? no thanks.
you making more money off the stock market at the moment? Or do you think the stock market dropped?
So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.


It's not because he didn't win it. It's because they are broke because of their own idiotic policies, like having sanctuary cities. They thumb their noses at federal laws and stated that they'll continue even if they are denied federal aid because of it. Now they are finding that their liberal policies are unsustainable, which is always the case, and they expect the rest of the country to bail them out. If they want aid, they need to obey laws. Not difficult.

California has been in trouble for a long time. They waste their budget on their crazy ideas and then the tax payers get IOUs instead of actual refunds. They don't have money for pensions. They've chased tax payers out of the state and their financial trouble is their own doing. If we bail them out, they'll just continue to increase spending on illegal aliens and other stupid shit.

Time for them to learn about having a budget.

It's one thing when states needed help with the Obamacare law because they didn't all want it. Even then, they were on their own when the federal dollars ran out. Why should California be treated special when they haven't even tried to fix their problem?
Even with all of our problems, California pays more in taxes than it receives.

The economy of California is the largest in the United States. As of 2015, California's gross state product (GSP) is about $2.496 trillion. The state's GSP grew 4.1% in 2015.

And yet they can't manage their finances.

No you're spreading manure. California is in debt no one will argue about that but we pay our bills and always will. We aren't looking for a free ride from anyone.
Should we ask the right wing, which US States are poorest, and if they are in the South (still looking for their lost clues and their lost Cause)?
All it takes, is a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

And that accomplishes what......more government dependents?
How did you reach your conclusion? need i remind you; nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

How did I reach that conclusion? You said it yourself, government forcing industry to overpay workers that do monkey jobs, or having them sit home collecting unemployment.

Obviously people take the right-wing serious about a lot of things. It's why we now control the White House, the Senate, the Congress, and mosts Governorships in the country.

Maybe you should ask yourself why nobody is taking you seriously.
Like I said, nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.

Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour. It is a capital reason for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wages. Only the right wing, never gets it.

Unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour is more cost effective than means tested welfare and does not encourage Individuals to have children for (individual) unemployment compensation; but, helps potential labor market participants be a "ready reserve" labor pool.

Nope, all that does is create more lowlifes that want to live off of other people's labor. It encourages them not to try and better themselves.

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You have to do better than right wing propaganda and rhetoric. All you have, is an unsubstantiated opinion, nothing more. You need to substantiate it with a valid, economic argument. Now you know, why I don't take the right wing seriously about economics, or the law.

Unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour is more cost effective than means tested welfare and does not encourage Individuals to have children for (individual) unemployment compensation; but, helps potential labor market participants be a "ready reserve" labor pool.

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