Grandpa Spits, Curses At Young Woman

Really? And on what do you base that 'prediction'?

Surely you can find a case where I said anything about activist judges, right? I mean, if that is something I buy into, then your prediction might have foundation. So, go find that post of mine where I ever discussed anything concerning activist judges (other than this post).

Good luck with that, idiot.

I could well be wrong. However if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, most everyone will assume it is a duck.
Find the post.

Otherwise, you look like the ass that baseless assuming makes you.

I have seen you behave in a hypocritical manner many times, Si. The Clarence Thomas thread is just the most recent example that comes to mind.

When confronted by new data that does not fit your bigotry, you turn yourself inside out to deny it.

Sure arrests are news. Being arrested does not mean one is guilty, as you say he is.

Surely they taught you that in law school, right?

Did I say he had been convicted, Si?

No, I quoted the news coverage and said he had been a-r-r-e-s-t-e-d.

BTW, if he is convicted, will you be ready to condemn his acts then?

Doesn't ALL crime deserve condemnation, or is it only some that seem to be more important to you than others that deserve it?

I suppose there might be some morally neutral crimes, Newby. But yes, in general, all crime should be condemned.

This story caught my attention because (a) the victim was selected for her religion; (b) she was a young woman unaccompanied in a place that should have been safe -- Walmarts; and (c) her attacker was a Grandpa in his 60's, which is not the profile of most first-time violent offenders.
I could well be wrong. However if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, most everyone will assume it is a duck.
Find the post.

Otherwise, you look like the ass that baseless assuming makes you.

I have seen you behave in a hypocritical manner many times, Si. The Clarence Thomas thread is just the most recent example that comes to mind.

When confronted by new data that does not fit your bigotry, you turn yourself inside out to deny it.

How very bizarre. I tell one who accuses me of buying into the 'activist judicial system' as a means of marginalizing court decisions to find any posts of mine where I actually did buy into activist judges; and you talk about my analysis of an interview of an ex girlfriend of Thomas. And, somehow one who analyzes data is a hypocrite to you.

As I said, you are insane.
You are brain damaged and insane.

And, try to look up ellipses. Of course, that will not change a thing with you. You accuse anyone of doing whatever the voices in your head tell you they do, not what reality is.

You cannot parse my posts just by adding ellipses.

Of course I can't parse them by using ellipses. I properly quote them by using ellipses.

.... I won't warn you twice, Si.
Okie doke. :cuckoo:

Fine, do as you like.

If you do this again, I'll report you......mebbe the Mods will take it seriously, mebbe they won't. I assume the prohibition is contained in the TOS for a reason.

You wanna quote only a portion of what I say, then do it like this....

Madeline wrote in part:

Fuck off, Si.

That way, the reader knows you have left out something.
You cannot parse my posts just by adding ellipses.

Of course I can't parse them by using ellipses. I properly quote them by using ellipses.

Okie doke. :cuckoo:

Fine, do as you like.

If you do this again, I'll report you......

And, I should be concerned why?


That way, the reader knows you have left out something.
Ummmmmm, that's what ellipses mean, you fucking moron.

Good God.
Surprise: More hate crimes against Christians than against Muslims
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer
08/25/10 2:15 PM EDT
This morning there was a report that a cab driver in New York was stabbed because he was Muslim. While the facts are still emerging, all reasonable people can agree this is a shameful and un-American act if this proves to be true.

This incident will undoubtedly be used by the media to further push the narrative that the controversy over the Mosque near Ground Zero in New York shows how Americans are bigoted against Muslims. So here’s some clarifying info from the FBI. According to the latest hate crime statistics available, there were 1,606 hate crime offenses motivated by religious bias in 2008. A closer look: 65.7 percent of them were committed against Jews. Against Muslims? 7.7 percent.

Depending on which population estimates you accept for Muslims (anywhere between 4 and 7 million), hate crimes are committed against Jews at a rate three to eight times greater than against Muslims. Yet something tells me that despite all these hard numbers — as opposed to Time’s “anecdotal evidence” – that magazine is not going to run a cover anytime soon asking, “Is America Anti-Semitic?”

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

I am aware that others are also victims of hate crimes, Newby. I condemn anti-semetism harshly, but I see no reason why doing so should stifle discussion of hate crimes against Muslims.

BTW, the FBI stats likely under-report, as "hate crime" is an enhancement of an underlying charge, and is not always sought.
Find the post.

Otherwise, you look like the ass that baseless assuming makes you.

I have seen you behave in a hypocritical manner many times, Si. The Clarence Thomas thread is just the most recent example that comes to mind.

When confronted by new data that does not fit your bigotry, you turn yourself inside out to deny it.

How very bizarre. I tell one who accuses me of buying into the 'activist judicial system' as a means of marginalizing court decisions to find any posts of mine where I actually did buy into activist judges; and you talk about my analysis of an interview of an ex girlfriend of Thomas. And, somehow one who analyzes data is a hypocrite to you.

As I said, you are insane.

More trifling ad hominems. You always devolve into a cry baby when backed into a corner by logic, Si.

How predicatible; how b-o-r-i-n-g.

I assume you will not be fit to carry on an adult convo for the rest of the day.

See ya later, and good luck finding a clean pair of Big Girl Panties.
Did I say he had been convicted, Si?

No, I quoted the news coverage and said he had been a-r-r-e-s-t-e-d.

BTW, if he is convicted, will you be ready to condemn his acts then?

Doesn't ALL crime deserve condemnation, or is it only some that seem to be more important to you than others that deserve it?

I suppose there might be some morally neutral crimes, Newby. But yes, in general, all crime should be condemned.

This story caught my attention because (a) the victim was selected for her religion; (b) she was a young woman unaccompanied in a place that should have been safe -- Walmarts; and (c) her attacker was a Grandpa in his 60's, which is not the profile of most first-time violent offenders.

I'm guessing that if her religion had been anything other than muslim, i.e. christian, jew, etc..., you wouldn't have given it a second thought.
I have seen you behave in a hypocritical manner many times, Si. The Clarence Thomas thread is just the most recent example that comes to mind.

When confronted by new data that does not fit your bigotry, you turn yourself inside out to deny it.

How very bizarre. I tell one who accuses me of buying into the 'activist judicial system' as a means of marginalizing court decisions to find any posts of mine where I actually did buy into activist judges; and you talk about my analysis of an interview of an ex girlfriend of Thomas. And, somehow one who analyzes data is a hypocrite to you.

As I said, you are insane.

More trifling ad hominems. You always devolve into a cry baby when backed into a corner by logic, Si.

How predicatible; how b-o-r-i-n-g.

I assume you will not be fit to carry on an adult convo for the rest of the day.

See ya later, and good luck finding a clean pair of Big Girl Panties.

Dear God. You just shat on logic.

And, I go commando, you bitter hag.
Last edited:
Surprise: More hate crimes against Christians than against Muslims
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer
08/25/10 2:15 PM EDT
This morning there was a report that a cab driver in New York was stabbed because he was Muslim. While the facts are still emerging, all reasonable people can agree this is a shameful and un-American act if this proves to be true.

This incident will undoubtedly be used by the media to further push the narrative that the controversy over the Mosque near Ground Zero in New York shows how Americans are bigoted against Muslims. So here’s some clarifying info from the FBI. According to the latest hate crime statistics available, there were 1,606 hate crime offenses motivated by religious bias in 2008. A closer look: 65.7 percent of them were committed against Jews. Against Muslims? 7.7 percent.

Depending on which population estimates you accept for Muslims (anywhere between 4 and 7 million), hate crimes are committed against Jews at a rate three to eight times greater than against Muslims. Yet something tells me that despite all these hard numbers — as opposed to Time’s “anecdotal evidence” – that magazine is not going to run a cover anytime soon asking, “Is America Anti-Semitic?”

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

I am aware that others are also victims of hate crimes, Newby. I condemn anti-semetism harshly, but I see no reason why doing so should stifle discussion of hate crimes against Muslims.

BTW, the FBI stats likely under-report, as "hate crime" is an enhancement of an underlying charge, and is not always sought.

You're only interested in discussing hate crimes against muslims, why is that?

And since statistically they are the smallest group percentage-wise of religious hate crimes compared to christians and jews in this country, I find it odd that you're concerned on their behalf instead of people from other faiths that are experiencing more hate crime. I thought you were about justice?
Newby wrote:

I'm guessing that if her religion had been anything other than muslim, i.e. christian, jew, etc..., you wouldn't have given it a second thought.

I dunno, Newby. I admit, I am very concerned about the rising level of hatred of Muslims in America. On the other hand, news of a violent crime committed by a mature man might have seemed discussion-worthy to me regardless, especially if motivated by religious hatred.

I am imperfect and cannot act as a Google Alert, fetching all crime news for USMB.
I could well be wrong. However if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, most everyone will assume it is a duck.
Find the post.

Otherwise, you look like the ass that baseless assuming makes you.

I have seen you behave in a hypocritical manner many times, Si. The Clarence Thomas thread is just the most recent example that comes to mind.

When confronted by new data that does not fit your bigotry, you turn yourself inside out to deny it.

Gossip is not data. True dat.
Newby wrote:

I'm guessing that if her religion had been anything other than muslim, i.e. christian, jew, etc..., you wouldn't have given it a second thought.

I dunno, Newby. I admit, I am very concerned about the rising level of hatred of Muslims in America. On the other hand, news of a violent crime committed by a mature man might have seemed discussion-worthy to me regardless, especially if motivated by religious hatred.

I am imperfect and cannot act as a Google Alert, fetching all crime news for USMB.

Why? Hate crimes against muslims are less than hate crimes against christians in this country, so why are you only concerned with the ones involving muslims?
Newby wrote:

You're only interested in discussing hate crimes against muslims, why is that?

I obviously discuss many subjects having nothing whatever to do with Islamophobia, Newby. Seems to me, the amount of attention I bring to it makes you uncomfy.

Clinging to some comforting but faulty beliefs about American Muslims can be fun apparently, but do not blister my ass for attempting to introduce facts and rationality that tamper with that fake Care Bear of yours.
Newby wrote:

Why? Hate crimes against muslims are less than hate crimes against christians in this country, so why are you only concerned with the ones involving muslims?

I am more'n happy to discuss hate crimes against christians in the US, Newby. Do up a thread and I'm your gal.
Doesn't ALL crime deserve condemnation, or is it only some that seem to be more important to you than others that deserve it?

I suppose there might be some morally neutral crimes, Newby. But yes, in general, all crime should be condemned.

This story caught my attention because (a) the victim was selected for her religion; (b) she was a young woman unaccompanied in a place that should have been safe -- Walmarts; and (c) her attacker was a Grandpa in his 60's, which is not the profile of most first-time violent offenders.

I'm guessing that if her religion had been anything other than muslim, i.e. christian, jew, etc..., you wouldn't have given it a second thought.

We would never have heard of the incident from our sensationalistic MSM.
Newby wrote:

You're only interested in discussing hate crimes against muslims, why is that?

I obviously discuss many subjects having nothing whatever to do with Islamophobia, Newby. Seems to me, the amount of attention I bring to it makes you uncomfy.

Clinging to some comforting but faulty beliefs about American Muslims can be fun apparently, but do not blister my ass for attempting to introduce facts and rationality that tamper with that fake Care Bear of yours.

Ah, when backed into a corner, she comes out with bullshit lies about the person backing her into it. :lol: So, my questioning you about your reasons equate to me having 'faulty beliefs' about muslims does it? Why is that exactly? Would you care to explain where you come up with that premise simply from me asking you why you care about muslim hate crime but seemingly do not care about any other religious hate crime that is more prevalent? How does that logic work?
Newby wrote:

Why? Hate crimes against muslims are less than hate crimes against christians in this country, so why are you only concerned with the ones involving muslims?

I am more'n happy to discuss hate crimes against christians in the US, Newby. Do up a thread and I'm your gal.

But I'm not the one that continually talks about muslim hate crimes, you are. I'm simply asking you why you care about that, but not other religious hate crimes?
Newby wrote:

You're only interested in discussing hate crimes against muslims, why is that?

I obviously discuss many subjects having nothing whatever to do with Islamophobia, Newby. Seems to me, the amount of attention I bring to it makes you uncomfy.

Clinging to some comforting but faulty beliefs about American Muslims can be fun apparently, but do not blister my ass for attempting to introduce facts and rationality that tamper with that fake Care Bear of yours.

LOL, yep unlike our Mr. williestainmaster poster. sorry to throw that in, just could not resist.
Newby wrote:

You're only interested in discussing hate crimes against muslims, why is that?

I obviously discuss many subjects having nothing whatever to do with Islamophobia, Newby. Seems to me, the amount of attention I bring to it makes you uncomfy.

Clinging to some comforting but faulty beliefs about American Muslims can be fun apparently, but do not blister my ass for attempting to introduce facts and rationality that tamper with that fake Care Bear of yours.

LOL, yep unlike our Mr. williestainmaster poster. sorry to throw that in, just could not resist.


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