Graphic Photos Sorry!!

Its odd to me that ranchers get in trouble for killing a wolf that is killing their livestock.

But if that predator is a coyote, then no one cares. If it is a snake getting into a chicken house, people applaud the killing.

How much of the complaining is about environmentalism and how much is based on some "cuteness" factor?

Farmers and ranchers have a right to protect their business assets and their livelihood.
Wolves are living creatures. They are predators who kill to live. They have an absolute right to kill and eat their prey. The same right as the rancher has to send his livestock to the slaughterhouse to become the burger bbq.

It is necessary for human beings take steps to protect themselves and their animals from wolves. If you do not want to have that burden, do not live where there are wolves.
The 2nd photo is of a calf that was killed by a wolf.

I get that. So what % of the heard are the wolfs taking. I was also under the impression that the government reimbursed ranchers for heard loss due to wolfs.

Bingo. Ranchers AND farmers.

They get subsidies if their crop doesn't sell, subsidies if it does sell, subsidies to not grow this, subsidies to grow that. They get use of so-called public land at a huge and I do mean HUGE discount and if their stock dies or is killed, they get paid for that.

Besides the enormous and successful oil companies, foreign and domestic, I don't know of any other business that gets TAX paid subsidies to make sure they succeed. If you or I have a business, we're on our own. Thanks to the R's, there isn't even a decent Small Business Bureau anymore.

Its been several years since I've kept up with the figures but the last time I knew, hamburger would cost more than $35 a pound if not for TAX paid subsidies.

Even so, there is really no excuse for the wholesale killing of predators. Like it or not, we need predators other than humans.

Many reasons for that but among them is that humans kill the biggest and best so they hang body parts on their walls. Natural predators kill to eat so they target the weakest, oldest, sickest, thus strengthening the population of the prey animal.

Natural predators also have no choice but to live within the confines of what is known as "carrying capacity". IOW, they don't over-kill or over eat. In an effort to give hunters more to shoot at, we have "managed" wildlife damn near to death.

That's why deer have become vermin. They were threatened, near extinction until hunters got involved in their "management". They are now our biggest failure in wildlife "management". They cause auto accidents and human deaths because there are way too many of them. Nonetheless, there are farms that govt pays to produce more.

If you don't believe this, google "deer farms".

Anyway, the op is not "sorry" for posting ugly photos. Indeed, I suspect, he or she is proud when they should be ashamed.
Its odd to me that ranchers get in trouble for killing a wolf that is killing their livestock.

But if that predator is a coyote, then no one cares. If it is a snake getting into a chicken house, people applaud the killing.

How much of the complaining is about environmentalism and how much is based on some "cuteness" factor?

Farmers and ranchers have a right to protect their business assets and their livelihood.

Not in my case... Ive had opossum get in my house and trapped it and released it in yard, Ive ran across rattlesnakes and went around rather than kill it, I have never condoned killing a coyote as well... I believe in making preperations for predators... like taller fences maybe.

I get it, wolves are killing livestock.... I dont want to see the trophy pics and trucks full of dead wolves. Give me a break.
I see guys with bobcats stuffed and wolves stuffed... and even trophy hunters who kill a deer just because its the biggest buck, and would look good in the cigar room.. I dont like it is all.
Its just my opinion.
Wolves are intelligent animals who kill their dinner. Now if we were to legalize the hunting and trophy killing of gang members who kill because it pleases them to do that, we have some integrity to stand on.
Wolves are intelligent animals who kill their dinner. Now if we were to legalize the hunting and trophy killing of gang members who kill because it pleases them to do that, we have some integrity to stand on.

Im in...
The wolves, sadly, are going to suffer because of the overweening arrogance and ignorance of idiots who have seeded populations where they must come into contact with man and with man's herds.

Wolves and domestic cattle do not mix, and it's asinine to expect ranchers to cede their livelihood to wolves. They need to cull them vigorously...and that's sad, because wolves are complex, social, emotional creatures. They shouldn't be in that position...we've stuck them where they no longer have a place, and retards are now squeamish about doing what has to be done...i.e., maintaining the population (which means killing).
They could capture and neuter the animals instead of killing them.

Wolves mate forever, kill one and the other is alone for their lifetime.
just as wolves do damge to agriculture, agriculture does damge the environment of all species in the area farmed. Farmers do not have the right to total destruction of animal species for monetary gain.
just as wolves do damge to agriculture, agriculture does damge the environment of all species in the area farmed. Farmers do not have the right to total destruction of animal species for monetary gain.

Is see we have another nanny state central planner with zero understanding of private property rights. That you use over-the-top rhetoric to demonstrate your ignorance is far from surprising.
Wolves are living creatures. They are predators who kill to live. They have an absolute right to kill and eat their prey. The same right as the rancher has to send his livestock to the slaughterhouse to become the burger bbq.

It is necessary for human beings take steps to protect themselves and their animals from wolves. If you do not want to have that burden, do not live where there are wolves.

They aren't allowed to "take steps". Educate yourself. And the ranchers were there first. The wolves have been introduced and have outgrown their territory.

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