
I consider myself that person (politically) who votes for and wants as law makers and administrative civil servants, such as POTUS, Senator or Representative - those persons who are ethically sound, honest, professional in their fields and who will make decisions for the nation with integrity and compassion as well as justice and common sense always adhering to the US Constitution and all of its laws and amendments. Is that to much to ask?

Wait, so you're NOT a democrat?

I'm confused...
Wait, so you're NOT a democrat?

I'm confused...
I use the word Democrat as it was intended to describe a state such as in a noun - "an advocate or supporter of democracy". I believe in global democracy which is to say a world in which everyone is free to elect their own governments and the governments are created and maintained by the people and for the people and operate for no other purpose. A world where democracy is the norm and dictatorships are illegal.
You're a fascist Marxist then?
Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power and Marxism is a political and economic theory where a society has no classes. Every person within the society works for a common good, and class struggle is theoretically gone. I believe in every man or woman has the absolute right to be whatever it is they desire in life so long as it does harm anyone or anything in the process. In other words I believe in free enterprise and economic growth for everyone which is not at all Marxist in nature. And as to fascism. I am wholly against any such vile ideology. Fascism has no place in a free democratic society. So yes I believe in democracy but I also believe in free enterprise. Nations cannot prosper under Marxism and nations falter and die under fascism or they end up being destroyed by those who detest tyranny and hatred.
Checking out the forum. Hoping to meet many of a similar ideology. Thank you for having me.

I consider myself that person (politically) who votes for and wants as law makers and administrative civil servants, such as POTUS, Senator or Representative - those persons who are ethically sound, honest, professional in their fields and who will make decisions for the nation with integrity and compassion as well as justice and common sense always adhering to the US Constitution and all of its laws and amendments.


I love imaginary beings too!!

Welcome to the Jungle...
Check the Rubber Room forums.
That's where many of the same prodemocrat ideology folks end up.
I consider myself that person (politically) who votes for and wants as law makers and administrative civil servants, such as POTUS, Senator or Representative - those persons who are ethically sound, honest, professional in their fields and who will make decisions for the nation with integrity and compassion as well as justice and common sense always adhering to the US Constitution and all of its laws and amendments. Is that to much to ask?

I see you're not only a Democrat but a dreamer, as well.

This is a great forum. To get the most out of it, two things are essential, a sense of humor and a thick skin.

Don’t let “rightwinger” confuse you. His username is deliberately falsehood. He is a very far left wing hack. His post was his notion of humor. (Hey. He’s one of yours.)

Anyway, welcome aboard.

I think he’s just grumpy. A contrarian for the sake of it.
Oh wow. . . I checked out your twitter feed. . . I am so happy to have you here. . . WELCOME!!!!


. . . a little while back, we lost one of our well established members, Crepitus. . . Such a terrible, sorrowful loss. He too loved to post Opening Topic posts, sourced from . . . I see that is one of your favorite sources.

You should do just fine here. . . just fine.

I consider myself that person (politically) who votes for and wants as law makers and administrative civil servants, such as POTUS, Senator or Representative - those persons who are ethically sound, honest, professional in their fields and who will make decisions for the nation with integrity and compassion as well as justice and common sense always adhering to the US Constitution and all of its laws and amendments. Is that to much to ask?
So basically,.. another "Communist!"
Keep your popcorn dry. You will be a-salted.
All you folks are great and this is a cool place. Thanks for the welcome and fun. As serious as politics get sometimes it's great to have that get away place. Happy to be here and looking forward to a good future with many of you.
Oh wow. . . I checked out your twitter feed. . . I am so happy to have you here. . . WELCOME!!!!


. . . a little while back, we lost one of our well established members, Crepitus. . . Such a terrible, sorrowful loss. He too loved to post Opening Topic posts, sourced from . . . I see that is one of your favorite sources.

You should do just fine here. . . just fine.

Thanks and yes Daily Kos is great. I like the elections section the best. It details election news nation wide. The blogs are what really keeps me hopping though. Anyway have a great day and thank you for your kind welcome.

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