Grimm Trend: More Witch-Hunts Please! Go Thought-Police!

How Do You Feel About the Thought Police?

  • Fine, we need them. I'll keep patronizing media that covers it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not fine. It's a waste of time. I'll be switching channels.

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Ambivalent, what do I care?

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • There is no such thing as a political witch hunt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
A New York congressman was hit with a 20-count indictment on Monday, with charges including mail, wire, and healthcare fraud, filing false tax returns, perjury, and employing undocumented immigrants.

Michael Grimm, a Republican, was indicted on activities relating to a health-food restaurant business, Healthalicious, for which he oversaw day-to-day-operations from 2007 to 2010.

Grimm surrendered to the authorities on Monday, pleaded not guilty to the charges and was released on $400,000 bond. At a press conference on Monday afternoon, he told reporters the federal charges were part of a “political witch-hunt”, refused to resign and pledged to fight “tooth and nail” for re-election.

According to the indictment, Grimm “engaged in schemes to fraudulently under-report the wages he paid his workers … and fraudulently under-report the true amount of money the restaurant earned to both federal and New York State tax and insurance authorities.”...

...Grimm is the only Republican congressman in New York City, representing Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn. He faces a tough election challenge from Democrat Domenic Recchia, a former New York City councilmember. But while Grimm is in a tough spot, his rivals are not yet in a position to declare victory. New York politician Michael Grimm calls 20-count indictment a 'witch-hunt' | World news |
I'll bet his rivals are now in a much better spot. How convenient for them!

Ever paid anyone under the table to do anything for you? You may be next...

How many of you are getting sick of American witch-hunt politics? How many of you are completely free of having uttered a racial or sexist comment in your lives? How many of you would welcome your private conversations taken in or out of context and shared with the world? How many of you would enjoy having your career destroyed to fill in some time on the 24/7 MSM boredom circuit?

From Chris Christie to Kirk Cameron, to Phil Robertson, to Piers Morgan and beyond, we are seeing a very distracting trend: The Media Witch Hunt. It's like a book-burning on free speech turned into a wildfire.

Do people say stupid and mean spirited things? Yes. Do people have opinions that differ from yours? Yes. Shut them down to the exact level you are willing to be shut down yourself. Either that or shut up about it.

The witch hunt serves to distract the general public about the real pressing issues for which the powers that be refuse to talk about or service:

1. The deficit

2. The lack of jobs

3. Lack off affordable healthcare [still, Obamacare has left 10s of millions priced out of healthcare]

4. The Russia/China game plan.

5. Etc.

If they can keep us fighting and playing politically-correct thought police, perhaps we can become distracted enough to not rise up and demand resolution of the important things they don't want to deal with because it will cost them money to deal with it..

I'm tired of it. Boycott political witch hunts. When a news channel starts airing thought police bullshit, switch the channel. If you don't like what someone says, just don't patronize that person. But DO NOT patronize news channels that go on and on about the lastest normal stupid thing someone said..

In Grimm's case it's pretty clear he was a tough opponent. Plus he insulted and warned a reporter to back off when he was probing for questions meant to shed a poor light on Grimm. When you ask someone a loaded question and they rightfully rebuke you, you win either way right? Guilty as charged evident by the reception of the question.

MSM knows what they're doing. They've got the science of destroying people's lives dialed into a micro hair. If they want you, they'll get you. If you answer, your screwed, if you don't, you're screwed. Either way if the thought police sniff out that you are not fighting on their team, you're doomed.

Meanwhile the country is doomed by these distractions. Russia and China sit drooling loving every minute of the foolishess..
He can call it whatever he likes, in this case he is a witch. Lucky for him we no longer burn them here.
He can call it whatever he likes, in this case he is a witch. Lucky for him we no longer burn them here.

As usual, a snarky comment adding zero substance to the conversation. Only serving as a non sequitur. If you were on my website I'd have banned you eons ago. Do you ever contribute anything of substance or is your sole function to derail topics?
Isn't he former FBI or something? No partisan comment, but shouldn't a former agent know he could get nailed for this? LOL
He can call it whatever he likes, in this case he is a witch. Lucky for him we no longer burn them here.

As usual, a snarky comment adding zero substance to the conversation. Only serving as a non sequitur. If you were on my website I'd have banned you eons ago. Do you ever contribute anything of substance or is your sole function to derail topics?

Your posts are mixed-up irrational nonsense. You're lucky I even bother to comment on them. it..

Isn't he former FBI or something? No partisan comment, but shouldn't a former agent know he could get nailed for this? LOL

Anyone "should know" that you can get "nailed" for paying under the table. Do you think you're immune from the thought-police, the witch-hunters because you didn't work for the FBI? Ignorance is no excuse [they will tell you as they're lighting the pyre under your feet].

Just don't cross the ever-shifting "them" and you should be fine. Keep all your thoughts to yourself, never speak them aloud and drive yourselves to neurosis trying to abide by every letter of every law and maybe, just maybe they'll leave you off the hit list. God help you if you should slip and have an off day or moment where you speak your mind!..
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Whether or not he's really guilty (Remember Tom DeLay?) the mechanics is that this case was built and held until after Grimm's name was on the ballot. That was purely political and an indication of just how sick this entire regime really is.
People are free to say what they want, as well as those who criticize them for what they say.

Personally, I don't give a shit what anyone says. I'll be switching the channel.
All this witch-hunting is just an empty exercise in mental masturbation. But if it keeps the liberals from taking out their frustration on beasts and children then it might have a place in a civil society.
A New York congressman was hit with a 20-count indictment on Monday, with charges including mail, wire, and healthcare fraud, filing false tax returns, perjury, and employing undocumented immigrants.

Michael Grimm, a Republican, was indicted on activities relating to a health-food restaurant business, Healthalicious, for which he oversaw day-to-day-operations from 2007 to 2010.

Grimm surrendered to the authorities on Monday, pleaded not guilty to the charges and was released on $400,000 bond. At a press conference on Monday afternoon, he told reporters the federal charges were part of a “political witch-hunt”, refused to resign and pledged to fight “tooth and nail” for re-election.

According to the indictment, Grimm “engaged in schemes to fraudulently under-report the wages he paid his workers … and fraudulently under-report the true amount of money the restaurant earned to both federal and New York State tax and insurance authorities.”...

...Grimm is the only Republican congressman in New York City, representing Staten Island and parts of Brooklyn. He faces a tough election challenge from Democrat Domenic Recchia, a former New York City councilmember. But while Grimm is in a tough spot, his rivals are not yet in a position to declare victory. New York politician Michael Grimm calls 20-count indictment a 'witch-hunt' | World news |
I'll bet his rivals are now in a much better spot. How convenient for them!

Ever paid anyone under the table to do anything for you? You may be next...

How many of you are getting sick of American witch-hunt politics? How many of you are completely free of having uttered a racial or sexist comment in your lives? How many of you would welcome your private conversations taken in or out of context and shared with the world? How many of you would enjoy having your career destroyed to fill in some time on the 24/7 MSM boredom circuit?

From Chris Christie to Kirk Cameron, to Phil Robertson, to Piers Morgan and beyond, we are seeing a very distracting trend: The Media Witch Hunt. It's like a book-burning on free speech turned into a wildfire.

Do people say stupid and mean spirited things? Yes. Do people have opinions that differ from yours? Yes. Shut them down to the exact level you are willing to be shut down yourself. Either that or shut up about it.

The witch hunt serves to distract the general public about the real pressing issues for which the powers that be refuse to talk about or service:

1. The deficit

2. The lack of jobs

3. Lack off affordable healthcare [still, Obamacare has left 10s of millions priced out of healthcare]

4. The Russia/China game plan.

5. Etc.

If they can keep us fighting and playing politically-correct thought police, perhaps we can become distracted enough to not rise up and demand resolution of the important things they don't want to deal with because it will cost them money to deal with it..

I'm tired of it. Boycott political witch hunts. When a news channel starts airing thought police bullshit, switch the channel. If you don't like what someone says, just don't patronize that person. But DO NOT patronize news channels that go on and on about the lastest normal stupid thing someone said..

In Grimm's case it's pretty clear he was a tough opponent. Plus he insulted and warned a reporter to back off when he was probing for questions meant to shed a poor light on Grimm. When you ask someone a loaded question and they rightfully rebuke you, you win either way right? Guilty as charged evident by the reception of the question.

MSM knows what they're doing. They've got the science of destroying people's lives dialed into a micro hair. If they want you, they'll get you. If you answer, your screwed, if you don't, you're screwed. Either way if the thought police sniff out that you are not fighting on their team, you're doomed.

Meanwhile the country is doomed by these distractions. Russia and China sit drooling loving every minute of the foolishess..

Duke Cunningham declared himself innocent and a victim of partisan politics and the left-wing media at first ........too.
All this witch-hunting is just an empty exercise in mental masturbation. But if it keeps the liberals from taking out their frustration on beasts and children then it might have a place in a civil society.

Now, that's an odd thing to say.
Grimm Trend: More Witch-Hunts Please! Go Thought-Police!

Great OP but Sil has not provided solid, concrete evidence to justify it.

The Congress critter's problems are not due to a "thought police," but his own criminal activity,.
Grimm Trend: More Witch-Hunts Please! Go Thought-Police!

Great OP but Sil has not provided solid, concrete evidence to justify it.

The Congress critter's problems are not due to a "thought police," but his own criminal activity,.

Did Grimm just "think" about breaking the law? Or did he actually break the law?

I'm not getting the whole "thought police" meme
Pretty soon you won't be able to tell the difference between America and Iran.

Sorry to see this country go down this street.
Well, I suspect Iranian pols pay workers what they want, and the workers better be happy with that ... or else.
Pretty soon you won't be able to tell the difference between America and Iran.

Sorry to see this country go down this street.

No doubt. What's the difference between a public stoning and the media witch hunts and thought police here in the US? The answer is: the public stonings are a lot more humane. At least there when they're done, you have a chance of healing from the welts and bruising and getting on with your life. Here you're done. Everything you worked for your entire life, gone. You might as well be dead..
Pretty soon you won't be able to tell the difference between America and Iran.

Sorry to see this country go down this street.

No doubt. What's the difference between a public stoning and the media witch hunts and thought police here in the US? The answer is: the public stonings are a lot more humane. At least there when they're done, you have a chance of healing from the welts and bruising and getting on with your life. Here you're done. Everything you worked for your entire life, gone. You might as well be dead..

I thought that phrase needed to be in nice, big letters so people would be less likely to miss them. :D

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