Growing Hidden White Racism


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I m not talking about mere bigotry or preference for ones own. The sspread of white attitudes that dismiss blacks as sub-human, in effect, is becoming more blatant with each day.

The comments on this story:
Cops: Teen Beaten Unconscious Following Dodge Ball Fight « CBS Houston
illustrates what I am talking about. This kind of thing was not often read on sites prior to Obama and when they did bob to the surface like a toilet bowl floater, they were almost immediately denounced in such strident terms that the idiot would go elsewhere.

Not any more.

And having grown up in the South in the sixties, I remember that the sort of people who would talk racist trash post 64 were a minority of low income whites, but not educated whites. In the past two weeks I have overheard three racist comments by white men who were dressed proffessionally and twice I was told to my face blatantly racist things like, 'F^&* Obama, that damned N*$%^r. Things wont get better till that monkey gets thrown from office.'

The guy who said that wasn wearing a sweat stained blue collar shirt, or overalls like one might have expected low-brow racists to wear after the 64 Civil Rights Act. This man is a financial pro handling lots of loans to commercial outfits and was very well dressed at the time.

Obama has failed to lead this country toward a non-racial vision, instead giving free reign to the race baitors and making the situation far worse.

I pray it does not explode, but I fear it eventually will.
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WTF are you babbling about?

If there was any racism in the incident you linked to it would have been racism between white and asian.
This is no 'social trend,' it is merely one person's subjective impression. Nothing more to it than that.
Those of us who still live in the past,will make the same mistakes as the past.But those of us who live in the present will determine what will be the future.
The people who were racists 10 years ago, by and large, are still racists. However, I think the overwhelming majority of people aren't racists. And, I live in the South. I think it's a lot better down here than it was a decade ago when I moved here, mainly because a lot of the older generations are getting elderly, and the young kids coming up aren't racist at all, for the most part.
This is no 'social trend,' it is merely one person's subjective impression. Nothing more to it than that.

Of course, but what study would cover a change in attitude that the group in question is afraid of uttering a single sylable of for fear of becoming a social pariah? No one is going to sit in a study group and say 'I think blacks are unevolved feral versions of humanity.' Not to anyone that represents authority, but perhaps to a fellow that they are drinking beer with and who assumesshares the same point of view.

And my personal observation is that this stealth racism is resurgant, virile and getting bolder by the day.
The people who were racists 10 years ago, by and large, are still racists. However, I think the overwhelming majority of people aren't racists. And, I live in the South. I think it's a lot better down here than it was a decade ago when I moved here, mainly because a lot of the older generations are getting elderly, and the young kids coming up aren't racist at all, for the most part.

I think that the difference between the truck driver racist in 1970 and the truck driver racist today is that theprior was open about his racism and did not hide it. We all knew who felt that way and who didnt.

But not today. The only ones that are openly racist today are idiots and libs posing as such to scare the minorities.
Those of us who still live in the past,will make the same mistakes as the past.But those of us who live in the present will determine what will be the future.

The present is the product of the past, and so to understand the present you have to also understand the past, how we got to where we are.

The social and economic forces that purged our nation of open racism have become very much weakened today. Christianity, the monolythhic massmedia and trust in th e wisdom of our fedral government were key factors in the ridding our nation of open racism and all these are much less than they were fifty years ago.

And the racists are far more prudent than before. You could be talking to someone who would like to round up blacks and just shoot them all and never have a single clue because they wont discuss to anyone but those they absolutely trust.
WTF are you babbling about?

If there was any racism in the incident you linked to it would have been racism between white and asian.

I was refering to the comments folowing the article, Ravi.

Once again, you have a comprehension FAIL.
your racist dreams are crumbling.

Your Longing for the "good old days" will NEVER be met with reality.

Its a Very good thing for mankind that you racists will be so very disappointed with this countries future.
your racist dreams are crumbling.

Your Longing for the "good old days" will NEVER be met with reality.

Its a Very good thing for mankind that you racists will be so very disappointed with this countries future.

Who is it you think you are posting this to?
Whether or not there is racism, there is a significant number of black people who need racisim and have learned to rely on racism to get whatever it is they feel they are owed.
This is no 'social trend,' it is merely one person's subjective impression. Nothing more to it than that.

Of course, but what study would cover a change in attitude that the group in question is afraid of uttering a single sylable of for fear of becoming a social pariah? No one is going to sit in a study group and say 'I think blacks are unevolved feral versions of humanity.' Not to anyone that represents authority, but perhaps to a fellow that they are drinking beer with and who assumesshares the same point of view.

And my personal observation is that this stealth racism is resurgant, virile and getting bolder by the day.

I am not a racist and that is a considered and evolved position. I am aware of what I was taught while growing up in the 50's and there has been significant re and de programming that I've had to learn in order to shake all of that off.

That said, there is a racial divide in this country and it is not prolonged exclusively by Whites. In truth, the racial divide is more defined and expanded by the activities of Blacks than by Whites. The stereotypes of pants on the ground and hats on sideways and gang-based attitudes are not things that Whites make up. These are things that hold Blacks away from assimilation into society.

It's okay that Blacks refuse to become parts of society and refuse to excel in areas that could promote a wealthier life style. It is not okay that Blacks do all of those things AND demand that they be accepted and rewarded for being incompetent, illiterate and insulting.

There is a language of society that marks a person before the first word is uttered in any setting. If a Black person in all ways calls up the image of Bill Cosby or if he in all ways calls up the image of Flava Flav, there will be a different response from anyone regardless of race.

As Charles Barkley reminded us, Race is a taboo subject and it shouldn't be.

As long as the Black Leaders of today exhort Blacks to actively avoid succeeding in this society and imply that joining the society is the same as selling out, they are disserving their followers.
Those who hate others because of the color of their skin, the church in which they worship (or don't worship), a persons ethnicity or sexual orientation and even their gender, do so out of ignorance. Ignorance breed of fear and training.

It does seem an epidemic of ignorance has developed since President Obama was elected to our nation's highest office. Those who don't accept the fact that a man of color holds that office were shaken to their core when he was elected and no matter the consequences to our nation they hope he fails.

McConnell, Boehner, Cantor and others will sacrifice anything in their efforts to discredit and criticize every word The President utters and ever policy he proposes - even if their motive is not based on the color of his skin, and only on their lust for power, what they have done (and not done) during President Obama's first term is despicable.
Whether or not there is racism, there is a significant number of black people who need racisim and have learned to rely on racism to get whatever it is they feel they are owed.

You're missing the more nefarious side of that conclusion.

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