Gun control and firearms ban the only further regulation there is shall not be infringed
Regulating your arms does not infringe upon your right to bear those that are deemed lawful. Vast precedent already exists along those lines.

You are really stupid....we know history, we understand human nature...Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Australia, New Zealand.... and the rest of europe first registered guns, then came back and confiscated dumb ass
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors. the only further regulation there is shall not be infringed
Regulating your arms does not infringe upon your right to bear those that are deemed lawful. Vast precedent already exists along those lines.
you're misusing the word well-regulated it means as to be expected in working order
by your definition, it is an infringement by the definition the second amendment was written under it would mean as to be expected in working order
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.

They weren't right wing, you doofus...they were left wing socialists.
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.
European right-wing is not American right-wing they are the total opposite of each other
are you saying FDR was a right-winger? because at a point in time he liked Hitler hell Hitler was times man of the year
...You are really stupid....we know history, we understand human nature...Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Australia, New Zealand.... and the rest of europe first registered guns, then came back and confiscated dumb ass
None of which countries had a Second Amendment -like law operating to protect firearm ownership.

BTW... don't look now... but you've just lost political power... in the White House, the House of Representatives, and, quite possibly, the Senate.

So long as registration, licensing and tracking are crafted in a Constitutional framework, such reforms will pass muster in SCOTUS, as well.

Rednecks with large collections of pop-guns are just as dangerous as ghetto-thugs doing drive-bys.
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.

They weren't right wing, you doofus...they were left wing socialists.
American right-wing is not like European right wing they are total opposites
...You are really stupid....we know history, we understand human nature...Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Australia, New Zealand.... and the rest of europe first registered guns, then came back and confiscated dumb ass
None of which countries had a Second Amendment -like law operating to protect firearm ownership.

BTW... don't look now... but you've just lost political power... in the White House, the House of Representatives, and, quite possibly, the Senate.

So long as registration, licensing and tracking are crafted in a Constitutional framework, such reforms will pass muster in SCOTUS, as well.

Rednecks with large collections of pop-guns are just as dangerous as ghetto-thugs doing drive-bys.

You really are a stupid human being...........
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.

They weren't right wing, you doofus...they were left wing socialists.
American right-wing is not like European right wing they are total opposites

I keep trying to point this out to those morons, but they are too stupid to understand this........
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.
European right-wing is not American right-wing they are the total opposite of each other
are you saying FDR was a right-winger? because at a point in time he liked Hitler hell Hitler was times man of the year

Yep....FDR was a socialist.......he was just hemmed in by our Constitution.....

But ask the Japanese, German and Italian Americans he sent to concentration camps....
...You are really stupid....we know history, we understand human nature...Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Russia, Australia, New Zealand.... and the rest of europe first registered guns, then came back and confiscated dumb ass
None of which countries had a Second Amendment -like law operating to protect firearm ownership.

BTW... don't look now... but you've just lost political power... in the White House, the House of Representatives, and, quite possibly, the Senate.

So long as registration, licensing and tracking are crafted in a Constitutional framework, such reforms will pass muster in SCOTUS, as well.

Rednecks with large collections of pop-guns are just as dangerous as ghetto-thugs doing drive-bys.
and you lost the seats in the house that you thought you would keep and gain
funny how that works you should have won the two Georgia seats since jo supposedly won the state lol sure he won that state lol illegitimate jo we're going to tear his has out of the white house we're going to mostly peaceful protest lol
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.
European right-wing is not American right-wing they are the total opposite of each other
are you saying FDR was a right-winger? because at a point in time he liked Hitler hell Hitler was times man of the year

Yep....FDR was a socialist.......he was just hemmed in by our Constitution.....

But ask the Japanese, German and Italian Americans he sent to concentration camps....
he even wanted to stack the courts by adding more justices to the supreme court but his fellow democrats rejected that idea.
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.
European right-wing is not American right-wing they are the total opposite of each other
are you saying FDR was a right-winger? because at a point in time he liked Hitler hell Hitler was times man of the year

Yep....FDR was a socialist.......he was just hemmed in by our Constitution.....

But ask the Japanese, German and Italian Americans he sent to concentration camps....
he even wanted to stack the courts by adding more justices to the supreme court but his fellow democrats rejected that idea.

Funny how the democrats go back to the old socialist playbook...
...and you lost the seats in the house that you thought you would keep and gain...
Yep. The Dems are ALMOST as full of $hit as you morons... ALMOST... but STILL good enough to hang onto the majority.

...funny how that works you should have won the two Georgia seats since jo supposedly won the state lol sure he won that state lol illegitimate jo...
Doesn't matter... I'm not a Dim either... just hanging with them long enough to get your Orange Turd failed messiah out of power.

...we're going to tear his has out of the white house we're going to mostly peaceful protest lol
You limp-dikks aren't going to do $hit.
My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...

Thanks . . . for informing the entire internet. Ammo is no problem, really. Just pull up and search whatever caliber. A few calibers, such as 45-70 and 6.5 Grendel are running scarce. But even those calibers can be found . . . if you delve deeply enough into search results.
I have passed up a lot of ammo this year some people need ammo more than I do. I started buying years ago. so I figure I'll let someone have my share this year.
i recently bought some green tip 5.56mm NATO rounds.....Since Russia isnt a threat to Europe anymore, i just figured i might need a few since XiBiden, might take over next year...
A handy chambering I use is .223 Wylde. It shoots both 5.56 and .223 without a problem. Whichever is cheaper.
One of the big things US citizens need to do, is when the 4am wake up call from the Feds at your neighbors house, everyone who is a Law Abiding Citizen needs to step up and stop the illegal search and seizure the Feds will attempt.

Sounds heroic, doesn't it? Trust me I'm on your side. However, let's just say I've been reading a whole lot about John Brown's fate lately. There's a real good and important lesson to learn in studying what happened in Harpers Ferry in 1859. Read between the lines and you must realize anyone who resists our federal government with armed force will be eradicated. Now, one could cite the eventual victory of Cliven Bundy and his son's—but—that's like finding a specific grain of sand on a very wide beach.

interesting antifa resisted the government and nothing was said let's create another chaz. Nevertheless, you'll be placed in a position to defend your rights if Biden does take office and the democrats take the senate. However I do recall a group of men that took a stand against a super power of the world and won

Think the French will help us again this time? I don't think so.

when was that Tory? oh that's right after Washington had the brits and the tories bottled up at Yorktown

At least you have your history right. Now, which country will help us defeat the Biden Imperial Forces like the French did at Yorktown?

be a good little tory

Still too stupid to answer any reasonable questions I see!

No I just say fuck you to tories

For about the 100th time, that has nothing to do with my username, you dumbass fucking racist redneck!

oh no but it does have a lot to do with what you are tory

A Tory is a conservative you dumbass!
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

When the jack booted thugs show up at your door, demanding your weapons, aim for the head, then look for the next closest Biden voter and take them out also.

The guys who would come for you guns would be a law authority up holding a law that would have been deem constitutional by the courts.

So you want your gun to shoot at cops...

I see where you owning a gun might be an issue now...
the first call for ban on a firearm was a revolver back in the 70's then the gun grabbers went for semiautomatics
They will never stop

That's why we must never stop until we can purchase state-of-the-art machine guns without background checks or registration.

We must push the entire opposite direction with double the furry and motivation. THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL US!!! STOP THEM NOW AND PUSH FOR MACHINE GUNS!!!

So you are for arming mentally ill and ex felons with machine guns cause you are advocating no sensible way of them not getting them.

So you are pro mentally ill getting machine guns lobby...

That will drive up gun sales...
...Hey, have no room to talk... The Europeans banned and confiscated guns after WW1.....then the German socialists murdered 12 million unarmed Europeans... Excuse us if we don't take your dumb opinions seriously....
The Nazis were 'socialists' in name only... in truth, they were hyper-right-wing ultra-nationalists operating under false colors.
European right-wing is not American right-wing they are the total opposite of each other
are you saying FDR was a right-winger? because at a point in time he liked Hitler hell Hitler was times man of the year

Yep....FDR was a socialist.......he was just hemmed in by our Constitution.....

But ask the Japanese, German and Italian Americans he sent to concentration camps....

Those were NOT concentration camps. They were internment camps.
My brother's got a friend who's selling a number of guns. We've already decided we're buying whatever he's selling. The beauty of it is these guns are completely undocumented. No one knows we'll have them, as there's no requirement to register them here.

The trick is finding ammunition. I've got a buddy reloading some rifle rounds for me, but finding .45 ACP is like trying to find a unicorn...

Thanks . . . for informing the entire internet. Ammo is no problem, really. Just pull up and search whatever caliber. A few calibers, such as 45-70 and 6.5 Grendel are running scarce. But even those calibers can be found . . . if you delve deeply enough into search results.
I have passed up a lot of ammo this year some people need ammo more than I do. I started buying years ago. so I figure I'll let someone have my share this year.
i recently bought some green tip 5.56mm NATO rounds.....Since Russia isnt a threat to Europe anymore, i just figured i might need a few since XiBiden, might take over next year...
A handy chambering I use is .223 Wylde. It shoots both 5.56 and .223 without a problem. Whichever is cheaper.
One of the big things US citizens need to do, is when the 4am wake up call from the Feds at your neighbors house, everyone who is a Law Abiding Citizen needs to step up and stop the illegal search and seizure the Feds will attempt.

Sounds heroic, doesn't it? Trust me I'm on your side. However, let's just say I've been reading a whole lot about John Brown's fate lately. There's a real good and important lesson to learn in studying what happened in Harpers Ferry in 1859. Read between the lines and you must realize anyone who resists our federal government with armed force will be eradicated. Now, one could cite the eventual victory of Cliven Bundy and his son's—but—that's like finding a specific grain of sand on a very wide beach.

Anyone who resists our federal government with armed force is labeled a domestic terrorist and villified in the media 24/7 to the point that nobody would dare publicly defend them.

The federal government (actually all levels of government ) has a duty to uphold the the law... If you find a law unconstitutional then sue the Government in court, if you loose then you want to break the law after it was deemed constitutional... You actually want to kill police officers because you don't like a particular constitutional law (as deemed by the courts)...

How would that make you different from any other criminal?

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