Gun Control question for liberals?

Sorry... Won't fly... You lost me with "on all purchases"...

You wanna keep guns outta the hands of criminals right?

If I know my cousin, uncle, niece, nephew, best friend etc isn't a felon why do I need to pay for a background check?

You are under no obligation to know either way. That is what the background check is for.

Answer the question

If I know my brother isn't a felon why do I have to pay for a background check?

Because under current law, there is no legal reason why any individual seller should know or even care if the gun purchaser can legally own a gun. Hell. there is no legal reason why the seller should even know the purchaser's name, much less whether he can legally own a gun.

It doesn't matter....the felon who buys the gun knows that they can't buy that gun, and when they are caught with that gun, they can already be arrested and jailed....... Private sales are not what you care want universal background checks so that when they can then demand gun registration which is what you really want. You know that registration came first, in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, France, Canada, Germany, and various states here in the U.S......and then came banning and confiscation......

That is the goal.
/—-/ Nor should he be held responsible any more than you would be if you sold your car to a drunk driver.

Well, now, the difference is that with a car, the state must register it, and they will not do that for an owner who is legally prohibited from driving. I would be perfectly at ease if the same restriction applied to guns.
/——/ And you should be held responsible if the sober guy you sold the car to uses it to commit a crime like vehicular homicide. You should get 20 years to life.

You keep comparing apples to oranges. The state is responsible to see that the guy I sold my car to can not register and drive it on a public street if he is prohibited to drive, not me. The same is true if somebody passes a background check on buying a firearm by faking it somehow. If firearms all had to be bought with a background check, or if all guns had to be registered, then the two situations would be the same, and the seller would be off the hook..
/-----/ " if he is prohibited to drive, not me."
And if the drunk driver has never been caught or the homicidal maniac has been getting away with it for years - the blood is on your hands - using your gun grabber logic.

It is clear that the whole concept of licensing drivers, and cars, vs licensing firearm ownership and sales is a concept that is way too high for your pay grade. is a concept you don't care about because you just want anything that will help you ban and confiscate guns.

Owning guns is a Right....not subject to licensing and fees...just like voting.......or speech.
Actually I'm about as liberal as they come and I don't have a problem with private ownership of guns. I do have a problem with any Joe off the street being able to get one with no training, no insurance, and so on. Let's license them like cars. Some minimal training, laws on storage, and require liability insurance, along with mandatory background checks on all purchases.

Sorry... Won't fly... You lost me with "on all purchases"...

"Sorry... Won't fly... You lost me with "on all purchases"...

conservatives have no idea just how stupid conservatives truly are.

You just admitted that YOU have NO PROBLEM with criminals just waltzing in to gun shops and buying all the weapons they want without fear of a background check.


now tell me again how all life is precious.

It is already against the law for a felon to buy, own or carry guns..... we already have that law......when they are caught, they can be put in jail...the problem comes from the democrats who let them out over and over again.

We don't have a problem catching gun criminals...we catch them over and over again with illegal guns and they are arrested, over and over again.....

The problem is the democrats who keep letting them out of jail and prison, over and over again..

That is the problem.....

The claim was made that universal checks would have no effect either way. I just asked for proof of that claim.

You are confused about this, aren't you Moon Bat?

Almost all of the recent mass shooters passed a background check and it didn't stop them from committing a crime.

Background checks are absolutely useless. Passing a stupid background check is absolutely no guarantee that a person won't commit a crime in the future.

Background checks are just like all stupid Liberal policies. They make the idiot Liberals feel good but they are useless.

Somebody looking to use a firearm for criminal purposes will always be able to get one regardless of the oppressive laws against law abiding citizens.

There is no guarantee that any person won't commit a crime in the future, dumb ass, but, if you determine they have committed crimes in the past, it is positive that they are more likely to commit more crimes in the future.

Then why do the democrats keep letting them out of jail and prison over and over again? And why do democrat politicians keep reducing the lengths of sentences for gun crimes, repeat gun crimes for actual criminals who have criminal records and repeat gun arrests?
People say a lot of inflammatory, harmful things.

Should we license free speech?

People make stupid voting decisions based on how "cute" a candidate is or the color of a candidate's skin. Clearly, that is dangerous to a country, which could result in massive deaths brought on by war.

Should we license voting?

When people get together in groups, they sometimes can get all riled up into hatred and do very dangerous, harmful things.

Maybe we need a license to assemble?

Dangerous criminals often hide their crimes or criminal plans in their homes.

We need a license to privacy. Only licensed privacy holders can be guaranteed no searches or seizures without a warrant.


This can go all day long.

Those proposing licensing for firearms do not give a rat fuck about rights or freedom.


The claim was made that universal checks would have no effect either way. I just asked for proof of that claim.

You are confused about this, aren't you Moon Bat?

Almost all of the recent mass shooters passed a background check and it didn't stop them from committing a crime.

Background checks are absolutely useless. Passing a stupid background check is absolutely no guarantee that a person won't commit a crime in the future.

Background checks are just like all stupid Liberal policies. They make the idiot Liberals feel good but they are useless.

Somebody looking to use a firearm for criminal purposes will always be able to get one regardless of the oppressive laws against law abiding citizens.

There is no guarantee that any person won't commit a crime in the future, dumb ass, but, if you determine they have committed crimes in the past, it is positive that they are more likely to commit more crimes in the future.

Then why do the democrats keep letting them out of jail and prison over and over again? And why do democrat politicians keep reducing the lengths of sentences for gun crimes, repeat gun crimes for actual criminals who have criminal records and repeat gun arrests?
If everyone were armed, criminals could have their rights restored after they served their time, because natural selection/street justice would take care of them if they didn't or refused to learn their lesson.

The tenure among most Liberals is that they don’t like private citizens owning guns. Yet, if you had your way and everyone turned over their guns, that would leave police and criminals having guns. Liberals are also the first to attack the police. How is it you are okay with police having guns and how would you get guns from criminals?
Actually I'm about as liberal as they come and I don't have a problem with private ownership of guns. I do have a problem with any Joe off the street being able to get one with no training, no insurance, and so on. Let's license them like cars. Some minimal training, laws on storage, and require liability insurance, along with mandatory background checks on all purchases.
Translation. Make it to expensive for most to own a firearm. Why should someone like myself go through all that when I've owned firearms for over 40 years and served in the military ?

You and I are part of the 3% club. That's right. 3%. And when you exit the service, there are provisions made to allow you easy access to concealed weapons carry permits in most states because you are trusted. Sillyvillians don't get that and have to go through the training and pay for that training. So you are using the 3% that can get around the training and expense as an example......bad choice.

As for insurance, I support that. Shit happens. But the insurance companies need to be watched very, very closely. The NRA can stop being such a public nuicance and actually fill that void and keep tabs on those insurance companies. Let's face it, most motorbikes only cost about 75 bucks a year to insure and are more prone to an accident than a handgun. So the insurance should be much less on the handgun. So it's not such a big deal.

Now about Universal Background Checks. In 2016, Colorado did over 600,000 background checks. All but a little under 200 were approved. They sent 27 felons back to prison for parole violation for gun violations. We are talking about 27 violent criminals taken off the street. And almost 200 others for other reasons like court orders pending. So don't tell me that it doesn't work. It just doesn't work all the time. But it works MOST of the time. And if it saves even one life it's worth it. That one saved life just might be my own or one of my families. that doofus...

Gun laws that cost millions had little effect because they weren't enforced

In Colorado and Washington state, advocates spent millions of dollars, and two Colorado Democrats lost their seats, in the effort to pass laws requiring criminal background checks on every single gun sale.

More than three years later, researchers have concluded that the new laws had little measurable effect, probably because citizens simply decided not to comply and there was a lack of enforcement by authorities.

The results of the new study, conducted by some of America’s most well-respected gun violence researchers, is a setback for a growing gun control movement that has centered its national strategy on precisely the kind of state laws passed in Colorado and Washington.

“If I’m an advocate pushing for one of these laws, [I would ask]: ‘What can I do to maximize the opportunities for enforcement? Does that mean funding for law enforcement, for augmenting the activities of an enforcement unit?”

What this all boils do to is some people being unwilling to be responsible for their own personal security and thereby being unworthy of liberty, or those same people hating liberty and wanting to destroy it at all costs so they can be cared for like caged animals, thereby being unworthy of liberty.

Some Americans have lost faith in liberty.

6 years ago, a madman gunned down 20 first-graders and 6 teachers. Afterwards, the Republican Congress proudly defeated the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 and the Manchin-Toomey Amendment, which would have expanded background checks on gun buyers

Heidi Heitkamp voted against Manchin/Toomey. she's a Democrat and mom. she was followed by Begich, Baucus, and Mark Pryor, all Dems. the vote failed by 6 votes. there were shouts of "shame on you" in the senate gallery, which rarely happens.

"this is a shameful day for america", obama bellowed

heitkamp said she voted no because she got so many calls from gun extremists arguing to preserve their 2nd amendment rights
You do realize there were 17 mass shooting during the Clinton assault weapon ban?
The tenure among most Liberals is that they don’t like private citizens owning guns. Yet, if you had your way and everyone turned over their guns, that would leave police and criminals having guns. Liberals are also the first to attack the police. How is it you are okay with police having guns and how would you get guns from criminals?
This should be fun.
6 years ago, a madman gunned down 20 first-graders and 6 teachers. Afterwards, the Republican Congress proudly defeated the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 and the Manchin-Toomey Amendment, which would have expanded background checks on gun buyers

Heidi Heitkamp voted against Manchin/Toomey. she's a Democrat and mom. she was followed by Begich, Baucus, and Mark Pryor, all Dems. the vote failed by 6 votes. there were shouts of "shame on you" in the senate gallery, which rarely happens.

"this is a shameful day for america", obama bellowed

heitkamp said she voted no because she got so many calls from gun extremists arguing to preserve their 2nd amendment rights
You do realize there were 17 mass shooting during the Clinton assault weapon ban?
Let's license them like cars.
You don't need a license to buy a car, own a car or sell a car.
You don't need a license to keep a car in your home or on your property.
You don 't need a license to operate a car on private property.
So.. when do you think a license for gun ownership would apply?
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6 years ago, a madman gunned down 20 first-graders and 6 teachers. Afterwards, the Republican Congress proudly defeated the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 and the Manchin-Toomey Amendment, which would have expanded background checks on gun buyers

Heidi Heitkamp voted against Manchin/Toomey. she's a Democrat and mom. she was followed by Begich, Baucus, and Mark Pryor, all Dems. the vote failed by 6 votes. there were shouts of "shame on you" in the senate gallery, which rarely happens.

"this is a shameful day for america", obama bellowed

heitkamp said she voted no because she got so many calls from gun extremists arguing to preserve their 2nd amendment rights
You do realize there were 17 mass shooting during the Clinton assault weapon ban?
they don't work
So, you are finally agreeing that laws do not prevent crime.

We're finally getting somewhere.

Praise Allah.


Laws do prevent crime. Only a childish fool would expect them to stop all crime,
So we create more laws that will not work? now that's childish.

You're obviously not smart enough to understand gun control laws. Read something besides NRA propaganda, and try again. I'm still waiting on proof that universal checks won't work at all.
I would say it's you who doesn't understand what you support.

Sure, but you say lots of goofy stuff.
So will you be the next nutty leftist that tries to kill themselves?
most of the gun extremists tend to be older white men who dont know how to use social media,,,and Parkland's Kyle
What is your qualitative experience on the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?
Let's license them like cars.
You don't need a license to buy a car, or own a car.
You don't need a license to keep a car in your home.
You don 't need a license to operate a car on private property.
So.. when do you think a license for gun ownership would apply?
You will need a license when you plan on taking that gun into public and committing a crime with it.


most of the gun extremists tend to be older white men who dont know how to use social media,,,and Parkland's Kyle
What is your qualitative experience on the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?
we may not agree on everything but we need to work together as american human beings to prevent preventable gun violence!
brothers and sisters: the person who the NRA donated the most to in history was Trump. and he banned bump stocks. and the nra were silent on that. they are doing a horrible job. Hogg owns the future!

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