Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.

How many people singularly shoot innocent people in schools, movie theaters, restaurants, at concerts, parks, public buildings and even military bases, who have never committed a crime?

Hell if I know.

But I know a lot of them use firearms they obtained illegally. For those of you keeping score, that would make them "criminals".

Your solution doesn't unbury the dead.

No shit, really?

How is taking firearms from law abiding citizens like me going to make you safe from someone like this:

How many people singularly shoot innocent people in schools, movie theaters, restaurants, at concerts, parks, public buildings and even military bases, who have never committed a crime?

Your solution doesn't unbury the dead.
Most of the gun crime in this country happens by Black and Brown street thugs in Democrat controlled big city shitholes with stringent gun control laws. We explain this to you every time this discussion comes up but you don't want to hear it.

If those moron Democrats in New York hadn't imposed such stringent laws against guns then maybe somebody with a carry weapon could have prevented the Negro from shooting so many people.

All gun control laws do is insure that the only people with guns are the crooks. That is dumb, isn't it?
Everybody had guns in the 60's and most shooting victims were shot accidentally.

Why was it included in the first place. Why didn't it say every Tom, Dick, and Harriette can have a firearm?

Because at the time 2nd was written well regulated meant in good working order.

This has been posted many times before and you ignore it because it means the opposite of what you want it to.
It bestowed the right on Citizens and it went hand in hand with the obligation of property owners to join their local Militia. Not every Tom, Dick or Harriette was a Citizen when was written either.

The only viable way to change it however is a new Amendment and that ain't happening any time soon.
The militia is defined in Art I, sec 8 clauses 15 & 16. There is no "local militia".
It bestowed the right on Citizens and it went hand in hand with the obligation of property owners to join their local Militia. Not every Tom, Dick or Harriette was a Citizen when was written either.

The only viable way to change it however is a new Amendment and that ain't happening any time soon.

It bestowed NOTHING. It recognized a NATURAL Right.

Funny how you think the 2nd is less important to the Founders than the 1st.
Because at the time 2nd was written well regulated meant in good working order.

This has been posted many times before and you ignore it because it means the opposite of what you want it to.
The stupid uneducated Moon Bat also ignores the fact that the Supreme Court has determined that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right protected the same as freedom of speech or religion.

We also tell the Moon Bat that but he always ignores it.
"the people" bozo are the entire population. Including criminals, thus "shall not be infringed" is a fiction in your "thinking".

Ahhhh, so here we have it. Criminals don't follow laws, obviously, so the ONLY people your fantasy gun regulation will affect are the law abiding.

Why do you want to disarm the law abiding, Mr. Fascist?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Guns are great, great for killing, maiming and used for fun.​

A gun is just a tool. It works well for its intended purpose. Of course, some people will abuse it. Ever see a person's head after they've been bludgeoned by a hammer? The hammer is also a tool. Don't blame the hammer when it's the carpenter who did the killing.
I'm certain to see this thread put in the proper forum, one that will immediately be able to post off topic posts and an excuse that mass shooting of innocent human beings is rare and no excuse to have gun controls.

Is it trolling, or some other excuse to allow the gun lovers to use the same claim that mass shooting is no reason to deny them with their absolute right: "shall not be infringed"? And innocent men, women and children maimed and murdered is simply a rare event - almost daily in the United States - and their rights to own, possess and have in their custody and control this right, and of course, their right to be armed to everyone will be the solution to these rare events.

So, Rye, I get the feeling you don't like guns? Well here's a flash for you--- NO ONE likes violence, but blaming guns for it makes about as much sense as blaming hammers for smashed fingers or car makers for traffic accidents.

The sad fact is that the problem is PEOPLE, too many people, too many social ills, much of it caused by excessive overcrowding, excessive diversity and mixing of people forcibly jumbled tightly together now to meet government agendas, much of it caused by poverty and other economic/social inequities, and the rest spurred on by political radicalism.
It bestowed the right on Citizens and it went hand in hand with the obligation of property owners to join their local Militia. Not every Tom, Dick or Harriette was a Citizen when was written either.

The only viable way to change it however is a new Amendment and that ain't happening any time soon.
The only people not required to be in a militia we're clergymen and politicians.
It bestowed the right on Citizens....
The 2nd amendment does not grant any rights to any person.
and it went hand in hand with the obligation of property owners to join their local Militia.
And nowhere was membership in the militia a pre-requisite for the ownership of a gun.
Not every Tom, Dick or Harriette was a Citizen when was written either.
The 2nd Amendment, like the 1st and 4th and 5thn and... does not apply to just citizens.
The only viable way to change it however is a new Amendment and that ain't happening any time soon.
There;s no need to change it, as it has never meant what you claim it means.
How many people singularly shoot innocent people in schools, movie theaters, restaurants, at concerts, parks, public buildings and even military bases, who have never committed a crime?
Your solution doesn't unbury the dead.
NYC's draconian guns laws did not stop this, jsut as CA;s draconian laws did not stop the Sacramento shooting last week.
Clearly, they are not the solution.
point out where is says 'citizens'

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Same folks who started the preamble with We the People......wrote the Amendment. However if you think they meant anybody with a fist full of dollars, then that is your right.

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