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Hannity; “i don’t know a racist republican.”

Look in the mirror Hannity you work for a right wing racist media. Foxnews.

“T-Partiers never used the “N” word.”

Tea party protesters scream '******' at black congressman
Tea party protesters scream '******' at black congressman | McClatchy

Tea Party's Most Offensive & Racist Signs
Tea Party's Most Offensive & Racist Signs - YouTube

I don’t know a republican that is not a racist.

Which Republican radio talk show host called US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice ¨resident house Negro,¨?
Which GOP cartoonist drew cartoons of her calling herself a "House Nigga"?
Which Republican called Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner a "House Slave"?
Lady Logician - Those Racist Republicans

The 10 Most Racist Moments of the GOP Primary (So Far)
The Republican Party is digging deep into the old bucket of white racism, using the politics of fear, hostility and anxiety to win over white voters.

1. Newt Gingrich puts Juan Williams "in his place" for daring to ask an unpleasant question during the South Carolina debate.
2. Herman Cain, in one of the most grotesque performances in post-civil rights-era politics to date, deftly plays his designated role as an African-American advocate for some of the Tea Party and New Right’s most racist policy positions.
3. Ron Paul argues that the landmark federal legislation that dismantled Jim Crow segregation in the 1960s was a moral evil and a violation of white people’s liberty.
4. Rick Santorum tells conservative voters that black people are parasites who live off hard-working white people.
5. In keeping with the class warfare narrative, and as a way of proving their conservative bona fides, Republican candidates have crafted a strategy in which they repeatedly refer to the unemployed as lazy, unproductive citizens who would “be rich if they just went out and got a job.”
6. Mitt Romney wants to "keep America America."
7. Rick Perry’s nostalgic memories of his family’s ranch, "Niggerhead."
8. Former candidate Michele Bachmann suggests that the black family was stronger during slavery than in freedom.
9. The Republican Party’s 2012 presidential candidates' near-silence about how the Great Recession has destroyed the African American and Latino middle-class
10. The echo chamber that is Fox News, right-wing talk radio, the conservative blogosphere, and Republican elected officials daily stoke the politics of white racial resentment, bigotry and fear.

The 10 Most Racist Moments of the GOP Primary (So Far) | Alternet)

If you want to work for Foxnews, you have to be a certified republican racist.
Yep....All true..You stupid bitch.
Your side is so out of gas on the issues, the only thing you have left is the race card.
Alternet?...Gee, there's an unbiased "source"...
All this and super lib satellite radio talk show host Stephanie Miller stated that the use of the word "arrogant" in reference to Obama is "racist"....WHAT?!!!
Miller is entitled to her opinion. It begins and ends right there. It's an opinion.
For your prize on your incredibly deep thinking on matter of race, you are in the running for the most intellectually vacuous poster of 2012.
That's funny. I've never heard a Democrat call Barack Obama "That ****** in the White House."

But, I sure have heard that from my RWNJ friends! Several of them.

Funny I have never heard Republicans refer to people like Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, or the one I just heard Today Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin as a oreo, house negro, or not really black I have heard that from than a few on the left though that would seem to fall into the racist category to me.

What he said.
Not really a surprise. Most Republicans arent racist. Racism has always been the home of the Democrat party. Though they are a bit more subtle with it now than they were in the past.

Racism is not a correlate with any political party.

That's like saying delusional asshattery was always been the home of Mormonism.

Democrats are the ones with racist history. They are the ones that backed slavery. They are the ones that reintroduced segregation. Heck, they still look at people through the view of race rather than character. They separate people into race and try to make sure it guides their life.

I never claimed the Republicans were pure as the wind driven snow. They've had racists among them. But we are also the ones who championed freedom. We are the ones who fought for desegregation. We fought for civil rights. Heck, if Johnson hadn't lead the fight against the civil rights acts, they would have been passed during the Eisenhower administration, over half a decade earlier.

We are still fighting for equality and colorblindness. We encourage liberty and character. Unfortunately, we are also infected with the same progressive disease that has been ravaging the Democrats for over a century.

Because the truth is it is progressivism that is pushing racism in modern society.
One of my favorite moments of the GOP primaries was Santorum almost letting a N bomb go on stage when talking about Obama and then dropped out a few days later when the video hit the net.

Sure, whatever....

That was insightful.

One of our favorite drinking games back around the DNC and RNC was to drink every time they showed a minority member in the audience. During the RNC, we had to stop playing each night because it got boring waiting so long. During the DNC, we had to stop after the first hour because it was just a constant stream of drinking.
One of my favorite moments of the GOP primaries was Santorum almost letting a N bomb go on stage when talking about Obama and then dropped out a few days later when the video hit the net.

You mean the thing that never actually happened and you guys tried to lie about? Yeah. Great evidence. He didn't say anything like the N word and yet you lie and somehow that makes it true.
Not really a surprise. Most Republicans arent racist. Racism has always been the home of the Democrat party. Though they are a bit more subtle with it now than they were in the past.

What part of "racist republican" do you not hear, see and understand?

And there ya have it. Another winner of the non thinkers award.
Umm, where is a the audio portion of USMB?
Your side is racist. You insist on throwing race into every aspect of politics...when it suits you of course.
There are two kinds of racism...One is to single out a person because of their race.
The other is NOT singling a person out because of their race.
Look you octogenarian coot, NO ONE is above criticism. This obsession with race in which you lefties have immersed yourselves is a defense mechanism. A knee jerk reaction due to your failure to admit The Chosen One has not measured up to your expectations.
One of my favorite moments of the GOP primaries was Santorum almost letting a N bomb go on stage when talking about Obama and then dropped out a few days later when the video hit the net.

You mean the thing that never actually happened and you guys tried to lie about? Yeah. Great evidence. He didn't say anything like the N word and yet you lie and somehow that makes it true.

Watch the tape, he's talking about Obama, he says "NIG..." catches himself and then tries to cover it. Then he dropped out a few days later when the tape his the net. And by the way, it's scary as hell that a piece of human garbage like Santorum was even considered a possibility for President by the Republicans.
One of my favorite moments of the GOP primaries was Santorum almost letting a N bomb go on stage when talking about Obama and then dropped out a few days later when the video hit the net.

You mean the thing that never actually happened and you guys tried to lie about? Yeah. Great evidence. He didn't say anything like the N word and yet you lie and somehow that makes it true.

Watch the tape, he's talking about Obama, he says "NIG..." catches himself and then tries to cover it. Then he dropped out a few days later when the tape his the net. And by the way, it's scary as hell that a piece of human garbage like Santorum was even considered a possibility for President by the Republicans.

Ive seen the tape. That's why I know your are lying.
You mean the thing that never actually happened and you guys tried to lie about? Yeah. Great evidence. He didn't say anything like the N word and yet you lie and somehow that makes it true.

Watch the tape, he's talking about Obama, he says "NIG..." catches himself and then tries to cover it. Then he dropped out a few days later when the tape his the net. And by the way, it's scary as hell that a piece of human garbage like Santorum was even considered a possibility for President by the Republicans.

Ive seen the tape. That's why I know your are lying.

Re-writing history I see.
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The Huffington Post report that thousands of gathered protesters abused Representatives James Clyburn and John Lewis, both veterans of the civil rights movement. The latter had the word '******' shouted at him. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver was spat on. When Rep. Barney Frank, report Talking Points Memo, "rounded a corner to leave the building, an older protestor yelled "Barney, you faggot." The surrounding crowd of protestors then erupted in laughter."

Tea Party Protesters Call Black and Gay Lawmakers '******' and 'Faggot'


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LilOlFeminazi bared her fangs and hatefully hissed:


Look in the mirror Hannity you work for a right wing racist media. Foxnews.

Fox News is racist?? Wow, that is a first. Clearly you have never watched Fox News, but given the extreme stupidity and ignorance of your posts, I am not surprised.

“T-Partiers never used the “N” word.”

Tea party protesters scream '******' at black congressman
Tea party protesters scream '******' at black congressman | McClatchy

Yeah, whatever. I remember the claims that Tea Partiers spit on a black congressman and called him the n-word, and it was Andrew Breitbart who offered a $10,000 reward to anyone who could provide documented evidence this happened. Nobody came forth with the evidence, so Breitbart upped the offer to $100,000 for proof. Guess what, nobody tried to claim the reward.

So, you put up another article full of false accusations, what a surprise.

I don’t know a republican that is not a racist.

I have seen the tactics of your side enought to know this, not to believe anything your side claims. Here, let's go back to when Rand Paul was running against Democrat Jack Conway for U.S. Senate, just look at how low people with your political beliefs will go to smear the opposition. You will see why when forms of life like you and your ilk make these accusations, they have no merit, because look at what your side does:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4bpgnkNN7Q]Jack Conway Supporter Racism and Rand Paul Smears At Fancy Farm - YouTube[/ame]

So, since your side did this, it is pretty obvious as to what lows you will stoop to in order to smear your oppostion. Nice try, but epic fail on your part!!!

Which Republican radio talk show host called US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice ¨resident house Negro,¨?
Which GOP cartoonist drew cartoons of her calling herself a "House Nigga"?
Which Republican called Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner a "House Slave"?
Lady Logician - Those Racist Republicans

The 10 Most Racist Moments of the GOP Primary (So Far)
The Republican Party is digging deep into the old bucket of white racism, using the politics of fear, hostility and anxiety to win over white voters.

1. Newt Gingrich puts Juan Williams "in his place" for daring to ask an unpleasant question during the South Carolina debate.

Desperation at its best. A commonly used term used against people regardless of their race.

2. Herman Cain, in one of the most grotesque performances in post-civil rights-era politics to date, deftly plays his designated role as an African-American advocate for some of the Tea Party and New Right’s most racist policy positions.

Ah yes, Herman Cain dared not to be part of the Democrat plantation, and he is hated on by racists like you, and the racists on the left. Isn't it interesting the hate from the left when Clarence Thomas was appointed, or how about the racist hatred from your side when George W. Bush tried to appoint Janice Rodgers Brown, Alberto Gonzales and Miguel Estrada to justice positions. All the more proof that anyone who dares to leave the Democrat plantation must by put in chains and whipped or lynched.

4. Rick Santorum tells conservative voters that black people are parasites who live off hard-working white people.

Really, I am sure if he really said this, the Democrat Party's SuperPacs, also known as ABC, CBS, NBC, MSDNC, and CNN would have been all over this. Next time try putting up a link with credibility.

5. In keeping with the class warfare narrative, and as a way of proving their conservative bona fides, Republican candidates have crafted a strategy in which they repeatedly refer to the unemployed as lazy, unproductive citizens who would “be rich if they just went out and got a job.”

This describes many white people. How is this racist????

6. Mitt Romney wants to "keep America America."

Well, shame on Mr. Romney for not espousing what you would want to hear: "Let's make a America the new USSR".

7. Rick Perry’s nostalgic memories of his family’s ranch, "Niggerhead."

When the Perry family bought that ranch, this was previously spray painted on a rock on it. The Perry's spray painted over it to get rid of this title. Nice try you digusting anus.

8. Former candidate Michele Bachmann suggests that the black family was stronger during slavery than in freedom.

Ever since the Demorats have brainwashed black people, the number of single families in the black community has risen very high since those slave times. Democrat/leftist policies have held back the black families, because statist America-haters like you want them reliant on you overseers. Always remember, it was leftist Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson who said:

"I will have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years"

You can make racist accusations all you want, but don't be casting stones when you live in a nanometer thick glass house. In conclusion, just remember this, it was the Democrat Party that had the last KKK member in senate, Robert Byrd.

I could keep going, but your playing the race card is old, and the worse part is, your side has so played the race card so often; that when real racism does happen, not many people will believe it. It is truly a shame ilk like you, and the people trash like you elect rely on scare mongering with false accusations of racism, relying on class warfare and needing a compliant media to further your lies...it just proves that people with left-wing politics have a severe mental disorder, and daym, you are a perfect example of just that.
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Not really a surprise. Most Republicans arent racist. Racism has always been the home of the Democrat party. Though they are a bit more subtle with it now than they were in the past.

Racism is not a correlate with any political party.

That's like saying delusional asshattery was always been the home of Mormonism.

Democrats are the ones with racist history. They are the ones that backed slavery. They are the ones that reintroduced segregation. Heck, they still look at people through the view of race rather than character. They separate people into race and try to make sure it guides their life.

Yawn. So shall we talk about the history of Mormonism in regards to race? Or are you all past that now?
I never claimed the Republicans were pure as the wind driven snow. They've had racists among them.

Where are you getting this bullshit? I never said that you did claim that. Please stay on topic.
But we are also the ones who championed freedom. We are the ones who fought for desegregation. We fought for civil rights. Heck, if Johnson hadn't lead the fight against the civil rights acts, they would have been passed during the Eisenhower administration, over half a decade earlier.

Which is utterly irrelevant to what I stated.
We are still fighting for equality and colorblindness. We encourage liberty and character. Unfortunately, we are also infected with the same progressive disease that has been ravaging the Democrats for over a century.

There is nothing, and I mean nothing in the recent history since, oh, Nixon, that supports your claim that republicans 'encourage' character. All data point to the opposite conclusion. And you're infected currently by the disease of irrationality and magic thinking.

It's why your party fared so poorly in critical senate races. Or had you forgotten?
Because the truth is it is progressivism that is pushing racism in modern society.

You have no clue what you're braying about. What 'pushes' racism is an complicated proposition. It cannot be laid at the feet of any one, particular cause.
That's funny. I've never heard a Democrat call Barack Obama "That ****** in the White House."

But, I sure have heard that from my RWNJ friends! Several of them.

Funny I have never heard Republicans refer to people like Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, or the one I just heard Today Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin as a oreo, house negro, or not really black I have heard that from than a few on the left though that would seem to fall into the racist category to me.

Liberal democrats have used terms such as "Uncle Tom" and "House ******" to describe conservative black people.
In fact I was shocked to hear a liberal use the term "off the plantation" to describe Clarence Thomas prior to his confirmation as Supreme Court Associate Justice.
Oh, and those racist and hideous caricatures of Condee Rice made up to look like Aunt Jemima and the other one with Rice drawn with over sized bucked teeth.
That was all in fun, yeah.....
And now we have Actor Jamie Foxx, saying to a black audience that he loves his latest movie role because he "gets to kill all the white people"....But to the libs, that's a "joke"
Now, if a white actor said the same thing about black people, that person would have been run out of the acting business on a rail.
The hypocrisy of liberalism knows no bounds.
The left's man crush on Obama and Obama's policy of divide and conquer has done 50 years of damage to race relations.
This is typical of liberals. Place people into various groups and then pit those groups against each other.
It amuses me that the big move in the conservative playbook is to reach back several decades in history to try to appease their modern day racism. Are the modern democrats racist?


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