Happy birthday FLOTUS

i don't remember so many ass kissing righties writing love threads about the first lady dot com. your threads about her are borderline obsessive. do you write her love letters?

oh, and happy bday mrs. obama.


their is some...but more to the point who gives a shit? Its a b-day thread. Either wish the person or dont and move on. Saying negative shit on something like this says more about the person than anything else.
i don't remember so many ass kissing righties writing love threads about the first lady dot com. your threads about her are borderline obsessive. do you write her love letters?

oh, and happy bday mrs. obama.


their is some...but more to the point who gives a shit? Its a b-day thread. Either wish the person or dont and move on. Saying negative shit on something like this says more about the person than anything else.

You're an idiot
HaHa. Your Republican First Ladies could never even dream of becoming president. Democratic First Ladies are intelligent and well educated. You just know they could handle the job and that scares the shit out of you.

Republicans finally come up with somebody good enough to win and he turned out to be corrupt as hell. You just can't catch a break, :cuckoo:

Now, go make some leave the board bets on 2016.

oh boy, your uppity nose about Democrat women is so high in air it must block out the sun on your face
Maybe Republican first ladies aren't power hungry and use the way to break into Political office from the backs of their husbands

That's a user and someone who is weak, who can't run on their own merits ...not someone intelligent and well educated

Stand up for Repub women then. Which of the most recent First Ladies has the ability to become president? That means education, intelligence, awareness of the world?

I say none of them.

Hillary and Michelle do.

Do any of them have the slightest INTEREST in becoming president? Thought not.
It's special to see she is "finally" proud of her country after 50 years living and reaping what it has offered her...

She's just so speeeeeeeeeeeeecail

gawd pass the barf bag

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PjLkB7BlpA]Jealousy - YouTube[/ame]
She's done a lot for our country.....
Specifically, she's.......
And then there was .......
And how can we forget when she ......

America is so much better off. How in the world did we survive without her?
oh boy, your uppity nose about Democrat women is so high in air it must block out the sun on your face
Maybe Republican first ladies aren't power hungry and use the way to break into Political office from the backs of their husbands

That's a user and someone who is weak, who can't run on their own merits ...not someone intelligent and well educated

Stand up for Repub women then. Which of the most recent First Ladies has the ability to become president? That means education, intelligence, awareness of the world?

I say none of them.

Hillary and Michelle do.

this is true. We also have Wendy Davis (D) in Texas ;) Go #TeamWendy!!! :)


Elizabeth Warren.
the left is the cult worshipers. always was always will be.

Ha,ha, you're the one that voted for Romney....shows just how inane you truly are.

you brainless leftard voted for this current failure we are enduring - twice. Only in imbecile can do that.
which is what you are :D

Oh, uh, another butt hurt conservative....whining......nothing new.....:lol::lol:
mertex, your ilk are all having orgasms in front of the airbrushed mo in the other thread - join them in the banging your forehead in bowing :lol:

I'm sorry you are so butt hurt.....maybe you'll win again.......nah....I don't think so......phffft!

so far the butthurt is on your side - becasue how dare somebody not share your cultist worshiping meltdown in front of your goddess :lol:

guess what - she is ugly and does not know how to present herself.
But you can continue your ritual bows - at is amusing to watch your idolatry in full display :D

You're just jealous cause your butt ugly butt isn't capable of accomplishing what she has accomplished in spite of dim witted nuts like you.
i don't remember so many ass kissing righties writing love threads about the first lady dot com. your threads about her are borderline obsessive. do you write her love letters?

oh, and happy bday mrs. obama.


their is some...but more to the point who gives a shit? Its a b-day thread. Either wish the person or dont and move on. Saying negative shit on something like this says more about the person than anything else.

Butt hurt runs deep.....gotta vent......:)
You're just jealous cause your butt ugly butt isn't capable of accomplishing what she has accomplished in spite of dim witted nuts like you.

What's she "accomplished," dig bat?

Besides appearing on The View, planting greens in the White House garden, a couple of "fitness" photo ops to publicize her fat ass, some fake "care" for veterans.

What's she accomplished ?

Do share.
You're just jealous cause your butt ugly butt isn't capable of accomplishing what she has accomplished in spite of dim witted nuts like you.

What's she "accomplished," dig bat?

Besides appearing on The View, planting greens in the White House garden, a couple of "fitness" photo ops to publicize her fat ass, some fake "care" for veterans.

What's she accomplished ?

Do share.

1. She's got two degrees....one from Princeton, and a law degree from Harvard.

2. She's married to the most powerful man in the world.

3. She's managed to live in the White House for 6 years.

4. Could one day be our first "black woman President".

That's a whole lot more than what you've accomplished.
You're just jealous cause your butt ugly butt isn't capable of accomplishing what she has accomplished in spite of dim witted nuts like you.

What's she "accomplished," dig bat?

Besides appearing on The View, planting greens in the White House garden, a couple of "fitness" photo ops to publicize her fat ass, some fake "care" for veterans.

What's she accomplished ?

Do share.

1. She's got two degrees....one from Princeton, and a law degree from Harvard.

2. She's married to the most powerful man in the world.

3. She's managed to live in the White House for 6 years.

4. Could one day be our first "black woman President".

That's a whole lot more than what you've accomplished.

What accomplishments
Be proud asswipe
Be proud
Stand up for Repub women then. Which of the most recent First Ladies has the ability to become president? That means education, intelligence, awareness of the world?

I say none of them.

Hillary and Michelle do.

this is true. We also have Wendy Davis (D) in Texas ;) Go #TeamWendy!!! :)


Elizabeth Warren.
you're right :)
You're just jealous cause your butt ugly butt isn't capable of accomplishing what she has accomplished in spite of dim witted nuts like you.

What's she "accomplished," dig bat?

Besides appearing on The View, planting greens in the White House garden, a couple of "fitness" photo ops to publicize her fat ass, some fake "care" for veterans.

What's she accomplished ?

Do share.

1. She's got two degrees....one from Princeton, and a law degree from Harvard.

2. She's married to the most powerful man in the world.

3. She's managed to live in the White House for 6 years.

4. Could one day be our first "black woman President".

That's a whole lot more than what you've accomplished.

yep :)

Michelle Obama turns 50: Has the big birthday changed? - CNN.com
I've got to keep figuring out ways to have an impact, whether as a mother or as a professional or as a mentor to other kids," said Obama, who has made talking with teens and increasing the college graduation rate among her major issues during her husband's second term as president.
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What's she "accomplished," dig bat?

Besides appearing on The View, planting greens in the White House garden, a couple of "fitness" photo ops to publicize her fat ass, some fake "care" for veterans.

What's she accomplished ?

Do share.

1. She's got two degrees....one from Princeton, and a law degree from Harvard.

2. She's married to the most powerful man in the world.

3. She's managed to live in the White House for 6 years.

4. Could one day be our first "black woman President".

That's a whole lot more than what you've accomplished.

What accomplishments
Be proud asswipe
Be proud

More than yours.......wipe your tears.....

odd how dot com never wished mrs. bush happy birthday nor ever said anything nice about her.

and "she" claims both parties suck so she may not vote either way....yet you never see her ever say anything negative about the Democrats,even though they currently are not up to her standards.....but yet we do see her defending everything about them....basically..."Dottie" is a dishonest lying sack of shit....
ummm.....perhaps it might have something to do w/ my join-date? :eusa_think: :bang3: :itsok:

you never thought it, nor did you ever tell anyone about her birthday

and i have no doubt you were on other messageboards.

just admit it, you're a brown noser and a fanatical obama lover and you hate republicans.

I don't care for either party as they merely take turns at the trough BUT the Repubs are more brazen in their currying of favor to defense contractors/war-for-profit-types. I have decided, two months ago, that I won't vote for any more corporately-bought, democrats hence forward.

yea we can tell by your posts....if you did not care for the Democratic party we should see some posts proving that....but you can find plenty of you defending ANYTHING someone says negative about them...
ummm.....perhaps it might have something to do w/ my join-date? :eusa_think: :bang3: :itsok:

you never thought it, nor did you ever tell anyone about her birthday

and i have no doubt you were on other messageboards.

just admit it, you're a brown noser and a fanatical obama lover and you hate republicans.

I don't care for either party as they merely take turns at the trough BUT the Repubs are more brazen in their currying of favor to defense contractors/war-for-profit-types. I have decided, two months ago, that I won't vote for any more corporately-bought, democrats hence forward.


right, that is why you constantly heap praise on the democrats, never criticize them, but constantly bash the republicans

you never thought it, nor did you ever tell anyone about her birthday

and i have no doubt you were on other messageboards.

just admit it, you're a brown noser and a fanatical obama lover and you hate republicans.

I don't care for either party as they merely take turns at the trough BUT the Repubs are more brazen in their currying of favor to defense contractors/war-for-profit-types. I have decided, two months ago, that I won't vote for any more corporately-bought, democrats hence forward.


right, that is why you constantly heap praise on the democrats, never criticize them, but constantly bash the republicans


Maybe they're not praiseworthy? :lol::lol:
I don't care for either party as they merely take turns at the trough BUT the Repubs are more brazen in their currying of favor to defense contractors/war-for-profit-types. I have decided, two months ago, that I won't vote for any more corporately-bought, democrats hence forward.


right, that is why you constantly heap praise on the democrats, never criticize them, but constantly bash the republicans


Maybe they're not praiseworthy? :lol::lol:

w/ a couple exceptions in the senate perhaps, Repubs aren't very praiseworthy.
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