Has anyone ever changed your opinion on a topic on this forum?

Have you ever changed your opinion on something from reading this forum?

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    Votes: 21 65.6%
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    Votes: 11 34.4%

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No post from anyone has changed my views on things. I have changed my view on the death penalty a while back, but that was about 5 years ago, lol. I used to be for the death penalty but now I'm against it. Although its hard sometimes with some of the which jobs that are out there whole commit brutal crimes, but I will still stand by my being against it.
Yes my opinion has been changed. Before reading the gun threads for the past several days and even though I have been a gun owner and shooter for most of my 59 years, I didn't understand that there are millions of gun nuts whose entire purpose in life seems to be guns. Now I know.

Guns are a tool. You need to shoot someone, get a gun. But to make yourself obsessed over guns is something I didn't quite realize was going on in the numbers it is happening with.

I mean we have people who are willing to die over my right to buy a weapon that I don't want or need.

And when your right to shoot at trees with a semi auto weapon is more important than the person with a 7 year olds right to feel that their kids should be safe in school from deranged young men with semi auto weapons bought by their mom, well I just can't understand that thinking.

Look, I don't understand why a person would collect stamps, I don't collect stamps so it is hard for me to understand why a person would bother. I don't collect guns either. But for the collector I can understand a little bit. Guns are a symbol of power for the little guy without power. Guns are a symbol of technology. The more the liberal left pretends to oppose gun ownership it can be seen that it just spurs more gun ownership. And don't think for one minute that the ownership is limited to one side of the aisle. My brother, who is a rapid Obama supporter, carries a gun with him every where he goes. He lives in an area where I think it very, very unlikely he will be accosted. He even wears it to hospitals when visiting people. I ask him way, he says because. So do I understand why he thinks he needs protection, no way, does that mean I should stop him from at least feeling safe?

Someone shooting a tree with a semi-auto has nothing to do with a deranged man getting his mother's guns to which she showed no responsible gun ownership and she paid the ultimate price.
Sorry I wandered from the subject of this thread. I want you to be sure I am concerned with those who carry guns in public who have nothing of value to protect. At the very least it shows me that they suffer from paranoia.

Really? If the Bushmaster rifle bought by Adam's mother had not been on a gun rack to be bought by a tree shooter, then he PROBABLY would not have had THAT particular weapon with THAT amount of firepower available to him So his mom bought a semi auto weapon to shoot paper targets or trees and the gun ended up being used on first graders.

And you don't think there was any way to stop what happened?

And here is the problem. Just because you CAN buy that type of weapon does not mean that you should have it. Adams mom was considered a responsible gun owner, right up till her son killed her with the weapon she bought FOR him.

And for the hundreth time, I am not in favor a taking guns away. I have guns. I like my guns. I am interested in curbing the number of weapons like semi auto rifles with high capacity magizines on the market.

Right now, here in America, the NEXT crazy mass killer is growing up. Don't know who it is, but he is developing his weirdness as we write. I know if they can't get hold of semi auto's with 30 round magazines, it will be a lot or a little harder to commit the next mass killing. And that's good enough for me. Efforts to keep 20 or 30 kids or adults from being killed with semi auto rifle fire is a wothwhile effort. IMO.

Why make things like mass killing easier to accomplish rather than harder?

Did we ever find out for sure if the Bushmaster was used? I have read where it was not. Who considered his mother a responsible gun owner until she proved she was not?

I am not even sure where you stand on this. Lanza used hand guns as far as I know so the only logical way to stop gun violence, using your logic, is to confiscate all guns. OR people like you and my brother need to be more responsible in how you control your guns. Allowing guns to be available to a person who you told babysitters not to turn their back on is, in my opinion, as criminal as Lanza taking them and using them. Make the owner liable for his guns whether stolen or not, THEN you will see both a reduction in guns and a reduction in the violence.
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I once believed that the Supreme Court does not have its power of judicial review written in the Constitution. After many arguments and me actually THINKING about what the section on the Court says, I now know that it is in the Constitution.
Not from anything posed on this forum.

Used to think voter ID was a halfway good idea...Now, not so much.

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