Has the Trump Administration Failed the Test of Plausibility?

Has the Trump Administration Failed the Test of Plausibility

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Follow up questions:

Q. Has Trump exceeded his Constitutional Authority

Q. Does the Congress have the authority to over rule his actions, short of passing an article of Impeachment

BTW, my response in post #6 in the first full sentence is based on Direct Evidence, I've yet to read any effort by the Trumpeter's to offer any Exculpatory Evidence in defense of their Messiah.



And everyone is entitled to their opinion, even the president.

But not everyone is entitled to their own facts, or alternate facts, not even the president.
Plausibility Defined: The quality of seeming reasonable or probable.

This is a simple question, one which will be asked, and hopefully answered honestly and sincerely.

The President and his inner circle seem to be pathological liars, they double down when their efforts to mislead the public are clearly unreasonable.

Where are the adults in the Republican Party? Where is Pence? The VP is seen standing behind The President with a Stepford grin, and next to him we see Rence Previs nodding his head as the President attacks the Judiciary, the Press, threatens American cities and demeans an Oscar Winning Actor.
I'm sorry, but you lost the credibility to question the honesty of any president when you gave Obama an 8 year pass.
Five pages in and not one attempt to do the impossible, that is to provide exculpatory evidence that the president of the united states and his inner circle are honest and credible.
Plausibility Defined: The quality of seeming reasonable or probable.

This is a simple question, one which will be asked, and hopefully answered honestly and sincerely.

The question is meaningless without a particular topic.

LOL, the topic is the Trump Administration.
Plausibility Defined: The quality of seeming reasonable or probable.

This is a simple question, one which will be asked, and hopefully answered honestly and sincerely.

The question is meaningless without a particular topic.

LOL, the topic is the Trump Administration.

There are more than 600 agencies in the Trump administration you may as well be asking if the federal government is plausible, oh you are aren't you? Talk about a really stupid question.
Plausibility Defined: The quality of seeming reasonable or probable.

This is a simple question, one which will be asked, and hopefully answered honestly and sincerely.

The question is meaningless without a particular topic.

LOL, the topic is the Trump Administration.

There are more than 600 agencies in the Trump administration you may as well be asking if the federal government is plausible, oh you are aren't you? Talk about a really stupid question.

How many logical fallacies exist in this post ^^^ by oktexas?

Straw Man, appeal to wishful thinking and ad hominem.

No where did I write anything about the entire Federal Government. Trump's administration are those he has hired or nominated, his inner circle:

Post #6: "The President and his inner circle seem to be pathological liars, they double down when their efforts to mislead the public are clearly unreasonable."

Keep in mind, I'm not the only person who is very concerned that trump is unfit to hold the office of President of the US. That oktexas and other defenders of trump do not is incredulous.

And I'm not the only one to question your intellect either. The Trump administration covers every agency in the executive branch. How long is this butt hurt going to last?
Follow up questions:

Q. Has Trump exceeded his Constitutional Authority

Q. Does the Congress have the authority to over rule his actions, short of passing an article of Impeachment

BTW, my response in post #6 in the first full sentence is based on Direct Evidence, I've yet to read any effort by the Trumpeter's to offer any Exculpatory Evidence in defense of their Messiah.



And everyone is entitled to their opinion, even the president.

But not everyone is entitled to their own facts, or alternate facts, not even the president.

Funny, you didn't hold that view with your dear leader. BTW DeVoss was just confirmed, I guess she was plausible.
The greatest failure of plausibility is when the Democrats claim to be Americans.

Fuck you.

One of the many erudite and studied responses of Democrats.

Maybe you're too insecure to admit your vote for trump was a mistake, and so insecure you even lie to yourself and lash out at anyone who points out the grave mistake you committed with that vote.

Judging by the flailing responses of Democrats, there was no mistake.

President Lincoln was only half correct when he said:

You can fool all the people some of the time,
and some of the people all the time, but you
cannot fool all the people all the time.​

P. T. Barnum was entirely correct when he said "There's a sucker born every minute." You appear to be a charter member of that particular club.

I'm sorry, I used an abbreviation which may have confused you. I'll spell it out for you.

IM educated opinion

Fake news.

based on the evidence in your many posts, I have concluded you are garbage, a disgusting, deplorable, arrogant, self righteous and ignorant fool who chooses to attack the character of those whose opinions can be verified by reality, something which is beyond your ability to comprehend.

I see I am on the right track.

"Fuck you" is an idiomatic expression

It is also a typical response of a dimwitted child.

and one I used to express my informed opinion that your are "garbage, a disgusting, deplorable, arrogant, self righteous and ignorant fool who chooses to attack the character of those whose opinions can be verified by reality, something which is beyond your ability to comprehend".

Repeating oneself is the enemy of learned brevity.

BTW, your lack of ability to compose an expository post is evidence you are poorly educated, maybe even home schooled, and have never matriculated in a college or U. and/or passed a course in writing - making you a classic trumpeter, easily biddable, fooled by demagogues and charlatan, and too dumb to know it.

Au contraire, taught by nuns, Franciscans and Jesuits right through the entire process. I suspect I have more degrees than you have functional brain cells.

BTW, I get paid to write. Lots even. How 'bout you?
Five pages in and not one attempt to do the impossible, that is to provide exculpatory evidence that the president of the united states and his inner circle are honest and credible.

You're the one with the problem. Feel free to forward your contentions.

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