Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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What the hell does a police state have to do with being ghey or religious?
If homosexuals ruled, anyone who disagrees with homosexuality would be locked up. They're already punishing people for denying same-sex marriage.
They? Like every ghey person in the USA, and how does a minority with a demographic of less than one percent of the population gain the power of the govt.

Ah well, let wingers decided that since Jerry Falwell said some stuff about homos, then they had to take up defending them for no good reason other than knee jerk reactionary politics, and the rest is history; you morons are now stuck with defending their illness ans 'normal', and you lack the basic moral principles to back away from your own idiocy, as usual. You're now committed to perpetuating lies and fake science.
Since you are a sinner and are unclean then you may not throw stones, yet you do....Such and unchristian thing to do...

I'm not a Christian, moron, never claimed to be. Try some other deflection; the fact is homos are a nasty mentally ill demographic and highly prone to raping children, and babbling idiot crap ab out Christians isn't going to help make your fashionable pets any saner or more 'normal'.
Many other folks rape kids also....But all we get to have threads about is your people's obsession with what people do in their bedrooms...or with their bodies...
What the hell does a police state have to do with being ghey or religious?
If homosexuals ruled, anyone who disagrees with homosexuality would be locked up. They're already punishing people for denying same-sex marriage.
They? Like every ghey person in the USA, and how does a minority with a demographic of less than one percent of the population gain the power of the govt.

Ah well, let wingers decided that since Jerry Falwell said some stuff about homos, then they had to take up defending them for no good reason other than knee jerk reactionary politics, and the rest is history; you morons are now stuck with defending their illness ans 'normal', and you lack the basic moral principles to back away from your own idiocy, as usual. You're now committed to perpetuating lies and fake science.
Since you are a sinner and are unclean then you may not throw stones, yet you do....Such and unchristian thing to do...
I'm not unclean. I'm the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ, and as Christians we have the constitutional right to speak the Word of God in this nation. Go to hell.
There is no Hell, just ask a Rabbi....
If homosexuals ruled, anyone who disagrees with homosexuality would be locked up. They're already punishing people for denying same-sex marriage.
They? Like every ghey person in the USA, and how does a minority with a demographic of less than one percent of the population gain the power of the govt.

Ah well, let wingers decided that since Jerry Falwell said some stuff about homos, then they had to take up defending them for no good reason other than knee jerk reactionary politics, and the rest is history; you morons are now stuck with defending their illness ans 'normal', and you lack the basic moral principles to back away from your own idiocy, as usual. You're now committed to perpetuating lies and fake science.
Since you are a sinner and are unclean then you may not throw stones, yet you do....Such and unchristian thing to do...
I'm not unclean. I'm the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ, and as Christians we have the constitutional right to speak the Word of God in this nation. Go to hell.
There is no Hell, just ask a Rabbi....
There is a hell, Jesus said so, and He is the final Word. Go to hell.
If homosexuals ruled, anyone who disagrees with homosexuality would be locked up. They're already punishing people for denying same-sex marriage.
They? Like every ghey person in the USA, and how does a minority with a demographic of less than one percent of the population gain the power of the govt.

Ah well, let wingers decided that since Jerry Falwell said some stuff about homos, then they had to take up defending them for no good reason other than knee jerk reactionary politics, and the rest is history; you morons are now stuck with defending their illness ans 'normal', and you lack the basic moral principles to back away from your own idiocy, as usual. You're now committed to perpetuating lies and fake science.
Since you are a sinner and are unclean then you may not throw stones, yet you do....Such and unchristian thing to do...

I'm not a Christian, moron, never claimed to be. Try some other deflection; the fact is homos are a nasty mentally ill demographic and highly prone to raping children, and babbling idiot crap ab out Christians isn't going to help make your fashionable pets any saner or more 'normal'.
Many other folks rape kids also....But all we get to have threads about is your people's obsession with what people do in their bedrooms...or with their bodies...

So what? Nobody glorifies them or supports a political movement that had NAMBLA as a open and treasured member of its organizational councils, and had one of their leading founding activists walk around with a sign proclaiming 'NAMBLA Walks With Me' when they got banned from a 'Gay Pride' parade, either, so what's your point supposed to do for your 'grand cause'? homosexuals account for far far more kiddie rapes in proportion to their demographic size than any other group, period, some 35%+, while being only about 2% or so of the population. If you want to pretend that isn't 'significant' or is somehow 'morally equivalent' then you're just nuts as well. The ONLY reason NAMBLA isn't openly on their committees any more is due to Jesse Helms raising a stink about them when the rapist Bill Clinton wanted to endorse their sicko 'Movement's' being granted NGO status at the UN, which would give them access to govt. funds to peddle their neurotic fetishes with abandon; thanks to Helms, Raper Billy wasn't able to support them, despite his complete lack of principles, and they didn't get their NGO status then.
They? Like every ghey person in the USA, and how does a minority with a demographic of less than one percent of the population gain the power of the govt.

Ah well, let wingers decided that since Jerry Falwell said some stuff about homos, then they had to take up defending them for no good reason other than knee jerk reactionary politics, and the rest is history; you morons are now stuck with defending their illness ans 'normal', and you lack the basic moral principles to back away from your own idiocy, as usual. You're now committed to perpetuating lies and fake science.
Since you are a sinner and are unclean then you may not throw stones, yet you do....Such and unchristian thing to do...
I'm not unclean. I'm the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ, and as Christians we have the constitutional right to speak the Word of God in this nation. Go to hell.
There is no Hell, just ask a Rabbi....
There is a hell, Jesus said so, and He is the final Word. Go to hell.
That was just the Hellenistic influence on their literature..
Ah well, let wingers decided that since Jerry Falwell said some stuff about homos, then they had to take up defending them for no good reason other than knee jerk reactionary politics, and the rest is history; you morons are now stuck with defending their illness ans 'normal', and you lack the basic moral principles to back away from your own idiocy, as usual. You're now committed to perpetuating lies and fake science.
Since you are a sinner and are unclean then you may not throw stones, yet you do....Such and unchristian thing to do...
I'm not unclean. I'm the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ, and as Christians we have the constitutional right to speak the Word of God in this nation. Go to hell.
There is no Hell, just ask a Rabbi....
There is a hell, Jesus said so, and He is the final Word. Go to hell.
That was just the Hellenistic influence on their literature..
No, it was the living Word of the One True God in the flesh.
No shortage of judging in this thread and we all remember what Jesus said about that...
Then why did Jesus tell the woman at well to "go and sin no more". You're not understanding what was meant by not judging. Only God is the judge. We can't condemn anyone for their sin. However, we are to tell everyone about Jesus and salvation, and to turn away from sin.

And Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses should be forced to deliver the mail.
No shortage of judging in this thread and we all remember what Jesus said about that...
Then why did Jesus tell the woman at well to "go and sin no more". You're not understanding what was meant by not judging. Only God is the judge. We can't condemn anyone for their sin. However, we are to tell everyone about Jesus and salvation, and to turn away from sin.

And Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses should be forced to deliver the mail.
Mormonism and the Watchtower are cults, not True Christians. They teach that salvation is found through their organization. Christians believe Jesus is all you need, and the Bible confirms that.
Mormonism and the Watchtower are cults, not True Christians. They teach that salvation is found through their organization. Christians believe Jesus is all you need, and the Bible confirms that.

There ya go, now you're sounding like ISIS - HAHAHAHA.
Dude, I don't give two shits about your bearded sky daddy and why YOUR flavor of cult is superior to THEIR flavor of cult.
There's the "no true Muslim" meme, the "no true Scotsman" meme, it's all the same bullshit.
You do not get to be the arbiter of whose cult is the true belief.

Religion is like a PENIS.
It's okay that you have one, it's okay that you're proud of yours.
But do NOT run around whipping it out in public and if you try to ram it down my throat, I'll chop it off with a large knife.
Mormonism and the Watchtower are cults, not True Christians. They teach that salvation is found through their organization. Christians believe Jesus is all you need, and the Bible confirms that.

There ya go, now you're sounding like ISIS - HAHAHAHA.
Dude, I don't give two shits about your bearded sky daddy and why YOUR flavor of cult is superior to THEIR flavor of cult.
There's the "no true Muslim" meme, the "no true Scotsman" meme, it's all the same bullshit.
You do not get to be the arbiter of whose cult is the true belief.

Religion is like a PENIS.
It's okay that you have one, it's okay that you're proud of yours.
But do NOT run around whipping it out in public and if you try to ram it down my throat, I'll chop it off with a large knife.
So why are you posting in the religious forum? Why don't you find a topic you're educated in and enjoy.
So why are you posting in the religious forum? Why don't you find a topic you're educated in and enjoy.

You know what? I think you may be right. I do not actually have a good enough answer for why I chose this forum for the thread. I thought of using the sexuality forum, but to me it appeared to be an ETHICAL question.
I didn't think it would attract STRICTLY the religious types. Now I realize that's exactly what it has done.

I still see the notion of a parent disowning a gay child as an ethics issue.
Tell you what, I'm going to open up a brand new thread having nothing to do with disowning gay kids whatsoever, and I seriously doubt I'll show up in the RELIGION (and very seldom ethics) forum again, because I do not HAVE a traditional religious view of God the way most have.
I believe I am spiritual, and I believe that there is a higher power but to me it is more of an energy thing.

What the hell does a police state have to do with being ghey or religious?
If homosexuals ruled, anyone who disagrees with homosexuality would be locked up. They're already punishing people for denying same-sex marriage.
They? Like every ghey person in the USA? and how does a minority with a demographic of less than one percent of the population gain the power of the govt.
By lobbying and politicians pandering for votes. They sure as hell are destroying people with businesses that refuse to accept same-sex marriage.
Then why be in business?
Really? You think it's okay to destroy people because of their religious beliefs?
Depends on their beliefs. Do they believe in eating human, or human sacrifice, or how about a world wide Caliphate that enslaves anyone not a member of their religion?
Homosexuality is all throughout nature, plants, insects, animals. Even Jesus was gay.
LOL. I've heard it all before, so don't even bother. You'll be wasting your time.

We won't, just stop reading the thread.
What will you do if it is proven that there is a gay gene? Oh wait, that's right, you take that as blanket permission to force preemptive abortions on five percent of the population.

There is no homo gene. It's a sin problem.
So god making homosexuality is a sin?
Homosexuality is sin, yes.
So if god didn't want us to sin, why did he make sin in the first place?
If homosexuals ruled, anyone who disagrees with homosexuality would be locked up. They're already punishing people for denying same-sex marriage.
They? Like every ghey person in the USA? and how does a minority with a demographic of less than one percent of the population gain the power of the govt.
By lobbying and politicians pandering for votes. They sure as hell are destroying people with businesses that refuse to accept same-sex marriage.
Then why be in business?
Really? You think it's okay to destroy people because of their religious beliefs?
Depends on their beliefs. Do they believe in eating human, or human sacrifice, or how about a world wide Caliphate that enslaves anyone not a member of their religion?
I'm referring to the Christian business owners that have lost their livelihoods because they wouldn't participate in a same-sex marriage.
LOL. I've heard it all before, so don't even bother. You'll be wasting your time.

We won't, just stop reading the thread.
What will you do if it is proven that there is a gay gene? Oh wait, that's right, you take that as blanket permission to force preemptive abortions on five percent of the population.

There is no homo gene. It's a sin problem.
So god making homosexuality is a sin?
Homosexuality is sin, yes.
So if god didn't want us to sin, why did he make sin in the first place?
He didn't make sin. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of man. Get a bible and study it, all your answers are in there.
We won't, just stop reading the thread.
What will you do if it is proven that there is a gay gene? Oh wait, that's right, you take that as blanket permission to force preemptive abortions on five percent of the population.

There is no homo gene. It's a sin problem.
So god making homosexuality is a sin?
Homosexuality is sin, yes.
So if god didn't want us to sin, why did he make sin in the first place?
He didn't make sin. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of man. Get a bible and study it, all your answers are in there.
But god made everything in the universe. Or was there someone else making stuff as well?
There is no homo gene. It's a sin problem.
So god making homosexuality is a sin?
Homosexuality is sin, yes.
So if god didn't want us to sin, why did he make sin in the first place?
He didn't make sin. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of man. Get a bible and study it, all your answers are in there.
But god made everything in the universe. Or was there someone else making stuff as well?
Can God make a rock too heavy for Him to lift? Did Adam have a belly button?
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
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