Have any of you disowned a gay child?

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I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
Not that stupid shit again. Yes, they have higher rates - due to the fact that bigots like you have made life miserable for them . You point is nothing but a logical fallacy in the form of a false cause- because it is all that you have.
I cant imagine disowning my child for any reason. So no...of course not.

What if your son kidnapped, tortured, raped and murdered a dozen little children, would you still not disown him or her! As much as I love my kids I think there is a line they could cross!

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Tell me more about how mass murder and rape is equivalent to homosexuality
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
Not that stupid shit again. Yes, they have higher rates - due to the fact that bigots like you have made life miserable for them . You point is nothing but a logical fallacy in the form of a false cause- because it is all that you have.
Oh, no. Not the "woe is me, I'm a victim and all of my screwed up life is because of you haters and bigots" bullcrap again. Save your sob story for some naive college kids. Homos are alcoholics, druggies, diseased and screwed up because they live screwed up lives.
Mormonism and the Watchtower are cults, not True Christians. They teach that salvation is found through their organization. Christians believe Jesus is all you need, and the Bible confirms that.

There ya go, now you're sounding like ISIS - HAHAHAHA.
Dude, I don't give two shits about your bearded sky daddy and why YOUR flavor of cult is superior to THEIR flavor of cult.
There's the "no true Muslim" meme, the "no true Scotsman" meme, it's all the same bullshit.
You do not get to be the arbiter of whose cult is the true belief.

Religion is like a PENIS.
It's okay that you have one, it's okay that you're proud of yours.
But do NOT run around whipping it out in public and if you try to ram it down my throat, I'll chop it off with a large knife.
So why are you posting in the religious forum? Why don't you find a topic you're educated in and enjoy.
Because his true master, the Devil, is relentless, and compels his brainless minions to attack attack attack Christians.
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
If you belive that I have some land in Florida for sale.
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
Yes, it is a choice. Even the wife of NY City mayor said she was a lesbian and is now a heterosexual.
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
If you belive that I have some land in Florida for sale.
It's not a matter of belief. It actually happened. I went to school with this guy. I was there. I saw his transformation from a broken wreck of a human being into a man that I am proud to call a friend. You can read about it here.

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’
Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
If you belive that I have some land in Florida for sale.
It's not a matter of belief. It actually happened. I went to school with this guy. I was there. I saw his transformation from a broken wreck of a human being into a man that I am proud to call a friend. You can read about it here.

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’
Ya, and you think that this guy never thinks about it? You got a PI watching him all day? If I were a gambler ,which I am I would bet against it!
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
If you belive that I have some land in Florida for sale.
It's not a matter of belief. It actually happened. I went to school with this guy. I was there. I saw his transformation from a broken wreck of a human being into a man that I am proud to call a friend. You can read about it here.

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’
Ya, and you think that this guy never thinks about it? You got a PI watching him all day? If I were a gambler ,which I am I would bet against it!
So your only response is to call the guy a liar? That's not even an argument. The simple fact is that his life has changed dramatically. He is married with two daughters. He is no longer gay. That's a fact. And he is PROOF that it is a choice. He was gay. He chose to no longer be gay. You can't deny that. It's a fact.
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
If you belive that I have some land in Florida for sale.
It's not a matter of belief. It actually happened. I went to school with this guy. I was there. I saw his transformation from a broken wreck of a human being into a man that I am proud to call a friend. You can read about it here.

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’
Ya, and you think that this guy never thinks about it? You got a PI watching him all day? If I were a gambler ,which I am I would bet against it!
So your only response is to call the guy a liar? That's not even an argument. The simple fact is that his life has changed dramatically. He is married with two daughters. He is no longer gay. That's a fact. And he is PROOF that it is a choice. He was gay. He chose to no longer be gay. You can't deny that. It's a fact.
I am saying that I would bet against it! I bet against people all the time and make a good living at it! You say fact, I say conjecture! I do love your optimism though! Optimism fills my wallet almost every day!
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
Not that stupid shit again. Yes, they have higher rates - due to the fact that bigots like you have made life miserable for them . You point is nothing but a logical fallacy in the form of a false cause- because it is all that you have.
Oh, no. Not the "woe is me, I'm a victim and all of my screwed up life is because of you haters and bigots" bullcrap again. Save your sob story for some naive college kids. Homos are alcoholics, druggies, diseased and screwed up because they live screwed up lives.
Bovine Excrement!

Discrimination and exclusion are the key causal factors of LGBTI mental ill-health and suicidality


The elevated risk of mental ill-health and suicidality among LGBTI people is not due to sexuality, sex or gender identity in and of themselves but rather due to discrimination and exclusion as key determinants of health.24 This is sometimes referred to as minority stress.25 • Homophobia and transphobia are a fear of and/or prejudice against people who are perceived to be homosexual or trans respectively, or more generally to not conform to mainstream male or female gender norms. They are often expressed as stereotyping, ostracizing, discrimination, harassment, and violence. Heterosexism is discrimination in favour of heterosexual and against homosexual and bisexual people as well as people who challenge assumptions that there are only two genders. It can be regarded as encompassing homophobia and transphobia and the discrimination of intersex people. Thus for LGBTI people, exposure to heterosexism can be a key determinant of health. • Exposure to and fear of discrimination and isolation can directly impact on people’s mental health, causing stress, psychological distress and suicidality.26

• There is currently a lack of protection from discrimination on the basis of gender identity, gender expression, sex and sex characteristics and sexual orientation at a Commonwealth level and the level of protection offered in the states and territories varies. At both levels of government, significant exemptions apply, in particular for faith-based organisations providing community services. 2012 the Commonwealth government began consultation on proposed new federal anti-discrimination legislation that includes greater protection for LGBTI people.27

• Despite recent improvements to legislative equality in Australia and advances in the general acceptance of homosexuality and – to a lesser extent – of trans and intersex people in some sectors, experience of homophobic and transphobic discrimination and exclusion both within families and in broader society remains very high for many LGBTI Australians: LGBTI people remain a marginalised group.28
“I might hate myself for it but I wish she had died instead. What a trivial existence it seems, the life of a gay person… Betrayal is all I can see, betrayal of me as a mother. She rejects my beliefs, my principles and my femininity. … I can’t forgive her, I can’t respect her and I certainly can’t understand her. I don’t want to love her any longer”
(mother of a lesbian daughter, quoted in McDougall 2006)

Up to 80% of same-sex attracted and gender questioning young Australians experience public insult, 20% explicit threats and 18% physical abuse and 26% ‘other’ forms of homophobia (80% of this abuse occurs at school).29 • The most common types of heterosexist abuse experienced by LGBT people during the 12 months prior to a 2011 survey were non-physical: verbal abuse (25%), harassment (15%), threats of physical violence (9%) and written abuse (7%).30 • Rates of almost all types of violence are highest against trans people. Approximately 50% of adult trans Australians experience verbal abuse, social exclusion and having rumours spread about them. A third have been threatened with violence, with 19% having been physically attacked (and a similar number reporting discrimination by the police), 11% experience obscene mail and phone calls and damage to personal property. 64% modify their behaviour due to fear of stigmatization and discrimination.31 49% of trans respondents to a NSW study reported having been sexually assaulted.32 • Little data is available on the experiences of intersex Australians, however extensive consultation in New Zealand affirmed anecdotal evidence in Australia that the secrecy and shame associated with intersex conditions leave intersex people vulnerable to discrimination and abuse and that some intersex people also experience similar discrimination to trans people.33

I'm willing to bet that you haters are the ones with screwed up lives
I just finished telling you that "my BELIEF" does not enter into it.
Therefore, you being obtuse is intentional. It's not going to work...your weak tactic is going to fail.

Just in case you are capable of learning something....which I have serious doubts about

UC Berkeley Psychologist Finds Evidence That Male Hormones In The Womb Affect Sexual Orientation

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality

Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors | (e) Science News

Now shut up until you have read and understood this materiel and can grasp the fact that it is enormously complicated and far from a simple matter of it either being a choice or genetic.

Ludicrous rubbish and junk 'science. The methodologies and claims are laughable jokes. These pedophile apologists are just sick in the head, as usual, hoping to bully anybody who doesn't bow to their promotions of deviancy and sexual fetishes.

Here is the the ongoing examinations of all these fake 'studies' purporting to show homosexuality is 'genetic n stuff'; they are all rubbish, and have been for many decades now.

download the book My Genes Made Me Do It!

Why the hormones in the womb nonsense isn't credible:

Epigenetics and homosexuality

Keep these gimps away from children. Not only are they mentally ill, they're public health menaces as well, major carriers of all kinds of epidemics, and not just venereal diseases, but hepatitis and drug resistant staph and other fun things one gets from mindless self-indulgences of nasty fetishes.
Are you fucking kidding me.?? Junk science? Pedophile apologists ? ! Then you have the gall to post links to a site that has a clear anti gay bias and flies in the face of all accepted science on the issue!! The author believes that conversion therapy is not harmful while many jurisdictions have found it necessary to prohibit it . What the fuck is wrong with you!!??
Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
Yes, it is a choice. Even the wife of NY City mayor said she was a lesbian and is now a heterosexual.
Is it remotely possible that you're too ignorant to understand that some people are bisexual and that there is a difference between sexual orientation and lifestyle?
It's not the conversion therapy that is harmful. It is the persons inability to give up what they know in their hearts is evil. They may claim that they want to change, but they really don't. They may not like being gay, but they are simply unwilling, on some level, to let it go. In such cases, God is the only one who can help them...but only if they ask Him. I personally know someone who used to be gay. He became a Christian and is now married...to a woman...and has children. He USED to be gay. He is no longer gay. He doesn't miss it at all. Know what that means? It's a choice. Always has been. Always will be. People are not born that way. It is a choice.
If you belive that I have some land in Florida for sale.
It's not a matter of belief. It actually happened. I went to school with this guy. I was there. I saw his transformation from a broken wreck of a human being into a man that I am proud to call a friend. You can read about it here.

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’
Ya, and you think that this guy never thinks about it? You got a PI watching him all day? If I were a gambler ,which I am I would bet against it!
So your only response is to call the guy a liar? That's not even an argument. The simple fact is that his life has changed dramatically. He is married with two daughters. He is no longer gay. That's a fact. And he is PROOF that it is a choice. He was gay. He chose to no longer be gay. You can't deny that. It's a fact.
I am saying that I would bet against it! I bet against people all the time and make a good living at it! You say fact, I say conjecture! I do love your optimism though! Optimism fills my wallet almost every day!
Go on. Bet against him. What's the bet? That he'll ditch his wife and find a butt buddy? Huh? What are we betting on, and who decides the winner? You can bet all you want. The simple fact is that this guy says he's no longer gay. I've known the guy for over 30 years. I think he's telling the truth. Who are you? You're nobody. Your opinion has been noted and summarily dismissed as irrelevant.
If you belive that I have some land in Florida for sale.
It's not a matter of belief. It actually happened. I went to school with this guy. I was there. I saw his transformation from a broken wreck of a human being into a man that I am proud to call a friend. You can read about it here.

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’
Ya, and you think that this guy never thinks about it? You got a PI watching him all day? If I were a gambler ,which I am I would bet against it!
So your only response is to call the guy a liar? That's not even an argument. The simple fact is that his life has changed dramatically. He is married with two daughters. He is no longer gay. That's a fact. And he is PROOF that it is a choice. He was gay. He chose to no longer be gay. You can't deny that. It's a fact.
I am saying that I would bet against it! I bet against people all the time and make a good living at it! You say fact, I say conjecture! I do love your optimism though! Optimism fills my wallet almost every day!
Go on. Bet against him. What's the bet? That he'll ditch his wife and find a butt buddy? Huh? What are we betting on, and who decides the winner? You can bet all you want. The simple fact is that this guy says he's no longer gay. I've known the guy for over 30 years. I think he's telling the truth. Who are you? You're nobody. Your opinion has been noted and summarily dismissed as irrelevant.
You are pretty gullible if you think those urges have disappeared! Go ahead Mr. Ostrich quote oppinions as fact! Keep going on those snipe hunt trips buddy!
It's not a matter of belief. It actually happened. I went to school with this guy. I was there. I saw his transformation from a broken wreck of a human being into a man that I am proud to call a friend. You can read about it here.

Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’
Ya, and you think that this guy never thinks about it? You got a PI watching him all day? If I were a gambler ,which I am I would bet against it!
So your only response is to call the guy a liar? That's not even an argument. The simple fact is that his life has changed dramatically. He is married with two daughters. He is no longer gay. That's a fact. And he is PROOF that it is a choice. He was gay. He chose to no longer be gay. You can't deny that. It's a fact.
I am saying that I would bet against it! I bet against people all the time and make a good living at it! You say fact, I say conjecture! I do love your optimism though! Optimism fills my wallet almost every day!
Go on. Bet against him. What's the bet? That he'll ditch his wife and find a butt buddy? Huh? What are we betting on, and who decides the winner? You can bet all you want. The simple fact is that this guy says he's no longer gay. I've known the guy for over 30 years. I think he's telling the truth. Who are you? You're nobody. Your opinion has been noted and summarily dismissed as irrelevant.
You are pretty gullible if you think those urges have disappeared! Go ahead Mr. Ostrich quote oppinions as fact! Keep going on those snipe hunt trips buddy!
So, tell me. If he was straight and turned gay, would you claim that he still had the urge to screw women? Your opinion has been noted and dismissed as irrelevant. He told me he no longer has those urges, and I believe him. Your only comeback is that you don't believe him. That doesn't even qualify as an argument. It would be like me declaring that you are an AI and not a real person, and that you wish ENIAC was still around so you could have hot steamy computer sex with it. Sucks to be you.:itsok:
Ya, and you think that this guy never thinks about it? You got a PI watching him all day? If I were a gambler ,which I am I would bet against it!
So your only response is to call the guy a liar? That's not even an argument. The simple fact is that his life has changed dramatically. He is married with two daughters. He is no longer gay. That's a fact. And he is PROOF that it is a choice. He was gay. He chose to no longer be gay. You can't deny that. It's a fact.
I am saying that I would bet against it! I bet against people all the time and make a good living at it! You say fact, I say conjecture! I do love your optimism though! Optimism fills my wallet almost every day!
Go on. Bet against him. What's the bet? That he'll ditch his wife and find a butt buddy? Huh? What are we betting on, and who decides the winner? You can bet all you want. The simple fact is that this guy says he's no longer gay. I've known the guy for over 30 years. I think he's telling the truth. Who are you? You're nobody. Your opinion has been noted and summarily dismissed as irrelevant.
You are pretty gullible if you think those urges have disappeared! Go ahead Mr. Ostrich quote oppinions as fact! Keep going on those snipe hunt trips buddy!
So, tell me. If he was straight and turned gay, would you claim that he still had the urge to screw women? Your opinion has been noted and dismissed as irrelevant. He told me he no longer has those urges, and I believe him. Your only comeback is that you don't believe him. That doesn't even qualify as an argument. It would be like me declaring that you are an AI and not a real person, and that you wish ENIAC was still around so you could have hot steamy computer sex with it. Sucks to be you.:itsok:
All you have is his word. So you have been quoting opinion like it is fact. The truth is you are not in his mind and you do not know hwat is going on in there. You are dismissed as irrelevant! How many people on here belive he is no longer gay? Lets do a pole!
So god making homosexuality is a sin?
Homosexuality is sin, yes.
So if god didn't want us to sin, why did he make sin in the first place?
He didn't make sin. Sin entered the world through the disobedience of man. Get a bible and study it, all your answers are in there.
But god made everything in the universe. Or was there someone else making stuff as well?
Can God make a rock too heavy for Him to lift? Did Adam have a belly button?
So you agree that god made sin and evil. Good for you.
So your only response is to call the guy a liar? That's not even an argument. The simple fact is that his life has changed dramatically. He is married with two daughters. He is no longer gay. That's a fact. And he is PROOF that it is a choice. He was gay. He chose to no longer be gay. You can't deny that. It's a fact.
I am saying that I would bet against it! I bet against people all the time and make a good living at it! You say fact, I say conjecture! I do love your optimism though! Optimism fills my wallet almost every day!
Go on. Bet against him. What's the bet? That he'll ditch his wife and find a butt buddy? Huh? What are we betting on, and who decides the winner? You can bet all you want. The simple fact is that this guy says he's no longer gay. I've known the guy for over 30 years. I think he's telling the truth. Who are you? You're nobody. Your opinion has been noted and summarily dismissed as irrelevant.
You are pretty gullible if you think those urges have disappeared! Go ahead Mr. Ostrich quote oppinions as fact! Keep going on those snipe hunt trips buddy!
So, tell me. If he was straight and turned gay, would you claim that he still had the urge to screw women? Your opinion has been noted and dismissed as irrelevant. He told me he no longer has those urges, and I believe him. Your only comeback is that you don't believe him. That doesn't even qualify as an argument. It would be like me declaring that you are an AI and not a real person, and that you wish ENIAC was still around so you could have hot steamy computer sex with it. Sucks to be you.:itsok:
All you have is his word. So you have been quoting opinion like it is fact. The truth is you are not in his mind and you do not know hwat is going on in there. You are dismissed as irrelevant! How many people on here belive he is no longer gay? Lets do a pole!

Still gay Maybe bi

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All you have is his word.
So you have been quoting opinion like it is fact. The truth is you are not in his mind and you do not know what (FIXED YOUR SPELLING FOR YOU)is going on in there.
You are dismissed as irrelevant!
How many people on here belive he is no longer gay?
Lets do a pole!
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