“He Governed Like Jeb Bush” - Ann Coulter Wishes Trump Had a Heart Attack

I don't care either. But she's right. Attack her when she's wrong.
She was all in on Trump until a few months after he got inaugurated...Then she went all batshit because he wasn't ruling like the autocrat that she obviously pines for.

To hell with that blathering broomstick.
She was all in on Trump until a few months after he got inaugurated...Then she went all batshit because he wasn't ruling like the autocrat that she obviously pines for.

To hell with that blathering broomstick.

Because a few months after inauguration, Trump started leaning left. FFS, she'll admit that she got duped by Trump. But that doesn't mean anyone has to stay duped. She didn't.

Because so many people listened to her back then, and she was so pro Trump, then she helped Trump get elected. After realizing what a liar he was, she wasn't going to stick with him just to save face.
Because a few months after inauguration, Trump started leaning left. FFS, she'll admit that she got duped by Trump. But that doesn't mean anyone has to stay duped. She didn't.

Because so many people listened to her back then, and she was so pro Trump, then she helped Trump get elected. After realizing what a liar he was, she wasn't going to stick with him just to save face.
He never leaned right...He has always been a mashup of a Moynahan democrat and Pat Buchanan.

Coulter wasn't duped, she's the biggest bandwagon rider around...She was also one of the lead pompom girls for Chimpola Bush, so her sniffing about anyone governing like a Bush rings hollow as fuck...She is, and always has been, a narcissistic moron.
He never leaned right...He has always been a mashup of a Moynahan democrat and Pat Buchanan.

Coulter wasn't duped, she's the biggest bandwagon rider around...She was also one of the lead pompom girls for Chimpola Bush, so her sniffing about anyone governing like a Bush rings hollow as fuck...She is, and always has been, a narcissistic moron.

You didn't listen to Coulter in this video, did you?
Ann Coulter nails Trump. "The best thing about Trump was his campaign." And how he simply didn't fulfill any of his important promises.

“He Governed Like Jeb Bush” - Ann Coulter Wishes Trump Had a Heart Attack​

Gasp! Coulter compared Trump to another Republican? What an insult. No wonder you guys are mad. Thoughts & prayers.
What she's saying you would definitely agree with. I could never stand her. And almost didn't click on this. But she's right, specifically.
That’s a sign of a worsening condition…Consult your therapist….
That’s a sign of a worsening condition…Consult your therapist….

BS, she's saying now what I was saying before Trump even won in 2016. I was a salesman for the first half of my life. Everything from Kirby vacuum cleaners to real estate. I knew all those lines and sales techniques he was using. Especially with the really obvious lies... "Zero out the national debt in 8 years." Make Mexico pay for the wall? It was all BS. Because Trump's a lifelong democrat who's well versed in the art of BS.
I know BS & half-truths when I hear it, because I spewed it the whole time I was a salesman.
6 months into Trumps presidency, fighting to get a socialist healthcare plan to replace a socialist healthcare plan? How tf do you not see it?
Ann talking about Trump: "Remember when we bombed Syria and then found out they (Syria) didn't use chemical weapons"
BS, she's saying now what I was saying before Trump even won in 2016. I was a salesman for the first half of my life. Everything from Kirby vacuum cleaners to real estate. I knew all those lines and sales techniques he was using. Especially with the really obvious lies... "Zero out the national debt in 8 years." Make Mexico pay for the wall? It was all BS. Because Trump's a lifelong democrat who's well versed in the art of BS.
I know BS & half-truths when I hear it, because I spewed it the whole time I was a salesman.
6 months into Trumps presidency, fighting to get a socialist healthcare plan to replace a socialist healthcare plan? How tf do you not see it?
So, Coulter would approve of George Senior, George W. McCain and Romney. Wars and losses of rights seemed to be the major policies. So, if Trump is a fraud, we will see it. There will be improvement anyway.
@2:10 Coulter: "Trump was the first president saying the same things I wanted him to say. And I've given it to the republicans because this is the greatest campaign in United States history. (The book) It describes what was so great about Trump. Not listening to the political consultants. Not giving the stupid cliché's. Not bringing his wife up on stage. Not talking about Reagan Reagan Reagan. It was "I will build the wall." He was the only one who directly went to policy. Trade, wall, no more stupid wars. That's what I've been waiting to vote for my entire life."

Then she unloads the hard facts.
So, Coulter would approve of George Senior, George W. McCain and Romney. Wars and losses of rights seemed to be the major policies. So, if Trump is a fraud, we will see it. There will be improvement anyway.

Trump reauthorized FISA and didn't end 1 war. She doesn't approve of any of those president. In fact, I think she pretty much despises them.

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