Hello my fellow "EASTER WORSHIPPERS" [Obama and Hillary won't say "Christians".]

"Easter worshippers" are Christians.

But Democrats don't like to say the C-word.

Oh, and "May Day worshippers" are "fucking Commies".

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Apparently this time an entire Maypole flew over your head. Not easy to do, that.

The pole should have been a giant screaming clue that May Day referred to Beltane, not some wankfest political obsession of your'n.
You know, just as "Easter" refers to its ancient roots.

Once again I have overestimated the intelligence of my readership. Judging by post 6 I have done so on a giant scale.

""Easter worshippers" are Christians"? Rilly? I've never ever heard of anybody "worshiping Easter". Did you mean Ishtar?
It is because the Progressive Socialist Party is anti Christian. No matter what anyone ever says inside that party. You deserve sharia law and you might get it. It will be funny.

Sorry, there's no such thing as "the Progressive Socialist Party" and politics ain't got nothing to do with religion anyway unless you live in a theocracy.
You must not have been alive before the early 1970's. Christianity in America was not a theocracy and never was. It just had more input how people react and live in responsible situations. That Saul Alinsky crap means nothing to me. You believe in the Handmaids Tale which is a Sci Fi book and yet you hob nob with Islamic people who believe in sharia law. It would be funny to watch it gain traction here and see the humiliation, death and destruction that occurs and how you would be tamed or die. There are a lot of people who have been screwed with by others of all political persuasions. Many have not forgotten and you may have not either.

You're blithering again, and it's not even English. Fucking Russian trolls.
Your paperwork please!
I don't see the term "Easter worshippers" as a slight against Christians. I see it as being specific that the victims were taking part in the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus the Christ and savior.
What in God's name is an Easter Worshipper? I know these scum are all anti-Christian, but really , not to be able even to say the word...

Ēostre - Wikipedia Another pagan holiday stolen by christians.
Acts 12:4 kjv
Why should they say 'Christians'?

Christians - like all major, God Clud followers - are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

I mean...you have to be pretty, fucking stupid to base your life on some old book that espouses slavery, murder, rape, mass pedophelia and a whole bunch of other shit.

God is a piece of shit. I am not mad at him...I just think he is a piece of excrement. And if I am wrong...I dare the fucker to strike me dead in the next 10 seconds.


Nope...still here.

What a loser this fraud is.
What in God's name is an Easter Worshipper? I know these scum are all anti-Christian, but really , not to be able even to say the word...


Marybeth Glenn Retweeted
Cathy Young‏Verified account @CathyYoung63 5h5 hours ago

I see the latest in conservative PC snowflakery is outrage at Barack Obama referring to #SriLankaAttacks victims as "Easter worshippers" rather than Christians
1) Stop using a horrible tragedy to score partisan points
2) The phrase is...not exactly unheard of
3) Just stop

This expresses my feelings exactly. You pieces of trash are evil. You certainly are not Christians.
You new to Engrish?

Obviously "Easter" here is a time reference. If it had been May Day they would have been "May Day worshipers". Wouldn't even involve a Maypole.

Exactly and I'm sure when Ramadan rolls around Obama and Hillary will give a shout out to Ramadan worshipers...:eusa_think: It's also interesting there is no mention of who committed the attacks.

Ramadan isn't a day, Einstein. Easter is.

Wait -- do you think the "Easter rebellion" was when the bunnies protested the church taking their holiday away? :lmao:

Ever heard of "Christmas cactus"?
How 'bout "Christmas Island"? Guess what day it was when that place was "discovered".
Bonus points --- guess what day it was when "Easter Island" was sighted by Europeans.

"Hallowe'en candy"? Ever hear of that?

What does the length of days have to do with my comment? The point is Obama and Hillary used a phrase to slight Christians while also refusing to acknowledge a terrorist attack injuring hundreds and killing over 200 Christian was committed by Muslim jihadist.

I am a Christian and I am not offended. There was no slight. I am offended by you trying to use a tragedy for political gain.
Wow, Republicans attack Hillary and Obama simply because they said something positive.


You are the result of what happens when Christianity was sold out by its own and by the takeover of government by socialist/communists. Your party leaders can not even say Christians anymore. To me "buy and sell" is slowly taking hold and Christians will be celebrating masses in basements and/or remote areas when the time comes. I make no excuse for any ignorance by some who call themselves Christians, however your gaia religion is going to flail apart pretty quickly when it becomes severely tested. Your extreme agendas can not understand why utopia is not here. So someone needs to be blamed. The old book tells us how people live and how people die whether secular or religious. And how the names change, the agendas change but the result is the same.
What in God's name is an Easter Worshipper? I know these scum are all anti-Christian, but really , not to be able even to say the word...

This is one of the most stupid threads I have ever seen posted on USMB.

Hilary Clinton is a lifelong Methodist. Bill Clinton is a Baptist. Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ.

Orthodox Christians will celebrate Easter next Sunday.

What is this nonsense about that nobody will say "Christian"? Why are so many people who claim to be Christians whine so much? You folks are a seriously boring bunch of cry-babies.

BTW, what denomination are you?
So the right here get all worked up about using a factually correct word...

But the President clearly doesn’t know the Bible and lies about it... sure that’s a pass...

This thread shows GOP is gone tribal... it is not about being right or wrong, loyalty to the tribe what matters
You new to Engrish?

Obviously "Easter" here is a time reference. If it had been May Day they would have been "May Day worshipers". Wouldn't even involve a Maypole.
"Easter worshippers" are Christians.

But Democrats don't like to say the C-word.

Oh, and "May Day worshippers" are "fucking Commies".

Glad I could clear that up for you.

Apparently this time an entire Maypole flew over your head. Not easy to do, that.

The pole should have been a giant screaming clue that May Day referred to Beltane, not some wankfest political obsession of your'n.
You know, just as "Easter" refers to its ancient roots.

Once again I have overestimated the intelligence of my readership. Judging by post 6 I have done so on a giant scale.

""Easter worshippers" are Christians"? Rilly? I've never ever heard of anybody "worshiping Easter". Did you mean Ishtar?

Actually you routinely overestimate your own intelligence.
Apparently this time an entire Maypole flew over your head. Not easy to do, that.

The pole should have been a giant screaming clue that May Day referred to Beltane, not some wankfest political obsession of your'n.
You know, just as "Easter" refers to its ancient roots.

Once again I have overestimated the intelligence of my readership. Judging by post 6 I have done so on a giant scale.

""Easter worshippers" are Christians"? Rilly? I've never ever heard of anybody "worshiping Easter". Did you mean Ishtar?
It is because the Progressive Socialist Party is anti Christian. No matter what anyone ever says inside that party. You deserve sharia law and you might get it. It will be funny.

Sorry, there's no such thing as "the Progressive Socialist Party" and politics ain't got nothing to do with religion anyway unless you live in a theocracy.
You must not have been alive before the early 1970's. Christianity in America was not a theocracy and never was. It just had more input how people react and live in responsible situations. That Saul Alinsky crap means nothing to me. You believe in the Handmaids Tale which is a Sci Fi book and yet you hob nob with Islamic people who believe in sharia law. It would be funny to watch it gain traction here and see the humiliation, death and destruction that occurs and how you would be tamed or die. There are a lot of people who have been screwed with by others of all political persuasions. Many have not forgotten and you may have not either.

You're blithering again, and it's not even English. Fucking Russian trolls.
Your paperwork please!

Not to be picky but it's more in Deutsche.

"Papiren bitte"?
:rolleyes:What is with you people? Easter worshipers are Christians..the attack was against Christians.....People like you are pathetic

Aren't you Jewish?
Here's a clue for ya --- nobody "worships Easter". There's no such thing.

ok so whats your point?...I just said three times Christians not Easter worshipers

Hey, you posted about "Easter worshipers", not me.

I was quoting the op genius

So was I, Professor. First one in in fact. :)

You said "Easter worshipers are Chrisitians" whereas I said "Easter" is an adjective marking time. Guess which one of us is right.

Here ya go mister all knowing. But hey I know you like your word games. Do try and play within the established rules of language, you look stupid when you don't.




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