Help me understand Trump's "policies".....

10. do whatever will make Mainstream America happy and therefore maintain him in power

The above reminds me of Rev. Jim Jones' approach to "happiness".....
So long as it gets rid of the Illegal Beaners, keeps more Muzzies from coming in, brings jobs back on-shore, and infuriates LibTards, it's all good.
Bring back even the jobs Drump sent overseas to make his clothing apparel?? Drump is all mouth a pos who bashes Face Book Amazon leaders women even the 17 contenders on stage with him You really want this AH to get his hands on our nukes?? England hates him Mexico hates him Whats next?? Canada? We don't need a loose cannon in our,,,,,,,, WH Hillary for president
Tell that to the Pubs.

Tell that to the next-gen Reagan Democrats (and there will be TONS of those, once Crazy Old Uncle Bernie gets beaten into the dust by the Party Establishment Hacks).

Tell that to the independents who want to puke, after all this LGBT horseshit in the past few years, and now that Aqua-Lung is coming after our daughters in the bathrooms.

Tell that to yourself, to console yourself, as you helplessly watch Attila the Hun conjure up growing hordes of pissed off voters who are preparing to bitch-slap you-and-yours.
Fun, ain't it? Meanwhile, you clowns have had eight years at-bat, you've just racked-up your third out, and the other guys now get a turn at-bat.

The way Crazy Old Uncle Bernie is kicking HildaBeast ass, you don't think you're getting there with Shrillary, now, do you? I mean, really...

Have another drink.....LOL
Fun, ain't it? Meanwhile, you clowns have had eight years at-bat, you've just racked-up your third out, and the other guys now get a turn at-bat.

The way Crazy Old Uncle Bernie is kicking HildaBeast ass, you don't think you're getting there with Shrillary, now, do you? I mean, really...

Have another drink.....LOL
kondor is flying
Fun, ain't it? Meanwhile, you clowns have had eight years at-bat, you've just racked-up your third out, and the other guys now get a turn at-bat.

The way Crazy Old Uncle Bernie is kicking HildaBeast ass, you don't think you're getting there with Shrillary, now, do you? I mean, really...

Have another drink.....LOL
kondor is flying
Back to the Kiddie Table, boy...
Fun, ain't it? Meanwhile, you clowns have had eight years at-bat, you've just racked-up your third out, and the other guys now get a turn at-bat.

The way Crazy Old Uncle Bernie is kicking HildaBeast ass, you don't think you're getting there with Shrillary, now, do you? I mean, really...

Have another drink.....LOL
kondor is flying
Back to the Kiddie Table, boy...
Yeah we had our at bat BUT we entered the game down 15-0 Now we evened it up Need 8 more years to steam ahead Drump the pos will ruin our country
I sat on my Daddy's lap, I held his hand, I hugged him every day. He was my hero. I miss him. I hope Ivanka is able to hug her Daddy for years and years to come. Loving Fathers are the best!

Yeah, well the same Democrats that want to let fully male adult pervs into your little girls locker room showers, but they want to imply that your Daddy was a pervert instead.

I am really starting to hate these bastards.
No implications are required. We have the man on video.

Ever sat with your kid like this?

No respectable father would. That's creepy with a capital K.

I suppose Sanders is your candidate.
Fun, ain't it? Meanwhile, you clowns have had eight years at-bat, you've just racked-up your third out, and the other guys now get a turn at-bat.

The way Crazy Old Uncle Bernie is kicking HildaBeast ass, you don't think you're getting there with Shrillary, now, do you? I mean, really...

Have another drink.....LOL
kondor is flying
Back to the Kiddie Table, boy...
Yeah we had our at bat BUT we entered the game down 15-0 Now we evened it up Need 8 more years to steam ahead Drump the pos will ruin our country

But Obama said would be even at four years, pick a fable and stick with.
Although Trump has recently stated that rather than policies he is making "suggestions" to his base of acolytes, somewhere before November 8th, some specifics must be divulged as to exactly what this nominee has in store for us once he were elected.......So, I ask those Trump backers to reveal why someone should cast his or her ballot for this guy....

1. What are Trump's suggestions on how to bring back jobs from overseas where goods and services are considerably cheaper to both make and offer?

2. What are Trump's suggestions on making the ACA better and stabilize both Social Security and Medicare?

3. What are Trump's suggestions on defeating the looming threat of ISIS, Al-Qaeda and other radical movements against the west?

4. What are Trump's realistic suggestions on how that wall between us and Mexico will be both funded and built, mindful that one of Trump's heroes, Reagan, famously called for tearing down walls?

5. What are Trump's suggestions on both mitigating the income capacity of the middle class versus the ultra wealthy, and equalizing the rate of pay for women?

As always, this is an important election and some measure of specifics within the framework of a democracy are necessary to make an informed choice when casting one's vote.
I don't believe the answers to any of these questions matter.

He's not "establishment". He's "anti-establishment". That's what matters.

I don't think what he would actually do is a high priority.
Fun, ain't it? Meanwhile, you clowns have had eight years at-bat, you've just racked-up your third out, and the other guys now get a turn at-bat.

The way Crazy Old Uncle Bernie is kicking HildaBeast ass, you don't think you're getting there with Shrillary, now, do you? I mean, really...

Have another drink.....LOL
kondor is flying
Back to the Kiddie Table, boy...
Yeah we had our at bat BUT we entered the game down 15-0 Now we evened it up Need 8 more years to steam ahead Drump the pos will ruin our country

But Obama said would be even at four years, pick a fable and stick with.
Hey DRUMP changes his mind every week Obama is not entitled?? and maybe even at 4 years it was just a suggestion not figuring traitorous repubs would be pulling so hard in the opposite direction

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