Here Comes The Race Card: Moore's Opponent Releases What May Be Most Racist Ad in a Generation


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
As always, when democrats fear they're losing,, they play the race card. Pathetic!


Moore’s Democrat Opponent Releases What May Be Most Racist Ad in a Generation
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As always, when democrats are losing, they play the race card. Pathetic!

Moore’s Democrat Opponent Releases What May Be Most Racist Ad in a Generation
Hmmmmm, so Molester Moore didn't talk about how things were better when there was slavery? Molester Moore didn't say that we'd be better if every Amendment after the first 10 was repealed?
A question! When was Roy Moore arrested and convicted for molestation?
I thought your OP was about racism not the fact that he was a child molester? Moore is about as racist as they come....on top of being a child molester.
As always, when democrats are losing, they play the race card. Pathetic!

Moore’s Democrat Opponent Releases What May Be Most Racist Ad in a Generation
Hmmmmm, so Molester Moore didn't talk about how things were better when there was slavery? Molester Moore didn't say that we'd be better if every Amendment after the first 10 was repealed?
A question! When was Roy Moore arrested and convicted for molestation?

Is this your standard now ? Guess you u owe Bill and Hillary all kinds of apologies then.
If the OP thinks the ad is the most racist ever, it follows that he must also think it's the best ad ever.
As always, when democrats are losing, they play the race card. Pathetic!

Moore’s Democrat Opponent Releases What May Be Most Racist Ad in a Generation
Hmmmmm, so Molester Moore didn't talk about how things were better when there was slavery? Molester Moore didn't say that we'd be better if every Amendment after the first 10 was repealed?
i love lefties like you passing morality judgements, but its hilarious when you dont know facts and you try so hard to avoid them.

who did he molest?
As always, when democrats fear they're losing,, they play the race card. Pathetic!


Moore’s Democrat Opponent Releases What May Be Most Racist Ad in a Generation

You call that racist? I call it accurate. You need to find out what racism is before you whine about thinking it is being used against you. Here's a hint. It isn't.

sure it is..others feel that guys set the bar too low when you whine about every slight a black person gets...hint its not always because theyre black
As always, when democrats are losing, they play the race card. Pathetic!

Moore’s Democrat Opponent Releases What May Be Most Racist Ad in a Generation
Hmmmmm, so Molester Moore didn't talk about how things were better when there was slavery? Molester Moore didn't say that we'd be better if every Amendment after the first 10 was repealed?
This is where the old lib selective brain kicks in, you purposely ignored the part were Moore specifical excluded slavery. I disagree with him of course. I'm a modern man I like my tech shit. the 19th century would be a nightmare for someone like me.
Think if a black man went after High School girls, anyone would make him Senator?


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