Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks

Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
If you are stealing something cheap, you are broke as fuck. So how you gonna pay fines and restitution?
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
I pretty well like most of that, but #2 needs more specificity. I believe hard drug sales and manufacture deserve hard time. Not necessarily for non-violent users who have not harmed others.
#6 is a non-starter. I would not take away the officer's side arm. I am a civilian, but not giving up mine and do not think the criminals will give up theirs, which is why I have mine. Never bring a taser to a gunfight.
#5 is iffy. If you see the gun in the guys hand (and I don't mean he looks like he is touching himself, as he may be about to piss his pants), he doesn't throw it down as shown on your cam and is running with it. Sorry, take the shot. That said, there is nothing that justifies 7 rounds in the back, ever. Two cops unloading on a suspect running without actually seeing a weapon is Bullsh*t.
You’re pro reparations?
Reparations to the potholes on I-40 in the construction K-railed area and on on the regular surface on Vann Drive here in Jackson, Yes. You'll get by Zog. Nobody paid me back for the crash of 2008 and I always thought that was a crime. :cool:
LOL - well played
There won't be significant change for blacks in this country until they realize en masse that they must overthrow their Democrat overlords.
1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
America is stoned, I get it. Shit I smoke weed. A blessing I reject the alcoholism, two drinks can send me into a migraine. At the end of the day you're right, because if it's ILLEGAL we're supposed to at the very least apply a punishment, and really prison for pot? That said it should remain illegal for children to at least 18.

2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
Fuck that shit, difference between Heroine and Meth is Heroine stops the heart, Meth are the walking dead.

3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
You should probably describe what we're doing now, because I suspect we're close.

4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
Boy Scouts and shit. Where are the mothers and fathers leading this too? Many black communities have a separate problem. How about black communities uniting in the right way under God and Country? You can't beat that, they'll shame the thugs into submission.

5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
Shoot em in the ass if they tried to kill someone, including a cop. Kick my dog you get the same.

6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.
That's reall funny. Some of these fucks are so drugged up even a taser can be ineffective. Ever seen an angry black man or woman BTW?

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.
Me either, in fact my penalty of preference doesn't require prison time less white crime and drugs. We bring back the rope, and evidence provided they're done in a month, REAL deterrent. The punishments aren't public, they're just fucking done. Then you have guys like Floyd who hold a gun to a pregnant woman in robbery, you know, he's drugged out on what you want to legalize. Once determined which hand he used he goes into surgery to remove it. We see em through healing and cool man, we're square. Sex offenders piss out of a new hole. As for women offenders, we stitch on the spare johnsons, give them a second chance. In five years we're saving TRILLIONS annually.

What do you think we should do?
End PROG-think, the source and players are evil.
Expedite Democrat's drowning, remember in November.
Property crimes. I'd rather lock up the Bankster who stole millions than the kid who stole a pair of socks.

In these particularly disturbed times, I challenge you to prove your sincerity, by publishing your home address, and that of the business that you claim to own, and invite the subhuman savages to come loot and burn at those locations. After all, it's only property, right?
Mormon Bob, we've been doing it your way since Ronald Reagan.. We've quadrupled the number of people in prison for petty offenses, we've made the big corporations that run for profit prisons richer... and we are no closer to solving crime as a problem than we were when we started.

“We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” — Ronald Reagan​

You'll surely never understand that, because to you, you've made it clear, the idea of personal responsibility, the idea of one being responsible for one's own behavior and the consequences thereof, is anathema; a mindset which, to sane people is obviously false and defective, and which has, yet, tragically taken root in our society. Reagan was commenting on it, in his time, and it has become much, much, much worse since then.

We're trying your way, here in California, and the results are exactly what any sane person would have predicted. Crimes of the sort from which serious legal consequences are being removed, are becoming more and more pervasive and uncontrollable. How anyone expected otherwise, I cannot grasp.

What do you think would happen, regarding any particular form of bad behavior, when you remove the concept of being responsible for one's own behavior, as your kind have been doing for a few generations now, and then, on top of that, remove the legal consequences of that behavior?

And, of course, ultimately, you're following the standard, stereotypical LIbEral blueprint of promoting destructive policies, and then trying to blame the results of these policies o those who opposed them.

Maybe it is time to try something else. The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results.

Surely, now that we've clearly seen the results, your advocacy of taking the side of criminals clearly meets this definition of insanity.
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Blacks have had 160 years to get their shit together, with all kinds of help.

Think hard
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
Who the hell are you that you dictate what you will accept in reforms. You are delusional. You think you are in charge.
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
If you are stealing something cheap, you are broke as fuck. So how you gonna pay fines and restitution?

Probably don't steal would be a good start

Do it then suffer the consequences
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars.
So someone can steal under a set limit several times a day, day after day, with no recourse?
Obviously, you haven't thought this out. ... :cool:

Maybe we could have our congress pass a business "recoup" bill that would help them deal with any cases that couldn't be paid back.

Blacks aint going to stop doing such crimes as they feel like they're disadvantaged within our society and the damage they cause if we're too hard on them is probably higher then a softer hand. Don't you think?
The solution is not for a white guy or a bunch of white people telling blacks what they are willing to do for them.
The answer is for blacks, whites and all Americans come together and discuss all sides of the issue and come up with a solution together. There will never be a perfect solution.
A big step towards a positive solution is for idiot white people who think they know what is best for blacks is to get a clue.
No prison for low level offenses. Caning or whipping instead. The one thing that would do the most good is to educate blacks that there is no right to commit acts that result in prison.
his needs to be said…

Not a single one of the OP's proposals is about helping blacks. Not one.

They are all about helping @criminals.

White @criminals would benefit just as much as black @criminals, from the OP's proposals.

Black crime victims, black law enforcement agents, would be harmed as much by the OP's proposals, as white victims or officers would be.

Mormon Bob, here's the thing. A lot of those things shouldn't be "Crimes" to start with. If you want to take drugs, that's kind of on you. Shouldn't really be anyone else's business.

Property crimes. I'd rather lock up the Bankster who stole millions than the kid who stole a pair of socks.

When we lock up white crooks at the same rate we lock up black crooks, then you can get back to me.
You shot your wad with Obama. He was the one to get this done and it could have been localized if the feds did not get involved.. He took a different route.
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
Millions of blacks who do NOT smoke pot, abuse drugs, steal, belong to gangs, or get shot at fleeing a crime were just offended by this racist OP. Wow just wow, Joe Biden was that you who posted it?
BLM will keep rioting and we will keep being called racist if we don't let them commit robbery and shoplift. They will keep calling us racist and evil if we call the police on them and we better be ready to have our homes and stores burnt to the ground if we don't do some of these reforms.
Poor misguided simpleton.

Try pro-innocent-life.

So, um, you are for murdering the "guilty"? Aren't we all guilty of something.

More to the point, in your crazy religion, aren't we all having "original sin"?

You shot your wad with Obama. He was the one to get this done and it could have been localized if the feds did not get involved.. He took a different route.

He was too busy fixing the economy Bush fucked up and the needless wars Bush got us into.
BLM will keep rioting and we will keep being called racist if we don't let them commit robbery and shoplift. They will keep calling us racist and evil if we call the police on them and we better be ready to have our homes and stores burnt to the ground if we don't do some of these reforms.

What makes you think that caving in to these subhuman pieces of shit will stop them from engaging in violent and destructive behavior?

Caving in to terrorists only encourages them.
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
What you'll accept?



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