Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks

Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
I pretty well like most of that, but #2 needs more specificity. I believe hard drug sales and manufacture deserve hard time. Not necessarily for non-violent users who have not harmed others.
#6 is a non-starter. I would not take away the officer's side arm. I am a civilian, but not giving up mine and do not think the criminals will give up theirs, which is why I have mine. Never bring a taser to a gunfight.
#5 is iffy. If you see the gun in the guys hand (and I don't mean he looks like he is touching himself, as he may be about to piss his pants), he doesn't throw it down as shown on your cam and is running with it. Sorry, take the shot. That said, there is nothing that justifies 7 rounds in the back, ever. Two cops unloading on a suspect running without actually seeing a weapon is Bullsh*t.
You’re pro reparations?
Reparations to the potholes on I-40 in the construction K-railed area and on on the regular surface on Vann Drive here in Jackson, Yes. You'll get by Zog. Nobody paid me back for the crash of 2008 and I always thought that was a crime. :cool:
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks

This needs to be said…

Not a single one of the OP's proposals is about helping blacks. Not one.

They are all about helping criminals.

White criminals would benefit just as much as black criminals, from the OP's proposals.

Black crime victims, black law enforcement agents, would be harmed as much by the OP's proposals, as white victims or officers would be.
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
I think this is a start. Not nearly enough though
We can't do NOTHING, which is Trump's Plan.
STILL waiting for Trump to have a Plan... ANYTHING!
Oh wait, I heard Jared is "on the case!"
Great,... another job for the former slumlord in addition to making peace in the Middle East, making the rich richer, getting PPE's for US hospitals, solving gun violence, and building the wall along our southern border. (Gosh, is there NOTHING he can't do?)
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do? use tasers on someone that has a firearm!!!!!???

...if the blacks aren't happy yet--they never will be can't help them
...there is not a problem of police brutality mayors...MANY black entertainers and athletes making mucho ungodly $$$$$$$$
his needs to be said…

Not a single one of the OP's proposals is about helping blacks. Not one.

They are all about helping @criminals.

White @criminals would benefit just as much as black @criminals, from the OP's proposals.

Black crime victims, black law enforcement agents, would be harmed as much by the OP's proposals, as white victims or officers would be.

Mormon Bob, here's the thing. A lot of those things shouldn't be "Crimes" to start with. If you want to take drugs, that's kind of on you. Shouldn't really be anyone else's business.

Property crimes. I'd rather lock up the Bankster who stole millions than the kid who stole a pair of socks.

When we lock up white crooks at the same rate we lock up black crooks, then you can get back to me.
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
Why don't you make this easier, and call out people on your end of the spectrum when they do and say things that the Left can point at as racism?

You could start right here on USMB, which is chock full o' keyboard cowards who say all KINDS of ugly, shitty, malicious things, on a daily basis.

Then you could work your way up to Trump, who claimed to not know who David Duke is, after previously calling him "a bigot and a problem".

Maybe your behaviors would spread to others, on both ends of this issue, and inspire them to be honest about their side's worst behaviors too.

Is that a possibility?
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?
You should offer a free hug unit after they gun down some
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.

I agree, but ONLY if we have programs to treat addiction as a disease.

3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.

Sounds reasonable.. The problem is we already have that for white folks.

4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!


5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.

It already is. The problem is that when cops do this, they normally get a pass. The real problem here is that their actions are judged by other cops, and they usually give them a pass no matter how egregious the behavior is.

6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

Um, No. Now the one area where I give the cops some slack is that we are a gun-crazy society. With 300 million guns out there, you can't have the cops rely on pepper spray and tasers. What is needed is better training, not removing the option.
You need stop and frisk! It saved thousands of black lives.
What do you think we should do?
You should offer a free hug unit after they gun down some One
And there ya go. Trumpism, 2020.
You need stop and frisk! It saved thousands of black lives.

My community needs law and order! That means if your seen walking showing your underwear! Jail!

These kids have no fathers so they are going to act like they have no discipline! So offer free beat downs like you daddy should of have did if you knew him.

We need assimilating policies again.. confront confront confront! Most of these blacks will commit suicide with your gun. HELP THEM!
Of course, the threshold for theft being a prosecutor crime only counts the value of the property stolen,and not the cost of the damage done to a car from which the theft occurred. A couple of years ago, a thieving subhuman piece of shit stole hundreds of dollars worth of tools out of my car, but left most of them behind to climb a wall. He got away with about $120 worth of tools, but did several hundreds of dollars worth of damage to my car in order to steal them.

And if you didn't have insurance, that's your own fault, Mormon Bob. Don't leave valuables in your car. That's pretty simple.

The reality, of course, is that the cops probably don't investigate these crimes if they don't catch the guy in the act. I know my car and house were both broken into when I used to live in Cicero. The police filled out a report for me to file with Allstate and that was it. No dusting for fingerprints, no canvasing the neighborhood for witnesses.

Mormon Bob, we've been doing it your way since Ronald Reagan.. We've quadrupled the number of people in prison for petty offenses, we've made the big corporations that run for profit prisons richer... and we are no closer to solving crime as a problem than we were when we started.

Maybe it is time to try something else. The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results.
Why don't you make this easier, and call out people on your end of the spectrum when they do and say things that the Left can point at as racism?

You could start right here on USMB, which is chock full o' keyboard cowards who say all KINDS of ugly, malicious things, on a daily basis.

Then you could work your way up to Trump, who claimed to not know who David Duke is, after previously calling him "a bigot and a problem".

Maybe your behaviors would spread to others, on both ends of this issue, and inspire them to be honest about their side's worst behaviors.

Is that a possibility?

Here's the problem with your "bothsidesism", Vichy Mac.

I'll be the first to admit, there are a lot of fucking asshats on the left. There are a lot of asshats on the right.

The left didn't put their biggest asshat in the White House and then found it necessary to defend whatever crazy thing he does.
Mormon Bob, we've been doing it your way since Ronald Reagan.. We've quadrupled the number of people in prison for petty offenses,
That’s because of the black fatherless rate.. what do you propose to help end this?
That’s because of the black fatherless rate.. what do you propose to help end this?

Nothing. All these virgin births, the next messiah should show up any day now.

Oh, wait. There aren't any "fatherless" kids. There are kids who are just born to couples who aren't married.
Here is what I'll accept for reforms to help blacks. First of all You can forget about abolishing or defunding the police! That is a really dumb idea for blacks and whites alike.

1. Legalize pot! Hundreds of thousands of blacks are in prison because of it and I feel it is wrong.
2. Decriminalize all drugs. Prison shouldn't be a option for meth and the like. We need to focus on helping people and community service.
3. We should eliminate prison time for low end stealing and shoplifting valuing less then $500 dollars. Community service and fines ontop of paying back what is owed should be good enough.
4. More funding to help youth stay out of gangs and to reform the individual gang member. Maybe we should focus on reform!
5. Make it illegal to shoot a person in the back that is running away.
6. Use tasers and keep the lethal force weapons in the back of the car and not in the belt. This would force the officer to consider things a little more.

I am not willling to go easier on violent crimes of course.

What do you think we should do?

I like much of that. Not sure about no lethal weapons on police belts though, only because so much of America is armed. But ya i like it a whole lot.
That’s because of the black fatherless rate.. what do you propose to help end this?

Nothing. All these virgin births, the next messiah should show up any day now.

Oh, wait. There aren't any "fatherless" kids. There are kids who are just born to couples who aren't married.
That’s like saying no blacks allowed.. interesting view
Until we address the black fatherless rate we will continue to have criminals.

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