Here Is Why Donald Trump Said "Walls Work, Ask Israel"

Of course walls work in Israel.

They shoot to kill anyone trying to get in. To bad our Govt. doesn't do the same on the Mexican border.

All it would take is a few dead illegals and the rest would catch that damned clue in on big assed hurry and stop trying to get into our country.

A few dead Mexicans?? Not skin of my nose when you consider how many the drug cartels kill every year.

To bad it will never happen because of the weenies who run this country.
...Yeah a wall across 2,000 miles of our border will solve America's problems. The other 100,000+ miles of border are irrelevant.
The other 100,000+ are not where the problem is coming from.

But, in the final analysis, a wall is not the answer.

Self-Deportation is.

If we make it impossible to stay here, they'll stop coming, and those already here will leave.


How would this be accomplished?

By establishing legal conditions so onerous and hostile to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies that they make a bee-line for the borders, under their own power, at their own cost, and without us lifing a finger or spending a dime on physical deportation operations.

If Illegals cannot obtain housing nor jobs nor banking nor money wire-transfer services nor automobiles nor school nor social (welfare) services nor medical services nor automatic citizenship for the litters they pop-out after they sneak-in here, they'll go, on their own.

Especially if we put teeth into such laws, so that we (metaphorically) crucify those who provide Illegals with such things - including the de-funding of Sanctuary Cities, and the arrest and prosecution of the mayors and city councils of any such municipality that refuses to abandon Sanctuary status and comply with and cease subverting new Federal immigration law.

In today's context, "Immigration Reform" = code-speak for Shamnesty.

There is, indeed, a solution.


Not the limp-wristed so-called Self-Deportation Lite of Mitt Romney in 2012...

Rather, Self-Deportation Industrial Strength, beginning January 20, 2017...

Done the right way...

Making it impossible for Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies to stay here and sustain themselves here...

We can reform Immigration procedures all the live-long day, once we flush-out these 12,000,000 invaders...
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The libs didn't have any trouble constructing over 5,000 miles of toll roads to collect taxes...OH SNAP!!

A wall would be much cheaper to build than in interstate highway of the same length. For one thing, it doesn't require extensive grading or drainage. It requires about half the concrete. It can be built from prefab concrete components.
Another thing we should ask Israel:

How much did it cost to build your 422 mile wall, and how much does it cost you to maintain per year? And will you give us foreign aid to pay for that?

According to Yahoo, Israel has spent $1.35 billion to build 422 miles of wall.

Think we can't afford that?
So it's $1.35 billion per 422 miles, times 5 because the Mexican border is 2,000 miles long...

That's over 6 billion dollars. And Israel spends $260 million a year to maintain the wall... times 5 that's $1.3 billion a year on top of the building cost...

So after Trump slashes taxes and increases military spending; yeah whatever, we can afford that.

Just deduct it from the $120 billion/year we spend on government benefits for illegal aliens. The wall also saves on manpower need to patrol the border.

It's a bargain.
...Yeah a wall across 2,000 miles of our border will solve America's problems. The other 100,000+ miles of border are irrelevant.
The other 100,000+ are not where the problem is coming from.

But, in the final analysis, a wall is not the answer.

Self-Deportation is.

If we make it impossible to stay here, they'll stop coming, and those already here will leave.


How would this be accomplished?

By establishing legal conditions so onerous and hostile to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies that they make a bee-line for the borders, under their own power, at their own cost, and without us lifing a finger or spending a dime on physical deportation operations.

If Illegals cannot obtain housing nor jobs nor banking nor money wire-transfer services nor automobiles nor school nor social (welfare) services nor medical services nor automatic citizenship for the litters they pop-out after they sneak-in here, they'll go, on their own.

Especially if we put teeth into such laws, so that we (metaphorically) crucify those who provide Illegals with such things - including the de-funding of Sanctuary Cities, and the arrest and prosecution of the mayors and city councils of any such municipality that refuses to abandon Sanctuary status and comply with and cease subverting new Federal immigration law.

In today's context, "Immigration Reform" = code-speak for Shamnesty.

There is, indeed, a solution.


Not the limp-wristed so-called Self-Deportation Lite of Mitt Romney in 2012...

Rather, Self-Deportation Industrial Strength, beginning January 20, 2017...

Done the right way...

Making it impossible for Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies to stay here and sustain themselves here...

We can reform Immigration procedures all the live-long day, once we flush-out these 12,000,000 invaders...

It's much easier to keep them out in the first place than getting them to leave once they are here. For one thing, we don't have to listen to these open-borders traitors crying about how we'll be "breaking up families" if we deport them.
The libs didn't have any trouble constructing over 5,000 miles of toll roads to collect taxes...OH SNAP!!

A wall would be much cheaper to build than in interstate highway of the same length. For one thing, it doesn't require extensive grading or drainage. It requires about half the concrete. It can be built from prefab concrete components.
Another thing we should ask Israel:

How much did it cost to build your 422 mile wall, and how much does it cost you to maintain per year? And will you give us foreign aid to pay for that?

According to Yahoo, Israel has spent $1.35 billion to build 422 miles of wall.

Think we can't afford that?

You can go right on funding Israel's wall, after you pay for the Waltons and Apple, and if you have anything left over you can donate it to Trump's little boondoggle, Dutchboy. The rest of us are not as gullible.

We don't pay a cent for the Waltons and Apple. They both pay $billions in taxes every year.
...Yeah a wall across 2,000 miles of our border will solve America's problems. The other 100,000+ miles of border are irrelevant.
The other 100,000+ are not where the problem is coming from.

But, in the final analysis, a wall is not the answer.

Self-Deportation is.

If we make it impossible to stay here, they'll stop coming, and those already here will leave.


How would this be accomplished?

By establishing legal conditions so onerous and hostile to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies that they make a bee-line for the borders, under their own power, at their own cost, and without us lifing a finger or spending a dime on physical deportation operations.

If Illegals cannot obtain housing nor jobs nor banking nor money wire-transfer services nor automobiles nor school nor social (welfare) services nor medical services nor automatic citizenship for the litters they pop-out after they sneak-in here, they'll go, on their own.

Especially if we put teeth into such laws, so that we (metaphorically) crucify those who provide Illegals with such things - including the de-funding of Sanctuary Cities, and the arrest and prosecution of the mayors and city councils of any such municipality that refuses to abandon Sanctuary status and comply with and cease subverting new Federal immigration law.

In today's context, "Immigration Reform" = code-speak for Shamnesty.

There is, indeed, a solution.


Not the limp-wristed so-called Self-Deportation Lite of Mitt Romney in 2012...

Rather, Self-Deportation Industrial Strength, beginning January 20, 2017...

Done the right way...

Making it impossible for Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies to stay here and sustain themselves here...

We can reform Immigration procedures all the live-long day, once we flush-out these 12,000,000 invaders...

It's much easier to keep them out in the first place than getting them to leave once they are here. For one thing, we don't have to listen to these open-borders traitors crying about how we'll be "breaking up families" if we deport them.
Self-Deportation does both...

1. It keeps them out in the first place.

2. It gets rid of the 12,000,000 already here

Re: (1)...

If it is legally impossible for you to get a job or buy or rent a dwelling or a car or to wire money back to Mexico City, etc., then there's no point coming here in the first place.
Trump has already stated he is for taxing the rich more.
Oh well then it's all figured out I guess. You republicans are geniuses.

:lol: Whatsamatter? I thought you guys were all about taxing the rich?
Yeah there are lots of Democrats out there saying "let's tax the rich to... wait for it... build a wall!!!"


O. I. C. Spending bucks on something the fed is actually suppose to do is ridiculous but spending money on things the fed has no business doing is ok. I forgot how your guys minds work.

Yeah the founders were hell bent on building massive walls to seal off our borders. That's pretty much what the entire constitution is about.

The Constitution gives the federal government authority to control immigration. Protecting our borders is one of the most basic functions of government.
Oh well then it's all figured out I guess. You republicans are geniuses.

:lol: Whatsamatter? I thought you guys were all about taxing the rich?
Yeah there are lots of Democrats out there saying "let's tax the rich to... wait for it... build a wall!!!"


O. I. C. Spending bucks on something the fed is actually suppose to do is ridiculous but spending money on things the fed has no business doing is ok. I forgot how your guys minds work.

Yeah the founders were hell bent on building massive walls to seal off our borders. That's pretty much what the entire constitution is about.

Defending this country is what the fed is suppose to do; building a damn wall will secure the USofA. Stop making it more complicated because it isn't.

The way these open-borders traitors will say anything to keep the illegals flooding in makes you want to vomit.
...Yeah a wall across 2,000 miles of our border will solve America's problems. The other 100,000+ miles of border are irrelevant.
The other 100,000+ are not where the problem is coming from.

But, in the final analysis, a wall is not the answer.

Self-Deportation is.

If we make it impossible to stay here, they'll stop coming, and those already here will leave.


How would this be accomplished?

By establishing legal conditions so onerous and hostile to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies that they make a bee-line for the borders, under their own power, at their own cost, and without us lifing a finger or spending a dime on physical deportation operations.

If Illegals cannot obtain housing nor jobs nor banking nor money wire-transfer services nor automobiles nor school nor social (welfare) services nor medical services nor automatic citizenship for the litters they pop-out after they sneak-in here, they'll go, on their own.

Especially if we put teeth into such laws, so that we (metaphorically) crucify those who provide Illegals with such things - including the de-funding of Sanctuary Cities, and the arrest and prosecution of the mayors and city councils of any such municipality that refuses to abandon Sanctuary status and comply with and cease subverting new Federal immigration law.

In today's context, "Immigration Reform" = code-speak for Shamnesty.

There is, indeed, a solution.


Not the limp-wristed so-called Self-Deportation Lite of Mitt Romney in 2012...

Rather, Self-Deportation Industrial Strength, beginning January 20, 2017...

Done the right way...

Making it impossible for Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies to stay here and sustain themselves here...

We can reform Immigration procedures all the live-long day, once we flush-out these 12,000,000 invaders...

It's much easier to keep them out in the first place than getting them to leave once they are here. For one thing, we don't have to listen to these open-borders traitors crying about how we'll be "breaking up families" if we deport them.
Self-Deportation does both...

1. It keeps them out in the first place.

2. It gets rid of the 12,000,000 already here

Re: (1)...

If it is legally impossible for you to get a job or buy or rent a dwelling or a car or to wire money back to Mexico City, etc., then there's no point coming here in the first place.

Unfortunately the next Dim president can undo anything we do with his phone and his pen. Once the wall is built, it's permanent.
Just tax the wealthy more. That's your guys answer for everything else you want to spend money on. So, spend it on this.
K tell Trump to get on that.

Trump has already stated he is for taxing the rich more.
I'll believe that when he makes the first donation.

He wouldn't even notice it, he's a gagillionaire.

Fine. Let him chip in a billion or two. Better yet, let him build the Great Big Wall with his own funds. He can erect a statue of himself every couple of miles facing south and giving Mexico the finger.

You're going to pay for it, asshole, whether you want to or not. That's how democracy works.

Now go suck on it.
So it's $1.35 billion per 422 miles, times 5 because the Mexican border is 2,000 miles long...

That's over 6 billion dollars. And Israel spends $260 million a year to maintain the wall... times 5 that's $1.3 billion a year on top of the building cost...

So after Trump slashes taxes and increases military spending; yeah whatever, we can afford that.

Just tax the wealthy more. That's your guys answer for everything else you want to spend money on. So, spend it on this.
K tell Trump to get on that.

Trump has already stated he is for taxing the rich more.
Oh well then it's all figured out I guess. You republicans are geniuses.

:lol: Whatsamatter? I thought you guys were all about taxing the rich?
Tax the rich to put up the Great wall of China part deux, that they will just tunnel under? Instead of using the higher taxes for bridges that won't collapse, highways, New schools without asbestos, computers for classrooms, New and stronger electric grid etc etc etc?


That's irresponsible taxing.
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The leftwing turds and establishment Republicans swear up and down that walls/fences don't work. The empirical evidence keeps proving them wrong.

Here Is Why Donald Trump Said “Walls Work, Ask Israel”

At the November 3, 2015 press conference to announce his new book, Donald Trump reminds us, "Walls work. All you have to do is ask Israel."

What has been the result of the border fence Israel built in 2013 to prevent infiltration from the Egypt? According to Joel Pollak of in June 2013,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has touted the success of a new border fence that Israel built along its boundary with Egypt to stop illegal infiltrators. In a statement posted at his government website, Netanyahu reported that illegal crossings had declined 99.9%, from 2,000 per month to only two.
Israel, which is the size of the state of New Jersey, has 422 miles of border fence that not only protect it from terrorists, but also shield it from many more peaceful illegal infiltrators who are seeking the economic benefits that Israel provides. These well-designed security fences have clearly proven to be quite effective. As security needs change, additional fence sections are being built. In September 2015, Israel announced plans to build a smart fence along the border with Jordan.

If any of you have ever been to the southern border, it's very obvious that walls and fences DON'T work--LOL

But I want to congratulate you Trump supporters now. With your assistance in supporting Trump you've probably already cost the Republican party the White House, and possibly the senate, and many seats in the house. In fact, it's so bad now you can color Florida blue along with several other states. Heck Hillary Clinton doesn't even need to campaign in certain states.

Donald Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% within the Hispanic voting block. Historically, since Reagan the GOP nominee has to capture at least 35-40% of this voting block to win the White House. This will roll over on any nominee the Republican Party nominates, like it did in 2012 with Mitt Romney. He only got 27% of this vote.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

You must have forgotten that the Republican party is the smallest party in this country today, and getting smaller every day with your help.


Romney lost because he couldn't get his own part to vote for him.
Just tax the wealthy more. That's your guys answer for everything else you want to spend money on. So, spend it on this.
K tell Trump to get on that.

Trump has already stated he is for taxing the rich more.
Oh well then it's all figured out I guess. You republicans are geniuses.

:lol: Whatsamatter? I thought you guys were all about taxing the rich?
Tax the rich to put up the Great wall of China part deux? Instead of using the higher taxes for bridges that won't collapse, highways, New schools without asbestos, computers for classrooms, New and stronger electric grid etc etc etc?


That's irresponsible taxing.

How are we going to pay for all that when illegals are sucking down $120 billion of our tax money each year. allowing illegals to flood into the country does not lower the cost of government.
The leftwing turds and establishment Republicans swear up and down that walls/fences don't work. The empirical evidence keeps proving them wrong.

Here Is Why Donald Trump Said “Walls Work, Ask Israel”

At the November 3, 2015 press conference to announce his new book, Donald Trump reminds us, "Walls work. All you have to do is ask Israel."

What has been the result of the border fence Israel built in 2013 to prevent infiltration from the Egypt? According to Joel Pollak of in June 2013,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has touted the success of a new border fence that Israel built along its boundary with Egypt to stop illegal infiltrators. In a statement posted at his government website, Netanyahu reported that illegal crossings had declined 99.9%, from 2,000 per month to only two.
Israel, which is the size of the state of New Jersey, has 422 miles of border fence that not only protect it from terrorists, but also shield it from many more peaceful illegal infiltrators who are seeking the economic benefits that Israel provides. These well-designed security fences have clearly proven to be quite effective. As security needs change, additional fence sections are being built. In September 2015, Israel announced plans to build a smart fence along the border with Jordan.

If any of you have ever been to the southern border, it's very obvious that walls and fences DON'T work--LOL

But I want to congratulate you Trump supporters now. With your assistance in supporting Trump you've probably already cost the Republican party the White House, and possibly the senate, and many seats in the house. In fact, it's so bad now you can color Florida blue along with several other states. Heck Hillary Clinton doesn't even need to campaign in certain states.

Donald Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% within the Hispanic voting block. Historically, since Reagan the GOP nominee has to capture at least 35-40% of this voting block to win the White House. This will roll over on any nominee the Republican Party nominates, like it did in 2012 with Mitt Romney. He only got 27% of this vote.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

You must have forgotten that the Republican party is the smallest party in this country today, and getting smaller every day with your help.


Your "analysis" is by an outfit called "Latino Decisions." Yeah, no bias there, right?
...Yeah a wall across 2,000 miles of our border will solve America's problems. The other 100,000+ miles of border are irrelevant.
The other 100,000+ are not where the problem is coming from.

But, in the final analysis, a wall is not the answer.

Self-Deportation is.

If we make it impossible to stay here, they'll stop coming, and those already here will leave.


How would this be accomplished?

By establishing legal conditions so onerous and hostile to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies that they make a bee-line for the borders, under their own power, at their own cost, and without us lifing a finger or spending a dime on physical deportation operations.

If Illegals cannot obtain housing nor jobs nor banking nor money wire-transfer services nor automobiles nor school nor social (welfare) services nor medical services nor automatic citizenship for the litters they pop-out after they sneak-in here, they'll go, on their own.

Especially if we put teeth into such laws, so that we (metaphorically) crucify those who provide Illegals with such things - including the de-funding of Sanctuary Cities, and the arrest and prosecution of the mayors and city councils of any such municipality that refuses to abandon Sanctuary status and comply with and cease subverting new Federal immigration law.

In today's context, "Immigration Reform" = code-speak for Shamnesty.

There is, indeed, a solution.


Not the limp-wristed so-called Self-Deportation Lite of Mitt Romney in 2012...

Rather, Self-Deportation Industrial Strength, beginning January 20, 2017...

Done the right way...

Making it impossible for Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies to stay here and sustain themselves here...

We can reform Immigration procedures all the live-long day, once we flush-out these 12,000,000 invaders...
Not really realistic that we make living in America worse than living in Mexico. The don't get government subsidize in mexico either.

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