Here Is Why Donald Trump Said "Walls Work, Ask Israel"

The leftwing turds and establishment Republicans swear up and down that walls/fences don't work. The empirical evidence keeps proving them wrong.

Here Is Why Donald Trump Said “Walls Work, Ask Israel”

At the November 3, 2015 press conference to announce his new book, Donald Trump reminds us, "Walls work. All you have to do is ask Israel."

What has been the result of the border fence Israel built in 2013 to prevent infiltration from the Egypt? According to Joel Pollak of in June 2013,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has touted the success of a new border fence that Israel built along its boundary with Egypt to stop illegal infiltrators. In a statement posted at his government website, Netanyahu reported that illegal crossings had declined 99.9%, from 2,000 per month to only two.
Israel, which is the size of the state of New Jersey, has 422 miles of border fence that not only protect it from terrorists, but also shield it from many more peaceful illegal infiltrators who are seeking the economic benefits that Israel provides. These well-designed security fences have clearly proven to be quite effective. As security needs change, additional fence sections are being built. In September 2015, Israel announced plans to build a smart fence along the border with Jordan.
still no Capital plan but Only a social plan from the Capitalist of the Right?

You can go right on funding Israel's wall, after you pay for the Waltons and Apple, and if you have anything left over you can donate it to Trump's little boondoggle, Dutchboy. The rest of us are not as gullible.

We don't pay a cent for the Waltons and Apple. They both pay $billions in taxes every year.
um, we pay their employees food stamps.
We pay money to Walmart employees, not Walmart.
Right, if Walmart paid a living wage we wouldn't have to subsidize them by paying their employees medicaid and food stamps.
We don't have to give food stamps to Walmart employees, period. We aren't being "forced" except by the U.S. Congress.
Yeah we could just let them starve.
Why not solve simple poverty on an at-will basis; not everyone wants to work or is qualified for the job they would like.
The libs didn't have any trouble constructing over 5,000 miles of toll roads to collect taxes...OH SNAP!!

A wall would be much cheaper to build than in interstate highway of the same length. For one thing, it doesn't require extensive grading or drainage. It requires about half the concrete. It can be built from prefab concrete components.

Prefab Concrete Wall is a lot better than that expensive steel wall Bush tried & failed to build. Mexicans were making money by cutting it down, stealing it & selling it back to US as scrap metal. Bush was a retard!





Electric fence, land mines, razor wire and machines guns will take care of that.
The leftwing turds and establishment Republicans swear up and down that walls/fences don't work. The empirical evidence keeps proving them wrong.

Here Is Why Donald Trump Said “Walls Work, Ask Israel”

At the November 3, 2015 press conference to announce his new book, Donald Trump reminds us, "Walls work. All you have to do is ask Israel."

What has been the result of the border fence Israel built in 2013 to prevent infiltration from the Egypt? According to Joel Pollak of in June 2013,

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has touted the success of a new border fence that Israel built along its boundary with Egypt to stop illegal infiltrators. In a statement posted at his government website, Netanyahu reported that illegal crossings had declined 99.9%, from 2,000 per month to only two.
Israel, which is the size of the state of New Jersey, has 422 miles of border fence that not only protect it from terrorists, but also shield it from many more peaceful illegal infiltrators who are seeking the economic benefits that Israel provides. These well-designed security fences have clearly proven to be quite effective. As security needs change, additional fence sections are being built. In September 2015, Israel announced plans to build a smart fence along the border with Jordan.

Ask the former East Germans while you're at it. Know what else works? Ladders.

Then why hasn't that worked in Israel? You open-borders assholes assume no one will be manning the wall. All your criticisms are based on the U.S. government being supremely stupid. Of course, you may have a point there.

Israel's neighbors want her dead and gone. America's would collapse without us. So Israel has different needs than the US. US thing is simple racism. Israel's is about security.

It's not about racism, asshole. It's about jobs.

Whatever their motivation for crossing the border, it doesn't alter the fact that walls work.
I have no doubt we could build a barrier against Mexico that would work. You just have to be willing to spend the kind of money it will take.

Nonetheless, illegal immigration is not even close to being the biggest problem facing our economy or employment. The illegal Mexican is a scary bogeyman that works on people who are afraid of darkies. He is an entertaining diversion for the rubes who are incapable of understanding the real issues and the real solutions for our economy that are needed. The wetback with a knife in his teeth is a device used to keep the tards' attention away from the real dangers and the real crooks.
the greater his following, the more laughable Trump becomes.

We don't pay a cent for the Waltons and Apple. They both pay $billions in taxes every year.
um, we pay their employees food stamps.
We pay money to Walmart employees, not Walmart.
Right, if Walmart paid a living wage we wouldn't have to subsidize them by paying their employees medicaid and food stamps.
We don't have to give food stamps to Walmart employees, period. We aren't being "forced" except by the U.S. Congress.
Yeah we could just let them starve.

Did anyone starve before the government started issuing food stamps?
I have no doubt we could build a barrier against Mexico that would work. You just have to be willing to spend the kind of money it will take.

Nonetheless, illegal immigration is not even close to being the biggest problem facing our economy or employment. The illegal Mexican is a scary bogeyman that works on people who are afraid of darkies. He is an entertaining diversion for the rubes who are incapable of understanding the real issues and the real solutions for our economy that are needed. The wetback with a knife in his teeth is a device used to keep the tards' attention away from the real dangers and the real crooks.
You're a moron.

What problem is bigger for American workers than the problem of importing cheap labor from third world countries?
I have no doubt we could build a barrier against Mexico that would work. You just have to be willing to spend the kind of money it will take.

Nonetheless, illegal immigration is not even close to being the biggest problem facing our economy or employment. The illegal Mexican is a scary bogeyman that works on people who are afraid of darkies. He is an entertaining diversion for the rubes who are incapable of understanding the real issues and the real solutions for our economy that are needed. The wetback with a knife in his teeth is a device used to keep the tards' attention away from the real dangers and the real crooks.
You're a moron.

What problem is bigger for American workers than the problem of importing cheap labor from third world countries?

Thanks for admitting you are one of the tards who falls for the wetback diversion.

What problems are bigger for the American worker?

First, the size of the public and private debt in America is by far the greatest ball and chain on the American economy.

Second, the $1.2 trillion of tax expenditures which are being stolen from the pockets of the common man every year and redistributed up the ladder.

Third, the legislative tilting of the playing field by our politicians to favor select special interests.

Illegal immigrants have almost no influence on the American worker's future or economic well-being. It's a bogus bogeyman which plays on your bigotry in order to divert your attention away from the real causes.


Israel .. ^^^^^^

Texas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

so build a wall like Israel ... apples to apples right?

Please Mr. Trump, GFY ! and comb your wig.
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Israel .. ^^^^^^

Your point?


apples to apples and two totally different borders , and you need to know what the point is ..

ok, you're a bigger idiot than everyone thought .. explaining my point is wasted on dopes like you.

Wear Trumps cap, maybe nobody will notice YOUR point.

What you really mean is that after you explain your point everyone will be laughing at you.

Israel .. ^^^^^^

Texas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

so build a wall like Israel ... apples to apples right?

Please Mr. Trump, GFY ! and comb your wig.

Apparently you believe there's some big technical obstacle. There isn't.

Israel .. ^^^^^^

Your point?


apples to apples and two totally different borders , and you need to know what the point is ..

ok, you're a bigger idiot than everyone thought .. explaining my point is wasted on dopes like you.

Wear Trumps cap, maybe nobody will notice YOUR point.

What you really mean is that after you explain your point everyone will be laughing at you.

lets try this you idiot ....

an American SOUTHERN border fence is 5 times longer than the fence in Israel and maybe 50 times more difficult to build ... then we move to the NORTHERN border if we really want to be secure ... sooooooooooooo at the end of the day Trump is a screwball and you are a catcher.

um, we pay their employees food stamps.
We pay money to Walmart employees, not Walmart.
Right, if Walmart paid a living wage we wouldn't have to subsidize them by paying their employees medicaid and food stamps.
We don't have to give food stamps to Walmart employees, period. We aren't being "forced" except by the U.S. Congress.
Yeah we could just let them starve.

Did anyone starve before the government started issuing food stamps?

Yes, they did during the roaring 20's and for decades afterwards too.

Israel .. ^^^^^^

Your point?


apples to apples and two totally different borders , and you need to know what the point is ..

ok, you're a bigger idiot than everyone thought .. explaining my point is wasted on dopes like you.

Wear Trumps cap, maybe nobody will notice YOUR point.

What you really mean is that after you explain your point everyone will be laughing at you.

lets try this you idiot ....

an American SOUTHERN border fence is 5 times longer than the fence in Israel and maybe 50 times more difficult to build ... then we move to the NORTHERN border if we really want to be secure ... sooooooooooooo at the end of the day Trump is a screwball and you are a catcher.
We don't need a northern wall. We don't have millions of low wage earners sneaking across our northern border.

Israel .. ^^^^^^

Your point?


apples to apples and two totally different borders , and you need to know what the point is ..

ok, you're a bigger idiot than everyone thought .. explaining my point is wasted on dopes like you.

Wear Trumps cap, maybe nobody will notice YOUR point.

What you really mean is that after you explain your point everyone will be laughing at you.

lets try this you idiot ....

an American SOUTHERN border fence is 5 times longer than the fence in Israel and maybe 50 times more difficult to build ... then we move to the NORTHERN border if we really want to be secure ... sooooooooooooo at the end of the day Trump is a screwball and you are a catcher.

50 times more difficult to build? Says who?

You're an idiot who has no clue about engineering or how difficult it would be. So the wall would cost 5 times more than Israel's? That means it would cost less than $8 billion -chicken feed compared to our current budget.

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