"Here we go again with the Democrats lying to the public."

Flynn’s attorney: "I am fed up with everybody that’s trying to hide the truth." This time referring to Senator Mark Warner in particular..


Didn't his client plead guilty to a felony?

Yes he did, so they don't go after his son and rest of family.

Now, what's your point?

This is what's known as a plea bargain.

You might wanna look it up.

Isn't that what I said?

He pleaded guilty, he also changed his plea.

So, is he guilty or not?

If he's not a liar...he's guilty. He confessed to the crime.

Actually he did not confessed, but pleaded guilty in exchange to leave his family alone.

If he confessed, as you said, why he would change the plea at all?

Unlawful pressure exerted upon a person to coerce that person to perform an act that he or she ordinarily would not perform.
Read how Judge Sullivan methodically dismantles Powell's duplicitous motions. It's very enjoyable.

"Next, Mr. Flynn claims that he is entitled to inculpatory evidence “to evaluate the government’s allegations against him and to determine how to proceed.” Def.’s Br., ECF No. 109 at 7. Under Brady, however, “the Government has no duty to disclose evidence that is neutral, speculative, or inculpatory, or evidence that is available to the defense from other sources.” United States v. Pendleton, 832 F.3d 934, 940 (8th Cir. 2016); cf. United States v. Martinez, 764 F. Supp. 2d 166, 169 (D.D.C. 2011) (observing that “a defendant only has a right to receive from the government exculpatory information, not inculpatory information”).'
Of course, that isn't what happened. Do you even keep up with events? Haven't you ever heard about the 6000 report the DOJ submitted when it dropped the case?
Judge Sullivan should resign in disgrace.
Go play golf with his old swamp buddy Bill Clinton.
He will need to let Obama's cock out of his mouth first.....then he should be able to move around a little better.

Sure under extreme duress and severe prosecutorial misconduct. Entrapment usually gets overturned.

Most normal judges would be behaving 180° differently, angry that the state deceived his courtroom so egregiously. Sullivan reeks of Clinton swamp water.
Apparently that's from your Lawfare article which we already know is a hardcore leftist heap of propaganda.
Said the brainwashed zombie because....................he can't factually refute a word in Lawfare's article.

Lawfare Group is a radical group of leftist lawyers in Washington, D.C. that, according to its website, operate in "that nebulous zone in which actions taken or contemplated to protect the nation interact with the nation’s laws and legal institutions."[1] Its founder is Benjamin Wittes and is associated with the Brookings Institution. It sends out a daily newsletter called the Lawfareblog.

During the Obama administration the Lawfare group:[2]
After the 2016 presidential election the Lawfare group immediately sought to:
This fool has nothing.
I think berg80 is really Peter Stzrok.
Flynn plea bargained because he was found guilty of a crime. Now if you want to play this game, the judge can eliminate the plea and Flynn goes to prison for the crimes he was proven to have committed.

Flynn will never see prison.
Classic case of prosecutorial misconduct and the application of Duress. Sullivan is complicit.

This stuff is just crushing you Trumpletards.

"Mr. Flynn cites United States v. Nelson, 979 F. Supp. 2d 123, 135-36 (D.D.C. 2013) in which the court held that a guilty plea was not voluntary and knowing because the prosecution suppressed exculpatory evidence before the defendant pled guilty. Def.’s Sur-Surreply, ECF No. 135 at 13-14. Consistent with Nelson, this Court’s Standing Brady Order requires the government to “produc[e], during plea negotiations, any exculpatory evidence in the government’s possession.” Order, ECF No. 20 at 2-3 (footnote omitted). Nelson, however, lends no support to Mr. Flynn’s position that he was entitled to Brady evidence before he was formally charged in this case. Moreover, Mr. Flynn does not deny that the government provided him with documents before he signed the Plea Agreement, and Mr. Flynn and defense counsel participated in five voluntary interviews with the government in November 2017."

This is HorseShit.

The part that is HorseShit is:

"Mr. Flynn’s position that he was entitled to Brady evidence before he was formally charged in this case. Moreover, Mr. Flynn does not deny that the government provided him with documents before he signed the Plea Agreement, and Mr. Flynn and defense counsel participated in five voluntary interviews with the government in November 2017."


After he was charged, and pled guilty (under Duress), the Judge entered a Brady Order requiring the Mueller Gang Lawyer to THEN produce ALL Brady (Exculpatory) Evidence.

He produced some; but he hid the part that shows a conspiracy to set Flynn up, and nail him with a surreptitious entrapment.


Course we don't expect you or Lawfare to tell the whole story.
Flynn plea bargained because he was found guilty of a crime. Now if you want to play this game, the judge can eliminate the plea and Flynn goes to prison for the crimes he was proven to have committed.

Flynn will never see prison.
Classic case of prosecutorial misconduct and the application of Duress. Sullivan is complicit.

Not only that, but he lost his job, his house, his reputation and he still owes his attorney a ton of money. If the US government does the right thing, he won't have to sue them, but they won't and he'll have no choice. Sure he can kick back and write a huge best-seller and retire easy now, but in the meantime he's broke. Thank God Trump won in 2016 or he'd be locked up as we speak....they were out to frame him for something anyway.
Trump will be pardoning everyone soon.
(after he's reelected, or even if he isn't)
Does anyone see pattern here?

James Comey is campaigning for Democrats.
Andrew McCabe is fundraising for Democrats.
Sally Yates is fundraising for Joe Biden.
Andrew Weissman is fundraising for Joe Biden.
Democrats show their lack of character by supporting acts proven to be corrupt.
Flynn’s attorney: "I am fed up with everybody that’s trying to hide the truth." This time referring to Senator Mark Warner in particular..


Didn't his client plead guilty to a felony?



You both know damn well he's innocent.
Playing dumb just lowers your standard even more than usual.

He said he was guilty. He lied. Thanks for walking into that one.

Having his mouthpiece complain about other lying is really rather silly.

He had a gun held to his head, moron. You wold plead guilty under similar circumstances.

I marvel at how you douchebags pretend you don't know the facts.


Some of them actually don't know the facts; and the ones who do, dismiss them as being inconvenient to their narrative.

A trap was set for an innocent man, and under psychological, emotional, and financial torture---a 33 year Combat Veteran---Torture, or if you prefer Duress, he pled guilty to a crime he didn't commit.

Didn't commit? The only evidence so far is his plea---and if this was a Black man claiming he was tortured, (or put under Duress) in a jail cell in Alabama, until he confessed---then these people would suddenly have a new understanding of the legal concept of DURESS.

No other evidence has been produced. The report by the FBI Crooks---notes taken during the interview----can't be found!!!

They need the narrative to stop with---"he confessed".

And it just isn't ever going to do that.

Flynn’s attorney: "I am fed up with everybody that’s trying to hide the truth." This time referring to Senator Mark Warner in particular..


Didn't his client plead guilty to a felony?

As the old adage goes, and no truer words were ever spoken....

"99% of Lawyers give the rest a bad name."

1. The entire scenario turned when General Flynn hired a new and honest lawyer....Sydney Powell.....bless her.

His original lawyers.....HIS LAWYERS!.....were the prestigious firm of Covington & Burling.

The crook who claimed to be Hussein's 'wing-man,' Eric Holder, is a partner in that corrupt organization.

Flynn's lawyers.....HIS LAWYERS.....at that firm made a deal with the federal Deep State prosecutors to convince Flynn to plead guilty.

They hid exculpatory documents from THEIR CLIENT, Flynn.....while they were bleeding him dry.....he had to sell his house.

2. "Surprise discovery in Flynn case: former lawyers find evidence they failed to produce

Law firm claims inaccurate searches led to oversight of 6,800 documents in legal battle to overturn former Trump national security adviser's conviction."

3. Lead attorney for Gen. Flynn Sidney Powell argues the government intentionally hid documents in order to protect their prosecution of him.

“…a guilty plea is supposed to be knowing and voluntary….we have evidence that it was coerced….”

Flynn’s previous lawyers “had a secret side deal with the prosecutor….”

“…they hid all the evidence we’ve uncovered that shows he is completely innocent….”

The original law firm, with Eric Holder as a partner, had a deal with the government to make sure he pled guilty.

The FBI needed the prosecution of Flynn in order to keep the obstruction hoax against Trump, going. “Comey knew that they had no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump Campaign.”

“…we have messages that the 7th floor was in on this…and that’s Comey and McCabe.”

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