Here's how Michelle Obama plans to increase voter turnout for 2020

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Republicans will try to shut that down just like they did with ACORN
So you're complaining that people don't like the "Obama Plan" (looting, burning down cities, and general terrorism) any more than they like voter fraud???

ACORN responded to allegations in a conference call with reporters on October 16, 2008, saying the following:[7]

  • "In most states, ACORN is required by law to turn in every voter registration card — even in cases where the cards are not valid."
  • "Invalid voter registration cards do NOT constitute voter fraud. Even RNC General Counsel Sean Cairncross has recently acknowledged he is not aware of a single improper vote cast as a result of bad cards submitted in the course of an organized voter registration effort."
  • "ACORN hired 13,000 field workers to register people to vote. In any endeavor of this size, some people will engaged in inappropriate conduct. ACORN has a zero tolerance policy and terminated any field workers caught engaging in questionable activity."
Face the facts...

You say the Republicans "shut down" ACORN...


Conservatives concocted a fake pimp story and used it to shut down ACORN

Sounds like a Robert Mueller investigation in the making.

The Russians did it !!!!

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Republicans will try to shut that down just like they did with ACORN
So you're complaining that people don't like the "Obama Plan" (looting, burning down cities, and general terrorism) any more than they like voter fraud???

Why don’t you show us your pimp video?
Why don't you show us ACORN's pimp videos???


It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Huh? Engage with the Republicans? Role for Ivanka? Did you forget your meds this morning?
Conservatives are outraged at any “get out the vote” effort
How hard is it for anyone to register to vote and to vote on Election Day? If people are too lazy or dumb to figure that out, they shouldn’t be voting.

But clearly the Democrat Party can’t win without the uneducated and low IQ vote.
How hard is it to get as many people as possible to vote?

Why does that scare you
All they ever target is the “urban” vote, where the criminals and drug dealers live.

So why aren’t Democrats targeting the suburb and rural vote?

Why does that scare you?
Conservatives are outraged at any “get out the vote” effort
How hard is it for anyone to register to vote and to vote on Election Day? If people are too lazy or dumb to figure that out, they shouldn’t be voting.

But clearly the Democrat Party can’t win without the uneducated and low IQ vote.
How hard is it to get as many people as possible to vote?

Why does that scare you
All they ever target is the “urban” vote, where the criminals and drug dealers live.

So why aren’t Democrats targeting the suburb and rural vote?

Why does that scare you?
I'm going to start helping out the Democratic party in any way, shape, or form that I possibly can!

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Huh? Engage with the Republicans? Role for Ivanka? Did you forget your meds this morning?
It would be more effective if it was cross party. Obviously if republicans have a vested interest in folk not voting then it wont happen. On this thread it doesnt seem that there is much right wing enthusiasm for people voting in large numbers.
Conservatives are outraged at any “get out the vote” effort
How hard is it for anyone to register to vote and to vote on Election Day? If people are too lazy or dumb to figure that out, they shouldn’t be voting.

But clearly the Democrat Party can’t win without the uneducated and low IQ vote.
How hard is it to get as many people as possible to vote?

Why does that scare you
All they ever target is the “urban” vote, where the criminals and drug dealers live.

So why aren’t Democrats targeting the suburb and rural vote?

Why does that scare you?
Every American is entitled to vote.

Even the criminals who live in mansions

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Republicans will try to shut that down just like they did with ACORN
So you're complaining that people don't like the "Obama Plan" (looting, burning down cities, and general terrorism) any more than they like voter fraud???

Why don’t you show us your pimp video?
Why don't you show us ACORN's pimp videos???

After those videos were released, as you'll probably recall, Congress quickly voted to cut off all federal funding for ACORN and its affiliates. It used a lot of that money for anti-poverty work.
Conservatives produced a fake pimp video to make it look like ACORN was encouraging prostitution. Congress bought it

Here's how Michelle Obama plans to increase voter turnout for 2020


Conservatives are outraged at any “get out the vote” effort
How hard is it for anyone to register to vote and to vote on Election Day? If people are too lazy or dumb to figure that out, they shouldn’t be voting.

But clearly the Democrat Party can’t win without the uneducated and low IQ vote.
How hard is it to get as many people as possible to vote?

Why does that scare you
All they ever target is the “urban” vote, where the criminals and drug dealers live.

So why aren’t Democrats targeting the suburb and rural vote?

Why does that scare you?


It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?

Why do you think its so tremendous to encourage millions of low information individuals to vote? How does it help to make welfare recipients and other non-taxpaying entities looking for a Free Ride the decision makers in elections?

Mrs. Obama isn't reaching out to encourage voting overall, but instead in the Ghettos, in the colleges, in the Gay Sodomy Clubs, etc. She isn't encouraging voting with members of gun clubs, mega churches or groups of home schoolers.

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Republicans will try to shut that down just like they did with ACORN
So you're complaining that people don't like the "Obama Plan" (looting, burning down cities, and general terrorism) any more than they like voter fraud???

ACORN responded to allegations in a conference call with reporters on October 16, 2008, saying the following:[7]

  • "In most states, ACORN is required by law to turn in every voter registration card — even in cases where the cards are not valid."
  • "Invalid voter registration cards do NOT constitute voter fraud. Even RNC General Counsel Sean Cairncross has recently acknowledged he is not aware of a single improper vote cast as a result of bad cards submitted in the course of an organized voter registration effort."
  • "ACORN hired 13,000 field workers to register people to vote. In any endeavor of this size, some people will engaged in inappropriate conduct. ACORN has a zero tolerance policy and terminated any field workers caught engaging in questionable activity."
Face the facts...

You say the Republicans "shut down" ACORN...


Conservatives concocted a fake pimp story and used it to shut down ACORN

If the story was fake, and didn't unmask exactly what ACORN was up to, they would have never been shut down.
We don’t need Brits interfering in our elections.

Only an idiot would think it’s a good idea for the mouth breathers burning down our cities to go out and vote.
Why not it is ok for yous to vote.

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?

Why do you think its so tremendous to encourage millions of low information individuals to vote? How does it help to make welfare recipients and other non-taxpaying entities looking for a Free Ride the decision makers in elections?

Mrs. Obama isn't reaching out to encourage voting overall, but instead in the Ghettos, in the colleges, in the Gay Sodomy Clubs, etc. She isn't encouraging voting with members of gun clubs, mega churches or groups of home schoolers.
So voting is a bad thing ? Fuck off to China matey.
Conservatives are outraged at any “get out the vote” effort
How hard is it for anyone to register to vote and to vote on Election Day? If people are too lazy or dumb to figure that out, they shouldn’t be voting.

But clearly the Democrat Party can’t win without the uneducated and low IQ vote.
How hard is it to get as many people as possible to vote?

Why does that scare you
All they ever target is the “urban” vote, where the criminals and drug dealers live.

So why aren’t Democrats targeting the suburb and rural vote?

Why does that scare you?
Every American is entitled to vote.

Even the criminals who live in mansions
But one of the problems is the fact that the Democrats are rather broad in their definition of "Americans"...

They include citizens of Mexico and Central America...

How about we narrow it down to US citizens???

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Republicans will try to shut that down just like they did with ACORN
So you're complaining that people don't like the "Obama Plan" (looting, burning down cities, and general terrorism) any more than they like voter fraud???

ACORN responded to allegations in a conference call with reporters on October 16, 2008, saying the following:[7]

  • "In most states, ACORN is required by law to turn in every voter registration card — even in cases where the cards are not valid."
  • "Invalid voter registration cards do NOT constitute voter fraud. Even RNC General Counsel Sean Cairncross has recently acknowledged he is not aware of a single improper vote cast as a result of bad cards submitted in the course of an organized voter registration effort."
  • "ACORN hired 13,000 field workers to register people to vote. In any endeavor of this size, some people will engaged in inappropriate conduct. ACORN has a zero tolerance policy and terminated any field workers caught engaging in questionable activity."
Face the facts...

You say the Republicans "shut down" ACORN...


Conservatives concocted a fake pimp story and used it to shut down ACORN


It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Who gives a shit?

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Who gives a fuck about what Obama does for the British elections in 2020?

It's been nearly two years since Michelle Obama founded her electoral participation initiative "When We All Vote." In that time, WWAV claims to have "organized 2,500 local voter registration events across the country, engaged 200 million Americans online about the significance of voting, and texted nearly four million voters the resources to register and get out to vote" ahead of the 2018 midterms, but has been relatively quiet about the upcoming general election — until now.

Its great that this amazing woman wants to put back into the community by doing this. I suspect it might have more impact if she could engage with the republicans to make this happen. Surely there would be a role for Ivanka in encouraging people to get out and vote ?
Republicans will try to shut that down just like they did with ACORN
So you're complaining that people don't like the "Obama Plan" (looting, burning down cities, and general terrorism) any more than they like voter fraud???

ACORN responded to allegations in a conference call with reporters on October 16, 2008, saying the following:[7]

  • "In most states, ACORN is required by law to turn in every voter registration card — even in cases where the cards are not valid."
  • "Invalid voter registration cards do NOT constitute voter fraud. Even RNC General Counsel Sean Cairncross has recently acknowledged he is not aware of a single improper vote cast as a result of bad cards submitted in the course of an organized voter registration effort."
  • "ACORN hired 13,000 field workers to register people to vote. In any endeavor of this size, some people will engaged in inappropriate conduct. ACORN has a zero tolerance policy and terminated any field workers caught engaging in questionable activity."
Face the facts...

You say the Republicans "shut down" ACORN...


Conservatives concocted a fake pimp story and used it to shut down ACORN

Fake pimp

Original Fake News
Completely fabricated and doctored

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