Here’s Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Both sides, Lakota, although I was speaking primarily of the Dems in this case. The Dems never took up the mantle of freedom-fighters, in terms of race, until the 60's and JFK. But until, say, the 80's, I don't think it ever occurred to Republicans that there was an anti-racism stance for them to lay claim to. It's as if they never saw it as theirs until it was already gone.

I wish it was a moot point. I really do. I wish there wasn't a situation in which either side had more of a claim than the other. But when you look at the real history, you have to hand it to Republicans. At no point have they ever taken a party stance against equality, while Dems have. And when you look at what really counts... what really counts didn't happen when it was the 60's, 70's, etc. Unless you put an 18 in front of those numbers. Because that's when the real sacrifices happened. Literally hundreds if not thousands of Republicans standing up for liberation and equality were literally lynched right alongside those they wanted to free. They risked more than any Dem of the last 50 years. And they lost. And they kept at it anyway.

Don't cheapen it.

I appreciate your sincerity .. but the Republican Party is virtually all white and has never understood the power of diversity.

Democrats figured that out and prosper today because of it.

You lefties spend generations lying about the GOP as being the Party of Racism and then use our low levels of Minority Support as "proof" that it is our fault.


Those are interns .. the party can choose whatever interns they want.

I suppose we 'lefties' told republicans to choose virtually all white interns.

Your argument is absolutely ridiculous.
Merit versus affirmative action. The liberal side is not representative of our population.

:0) Yet liberals and democrats are kicking RW ass like they stole something. YOU aren't representative of the American population .. something you obviously haven't figured out with the obvious rejection of all things republican.

Republicans have lost virtually every social issue they care about .. and guns are next.

Not only will Hillary be your president .. Obama might also be on the Supreme Court. :lol:
The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.
You push the lie dutifully but that doesn't make it the truth. Cite a law passed by the GOP that came anywhere close to the Democrat Jim Crow laws.
Whatever .. just don't whine like a pig about blacks supporting whomever the fuck they want to support.

Blacks will be on the winning side of this election .. you .. you're just another fool who got played by Trump like a two-dollar whore.
In the year of the Brexit, don't count your chickens.

:0) Mindless.

I guess you're counting on crowd size .. because ever other proven measure is pointing to a landslide by Clinton.
The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.
You push the lie dutifully but that doesn't make it the truth. Cite a law passed by the GOP that came anywhere close to the Democrat Jim Crow laws.

AGAIN .. your argument is with history and academia .. where the truth has already been written long ago..

.. good luck with that. :0)
The Democrat Party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow and liberal plantations. They do nothing for the blacks as proven by 8 years of Obama. The GOP is the party of Abolition of Slavery and the passage Civil Right Law. Not one anti-black law can be traced to the GOP?
YOU just demonstrated why Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics .. and no other non-white demographic in America votes for republicans in the majority .. not one.

Of course in your pea-brain head, that's just everybody else's fault .. republicans claim no responsibility for its own fate .. lefties did it.

Question dummy .. did lefties tell republicans to dump its black support in favor of chasing racists in the Southern Strategy? African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. but of course republicans had nothing at all to do with losing that support.

:lol: YOU are why blacks and nobody else but old angry white men vote for republicans in the majority.


The republicans did NOT "dump" it's black support in favor of chasing Racist in the South.

THat is a lie.

Nixon was the one that supposed did that, and he was a strong supporter of Desegregation and Affirmative Action.

He offered NOTHING to the racist of the SOuth.

That's ignorant .. ignorant revisionist history .. but you can believe whatever you want .. I don't care.

The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.

I pointed out the Historical fact the Nixon's actions did not match your claims, ie that he "appealed to racism" and all you did was repeat your claim without addressing my challenge.

That is the definition of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your argument is invalid, and my point stands, unchallenged.

Your 'point' is ignorant and uneducated. You're just too stupid to know that.

Birth of the Southern Strategy

When Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, he’s said to have predicted, “There goes the South for a generation.” He feared black suffrage would prompt white Southerners to abandon the Democratic Party. Under Richard Nixon, the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” aimed to ensure it by systematically making veiled (and often not-so-veiled) racist appeals to white voters. “From now on,” Nixon aide Kevin Phillips told him, “the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote, and they don’t need any more than that.”
Birth of the Southern Strategy

Southern strategy

In 1968, George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate against Nixon and Humphrey, on an explicitly segregationist platform. Humphrey had been the main champion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the Senate; Nixon, while no civil rights activist, rejected an overtly racist platform. Feeling abandoned by both parties, Southern white racists flocked to Wallace's cause, winning him the Deep South states of Ark., La., Miss., Ala. and Ga.

Political analyst and Nixon campaigner Kevin Phillips, analysing 1948-1968 voting trends, viewed these rebellious Southern voters as ripe for Republican picking. In The Emerging Republican Majority(Arlington House, 1969), he correctly predicted that the Republican party would shift its national base to the South by appealing to whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare policies. President Nixon shrewdly played this "Southern strategy" by promoting affirmative action in employment, a "wedge" issue that later Republicans would exploit to split the Democratic coalition of white working class and black voters. (See John Skrentny, The Ironies of Affirmative Action (U Chicago Press, 1996)). This strategy soon produced the racial party alignments that prevail today.
George Wallace and the 1968 Election

You're an ignorant racist motherfucker. The Southern Strategy is burned into history for all time as the racist mechanism that it was. Your approval is not required.

Feel free to challenge history if you choose .. just take that bullshit to your next Trump rally .. stop whining about it to me.
I feel free to challenge that chickenshit website. It should have clued you in. Do you have any idea what a scholarly article backed up with sources and footnotes looks like?

SEE: History .. dumb ass.

You braindead knuckleheads should dial up the History Channel and talk to them about it. :0) See if that helps.

This is how ignorant you assholes are ..

GOP Apologizes for Southern Strategy

Mike Allen, “RNC Chief to Say It Was ‘Wrong’ to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes,” Washington Post, July 14, 2005

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
GOP Apologizes for Southern Strategy

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes
RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy
RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

If the Southern Strategy wasn't exactly what history knows it to be .. what were they apologizing for?

You racist clowns are incredibly stupid.
Last edited:
0) Mindless.

I guess you're counting on crowd size .. because ever other proven measure is pointing to a landslide by Clinton.
Crowd size measure enthusiasm. How can a crowd of 300 be enthusiastic? Daddy Trump has 10000 at his rallies on average and there ar twice that outside waiting to get in.
The republicans did NOT "dump" it's black support in favor of chasing Racist in the South.

THat is a lie.

Nixon was the one that supposed did that, and he was a strong supporter of Desegregation and Affirmative Action.

He offered NOTHING to the racist of the SOuth.

That's ignorant .. ignorant revisionist history .. but you can believe whatever you want .. I don't care.

The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.

I pointed out the Historical fact the Nixon's actions did not match your claims, ie that he "appealed to racism" and all you did was repeat your claim without addressing my challenge.

That is the definition of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your argument is invalid, and my point stands, unchallenged.

Your 'point' is ignorant and uneducated. You're just too stupid to know that.

Birth of the Southern Strategy

When Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, he’s said to have predicted, “There goes the South for a generation.” He feared black suffrage would prompt white Southerners to abandon the Democratic Party. Under Richard Nixon, the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” aimed to ensure it by systematically making veiled (and often not-so-veiled) racist appeals to white voters. “From now on,” Nixon aide Kevin Phillips told him, “the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote, and they don’t need any more than that.”
Birth of the Southern Strategy

Southern strategy

In 1968, George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate against Nixon and Humphrey, on an explicitly segregationist platform. Humphrey had been the main champion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the Senate; Nixon, while no civil rights activist, rejected an overtly racist platform. Feeling abandoned by both parties, Southern white racists flocked to Wallace's cause, winning him the Deep South states of Ark., La., Miss., Ala. and Ga.

Political analyst and Nixon campaigner Kevin Phillips, analysing 1948-1968 voting trends, viewed these rebellious Southern voters as ripe for Republican picking. In The Emerging Republican Majority(Arlington House, 1969), he correctly predicted that the Republican party would shift its national base to the South by appealing to whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare policies. President Nixon shrewdly played this "Southern strategy" by promoting affirmative action in employment, a "wedge" issue that later Republicans would exploit to split the Democratic coalition of white working class and black voters. (See John Skrentny, The Ironies of Affirmative Action (U Chicago Press, 1996)). This strategy soon produced the racial party alignments that prevail today.
George Wallace and the 1968 Election

You're an ignorant racist motherfucker. The Southern Strategy is burned into history for all time as the racist mechanism that it was. Your approval is not required.

Feel free to challenge history if you choose .. just take that bullshit to your next Trump rally .. stop whining about it to me.
I feel free to challenge that chickenshit website. It should have clued you in. Do you have any idea what a scholarly article backed up with sources and footnotes looks like?

SEE: History .. dumb ass.

You braindead knuckleheads should dial up the History Channel and talk to them about it. :0) See if that helps.

This is how ignorant you assholes are ..

GOP Apologizes for Southern Strategy

Mike Allen, “RNC Chief to Say It Was ‘Wrong’ to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes,” Washington Post, July 14, 2005

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
GOP Apologizes for Southern Strategy

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes
RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy
RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

If the Southern Strategy wasn't exactly what history knows it to be .. what were they apologizing for?

You racist clowns are incredibly stupid.
It never happen and was never admitted to. The media lies and distorts to alter history.. All the GOP was doing is getting out the vote to counter the Democrats buying black vote and letting dead people vote.
0) Mindless.

I guess you're counting on crowd size .. because ever other proven measure is pointing to a landslide by Clinton.
Crowd size measure enthusiasm. How can a crowd of 300 be enthusiastic? Daddy Trump has 10000 at his rallies on average and there ar twice that outside waiting to get in.

Exactly how dumb does one have to be not to know that crowd size doesn't mean shit?

If crowd size was a real measure, wouldn't that also show up in the polls? .. Oh wait, you gumpies don't like polls .. or reality.

In the really real world, Trump is looking at the losing end of a massive landslide .. the ass end of a humiliating defeat and repudiation of all things Trump.

You've got about 2+ months left of delusion before you shift into the 'it was rigged' mode.

Those are interns .. the party can choose whatever interns they want.

I suppose we 'lefties' told republicans to choose virtually all white interns.

Your argument is absolutely ridiculous.

You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.


Those are interns .. the party can choose whatever interns they want.

I suppose we 'lefties' told republicans to choose virtually all white interns.

Your argument is absolutely ridiculous.

You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

YOU just demonstrated why Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics .. and no other non-white demographic in America votes for republicans in the majority .. not one.

Of course in your pea-brain head, that's just everybody else's fault .. republicans claim no responsibility for its own fate .. lefties did it.

Question dummy .. did lefties tell republicans to dump its black support in favor of chasing racists in the Southern Strategy? African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. but of course republicans had nothing at all to do with losing that support.

:lol: YOU are why blacks and nobody else but old angry white men vote for republicans in the majority.


The media is why blacks vote for Democrats, not anything Republicans have done.

Did you know that Democrats are busy destroying the institutions of this country in hopes of crashing the economy and thusly destroying the economic stability of this society. This is why they coddle criminals, literally celebrating them at the same time they're attacking hard working law abiding citizens. Who will suffer more than the poor if they are successful?

Moronic .. as usual. :0)

But the good news is that it doesn't matter what you think or who you think is responsible for the demise of the Republican Party. It's going to happen anyway .. and that is all that matters to me.

thanks again :0)
What's gonna happen?

I'll tell you what's gonna happen dumbass, the government can't tax enough to pay the benefits of people on fix-incomes collecting Social Security and welfare. You'll be living in tents and standing in soups lines. Let the Democrats spend and spend bringing millions of refugees here to vote for them. They'll cut off the poor and force them to eat what they want them to eat, live where they want them to live. No more air-conditioning for us poverty strickened Middle-class assholes. Only members can have climate control in their homes. You won't be able to afford a car, so get used to walking asshole. And once you reach a certain age and you're no longer useful, they'll cut off your medical and just give you a pill.....better yet, just off yourself because there isn't enough free shit to go around.
That is the future under Democrat-control. We will envy the luxurious lifestyle of the Cubans.
That's ignorant .. ignorant revisionist history .. but you can believe whatever you want .. I don't care.

The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.

I pointed out the Historical fact the Nixon's actions did not match your claims, ie that he "appealed to racism" and all you did was repeat your claim without addressing my challenge.

That is the definition of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your argument is invalid, and my point stands, unchallenged.

Your 'point' is ignorant and uneducated. You're just too stupid to know that.

Birth of the Southern Strategy

When Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, he’s said to have predicted, “There goes the South for a generation.” He feared black suffrage would prompt white Southerners to abandon the Democratic Party. Under Richard Nixon, the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” aimed to ensure it by systematically making veiled (and often not-so-veiled) racist appeals to white voters. “From now on,” Nixon aide Kevin Phillips told him, “the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote, and they don’t need any more than that.”
Birth of the Southern Strategy

Southern strategy

In 1968, George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate against Nixon and Humphrey, on an explicitly segregationist platform. Humphrey had been the main champion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the Senate; Nixon, while no civil rights activist, rejected an overtly racist platform. Feeling abandoned by both parties, Southern white racists flocked to Wallace's cause, winning him the Deep South states of Ark., La., Miss., Ala. and Ga.

Political analyst and Nixon campaigner Kevin Phillips, analysing 1948-1968 voting trends, viewed these rebellious Southern voters as ripe for Republican picking. In The Emerging Republican Majority(Arlington House, 1969), he correctly predicted that the Republican party would shift its national base to the South by appealing to whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare policies. President Nixon shrewdly played this "Southern strategy" by promoting affirmative action in employment, a "wedge" issue that later Republicans would exploit to split the Democratic coalition of white working class and black voters. (See John Skrentny, The Ironies of Affirmative Action (U Chicago Press, 1996)). This strategy soon produced the racial party alignments that prevail today.
George Wallace and the 1968 Election

You're an ignorant racist motherfucker. The Southern Strategy is burned into history for all time as the racist mechanism that it was. Your approval is not required.

Feel free to challenge history if you choose .. just take that bullshit to your next Trump rally .. stop whining about it to me.
I feel free to challenge that chickenshit website. It should have clued you in. Do you have any idea what a scholarly article backed up with sources and footnotes looks like?

SEE: History .. dumb ass.

You braindead knuckleheads should dial up the History Channel and talk to them about it. :0) See if that helps.

This is how ignorant you assholes are ..

GOP Apologizes for Southern Strategy

Mike Allen, “RNC Chief to Say It Was ‘Wrong’ to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes,” Washington Post, July 14, 2005

It was called "the southern strategy," started under Richard M. Nixon in 1968, and described Republican efforts to use race as a wedge issue -- on matters such as desegregation and busing -- to appeal to white southern voters.

Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman, this morning will tell the NAACP national convention in Milwaukee that it was "wrong."

"By the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out," Mehlman says in his prepared text. "Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."
GOP Apologizes for Southern Strategy

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes
RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy
RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

If the Southern Strategy wasn't exactly what history knows it to be .. what were they apologizing for?

You racist clowns are incredibly stupid.
It never happen and was never admitted to. The media lies and distorts to alter history.. All the GOP was doing is getting out the vote to counter the Democrats buying black vote and letting dead people vote.

You must be completely braindead.

It's been admitted to many times over .. including in my post .. and its history has already been written.
You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

YOU just demonstrated why Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics .. and no other non-white demographic in America votes for republicans in the majority .. not one.

Of course in your pea-brain head, that's just everybody else's fault .. republicans claim no responsibility for its own fate .. lefties did it.

Question dummy .. did lefties tell republicans to dump its black support in favor of chasing racists in the Southern Strategy? African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. but of course republicans had nothing at all to do with losing that support.

:lol: YOU are why blacks and nobody else but old angry white men vote for republicans in the majority.


The media is why blacks vote for Democrats, not anything Republicans have done.

Did you know that Democrats are busy destroying the institutions of this country in hopes of crashing the economy and thusly destroying the economic stability of this society. This is why they coddle criminals, literally celebrating them at the same time they're attacking hard working law abiding citizens. Who will suffer more than the poor if they are successful?

Moronic .. as usual. :0)

But the good news is that it doesn't matter what you think or who you think is responsible for the demise of the Republican Party. It's going to happen anyway .. and that is all that matters to me.

thanks again :0)
What's gonna happen?

I'll tell you what's gonna happen dumbass, the government can't tax enough to pay the benefits of people on fix-incomes collecting Social Security and welfare. You'll be living in tents and standing in soups lines. Let the Democrats spend and spend bringing millions of refugees here to vote for them. They'll cut off the poor and force them to eat what they want them to eat, live where they want them to live. No more air-conditioning for us poverty strickened Middle-class assholes. Only members can have climate control in their homes. You won't be able to afford a car, so get used to walking asshole. And once you reach a certain age and you're no longer useful, they'll cut off your medical and just give you a pill.....better yet, just off yourself because there isn't enough free shit to go around.
That is the future under Democrat-control. We will envy the luxurious lifestyle of the Cubans.

You can save that bullshit for the scared of everything dummies who thought Trump was a real candidate
It's been admitted to many times over .. including in my post .. and its his
Distorted history. It is bullshit for you assholes to try to suggest republicans are racist anymore than democrats are of all colors. Enough of this bullshit claim.

Believe whatever the fuck you want to dummy .. but this HISTORY has already been written .. and I don't give a fuck what you think about it.

You idiots are among the most racist sect of morons on the planet.

This board is full of racist comments .. not found on democratic sites .. unless some dickhead republican posts there.

History written .. end of story.
You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

YOU just demonstrated why Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics .. and no other non-white demographic in America votes for republicans in the majority .. not one.

Of course in your pea-brain head, that's just everybody else's fault .. republicans claim no responsibility for its own fate .. lefties did it.

Question dummy .. did lefties tell republicans to dump its black support in favor of chasing racists in the Southern Strategy? African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. but of course republicans had nothing at all to do with losing that support.

:lol: YOU are why blacks and nobody else but old angry white men vote for republicans in the majority.


The media is why blacks vote for Democrats, not anything Republicans have done.

Did you know that Democrats are busy destroying the institutions of this country in hopes of crashing the economy and thusly destroying the economic stability of this society. This is why they coddle criminals, literally celebrating them at the same time they're attacking hard working law abiding citizens. Who will suffer more than the poor if they are successful?

Moronic .. as usual. :0)

But the good news is that it doesn't matter what you think or who you think is responsible for the demise of the Republican Party. It's going to happen anyway .. and that is all that matters to me.

thanks again :0)
What's gonna happen?

I'll tell you what's gonna happen dumbass, the government can't tax enough to pay the benefits of people on fix-incomes collecting Social Security and welfare. You'll be living in tents and standing in soups lines. Let the Democrats spend and spend bringing millions of refugees here to vote for them. They'll cut off the poor and force them to eat what they want them to eat, live where they want them to live. No more air-conditioning for us poverty strickened Middle-class assholes. Only members can have climate control in their homes. You won't be able to afford a car, so get used to walking asshole. And once you reach a certain age and you're no longer useful, they'll cut off your medical and just give you a pill.....better yet, just off yourself because there isn't enough free shit to go around.

Again, I don't give a fuck what you think .. you don't know shit.

Your stupid ass didn't know that Trump could never be president .. you still don't know that he has no intention of ever being the president. You'd have to be a moron not to see what is so plainly obvious about your great white hope. :0)

Now you're trying to convince me that you can foresee the future. :lol: .. Check this out Ms. Cleo .. I see a much brighter future for this country then you do. An America without the vile hand of RW hate and interference is an America that will be better for my children, grandchildren, and all people of conscience then it is today. An America without the hand of RW hate will be better for everybody.

You RWers can preach all the gloom and doom you can dream up .. won't make any difference .. nobody cares but you.
Your post was not only racist but an example of projection. Remember when the Dems won the White House by claiming we had the worst economy since the Great Depression? Currently the press is trying to tell us we're doing fine, but most of us are making less than we were in 2009 and paying more in taxes and paying more for everything because of the hidden costs the Obama Administration has hit businesses with. To stay in business they had to pass the extra expense on to you and me, the consumer. And all of this hate you seem to be feeling is a reflection of your own hatred. The hatred you feel seems to be a reaction to the imaginary hatred the media is telling you everyone has. I always figure that if you go around with a chip on your shoulder, somebody's going to knock it off. Act like a racist asshole and you're going to get a negative reaction.
It's been admitted to many times over .. including in my post .. and its his
Distorted history. It is bullshit for you assholes to try to suggest republicans are racist anymore than democrats are of all colors. Enough of this bullshit claim.

Believe whatever the fuck you want to dummy .. but this HISTORY has already been written .. and I don't give a fuck what you think about it.

You idiots are among the most racist sect of morons on the planet.

This board is full of racist comments .. not found on democratic sites .. unless some dickhead republican posts there.

History written .. end of story.
I guess you have not read Tigerred's posts?
You lefties spend generations lying about the GOP as being the Party of Racism and then use our low levels of Minority Support as "proof" that it is our fault.


Those are interns .. the party can choose whatever interns they want.

I suppose we 'lefties' told republicans to choose virtually all white interns.

Your argument is absolutely ridiculous.

Speaker Paul Ryan seems very proud of his all-white interns. Sadly funny...

Why should he not be? Because they are white?

And you fuckers call us "racist"?!

Of all institutions, our government should set the standard for embracing diversity. It's who we are. Ryan just further proves what a racist bunch of assholes his GOP party is.
If blacks didn't apply for internships to further the policies of the GOP side, that doesn't prove the Republicans are racists you dumb jackass.

They are too dumb to understand that.
The republicans did NOT "dump" it's black support in favor of chasing Racist in the South.

THat is a lie.

Nixon was the one that supposed did that, and he was a strong supporter of Desegregation and Affirmative Action.

He offered NOTHING to the racist of the SOuth.

That's ignorant .. ignorant revisionist history .. but you can believe whatever you want .. I don't care.

The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.

I pointed out the Historical fact the Nixon's actions did not match your claims, ie that he "appealed to racism" and all you did was repeat your claim without addressing my challenge.

That is the definition of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your argument is invalid, and my point stands, unchallenged.

Your 'point' is ignorant and uneducated. You're just too stupid to know that.

Birth of the Southern Strategy

When Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, he’s said to have predicted, “There goes the South for a generation.” He feared black suffrage would prompt white Southerners to abandon the Democratic Party. Under Richard Nixon, the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” aimed to ensure it by systematically making veiled (and often not-so-veiled) racist appeals to white voters. “From now on,” Nixon aide Kevin Phillips told him, “the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote, and they don’t need any more than that.”
Birth of the Southern Strategy

Southern strategy

In 1968, George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate against Nixon and Humphrey, on an explicitly segregationist platform. Humphrey had been the main champion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the Senate; Nixon, while no civil rights activist, rejected an overtly racist platform. Feeling abandoned by both parties, Southern white racists flocked to Wallace's cause, winning him the Deep South states of Ark., La., Miss., Ala. and Ga.

Political analyst and Nixon campaigner Kevin Phillips, analysing 1948-1968 voting trends, viewed these rebellious Southern voters as ripe for Republican picking. In The Emerging Republican Majority(Arlington House, 1969), he correctly predicted that the Republican party would shift its national base to the South by appealing to whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare policies. President Nixon shrewdly played this "Southern strategy" by promoting affirmative action in employment, a "wedge" issue that later Republicans would exploit to split the Democratic coalition of white working class and black voters. (See John Skrentny, The Ironies of Affirmative Action (U Chicago Press, 1996)). This strategy soon produced the racial party alignments that prevail today.
George Wallace and the 1968 Election

You're an ignorant racist motherfucker. The Southern Strategy is burned into history for all time as the racist mechanism that it was. Your approval is not required.

Feel free to challenge history if you choose .. just take that bullshit to your next Trump rally .. stop whining about it to me.

How did "promoting affirmative action in employment" and massive desegregation of schools, "appeal to Southern whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare polices"?

THat, btw, is a rhetorical question, because I know you can't answer it, and that you don't have the personal integrity to admit that.

YOur entire world view is based on an obvious lie, and deep down you know it.

:lol: Dude, you can believe whatever the fuck you want. I don't care .. but you're arguing with history and academia, not me you moron. That history has been written long ago

You can add your uneducated claim to the republican hall of fame along with such gems as Obama doesn't have a birth certificate. :lol:

It doesn't go without notice that YOU haven't addressed anything I've posted .. but then again, I don't care about that either.

I asked a reasonable question about your post.

I predicted that you would be unable to answer it.

I have seriously and honestly addressed your points when I could discern them .

As you are unable to answer my question, which challenges your central claim, my point stands and yours is invalid.

Nixon's documented historical actions do not match the claim of the liberal LIE of the Southern Strategy.

Nixon did NOT "pander" to or "appeal " to racists to flip the South.

Your entire world view is based on a lie. Your people support the people that have been lying to them for generations to terrorize them.

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