Here’s Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Poor Pogo -- clutching at factoids that CONFIRM his bias against the South and Republicans. While PBS, the Alabama Encyclopedia project and NOW clearly lays out the case in the OPENING PARAGRAPHS of their historical pieces on the Klan.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

Doing what Pogo does best. Clutching at the factoids to WIN an argument -- rather than the larger picture and CONSENSUS opinion..

Did you refer to me as a POTHEAD BTW?
If you DID call me a pothead --- we're gonna have bigger issues than your annoying habit of trying to keep your misconceptions alive....
Poor Pogo -- clutching at factoids that CONFIRM his bias against the South and Republicans. While PBS, the Alabama Encyclopedia project and NOW clearly lays out the case in the OPENING PARAGRAPHS of their historical pieces on the Klan.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. Its members waged an underground campaign of intimidation and violence directed at white and black Republican leaders. Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

Doing what Pogo does best. Clutching at the factoids to WIN an argument -- rather than the larger picture and CONSENSUS opinion..

Did you refer to me as a POTHEAD BTW?
If you DID call me a pothead --- we're gonna have bigger issues than your annoying habit of trying to keep your misconceptions alive....

"Pothead" is my name for the poster what goes by name of "uncensored" or "undigested" or whatever it is. Named after his obsession with Pol Pot, which he applies as his own hissyfit to anybody who schools him, which is pretty much the entire world.

Speaking of which however, you just repeated the same post I already disassembled earlier. Expecting different results this time are we? :420:

And btw your link was already trotted in (read: cherrypicked) BY Pothead, and I pointed out, twice, where his OWN LINK -- which is now your own link -- backs me up.

And incidentally I have no "bias against the South and Republicans" --- I'm part of it and have been since before I could walk. Read my posts right in this thread (I came in at 63) and get illuminated.

As far as historical accuracy, I'm not interested in "consensus opinion", which is another term for a shorter one -- myth.
I'm interested in historical accuracy. And once we find it it's non-negotiable.
Last edited:
You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

YOU just demonstrated why Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics .. and no other non-white demographic in America votes for republicans in the majority .. not one.

Of course in your pea-brain head, that's just everybody else's fault .. republicans claim no responsibility for its own fate .. lefties did it.

Question dummy .. did lefties tell republicans to dump its black support in favor of chasing racists in the Southern Strategy? African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. but of course republicans had nothing at all to do with losing that support.

:lol: YOU are why blacks and nobody else but old angry white men vote for republicans in the majority.


The media is why blacks vote for Democrats, not anything Republicans have done.

Did you know that Democrats are busy destroying the institutions of this country in hopes of crashing the economy and thusly destroying the economic stability of this society. This is why they coddle criminals, literally celebrating them at the same time they're attacking hard working law abiding citizens. Who will suffer more than the poor if they are successful?

Moronic .. as usual. :0)

But the good news is that it doesn't matter what you think or who you think is responsible for the demise of the Republican Party. It's going to happen anyway .. and that is all that matters to me.

thanks again :0)
What's gonna happen?

I'll tell you what's gonna happen dumbass, the government can't tax enough to pay the benefits of people on fix-incomes collecting Social Security and welfare. You'll be living in tents and standing in soups lines. Let the Democrats spend and spend bringing millions of refugees here to vote for them. They'll cut off the poor and force them to eat what they want them to eat, live where they want them to live. No more air-conditioning for us poverty strickened Middle-class assholes. Only members can have climate control in their homes. You won't be able to afford a car, so get used to walking asshole. And once you reach a certain age and you're no longer useful, they'll cut off your medical and just give you a pill.....better yet, just off yourself because there isn't enough free shit to go around.

Again, I don't give a fuck what you think .. you don't know shit.

Your stupid ass didn't know that Trump could never be president .. you still don't know that he has no intention of ever being the president. You'd have to be a moron not to see what is so plainly obvious about your great white hope. :0)

Now you're trying to convince me that you can foresee the future. :lol: .. Check this out Ms. Cleo .. I see a much brighter future for this country then you do. An America without the vile hand of RW hate and interference is an America that will be better for my children, grandchildren, and all people of conscience then it is today. An America without the hand of RW hate will be better for everybody.

You RWers can preach all the gloom and doom you can dream up .. won't make any difference .. nobody cares but you.

You are an idiot.
Why is it that only NaziCons can rewrite history? We are where we are - and the old racist Democrats are now in the Republican Party. Can you deny that fact?

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No one who uses an asinine phrase like "NaziCon" gets to complain about biased propaganda and be taken seriously.

We are where we are, yes indeed. Old, racist Democrats are still Democrats. Much like the one the DNC wants to send to the White House again.

"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee. The only reason you are endorsing him is because he's black, let's just be clear." - Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy about Barack Obama.

Since you're new, I'll share this with you:

If Republicans Don't Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

Since you're blithely ignorant, I'll let you in on why reductio ad Hitlerium, also known as Godwin's Law, usually means an automatic lose in debate. Godwin's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More and more lefties don't seem to be listening to anything we say. They just keep repeating the same lies over and over again, as a form of propaganda.
I think the point people need to consider is that it is not the past that matter so much, but the perceived now.

If the perceptions are based on beliefs that contradict documented historical facts, is that relevant?
It's called re-writing history, The powerful often do that.

Who is rewriting history?

Obviously your entire OP is a fractured fiction of the real history. I don't know how you figure out how to post.
Because thread after thread --- all I see is parroted propaganda with hardly any sauce on it.

Well, sparky, different strokes for different folks. Which political party do the racists gravitate to? Are more racists going to vote for Trump or Hillary?

Why did Trump bring in Breitbart racists from the fever swamp to run his campaign?


SUICIDE SQUAD: Trump Recruits Fresh Posse Of Poison

Then MAKE that silly argument if you can. I doubt it,. But knock your silly ass out. And leave historical facts alone and stop trying to rewrite them..

The argument that republicans are racist isn't really an argument at all. It's a statement of fact.

Your goofy racist party is virtually all white .. and you're claiming its not racist. :lol:

You are an asshole.
Obviously your entire OP is a fractured fiction of the real history. I don't know how you figure out how to post.
Because thread after thread --- all I see is parroted propaganda with hardly any sauce on it.

Well, sparky, different strokes for different folks. Which political party do the racists gravitate to? Are more racists going to vote for Trump or Hillary?

Why did Trump bring in Breitbart racists from the fever swamp to run his campaign?


SUICIDE SQUAD: Trump Recruits Fresh Posse Of Poison

Then MAKE that silly argument if you can. I doubt it,. But knock your silly ass out. And leave historical facts alone and stop trying to rewrite them..

The argument that republicans are racist isn't really an argument at all. It's a statement of fact.

Your goofy racist party is virtually all white .. and you're claiming its not racist. :lol:

How many black US Senators? What parties do they belong to? How many black candidates did the Dems put up in primaries in the last few years? How beloved are Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele -- all part of the basic braintrust of Conservatism. And THAT doesn't even cover the political activists.

Who you got? You got a bunch of community agitators, know nothings, and race blackmailers in your Dem party. :biggrin: But I ain't steppin in that. Because I'm not a Dem or a Rep. And I"M working damn hard this year to put both your power whore parties in time-out for 4 yrs with leadership that isn't a 4th grade food fight.


Who do we have? :0) The President of the United States and thousands of elected black legislators all over the country.

Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Shelby Steele .. not a single one of them elected to any political office..In fact, republicans have only recently elected their FIRST black woman to the US Congress EVER .. who also appears to be on her way to defeat.

.. and guess what Bubba .. Trump will lose, the US Senate will be in the hands of democrats, the Supreme Court will be in the hands of democrats when Hillary Clinton nominates about 4 new Justices, and she could easily nominate Obama to the Supreme Court and there won't be a goddamn thing republicans can do about it. :lol:

.. and oh yeah ..

Ryan warns donors GOP could lose House
Ryan warns donors GOP could lose House: report


Why is it relevant that she might be on her way to defeat?
The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.
You are so full of shit. The parties never switched, On average, democrats who voted against it remained democrats for 23 years after the Civil Right law was passed by Republicans. That's a fact. And only one became a republican. Your switch parties shit has been debunked dozens of times.

Fact is democrats still keep the black man down. Only their methods have changed.
WHy is it that the Dems have promised milk and honey to black Americans for 40 or 50 years and instead -- employment, H.S graduation and incarceration keep going to shit? Don't think they are REALLY focused on solving any of that --- because they KNOW -- some of the successful MIGHT become Republicans. And then their game is exposed.

................. And that's the REAL story of fraud about race-baiting the political landscape.

You knuckleheads have been spinning that bullshit story for decades.

Trump polls at about 1% among black voters .. where oh where are those black republicans? Don't they vote? :lol:

Your party is all white and the rapidly shrinking republican base is made up of angry and under-educated old white men. That's basically all you have.

Republicans made their own bed .. live with it.

First of all -- it's NOT my party. Second of all, it's natural curiousity and you didn't really help my understanding of how LONG it TAKES to get appreciable fixes to chronic problems in Black America from the Dems. When is the H.S. graduation rate or excessive incarceration or bloody stupid LOCAL Dem Black govts gonna get fixed?

Seems like a lot a progress ought to have been made with that special black Prez of yours. I believe you COULD see tangible differences in just 4 years. Nevermind 8.

I don't give a shit about either lunatic meglomaniac in the 2 tyrannical parties. They are in a death spiral.

African-Americans have only been RELATIVELY free in the United States for FIFTY-ONE YEARS (51) .. even though we've been in this country more than 400 years.

There has been much progress in a mere 51 years.

Whites have a 350 year head start on African-Americans .. but they aren't even 20 years ahead of black society today .. and you aren't 10 minutes ahead of me.

If you don't see the progress in a mere 51 years .. that's not my problem.

The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.
You are so full of shit. The parties never switched, On average, democrats who voted against it remained democrats for 23 years after the Civil Right law was passed by Republicans. That's a fact. And only one became a republican. Your switch parties shit has been debunked dozens of times.

Fact is democrats still keep the black man down. Only their methods have changed.

CRA 64 wasn't "passed by Republicans", Revisionista-boi. It was passed by Republicans AND Democrats, actually a few more of the latter than the former. See post 64 and prove it wrong.
You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

YOU just demonstrated why Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics .. and no other non-white demographic in America votes for republicans in the majority .. not one.

Of course in your pea-brain head, that's just everybody else's fault .. republicans claim no responsibility for its own fate .. lefties did it.

Question dummy .. did lefties tell republicans to dump its black support in favor of chasing racists in the Southern Strategy? African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. but of course republicans had nothing at all to do with losing that support.

:lol: YOU are why blacks and nobody else but old angry white men vote for republicans in the majority.


The republicans did NOT "dump" it's black support in favor of chasing Racist in the South.

THat is a lie.

Nixon was the one that supposed did that, and he was a strong supporter of Desegregation and Affirmative Action.

He offered NOTHING to the racist of the SOuth.

That's ignorant .. ignorant revisionist history .. but you can believe whatever you want .. I don't care.

The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.

I pointed out the Historical fact the Nixon's actions did not match your claims, ie that he "appealed to racism" and all you did was repeat your claim without addressing my challenge.

That is the definition of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your argument is invalid, and my point stands, unchallenged.

Your 'point' is ignorant and uneducated. You're just too stupid to know that.

Birth of the Southern Strategy

When Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, he’s said to have predicted, “There goes the South for a generation.” He feared black suffrage would prompt white Southerners to abandon the Democratic Party. Under Richard Nixon, the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” aimed to ensure it by systematically making veiled (and often not-so-veiled) racist appeals to white voters. “From now on,” Nixon aide Kevin Phillips told him, “the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote, and they don’t need any more than that.”
Birth of the Southern Strategy

Southern strategy

In 1968, George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate against Nixon and Humphrey, on an explicitly segregationist platform. Humphrey had been the main champion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the Senate; Nixon, while no civil rights activist, rejected an overtly racist platform. Feeling abandoned by both parties, Southern white racists flocked to Wallace's cause, winning him the Deep South states of Ark., La., Miss., Ala. and Ga.

Political analyst and Nixon campaigner Kevin Phillips, analysing 1948-1968 voting trends, viewed these rebellious Southern voters as ripe for Republican picking. In The Emerging Republican Majority(Arlington House, 1969), he correctly predicted that the Republican party would shift its national base to the South by appealing to whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare policies. President Nixon shrewdly played this "Southern strategy" by promoting affirmative action in employment, a "wedge" issue that later Republicans would exploit to split the Democratic coalition of white working class and black voters. (See John Skrentny, The Ironies of Affirmative Action (U Chicago Press, 1996)). This strategy soon produced the racial party alignments that prevail today.
George Wallace and the 1968 Election

You're an ignorant racist motherfucker. The Southern Strategy is burned into history for all time as the racist mechanism that it was. Your approval is not required.

Feel free to challenge history if you choose .. just take that bullshit to your next Trump rally .. stop whining about it to me.

How did "promoting affirmative action in employment" and massive desegregation of schools, "appeal to Southern whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare polices"?

THat, btw, is a rhetorical question, because I know you can't answer it, and that you don't have the personal integrity to admit that.

YOur entire world view is based on an obvious lie, and deep down you know it.
The Southern Strategy turned the Deep South from blue to red. The Democratic Party's right wing conservatives began rebelling against the liberal wing of their party during FDR's administration.

FDR's right wing conservative Vice President, John Garner of Texas, was so fed up with FDR's liberal policies that he ran against FDR for the Democratic nomination in 1940. He went down in defeat and returned to Texas. FDR replaced his VP with Henry Wallace.

In the 1948 election, the Democratic Party suffered a three way split, with Strom Thurmond leading the right wing conservatives into forming the States' Rights Democratic Party in direct opposition to Truman's campaign.

States Rights. That right there indicates the conservatism of that wing of the party. The states righters wanted to preserve Jim Crow and white supremacy.

Strom Thurmond later gave up on the Democratic Party's liberalism and became a leading conservative of the Republican Party.

The leader of the Democratic conservative coalition in the Senate was Richard Russell. He kept every piece of civil rights legislation from being passed for decades. And he was as right wing conservative as it gets. The dipshits who focus on the fact these southerners were Democrats are deliberately kept ignorant of the fact they were far right conservatives. And they make themselves look like damned fools in their ignorance every time they reach back into our history of which they know NOTHING to point out the party affiliation of the far right wing southerners.

No one was ever sure what Lyndon Johnson's political bent was. When he was around liberals, he talked like a liberal. When he was around conservatives, he talked like a conservative. He was as weasely and slimy a politician as it gets. But he was also brilliant, and got himself into the good graces of the House Democratic Leader/Speaker (Sam Rayburn), and the leader of the Senate Democrats (Richard Russell).

Russell believed Johnson to be a conservative, and made LBJ the Senate Majority Leader in LBJ's first term. This violated more than a century's tradition of seniority. However, the Majority Leader position at that time was a figurehead position and not one anyone wanted. Majority Leaders were mocked for their ineffectiveness. All the power actually rested with Richard Russell.

Russell groomed LBJ for the Presidency, but LBJ was outmaneuvered by JFK. JFK then picked LBJ as his running mate in order to win the Southern conservative vote, since he knew LBJ was Russell's boy.

JFK proved to be too liberal for the Southerners. This is why JFK traveled to Texas that fateful November of 1963. He went to meet the Governor of Texas, John Connally, because Connally was the leader of the Southern conservative faction that was breaking away from the Democrats.

It was also suspected that JFK was going to dump LBJ for his second term run and was considering Connally for his running mate. Again, to win the conservative Democratic vote.

Anyway, the year 1958 is probably the year when the Republican and Democratic parties had an equal balance of conservatives and liberals in both parties.

After that, the Democrats began shifting left, and the Republicans began shifting right.

Nixon's Southern Strategy was greatly responsible for the acceleration of that shift.

Except that it didn't happen. He gave NOTHING to the racist.

"The Nixon presidency witnessed the first large-scale integration of public schools in the South.[182] Nixon sought a middle way between the segregationist Wallace and liberal Democrats, whose support of integration was alienating some Southern whites.[183] Hopeful of doing well in the South in 1972, he sought to dispose of desegregation as a political issue before then. Soon after his inauguration, he appointed Vice President Agnew to lead a task force, which worked with local leaders—both white and black—to determine how to integrate local schools. Agnew had little interest in the work, and most of it was done by Labor Secretary George Shultz. Federal aid was available, and a meeting with President Nixon was a possible reward for compliant committees. By September 1970, less than ten percent of black children were attending segregated schools. By 1971, however, tensions over desegregation surfaced in Northern cities, with angry protests over the busing of children to schools outside their neighborhood to achieve racial balance. Nixon opposed busing personally but enforced court orders requiring its use.[184]

In addition to desegregating public schools, Nixon implemented the Philadelphia Plan in 1970—the first significant federal affirmative action program."
Nixon's Southern Strategy: "It's All In The Charts":

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that...but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats."

Nixon's southern strategy was to move so fast on desegregation that it would be a done deal by his re-election.

He did nothing for the racist, except pull the band aid off fast.

"The Nixon presidency witnessed the first large-scale integration of public schools in the South.[182] Nixon sought a middle way between the segregationist Wallace and liberal Democrats, whose support of integration was alienating some Southern whites.[183] Hopeful of doing well in the South in 1972, he sought to dispose of desegregation as a political issue before then. Soon after his inauguration, he appointed Vice President Agnew to lead a task force, which worked with local leaders—both white and black—to determine how to integrate local schools. Agnew had little interest in the work, and most of it was done by Labor Secretary George Shultz. Federal aid was available, and a meeting with President Nixon was a possible reward for compliant committees. By September 1970, less than ten percent of black children were attending segregated schools. By 1971, however, tensions over desegregation surfaced in Northern cities, with angry protests over the busing of children to schools outside their neighborhood to achieve racial balance. Nixon opposed busing personally but enforced court orders requiring its use.[184]

In addition to desegregating public schools, Nixon implemented the Philadelphia Plan in 1970—the first significant federal affirmative action program.

Your entire world view is based on a lie.

Academics don't search for truth, just for political social justice now.....they don't teach this stuff it's easy to believe in a complete hoax like the southern strategy or even climate change
I quoted an actual Nixon strategist you stupid revisionist dumb fucks.

And he quite plainly said part of the strategy was to NOT resist the integration of blacks and the Voting Rights Act, precisely to scare the negrophobe whites away from the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party.

You tards are confirming the success of Nixon's Southern Strategy and don't even know it.

Please explain the thought process that leads a southern racist to go TO the party of desegregation and Affirmative Action.
The usual “go-to” rhetoric from many conservatives and Republicans regarding racism harkens back to the fact that during the days of the Civil War, the creation and rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the decades of segregation, the Democratic party was mostly behind all of that.

Well, that much is true; there’s no denying that Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and overrun with racists.

The problem, of course, is that there’s a distinction which is often overlooked by these modern day Republicans who often use this rhetoric: When the Democratic party was the party of racism, they were considered conservatives while Republicans were considered the liberals. It’s why Republicans mostly flourished in the North while Democrats ruled the South.

That all began to change around the mid-40’s during President Truman’s time in office. He was the first Democratic president who really began to push civil rights into the Democratic platform. It was a move which was so controversial among Southern Democrats that it briefly spawned the “Dixiecrats” in 1948, which was a segregationist party that picked renowned racist Strom Thurmond as its presidential candidate, winning the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia.

I would like to point out that those are all former Confederate states and are currently states considered “strongly Republican.”

By the way, the staunch racist and segregationist Thurmond, who was furious that Democrats were embracing equality, denounced his allegiance to the party in 1964 and joined the Republicans. You know, the same year the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed, officially ending segregation. This was also around the same time that the GOP was implementing what’s known as the “Southern Strategy” – a strategic ploy to pander to white racism to lure in voters as more African-Americans began aligning with Democrats.

Interesting fact: Between the Senate and the House, only 9 of the 124 politicians from “Confederate states” (all Democrats) voted for the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get a single Southern Republican vote – not one.

There’s a reason why when we look at our nation’s history, practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and in turn supported slavery (and are today “red”/Republican states), are also the same ones that:
  • Opposed women’s suffrage.
  • Supported segregation.
  • Banned interracial marriage.
  • Opposed the Civil Rights Act.
As The Guardian points out concerning the vote on the Civil Rights Act:

You can see that geography was far more predictive of voting coalitions on the Civil Rights than party affiliation.

And why is that? Because this was right in the middle of the transition where Republicans began to embrace racism and Democrats were pushing for civil rights and equality. And once again, the “constant” in determining which states were on the “right side of history” on these issues came down to who fought for the North and who fought for the South – regardless of party affiliation.

While some Democrats remained in the South through the 70’s and 80’s, most of them were leftovers from the past as Republicans continued to gain a stronghold over most of these former Confederate states. And as we all know, Republicans are now the unheralded political force in most of the former Confederate South.

So, it’s not exactly difficult to follow the historical pattern that began during the 40’s to see where the dynamics of the parties switched, as Democrats embraced equality and civil rights while the Republican party was quick to embrace the racism and hate Democrats were leaving behind.

That’s why when I encounter one of these Republicans who ignores this clear historic shift between the parties (which is almost always) I ask these three questions:
  1. What party do white supremacists and the KKK vote for today?
  2. Which party elected former Grand Wizard of the KKK, David Duke, in 1989?
  3. Which party had one of its highest ranking member speak in front of a white supremacist group in 2001?
Typically you won’t get many of these folks to give you a straight answer to any of those, if they’ll even answer them at all. They usually just deflect back to 50+ years ago because they know the answers to those questions are all the same: The Republican party.

Oh, and let me debunk a quick myth that’s been going around about Bill Clinton and a campaign button from his 1992 election depicting the Confederate flag. While the button apparently did exist, it was never sanctioned by the Clinton campaign and was basically just something someone made on their own. It “proves” nothing because it has no ties or affiliation with the former president’s campaign in any way.

Like I’ve said plenty of times before, denial is a powerful thing. Conservatives will continue to cling to their myths, folklores and delusions because that’s what they’ve been told their whole lives and no amount of factual evidence will ever matter to the overwhelming majority of these people.

But the indisputable facts remain that practically every state that fought for the Confederacy, and supported some of the most horrific policies in our nation’s history, today are all “strongly Republican,” and the modern day GOP is supported by white supremacist groups and the KKK.

And while conservatives can twist all of this however they like (and I’m sure they will) that doesn’t change the reality they seem determined to pretend doesn’t exist.

No Longer the Party of Lincoln: Here's Proof That the Modern Day GOP Built Itself on Racism

Although Democrats were once a party driven by white supremacy and racism - the Party of Lincoln now owns that legacy.
You are so full of shit. The parties never switched, On average, democrats who voted against it remained democrats for 23 years after the Civil Right law was passed by Republicans. That's a fact. And only one became a republican. Your switch parties shit has been debunked dozens of times.

Fact is democrats still keep the black man down. Only their methods have changed.

CRA 64 wasn't "passed by Republicans", Revisionista-boi. It was passed by Republicans AND Democrats, actually a few more of the latter than the former. See post 64 and prove it wrong.
Republicans were the deciding vote. The Democtat couldn't muster the votes needed.
As far as Byrd, his criticism was of big spending DEMOCRAT LBJ.
I've plainly stated that the Democratic and Republican parties had an equal balance of liberals and conservatives around 1958. At no time did I ever say the Democrats had NO liberals.

Take a reading comprehension course, retard.

You then asked for examples of Democrats calling for smaller government and lower taxes. I have provided SEVERAL such examples.

You ignorant fucks have never even heard of Richard Russell and the conservative Southern Democrats of the US Senate. Every time I have posted Russell's face on this forum and asked one of you tards who it is, every single time the tards have come up blank. This man was a HUGE political figure of his time, and not one of you idiots knows a thing about him.

These are the exact same right wing conservatives who blocked all civil rights legislation for decades.

All you tards have been taught is that they were Democrats. You have been carefully kept ignorant and stupid of the fact they are YOUR political ancestors.

So other than ole Strom how many of these guys became republicans?

Millions upon millions of the rank and file did. The conservative Democrats of the South became conservative Republicans.

Elected officeholders became Republicans through attrition. Republican conservative elected politicians replaced the conservative Democrats who retired.

The blue South is now the red South. They are still a bastion of conservatism. Only the party affiliation has changed.

No, they did not.

From the right wing rag the New York Times.

Everyone knows that race has long played a decisive role in Southern electoral politics. From the end of Reconstruction until the beginning of the civil rights era, the story goes, the national Democratic Party made room for segregationist members — and as a result dominated the South. But in the 50s and 60s, Democrats embraced the civil rights movement, costing them the white Southern vote. Meanwhile, the Republican Party successfully wooed disaffected white racists with a “Southern strategy” that championed “states’ rights.”

It’s an easy story to believe, but this year two political scientists called it into question. In their book “The End of Southern Exceptionalism,” Richard Johnston of the University of Pennsylvania and Byron Shafer of the University of Wisconsin argue that the shift in the South from Democratic to Republican was overwhelmingly a question not of race but of economic growth. In the postwar era, they note, the South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the G.O.P. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. (This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.)

The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys. To give just one example: in the 50s, among Southerners in the low-income tercile, 43 percent voted for Republican Presidential candidates, while in the high-income tercile, 53 percent voted Republican; by the 80s, those figures were 51 percent and 77 percent, respectively. Wealthy Southerners shifted rightward in droves but poorer ones didn’t.

To be sure, Shafer says, many whites in the South aggressively opposed liberal Democrats on race issues. “But when folks went to the polling booths,” he says, “they didn’t shoot off their own toes. They voted by their economic preferences, not racial preferences.” Shafer says these results should give liberals hope. “If Southern politics is about class and not race,” he says, “then they can get it back.”

That's a pretty fancy word for, "you have ONE guy who said something that supports your self serving myth".

"One guy" who speaks on behalf of the Republican Party --- its Chairman.

How many does it take? What do you want, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing it in choreographed unison?

Ken Mehlman told the truth. Good for him, it was the right thing to do. It always is.

And that fact that you lefty liars have managed to convince some Establishment REpublcians that they have something to apologize for, doesn't make it real.

Um-- it's a quote actually. It just don't get any more 'real'.

The bottom line remains -- Republicans exploited racism for votes in the recent past; Democrats exploited racism for votes in the further past. They're political parties. It's what they do.
The GOP was fighting against the use of welfare to. Up the votes of blacks. It was wrong and still is because it destroyed the black family and is the reason behind blacks rioting today.
You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

You are a moron.

This reflects very high rates of minority identification as Democrats.

You just demonstrated the behavior I called you on.

You are citing the low rate of minority republicans as "proof" of republican racism.

What it is proof of is generations of effecting lying and race baiting by the Left.

YOu are tearing this nation apart.

YOU just demonstrated why Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics .. and no other non-white demographic in America votes for republicans in the majority .. not one.

Of course in your pea-brain head, that's just everybody else's fault .. republicans claim no responsibility for its own fate .. lefties did it.

Question dummy .. did lefties tell republicans to dump its black support in favor of chasing racists in the Southern Strategy? African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. but of course republicans had nothing at all to do with losing that support.

:lol: YOU are why blacks and nobody else but old angry white men vote for republicans in the majority.


The republicans did NOT "dump" it's black support in favor of chasing Racist in the South.

THat is a lie.

Nixon was the one that supposed did that, and he was a strong supporter of Desegregation and Affirmative Action.

He offered NOTHING to the racist of the SOuth.

That's ignorant .. ignorant revisionist history .. but you can believe whatever you want .. I don't care.

The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.

I pointed out the Historical fact the Nixon's actions did not match your claims, ie that he "appealed to racism" and all you did was repeat your claim without addressing my challenge.

That is the definition of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your argument is invalid, and my point stands, unchallenged.

Your 'point' is ignorant and uneducated. You're just too stupid to know that.

Birth of the Southern Strategy

When Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, he’s said to have predicted, “There goes the South for a generation.” He feared black suffrage would prompt white Southerners to abandon the Democratic Party. Under Richard Nixon, the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” aimed to ensure it by systematically making veiled (and often not-so-veiled) racist appeals to white voters. “From now on,” Nixon aide Kevin Phillips told him, “the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote, and they don’t need any more than that.”
Birth of the Southern Strategy

Southern strategy

In 1968, George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate against Nixon and Humphrey, on an explicitly segregationist platform. Humphrey had been the main champion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the Senate; Nixon, while no civil rights activist, rejected an overtly racist platform. Feeling abandoned by both parties, Southern white racists flocked to Wallace's cause, winning him the Deep South states of Ark., La., Miss., Ala. and Ga.

Political analyst and Nixon campaigner Kevin Phillips, analysing 1948-1968 voting trends, viewed these rebellious Southern voters as ripe for Republican picking. In The Emerging Republican Majority(Arlington House, 1969), he correctly predicted that the Republican party would shift its national base to the South by appealing to whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare policies. President Nixon shrewdly played this "Southern strategy" by promoting affirmative action in employment, a "wedge" issue that later Republicans would exploit to split the Democratic coalition of white working class and black voters. (See John Skrentny, The Ironies of Affirmative Action (U Chicago Press, 1996)). This strategy soon produced the racial party alignments that prevail today.
George Wallace and the 1968 Election

You're an ignorant racist motherfucker. The Southern Strategy is burned into history for all time as the racist mechanism that it was. Your approval is not required.

Feel free to challenge history if you choose .. just take that bullshit to your next Trump rally .. stop whining about it to me.
I feel free to challenge that chickenshit website. It should have clued you in. Do you have any idea what a scholarly article backed up with sources and footnotes looks like?
Both sides, Lakota, although I was speaking primarily of the Dems in this case. The Dems never took up the mantle of freedom-fighters, in terms of race, until the 60's and JFK. But until, say, the 80's, I don't think it ever occurred to Republicans that there was an anti-racism stance for them to lay claim to. It's as if they never saw it as theirs until it was already gone.

I wish it was a moot point. I really do. I wish there wasn't a situation in which either side had more of a claim than the other. But when you look at the real history, you have to hand it to Republicans. At no point have they ever taken a party stance against equality, while Dems have. And when you look at what really counts... what really counts didn't happen when it was the 60's, 70's, etc. Unless you put an 18 in front of those numbers. Because that's when the real sacrifices happened. Literally hundreds if not thousands of Republicans standing up for liberation and equality were literally lynched right alongside those they wanted to free. They risked more than any Dem of the last 50 years. And they lost. And they kept at it anyway.

Don't cheapen it.

I appreciate your sincerity .. but the Republican Party is virtually all white and has never understood the power of diversity.

Democrats figured that out and prosper today because of it.

You lefties spend generations lying about the GOP as being the Party of Racism and then use our low levels of Minority Support as "proof" that it is our fault.


Those are interns .. the party can choose whatever interns they want.

I suppose we 'lefties' told republicans to choose virtually all white interns.

Your argument is absolutely ridiculous.
Merit versus affirmative action. The liberal side is not representative of our population.
I appreciate your sincerity .. but the Republican Party is virtually all white and has never understood the power of diversity.

Democrats figured that out and prosper today because of it.

You lefties spend generations lying about the GOP as being the Party of Racism and then use our low levels of Minority Support as "proof" that it is our fault.


Those are interns .. the party can choose whatever interns they want.

I suppose we 'lefties' told republicans to choose virtually all white interns.

Your argument is absolutely ridiculous.

Speaker Paul Ryan seems very proud of his all-white interns. Sadly funny...

Why should he not be? Because they are white?

And you fuckers call us "racist"?!

Of all institutions, our government should set the standard for embracing diversity. It's who we are. Ryan just further proves what a racist bunch of assholes his GOP party is.
If blacks didn't apply for internships to further the policies of the GOP side, that doesn't prove the Republicans are racists you dumb jackass.
YOU just demonstrated why Blacks, Asians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics .. and no other non-white demographic in America votes for republicans in the majority .. not one.

Of course in your pea-brain head, that's just everybody else's fault .. republicans claim no responsibility for its own fate .. lefties did it.

Question dummy .. did lefties tell republicans to dump its black support in favor of chasing racists in the Southern Strategy? African-Americans were once overwhelmingly republican .. but of course republicans had nothing at all to do with losing that support.

:lol: YOU are why blacks and nobody else but old angry white men vote for republicans in the majority.


The republicans did NOT "dump" it's black support in favor of chasing Racist in the South.

THat is a lie.

Nixon was the one that supposed did that, and he was a strong supporter of Desegregation and Affirmative Action.

He offered NOTHING to the racist of the SOuth.

That's ignorant .. ignorant revisionist history .. but you can believe whatever you want .. I don't care.

The Southern United States as defined by the United States Census Bureau. In American politics, the Southern strategy is an idea that the Republican Party candidates gained political support in the Southern United States by using a strategy appealing to racism against African Americans.

I pointed out the Historical fact the Nixon's actions did not match your claims, ie that he "appealed to racism" and all you did was repeat your claim without addressing my challenge.

That is the definition of the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your argument is invalid, and my point stands, unchallenged.

Your 'point' is ignorant and uneducated. You're just too stupid to know that.

Birth of the Southern Strategy

When Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, he’s said to have predicted, “There goes the South for a generation.” He feared black suffrage would prompt white Southerners to abandon the Democratic Party. Under Richard Nixon, the GOP’s “Southern Strategy” aimed to ensure it by systematically making veiled (and often not-so-veiled) racist appeals to white voters. “From now on,” Nixon aide Kevin Phillips told him, “the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote, and they don’t need any more than that.”
Birth of the Southern Strategy

Southern strategy

In 1968, George Wallace ran as a third-party candidate against Nixon and Humphrey, on an explicitly segregationist platform. Humphrey had been the main champion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the Senate; Nixon, while no civil rights activist, rejected an overtly racist platform. Feeling abandoned by both parties, Southern white racists flocked to Wallace's cause, winning him the Deep South states of Ark., La., Miss., Ala. and Ga.

Political analyst and Nixon campaigner Kevin Phillips, analysing 1948-1968 voting trends, viewed these rebellious Southern voters as ripe for Republican picking. In The Emerging Republican Majority(Arlington House, 1969), he correctly predicted that the Republican party would shift its national base to the South by appealing to whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare policies. President Nixon shrewdly played this "Southern strategy" by promoting affirmative action in employment, a "wedge" issue that later Republicans would exploit to split the Democratic coalition of white working class and black voters. (See John Skrentny, The Ironies of Affirmative Action (U Chicago Press, 1996)). This strategy soon produced the racial party alignments that prevail today.
George Wallace and the 1968 Election

You're an ignorant racist motherfucker. The Southern Strategy is burned into history for all time as the racist mechanism that it was. Your approval is not required.

Feel free to challenge history if you choose .. just take that bullshit to your next Trump rally .. stop whining about it to me.

How did "promoting affirmative action in employment" and massive desegregation of schools, "appeal to Southern whites' disaffection with liberal democratic racial and welfare polices"?

THat, btw, is a rhetorical question, because I know you can't answer it, and that you don't have the personal integrity to admit that.

YOur entire world view is based on an obvious lie, and deep down you know it.

:lol: Dude, you can believe whatever the fuck you want. I don't care .. but you're arguing with history and academia, not me you moron. That history has been written long ago

You can add your uneducated claim to the republican hall of fame along with such gems as Obama doesn't have a birth certificate. :lol:

It doesn't go without notice that YOU haven't addressed anything I've posted .. but then again, I don't care about that either.
Whatever .. just don't whine like a pig about blacks supporting whomever the fuck they want to support.

Blacks will be on the winning side of this election .. you .. you're just another fool who got played by Trump like a two-dollar whore.
In the year of the Brexit, don't count your chickens.

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