Heroin found at ny elementary school

The Unions should respond that Teaching is very stressful and teachers need to find a way to take the edge off
It's crazy dangerous!...

DEA Warns First Responders and Public About Danger of Exposure to Elephant Tranquilizer
September 23, 2016 | The Drug Enforcement Agency on Thursday warned the public and law enforcement agencies nationwide about the dangers of exposure to carfentanil, an elephant tranquilizer that is ten thousand times more potent than morphine and 100 times more potent than fentanyl, which itself is 50 times more potent than the heroin with which it is often mixed.
Carfentanil is now linked to a "significant number" of overdose deaths in the U.S., and DEA warns that improper handling of the synthetic opioid "has deadly consequences." "It is crazy dangerous," said DEA Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg. "I hope our first responders -- and the public -- will read and heed our health and safety warning." Carfentanil and other fentanyl-related compounds are a serious danger not only to police and other first responders, but also to medical and laboratory personnel, the DEA said. The opioids come in several forms, including powder, blotter paper, tablets, and spray, and they can be absorbed through the skin or accidental inhalation of airborne powder.

First responders are advised not to handle any substance suspected to contain fentanyl or a fentanyl-related compound. If encountered, contact the appropriate officials within your agency, DEA says. Symptoms of exposure include respiratory depression or arrest, drowsiness, disorientation, sedation, pinpoint pupils, and clammy skin. The onset of these symptoms usually occurs within minutes of exposure. People who are exposed to carfentanil and fentanyl should seek immediate medical attention. "If inhaled, move the victim to fresh air. If ingested and the victim is conscious, wash out the victim’s eyes and mouth with cool water," the advisory says.

Naloxone, the antidote for opioid overdose, can reverse the effects of carfentanil, fentanyl, or other opioids, although multiple doses of naloxone may be required. The DEA said the naloxone should be administered every 2 to 3 minutes until the victim is breathing on his own for at least 15 minutes, or until help arrives. "Remember that carfentanil can resemble powdered cocaine or heroin. If you suspect the presence of carfentanil or any synthetic opioid, do not take samples or otherwise disturb the substance, as this could lead to accidental exposure. Rather, secure the substance and follow approved transportation procedures." The DEA last year issued a similar nationwide alert on the dangers of fentanyl.

DEA Warns First Responders and Public About Danger of Exposure to Elephant Tranquilizer
China's latest chemical weapon - carfentanil...

Chemical weapon for sale: China's unregulated narcotic
Oct 7,`16 -- For a few thousand dollars, Chinese companies offer to export a powerful chemical that has been killing unsuspecting drug users and is so lethal that it presents a potential terrorism threat, an Associated Press investigation has found.
The AP identified 12 Chinese businesses that said they would export the chemical - a synthetic opioid known as carfentanil - to the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium and Australia for as little as $2,750 a kilogram (2.2 pounds), no questions asked. Carfentanil burst into view this summer, the latest scourge in an epidemic of opioid abuse that has killed tens of thousands of people in the United States alone. Dealers have been cutting carfentanil and its weaker cousin, fentanyl, into heroin and other illicit drugs to boost profit margins.Despite the dangers, carfentanil is not a controlled substance in China, where it is manufactured legally and sold openly online. The U.S. government is pressing China to blacklist carfentanil, but Beijing has yet to act, leaving a substance whose lethal qualities have been compared with nerve gas to flow into foreign markets unabated. "We can supply carfentanil . for sure," a saleswoman from Jilin Tely Import and Export Co. wrote in broken English in a September email. "And it's one of our hot sales product."

China's Ministry of Public Security declined multiple requests for comment from the AP. Before being discovered by drug dealers, carfentanil and substances like it were viewed as chemical weapons. One of the most powerful opioids in circulation, carfentanil is so deadly that an amount smaller than a poppy seed can kill a person. Fentanyl is up to 50 times stronger than heroin; carfentanil is chemically similar, but 100 times stronger than fentanyl itself. "It's a weapon," said Andrew Weber, assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs from 2009 to 2014. "Companies shouldn't be just sending it to anybody." The AP did not actually order any drugs so could not conduct tests to determine whether the products on offer were genuine. But a kilogram of carfentanil shipped from China was recently seized in Canada.

Carfentanil was first developed in the 1970s, and its only routine use is as an anesthetic for elephants and other large animals. Governments quickly targeted it as a potential chemical weapon. Forms of fentanyl are suspected in at least one known assassination attempt, and were used by Russian forces against Chechen separatists who took hundreds of hostages at a Moscow theater in 2002. The chemicals are banned from the battlefield under the Chemical Weapons Convention. In fiscal year 2014, U.S. authorities seized just 3.7 kilograms (8.1 pounds) of fentanyl. This fiscal year, through just mid-July, they have seized 134.1 kilograms (295 pounds), according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the AP. Fentanyl is the most frequently seized synthetic opioid, U.S. Customs reports.

Users are dying of accidental respiratory arrest, and overdose rates have soared. China has not been blind to the key role its chemists play in the global opioid supply chain. Most synthetic drugs that end up in the United In States come from China, either directly or by way of Mexico, according to the DEA. China already has placed controls on 19 fentanyl-related compounds. Adding carfentanil to that list is likely to only diminish, not eliminate, global supply.Despite periodic crackdowns, people willing to skirt the law are easy to find in China's vast, freewheeling chemicals industry, made up of an estimated 160,000 companies operating legally and illegally. Vendors said they lie on customs forms, guaranteed delivery to countries where carfentanil is banned and volunteered strategic advice on sneaking packages past law enforcement. Speaking from a bright booth at a chemicals industry conference in Shanghai last month, Xu Liqun said her company, Hangzhou Reward Technology, could produce carfentanil to order.


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