Hey Joe: Gas Prices Predicted To Skyrocket Because Of Fall Of Baghdad

"The Market?"


What do you imagine this is?

I'd really find the explaination extremely entertaining, particularly in light of your obliviance that shortages of oil associated with decreases in Iraqi output might cause oil prices to rise.

Yes, the commodities market. In 2013, the US exported more oil than it imported, so if there is some kind of shortage we can cut off exports. But the truth is, with the exception of WWII we've never had a shortage.

There was no OPEC embargo? Did Jimmy Carter make that up?

Slick Jimmy?

Wait a minute: did all the oil we have been drilling lately just form under the ground since the 1970s?
Yes, the commodities market. In 2013, the US exported more oil than it imported, so if there is some kind of shortage we can cut off exports. But the truth is, with the exception of WWII we've never had a shortage.

There was no OPEC embargo? Did Jimmy Carter make that up?

Slick Jimmy?

Wait a minute: did all the oil we have been drilling lately just form under the ground since the 1970s?


But if it is underground, then you cannot use it.

Hopefully, now that I've drawn it, you get the picture; although I doubt it.
If Obama went after 'nasty coal', then why are coal exports at record highs?


He went after US companies that burn coal, not coal mining companies.

Now the mining companies still produce coal, but they export it.

And they are exporting record amounts.

Next time Turtle McConnell tells you Obama is killing the coal industry, you will know he's lying.

Not being a partisan wonk, I wouldn't pay much attention one way or the other what anyone says about Obama: I've never respected his credentials, but he makes as good an empty suit as anyone else.
There was no OPEC embargo? Did Jimmy Carter make that up?

Slick Jimmy?

Wait a minute: did all the oil we have been drilling lately just form under the ground since the 1970s?


But if it is underground, then you cannot use it.

Hopefully, now that I've drawn it, you get the picture; although I doubt it.

Oh, I see: it's another round of Samson making believe he doesn't understand.

Ho hum.
I'm not confusing oil with gas.

The government slaps their fees and taxes on gas and because of that oil companies can't make the profit they can elsewhere.

They still have to be able to price to compete with foreign oil producers who don't have the same overhead.

If you're not confusing oil with gasoline (by the way, gas = natural gas =/= gasoline), then why do you say;

The government slaps their fees and taxes on gas and because of that oil companies can't make the profit they can elsewhere.

Oil Producers are not necessarily Oil Refiners, and even within the same corporate entity, the refinery still must buy oil from there "brother" company often at market less a nominal discount.

If the value of OIL rises, with a SHORTAGE then the RAW material for gasoline manufacturing rises. OIL producers make more money.

Economics 101.

The oil producers don't make more money because the hike in oil prices due to supply against demand makes the product cost prohibitive. That's why things are priced as they are. To avoid shortages. So the oil companies sell less at a higher price. It becomes a wash. Problem is that the consumer suffers because the increased energy costs transcend through the cost of all consumer goods.
If we built 100 new refineries and oil was being drilled for everywhere feasible in the US, the fact is that gas prices would NOT COME DOWN. Because the big oil companies are going to ensure they make more profits. Everyone blames this person and that but the oil companies get a free pass. Sorry, I am not buying it. They will never lower their prices. Why would they? They control everything and all those regulations people are crying about well there may be too many so let me add that if we got rid of all regulations

1). All drinking water would be contaminated WILLINGLY by big oil companies
2). Gas prices don't come down
When Bush reversed in 2008 an executive order put in place by Bush 1 in 1991 and renewed by Clinton in 1998 that had imposed restrictions on offshore drilling, the price of oil and subsequently gasoline immediately dropped on that news. When congress agreed to allow the more comprehensive drilling ban to expire at the end of Sept 2008, the price of oil dropped like a rock. Subsequently, gas prices dropped from $4.14/gallon to under $1.40/gallon.
In steps the hack obama in 2009 and his pledges to reinstate drilling moratoriums, restrictions on federal land drilling and fracking and no new drilling leases granted and the price immediately reversed and went up.
Change the channel.
He has repeatedly told Americans He wants energy prices to soar to force you to use less and pay more. Some of the few instances where He told the truth. But liberals refused to believe Him. Which proves they (libbies) are completely backwards. They believe His lies and disbelieve His speaking the truth.

Could it possibly be genetic?

Some of them don't even care that he's lying, because according to them, he gives them lip-service they agree with.
He has repeatedly told Americans He wants energy prices to soar to force you to use less and pay more. Some of the few instances where He told the truth. But liberals refused to believe Him. Which proves they (libbies) are completely backwards. They believe His lies and disbelieve His speaking the truth.

Could it possibly be genetic?

Some of them don't even care that he's lying, because according to them, he gives them lip-service they agree with.

No, we just don't let him live rent-free in our heads like you do.

Frankly, I voted for Bush in 2004 and Obama in 2012.

Well, as a result of votign for Bush in 2004, I ended up with a 20% salary reduction, my properties lost 50% of their value, and my 401K was busted.

Now has Obama made things better? Meh... a little. He hasn't made them worse.
Analyst: Fall Of Baghdad Would Make Current Gas Prices ‘Look Like A Bargain’


LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — Oil industry analysts are warning a brewing civil war between Islamic militants in Iraq could potentially send gas prices soaring here in the Southland.

KNX 1070′s Pete Demetriou reports the price of crude oil has shot up to $107 per barrel – the highest in 10 months – on reports that soldiers with the al-Qaeda-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and Syria captured two towns in an ethnically mixed province northeast of Baghdad.

The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County dropped three-tenths of a cent Friday to $4.129, its lowest since April 7, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. While that price is nearly 13 cents more than one year ago, most experts are predicting a relatively tame 7 to 10 cents a gallon increase in the next two weeks as the summer season kicks off.

But any reduction in the flow of Iraqi crude due to the ongoing Islamic insurgency in the northern Iraq cities of Mosul and Tikrit could have worldwide economic consequences, according to oil industry analyst Phill Flynn, who said speculators are watching for the worst-case scenario.

“They think that Baghdad will not fall and that will be a more spirited defense of that city,” Flynn said. “But if it does fall and if the terrorists move further south, the price you’re paying at the pump today is gonna look like a bargain in a couple weeks.” Analyst: Fall Of Baghdad Would Make Current Gas Prices ?Look Like A Bargain? « CBS Los Angeles

Looks like the plan is working...

Not Obama's fault though................:eusa_shifty:

How would Obama benefit from rising gas prices?

Does he own a gas station or oil well?

Obama wants higher prices so it will force us to change. He wants us to change from private transportation to mass-transit.

He supports many forms of energy, but they are simply unaffordable. Obama wants these alternative energy sources to appear affordable by raising the price of all fossil fuels.

Exactly right Mud. Its all part of the plan.........scuttle the system. Break the back of capitalism.......the guy has spent 6 years using the Saul Alinsky methods.
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He has repeatedly told Americans He wants energy prices to soar to force you to use less and pay more. Some of the few instances where He told the truth. But liberals refused to believe Him. Which proves they (libbies) are completely backwards. They believe His lies and disbelieve His speaking the truth.

Could it possibly be genetic?

Some of them don't even care that he's lying, because according to them, he gives them lip-service they agree with.

No, we just don't let him live rent-free in our heads like you do.

Frankly, I voted for Bush in 2004 and Obama in 2012.

Well, as a result of votign for Bush in 2004, I ended up with a 20% salary reduction, my properties lost 50% of their value, and my 401K was busted.

Now has Obama made things better? Meh... a little. He hasn't made them worse.


What a fraud!!!:D
Obama and Dims will be so happy when gas is $10.00 a gallon. This is what they have been dreaming of all along. Prices so high, it will force people to conserve like they've never seen before.
Once this happens the Dim dream is this will force new technologies on us, like the sail-powered car, and the solar-powered air liner.
Myself, I've been working on the rubber band-powered pick-up truck. Works great, unfortunately you have to get out every twenty feet and rewind the bands.
Still, works much better than my neighbors Fred Flinstone bare feet-powered rag top.
We'll have a gay old time.

Right. jeezus. The Democrats want to drive up gas prices to 10 bucks to do what? Other than to all but guarantee the Republicans would win every election in sight if that happened,

and the Democrats got the blame pinned on them?

think before you post.
Obama and Dims will be so happy when gas is $10.00 a gallon. This is what they have been dreaming of all along. Prices so high, it will force people to conserve like they've never seen before.
Once this happens the Dim dream is this will force new technologies on us, like the sail-powered car, and the solar-powered air liner.
Myself, I've been working on the rubber band-powered pick-up truck. Works great, unfortunately you have to get out every twenty feet and rewind the bands.
Still, works much better than my neighbors Fred Flinstone bare feet-powered rag top.
We'll have a gay old time.

Right. jeezus. The Democrats want to drive up gas prices to 10 bucks to do what? Other than to all but guarantee the Republicans would win every election in sight if that happened,

and the Democrats got the blame pinned on them?

think before you post.
Follow your own advice. They do drive up the price of gasoline with numerous policies but don't take the hit because of the fawning media coverage that's on the same page. We need, and should be, totally energy independent at this point. Not shutting down coal plants, regulating energy companies to death, taxing the crap out of fuel, drilling more, getting pipelines built, etc.

When is the last time Democrats have been blamed for anything in anything other than FOX? I can think of cases where a democrat was criticized but not the party. There's no such thing as a moderate Democrat or leftwing extremist or even leftwing.
The hand job-in-chief is on record about the necessity of causing other energy costs to skyrocket for consumers, so why not gasoline too?

And yet you boobs elected the jerk anyway. Nice move.
He has repeatedly told Americans He wants energy prices to soar to force you to use less and pay more. Some of the few instances where He told the truth. But liberals refused to believe Him. Which proves they (libbies) are completely backwards. They believe His lies and disbelieve His speaking the truth.

Could it possibly be genetic?

Some of them don't even care that he's lying, because according to them, he gives them lip-service they agree with.

No, we just don't let him live rent-free in our heads like you do.

Frankly, I voted for Bush in 2004 and Obama in 2012.

Well, as a result of votign for Bush in 2004, I ended up with a 20% salary reduction, my properties lost 50% of their value, and my 401K was busted.

Now has Obama made things better? Meh... a little. He hasn't made them worse.


You think the president controls the value of your 401K and your salary?


I love message boards.
How would Obama benefit from rising gas prices?

Does he own a gas station or oil well?

Obama wants higher prices so it will force us to change. He wants us to change from private transportation to mass-transit.

He supports many forms of energy, but they are simply unaffordable. Obama wants these alternative energy sources to appear affordable by raising the price of all fossil fuels.

Exactly right Mud. Its all part of the plan.........scuttle the system. Break the back of capitalism.......the guy has spent 6 years using the Saul Alinsky methods.

And it is obvious that he's been using these methods!

However, these are the methods and policies for which he wins re-election! How much worse can republicans get, if they've failed to unseat Obama?

Clearly, republicans need to get their shit together.
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Some of them don't even care that he's lying, because according to them, he gives them lip-service they agree with.

No, we just don't let him live rent-free in our heads like you do.

Frankly, I voted for Bush in 2004 and Obama in 2012.

Well, as a result of votign for Bush in 2004, I ended up with a 20% salary reduction, my properties lost 50% of their value, and my 401K was busted.

Now has Obama made things better? Meh... a little. He hasn't made them worse.


You think the president controls the value of your 401K and your salary?


I love message boards.

I think that worthless, retarded fuck messed up the economy to the degree those things fell apart, yeah.
I'm not confusing oil with gas.

The government slaps their fees and taxes on gas and because of that oil companies can't make the profit they can elsewhere.

They still have to be able to price to compete with foreign oil producers who don't have the same overhead.

If you're not confusing oil with gasoline (by the way, gas = natural gas =/= gasoline), then why do you say;

The government slaps their fees and taxes on gas and because of that oil companies can't make the profit they can elsewhere.

Oil Producers are not necessarily Oil Refiners, and even within the same corporate entity, the refinery still must buy oil from there "brother" company often at market less a nominal discount.

If the value of OIL rises, with a SHORTAGE then the RAW material for gasoline manufacturing rises. OIL producers make more money.

Economics 101.

The oil producers don't make more money because the hike in oil prices due to supply against demand makes the product cost prohibitive. That's why things are priced as they are. To avoid shortages. So the oil companies sell less at a higher price. It becomes a wash. Problem is that the consumer suffers because the increased energy costs transcend through the cost of all consumer goods.

This is why ECON 101 is such an important despite what any intelligent being would preceive as naturally obvious.

You believe demand will decrease as price increases. This works, only if there is an alternative.

Go fill your car up with something besides gasoline. Let me know how that turns out for you.

This is not an essential truth about which Obama is unaware: Nor, as you correctly conclude, is Obama oblivious to consumer suffering when increased fuel prices "transcend through the costs of all consumer goods." He simply doesn't care: For the socialist, suffering is OK as long as everyone feels it. The USA, however, is not completely a socialist nation, and the poor and middle class will suffer most when the costs transcend.
No, we just don't let him live rent-free in our heads like you do.

Frankly, I voted for Bush in 2004 and Obama in 2012.

Well, as a result of votign for Bush in 2004, I ended up with a 20% salary reduction, my properties lost 50% of their value, and my 401K was busted.

Now has Obama made things better? Meh... a little. He hasn't made them worse.


You think the president controls the value of your 401K and your salary?


I love message boards.

I think that worthless, retarded fuck messed up the economy to the degree those things fell apart, yeah.

You're the gift that keeps on giving. The comedic value wanes quickly though when we realize that because you have swallowed the partisan bait, hook-line-and-sinker, the real guilty parties are allowed to run free.

There's no difference between you, and the guy who wants to hang the negro when the white girl's scream "rape."

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