Hey Joe: Gas Prices Predicted To Skyrocket Because Of Fall Of Baghdad

Well Barry called for energy prices to skyrocket as a result of going after nasty coal, so maybe this is part of another of his plans?

If Obama went after 'nasty coal', then why are coal exports at record highs?

So, how many American lives per month are you willing to trade to keep your gasoline price under 4 bucks a gallon?

None, some Americans have a new invented issue to b*tch about.

Instead of every other administrative issue Obama has raised after 5 1/2 years with the buck is still passed to Bush:

1. VA mismanagement
2. Benghazi mismanagement
3. Kazakistan mismanagement
4. Taliban prisoner release

Not in VA mismanagement, and Benghazi either. I want answers on both.
Well Barry called for energy prices to skyrocket as a result of going after nasty coal, so maybe this is part of another of his plans?

If Obama went after 'nasty coal', then why are coal exports at record highs?


He went after US companies that burn coal, not coal mining companies.

Now the mining companies still produce coal, but they export it.
Well Barry called for energy prices to skyrocket as a result of going after nasty coal, so maybe this is part of another of his plans?

Higher oil prices would make domestic coal and gas alternatives more attractive.

Oil, as well as gasoline are priced on the market. If you want someone to blame for higher gasoline prices, place blame where it belongs, the market.

Coal prices are higher than natural gas prices, so power companies 'flipped the switch.' Again, the market.
Well Barry called for energy prices to skyrocket as a result of going after nasty coal, so maybe this is part of another of his plans?

Higher oil prices would make domestic coal and gas alternatives more attractive.

The only reason oil companies can't make any money by selling in the US is because the costs the government slaps on them. They make only a fraction of what they make selling to other countries. They also can drill in other countries and not have to deal with environmentalists and the GD EPA.

The big three make huge profits. They make profits from drilling, processing, transportation, and retail sales.
Well Barry called for energy prices to skyrocket as a result of going after nasty coal, so maybe this is part of another of his plans?

Higher oil prices would make domestic coal and gas alternatives more attractive.

Oil, as well as gasoline are priced on the market. If you want someone to blame for higher gasoline prices, place blame where it belongs, the market.

Coal prices are higher than natural gas prices, so power companies 'flipped the switch.' Again, the market.

"The Market?"


What do you imagine this is?

I'd really find the explaination extremely entertaining, particularly in light of your obliviance that shortages of oil associated with decreases in Iraqi output might cause oil prices to rise.
Look at the taxes each state puts on the gas per gallon...that alone would drop it 20-40 cents. Damn near put us under 3$ here.

Making oil and gasoline illegal to trade on the market would do the same thing. Republicans hold the only majority in Congress so I don't see that happening.
Higher oil prices would make domestic coal and gas alternatives more attractive.

Oil, as well as gasoline are priced on the market. If you want someone to blame for higher gasoline prices, place blame where it belongs, the market.

Coal prices are higher than natural gas prices, so power companies 'flipped the switch.' Again, the market.

"The Market?"


What do you imagine this is?

I'd really find the explaination extremely entertaining, particularly in light of your obliviance that shortages of oil associated with decreases in Iraqi output might cause oil prices to rise.

Yes, the commodities market. In 2013, the US exported more oil than it imported, so if there is some kind of shortage we can cut off exports. But the truth is, with the exception of WWII we've never had a shortage.
Oil, as well as gasoline are priced on the market. If you want someone to blame for higher gasoline prices, place blame where it belongs, the market.

Coal prices are higher than natural gas prices, so power companies 'flipped the switch.' Again, the market.

"The Market?"


What do you imagine this is?

I'd really find the explaination extremely entertaining, particularly in light of your obliviance that shortages of oil associated with decreases in Iraqi output might cause oil prices to rise.

Yes, the commodities market. In 2013, the US exported more oil than it imported, so if there is some kind of shortage we can cut off exports. But the truth is, with the exception of WWII we've never had a shortage.

There was no OPEC embargo? Did Jimmy Carter make that up?

Slick Jimmy?

Well Barry called for energy prices to skyrocket as a result of going after nasty coal, so maybe this is part of another of his plans?

If Obama went after 'nasty coal', then why are coal exports at record highs?


He went after US companies that burn coal, not coal mining companies.

Now the mining companies still produce coal, but they export it.

And the reason that the companies that burn coal changed is the drop in natural gas prices.
If Obama went after 'nasty coal', then why are coal exports at record highs?


He went after US companies that burn coal, not coal mining companies.

Now the mining companies still produce coal, but they export it.

And the reason that the companies that burn coal changed is the drop in natural gas prices.

Yes, I would agree that is the primary short and long range justification.

It is MUCH easier to export coal than to export natural gas.
"The Market?"


What do you imagine this is?

I'd really find the explaination extremely entertaining, particularly in light of your obliviance that shortages of oil associated with decreases in Iraqi output might cause oil prices to rise.

Yes, the commodities market. In 2013, the US exported more oil than it imported, so if there is some kind of shortage we can cut off exports. But the truth is, with the exception of WWII we've never had a shortage.

There was no OPEC embargo? Did Jimmy Carter make that up?

Slick Jimmy?


The OPEC embargo was real, an actual shortage wasn't. You don't remember the slap on the hand oil companies received during the first few years of Reagan? Fines that were no more than lunch money, and the biggie, 'you can't spend the ill gotten gains, but you can invest them.'

I'll bet you didn't know that Chevron was in the home building business either. It was a great form of investing.

Do a Google search for: Chevron land and development company inc. and take a look at what year they started the company.
Obama and Dims will be so happy when gas is $10.00 a gallon. This is what they have been dreaming of all along. Prices so high, it will force people to conserve like they've never seen before.
Once this happens the Dim dream is this will force new technologies on us, like the sail-powered car, and the solar-powered air liner.
Myself, I've been working on the rubber band-powered pick-up truck. Works great, unfortunately you have to get out every twenty feet and rewind the bands.
Still, works much better than my neighbors Fred Flinstone bare feet-powered rag top.
We'll have a gay old time.
Hey Joe: Gas Prices Predicted To Skyrocket Because Of Fall Of Baghdad

Well, since it's unlikely Baghdad will fall to this rag-tag army of 8000 guys, not seeing this as a problem.

It doesn't have to. Anytime there is some kind of instability in the Middle East the futures traders use it as an excuse to hike up the price of oil.
Yes, the commodities market. In 2013, the US exported more oil than it imported, so if there is some kind of shortage we can cut off exports. But the truth is, with the exception of WWII we've never had a shortage.

There was no OPEC embargo? Did Jimmy Carter make that up?

Slick Jimmy?


The OPEC embargo was real, an actual shortage wasn't. You don't remember the slap on the hand oil companies received during the first few years of Reagan? Fines that were no more than lunch money, and the biggie, 'you can't spend the ill gotten gains, but you can invest them.'

I'll bet you didn't know that Chevron was in the home building business either. It was a great form of investing.

Do a Google search for: Chevron land and development company inc. and take a look at what year they started the company.

I see we're going to play semantics: "Embargo was real, an actual shortage wasn't?"

I wouldn't mind playing the word-game with you, if it had any relevance. It doesn't, so I won't.

Instability in Iraq will cause instability in the ME. Instability in the ME will cause a real or actual, or imaginary shortage, and futures prices for oil on the global market will rise.

How significant will this be? IMHO, not much.

Why? Because Canadian reserves of oil, and US reserves of natural gas are exploding, dampening the inflationary effect of ME instability.

If "Obama and the Dems" or any other boogyman conjured up by the partisan right actually wanted to inflate energy prices they could simply do what they do in Europe: Tax the hell out of it.
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Hey Joe: Gas Prices Predicted To Skyrocket Because Of Fall Of Baghdad

The simple fact is the oil speculators on Wall Street will use any excuse to jack the price of gas. And they jack the price on the gas that is already in the gas station tanks, too!
Well Barry called for energy prices to skyrocket as a result of going after nasty coal, so maybe this is part of another of his plans?

If Obama went after 'nasty coal', then why are coal exports at record highs?


He went after US companies that burn coal, not coal mining companies.

Now the mining companies still produce coal, but they export it.

And they are exporting record amounts.

Next time Turtle McConnell tells you Obama is killing the coal industry, you will know he's lying.

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